Monster Hunter Conquest Collection #1

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Monster Hunter Conquest Collection #1 Page 2

by Mandoline Creme

  When the slick appendage crawled down, running along her chest, she felt a twinge of suspicion at his intentions. The idea was far too strange to entertain, so the Hunter tried to bury it. The sudden, strong rubbing of the tongue across one of her round breasts wrenched all logic away.

  “What are you doing!?” She shouted, eyes flashing in bafflement to the long face of the dragon.

  “Isn't it obvious?” He canted his head, before raising a hooked claw and deftly catching it on the front of her leather tunic. Like a knife in butter, he ripped the cloth open, baring her creamy, soft breasts to the forest of Hyvar. The yellow orbs glinted in a hunger she was starting to better grasp.

  Siena lifted her arms, covering her pert chest to try and saved her modesty. “Stop! You can't do this!”

  “I can do what I want, I do believe. But, I admit confusion. I assumed if you didn't come looking for death, you sought me out for other reasons, no?”

  “No!” Her shout was angry, her cheeks cherry red as that tongue came close again, running along her stomach. When she went to block it, one of her breasts popped free. The nipple, pink as a sunset, was vulnerable to the lightning quick, fleshy forked coil. The tips danced over her soft skin, grazing her firm nub easily. It made her squeak, and her reaction was to cover the area from this attack.

  Each time she tried to hide herself, she left somewhere else for the monster to taste. Soon, her attempts to protect her nubile form were clearly futile. Strangely, and with some concern, she realized her body was also beginning to flicker with a warmth that seemed high inappropriate. 'What the hell is wrong with me?'

  As if reading her mind, Vylanthe chortled low and dark, the sound vibrating through his tail and making her shiver. “See? I'm rarely wrong, I've lived a long time, after all. You crave this, my sweet little hunter. Your body is a realm of need, why else chase after dangerous beasts?”

  “You're wrong,” she spat, but she clenched her knees together with a thrill as his words rushed into her center. Her breasts were wet from the saliva of the monster, and she could feel her breathing coming quicker. He seemed to tire of her fending off his direct contact, though, for he reached out with claws that could easily slice her in twain. Out of fear, she held still, letting him grip her hands and move them away. Agile, the prehensile tip of that tail wrapped higher, snagging her wrists and pulling her arms firmly behind her back.

  The motion, the tightness, made her arch her spine helplessly; thrusting her delicious mounds forward, the access now easy. That tongue returned, ignoring her cries as it teased over her hard nipples with all the leisure it wanted.

  Siena was crying out, angry shouts giving way to pleading as the beast so casually toyed with her form. In spite of herself, of her denial, she was fully aware of the warmth flooding into her belly. The dragon was masterful at creating lust, and it terrified her. She wanted to think he was doing this, somehow, that she had nothing to do with her reactions. Yet, it seemed he had been right. Somehow, she did want this.

  Like little fingers, the end of that tongue gripped one nipple, twisting and pulling it tenderly, until she cried out not in anger, but in pleasure.

  The shadow dragon snickered, and she felt herself flush in humiliation. “I can smell your need,” he stated, so bluntly that she felt herself tingle in arousal, and burn in embarrassment. Was it possible to turn anymore red, she wondered?

  The sudden sensation of something trailing at her legs made her glance down, and she could see Vylanthe had brought his claws to the thick leather of her pants. As before, with no effort, he managed to trace the length of her thighs, slicing the material and somehow not cutting open her skin. The humid air crawled over her flesh, the clothing falling to the earth below. She was bare save for her crimson panties, and she knew he could see the damp, soaked through material easily enough. This knowledge made her pull her lower lip between her teeth, emerald eyes darting to the side with shame.

  “Oh my, you are indeed very excited, sweet girl.”

  Shivering, Siena dropped her gaze back, feeling his intense acid yellows on her expression. Somehow, his reptilian smile seemed amused. More so, with the way she could see his fangs, he seemed hungry.

  The tongue left her breasts, and with rising excitement and trepidation, she knew where he was headed. On reflex, she tightened her legs together, but it didn't seem to matter. That tongue was thin and agile, and it slipped along her inner thighs with ease. The trail it made over her silky skin made her squirm, and she felt her heart thrumming, her breathing coming quick and sparse.

  Once more, the dragon inhaled loud, deeply; luxuriating in her scent. “Oh yes, you smell so very nice. So eager.”

  His words made her groan, and she was worried she was losing herself in his ministrations. This creature, the one she had planned to stalk and kill for the glory, was making her crave it in such a sinful way.

  Finally, gentle as a breeze, the creature licked along the length of her slit, the crease wet through her panties. It made her moan, and she bit her tongue to try and control herself. It didn't seem to matter, Vylanthe seemed to be reading her, every sound, every motion.

  He had declared she wanted this, and she believed he was correct.

  Smoothly, slow as sap, he tasted up and down the length of her pussy. Her hips shifted, and she pushed her knees together, still trying to fight his assault. Her body was fighting her back, but she was determined to find some dignity in this.

  As if he had had enough of her trying to hide her gem from him, the dark scaled tail slid down once more. It released her arms, but her relief was short lived as it made a new path. Snaking down, the base circled her waist tighter, and the tip drew behind. Forceful and firm, it crawled along the cleft of her ass, through the junction of her thighs, until the end of that appendage rested back on her hip in front. The scaled rope was thick enough that it left her legs parted, as if she was sitting intimately on a tree branch. The pressure of it against her lower lips was erotic, not to mention the way it spread her rear cheeks. The purpose was clear, though; she could not longer close those slim legs.

  The dragon paused, lowering its eyes to stare intently, almost clinically, at her quim. It made her sweat, and she gripped at the tail where it wound about her waist, unsure what else to do.

  “How lovely, the way your little button is pushing at the surface of this little covering of yours. I believe it wants to come say hello, let's help it along.”

  “Please, no, stop this,” she breathed, but he didn't reply. One claw flicked, and the edge of her panties split in two, falling open to expose her juice slicked pussy to the beast's gaze.

  The cloth was pulled away fully, so she could feel the smooth, textured scales of the tail resting on her nethers. Shaking, she covered her mouth to muffle her moans. Vylanthe peered up at her, and seemed to realize something. “I see, so you like that. Luckily, I'm a very... giving dragon, despite the fact you were so ready to kill me earlier.”

  Siena wanted to ask what he was saying, but he answered her quickly enough. That tail, slippery and ridged, began sliding between her lips, caressing her swollen clit as it went. Back and forth, the scales bumped and prodded her nub, making her squeal in passion.

  It was glorious, and torturous at the same time. The Hunter didn't want this, she felt this was wrong, yet her body was making the decisions for her. The liquid sounds of her arousal and lust filled moans floated in the air, following the curls of the smoke that still loomed.

  “How do you like this, my sweet girl, hm? Isn't it better than death, to give in to your true desires?”

  The tail moved faster, sliding through her crease, and even teasing back over her rear entrance a few times. Her thighs tensed, embracing around the length of flesh, and she knew she couldn't hold back the mounting flood.

  His tongue on her rock hard nipples did her in.

  Screaming into the wild forest, her voice arching into the air as her body twisted in pleasure, the Monster Hunter came hard. The flood of
juices was audible, her head tossed back and her braid almost coming loose. Lashes flitted onto her glowing cheeks, her ribs vibrating with her gasps. The only thing she could see were the backs of her eyelids, but her brain exploded with colors.

  If she expected him to be done with her, she was considerably wrong.

  The dragon lowered his tail, until the shocking coolness of the earth under her back made her jump, eyes flying wide. The green, hazy orbs peered around, trying to make sense of his next move. She was freed from his grip, but her body was too exhausted, too dazed, to do anything about it.

  Watching, thinking she must be confused, the shadow dragon seemed to be shrinking before her. Lifting her brows, she realized she wasn't wrong in her assumption; he was indeed getting smaller.

  Seconds later, there stood a figure that seemed a mixture of the man from earlier, and the beast of moments ago. His eyes were the same dead sun orbs, his mouth a coiling smile of ivory fangs. He wore no clothing, his muscular chest black as night and shiny in places with scales. He seemed human in size, ebony hair cascading down his shoulders to mid back. When he flexed, coils under his flesh twitching, she noticed he had a pair of wings extending from his shoulder blades.

  Most of all, to her drawn eye, she noticed the appendage between his legs.

  It was thick, and unlike any cock she had ever laid her gaze on. Dark as the rest of him, it seemed bedecked in hard scales at the tip, like midnight jewels on firm flesh. The size made her quiver, in fear and exhilaration; if he had stayed a dragon, how monstrous would his member have been, she wondered?

  “Is this pleasing to you, my little hunter?” His words were still a treble, but they didn't shake the earth as they had before.

  Licking her lips, she tried to find her voice, but she could only nod her head.

  Once she did, she chided herself mentally. Agreeing with him seemed a terrible idea, but she couldn't deny the way the sight of his fine, fit figure made her center beat; the tingling ache, her need so fierce.

  Like liquid silver, he moved, until he was suddenly so close, his eyes staring into her own with calm control. His fingers touched her jaw, and she had a moment to note they felt like warm stone before he was kissing her. The taste was like cinnamon and smoke, ashen and somehow sweet. Unlike anything she ever knew, and strangely addictive.

  Vylanthe reached out, his fingers in her blonde hair, wrecking the last of the braid so it fell in loose ringlets. He seemed oddly interested in the soft strands, and she could feel the pleasure in his sudden, rumbling growl. His teeth, sharp as blades, didn't cut her when he grazed them on her tongue. Her tremble made him pause, his voice low in her ear. “Calm, now. If I wanted to harm you, I would have already.”

  It was hard to deny, but it gave her little comfort.

  His strength pressed her back, and she considered that he seemed as strong as when he was in his dragon form. The sensation of his muscles, the mixture of soft skin and marble scales, made her part her lips in a small coo. It felt amazing on her body, her rosebud nipples crushing into his chest.

  Unbidden, she spread her knees, and only considered what she had done when she felt the head of his scaled member at her sodden entrance. Emerald eyes snapped open, and she pulled back to get away from his mouth. The tight hold of his digits in her hair brought her back, and she was unable to resist the dizzy inducing kiss. Light headed, she felt her strength to fight going, and wondered how this was possible.

  Had be truly been right about her?

  The moment he rocked his hips, impaling the wide tip of his cock into her hungry pussy, she found herself tensing in passion and fear. The rough walls of his rod were slickened by her juice, making the journey into her center easier. Still, the thickness of it stretched her unlike anything she had ever experienced. It made her want to pull away, and to drive him deeper. The confusion, the mix of emotions, made her only wiggle instead.

  It seemed to excite him, for he thrust sharply the rest of the way into her depths. Feeling him at his root, Siena gasped, tossing her head back into the ground. The dragon-human hybrid lowered his lips to her exposed throat, biting gently at her tender skin. It served to drive her to higher heights, and she felt him pounding his length into her core over and over.

  The ridges were amazing, and they made her squeal loudly, piercing the forest with her own song. Unconsciously her hips were rolling, pulling him in desperately, like she was one of the wild creatures she prided herself on hunting.

  The only noise she could hear was her heart, rippling a staccato, and the grunts of Vylanthe as he took her in that clearing. The prey she had chased had turned the roles, and now she was the one being conquered.

  If she cared anymore, if her thoughts found this insulting or shameful, she didn't indicate it. With an animilistic need, she ground her body into his, golden skin on black scales, until with a tensing of every muscle, she finally came. Squeezing his manhood, her pussy rippled, embracing him in the most helpless of ways.

  The feeling seemed to drive him over the edge, for she felt him bite her shoulder a bit too roughly. The sound of leather reached her, and in the extra darkness that rolled over, she realized his wings had flared open. A noise like a hiss, like rock crumbling beneath the earth, and she was aware of his cock swelling inside of her. Pulsing, the explosion of his seed was like lava, hot and thick.

  Part of her wondered if it would burn, but her fears went away when the temperature stayed only on the verge of warm, pumping and filling her to the brim with his cream.

  The sounds of lust and liquid slowed, and Siena could finally hear her own thoughts over the rapid breathing. Sweat rolled down her cheek, and she reached out to smooth a strand of her hair from her forehead.

  Vylanthe shuddered, before he inched back, removing himself luxuriantly slowly from her nethers. That member glistened with their mixed juices, wet as a rock at sea. The smile on his face was taunting, but she was too far gone in her daze to truly care.

  “Well then, I do believe you said I would be thanking you. I suppose you weren't wrong, in the end.”

  Graceful as a dancer, he rose and flexed his wings, giving her a polite bow.

  Siena blinked, sitting up on her elbows and trying to arrange her mind, to find the words to say. This situation, this whole event, was impossible to grasp in its entirety. Before she could utter a word, she watched as the hybrid creature shifted, morphing before her stunned eyes.

  Like a storm cloud, black and unpredictable, the huge shadow dragon soon remained crouched before her. Almost regal, it, too, gave a bow of its massive head. When those wings arched, flapping in the clearing that could barely hold them, the wind kicked up like a hurricane was coming.

  With power and speed that she only could begin to grasp, the Hunter stared in awe as her prey lifted into the gray sky. In minutes, it had vanished, leaving only a breaking of leaves and branches to indicate it had ever been there.

  Shifting on the mossy earth, Siena realized that wasn't entirely true. Dipping her hands between her thighs, she felt at the liquid essence there, and stared at it coating her fingers. Shaking her head slowly, she moved to shaky feet, and began the process of gathering up her shredded belongings.

  Rubbing her cheek with a sigh, she wondered what the Monster Hunter Guild would have to say to her about her failed quest this time.

  Pondering on that concept, she touched the marks on her shoulder, mere scrapes compared to what the beast could have done. In the end, if his cryptic words had been right, could she really call this a failed mission?

  If she hadn't gone hunting to kill, but for pleasure, perhaps she could say this had been a success after all.

  Smiling at the very idea, Siena retied her hair, slipped on what remained of her torn clothes, and began the long journey back to the town.

  As she went, every time she heard a rumble in the sky, more likely storm clouds than her dragon lover, she found herself fluttering with a tingle almost helplessly.


  Yielding to the Rat Clan

  Book 2

  Siena had traveled to many places, she considered herself versed in the wilds and the sun parched plains, as well as the rough seas and heated deserts. As a Monster Hunter, it was only natural for her to be expected to explore many unique places, to find her exotic prey. Thus, for her, to be in a stranger place than she ever expected, a location so different than her expectations, the blonde found herself squinting around in disbelief.

  'Seriously,' she thought with a frown, 'am I really in the sewers?'

  Covering her nose, the lantern in her palm swung in a slow curve, trying to banish the black stretch ahead of her. The inky shadows seemed to absorb the brightness, leaving only a dim orange afterglow and a vague hint of what was laying ahead of each tentative step.

  Her heel squished on something, and she refused to look down.

  Thinking about her plight, the young Hunter shook her head with vigor and edged along the slick stone walkway, following the sound of the rolling water to her left. After another failed mission, the Guild had decided to recommend she try her hand at chasing rats. Furious at the mockery, Siena had thought herself clever when she decided to twist their words, and go tracking something far more crafty.

  The giant rats of the city of Westerlin were far more fitting for her goals.

  She knew little about them, other than what she could find in the basic beast books. Said to be as tall as a man, the animals were literally supposed to appear to be giant rats, intelligent and sneaky, and often up to mischief. Their real harm was thievery, and with a rash of the very such crimes as of late in the city above, Siena planned to make a name for herself.

  'The hero who saved Westerlin,' she mused, a smile crawling over her peach lips. 'I like the sound of that.'


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