Hunters - Rising

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Hunters - Rising Page 29

by David Greer

  Chapter 28

  There was no knowing which way to go next. Khurt was in ruins, now just a monument to the terrible power of a beast once thought extinct. The dragon, now risen from the depths of the earth, could be anywhere. Destroying another town. Perched on a mountain top. Or soaring high above preying on its next target. It left no tracks, no trail, no clue of any kind where it was heading. There was no reason to stay in Khurt any longer. The hunters left what used to be the small town on the hill behind them.

  “What's the closest town from here?” Grimey asked.

  “Greenwater. Back south where we came from.” Leo answered. “Do you think it went there?”

  “Don't know lad. But maybe the survivors did. Be good to get an account of what happened. Learn more about the beast. Maybe even help them find a new home.”

  It was as good a decision as any. Without knowing where the dragon went it was the next logical thing to do. The hunters took the path that led south. It wasn't long until they were back in the woods underneath a shady canopy. The air was still but cool. A relief when Grimey considered how hot it had been in the Northern Wastes.

  “Arkadius Scot is your full name then.” Kane said. It was always a surprise when he broke the silence. “Why do you not go by that name?”

  There was a long pause as Grimey considered his words. He knew exactly why but needed a moment to put the thought together. An old memory of his younger years flashed in the hunter's mind. He saw himself as a boy, running around outdoors, playing in the dirt, climbing rocks. I always did like playing on the rock, Grimey thought. No coincidence he took up working in a rock quarry as a hobby when he grew up. People that knew him as a boy would smile, admiring his vigor and energy for life. They would also comment on how a layer of filth always covered his skin. One day a particular elder commented on how the boy's skin was no longer skin but had turned to grime. Grimey recalled the gentle hands of his mother thoroughly washing his skin later that day. “Such a mess, you are my boy. Sometimes I don't know if you're my Ark or a walking heap of dirt!” She had often joked about her son's messy appearance. Little Ark normally just grinned back at his mother but on that day the boy had a response, “From today forth, I'll be known as Grimey!” The boy's mother smiled, shaking her head as she combed a strand of her light brown hair back with her fingers.

  Grimey snapped back to reality. It had been so long since the bearded hunter reflected on his younger years. A time when he still had a family and monsters didn't fill his world. A time before he was a hunter. It was a warm memory which reminded him why he hunted. Nobody should have to suffer losing their family the way he did. He felt this purpose all more profoundly now that a dragon had come back to the world.

  Kane patiently waited for an answer to his question. He could clearly tell Grimey was thinking about it. Not wanting to ignore the question or brush his companion aside any further, the bearded hunter found the words he was searching for.

  “I go by the name I choose.” Grimey said nothing more and walked ahead.

  Kane considered the bearded hunter's words. After a moment he simply nodded to himself and accepted Grimey's explanation. It made sense to the muscular islander.

  “Wait, what does that mean?” Leo asked his cousin. Leo was left confused by Grimey's remark but Kane would give his cousin no relief. The muscular islander simply smiled and cast his younger cousin a look before walking ahead. Leo understood the meaning immediately: one day you'll understand.

  Leo walked alone for the moment, confused at the exchange between his two companions. The islander knew things were not well in the world but for the moment things felt somewhat normal. Traveling with his cousin through the wilderness like he had done for most of his life. He had made a new hunting partner and, he felt, a new friend in Grimey. Thinking about it, Leo realized that Grimey could be the first friend he's made in many years. For so long it was just he and Kane and now it felt as though the three of them were bound together. Leo's right hand found the seashell necklace he had found on Northern Isle all those weeks ago. A faint smile touched his face. They'll figure things out. Somehow, some way, they'll figure out how to kill the dragon. Leo caught up with the others.

  “So what's your plan Grimey? How do you expect it will take to locate the dragon?” Leo asked.

  “Don't know lad. But I say we keep on the road, spread the word the dragon has risen. That thing should make quite a ruckus, won't be long until we hear word of its whereabouts.”

  “Then what?”

  “We hunt it down.”

  -** --*


  The full moon shone bright in the clear night sky, illuminating vivid evergreens. The perpetually green trees swayed, soughing in the steady easterly winds. High above, the stars glittered like magnificent jewels in the sky. To many it was a glorious winter night. But there was one who saw things differently. He didn't see bright glittering stars, but chaotic orbs burning fiercely. He didn't feel a calm night but a calm before the storm. Even the moon was brighter than usual. It radiated a silver that matched the elder man's hair.

  The elder man's sagacious eyes scrutinized the stars above. He would read the stars from time to time but only in recent months have they had anything significant to say. Ever since he noticed the stars of the water carrier become a shade bluer he had made it a ritual to read the sky nightly. That subtle shift in color carried a grave message of a rising tide. It took a powerful force to upset the balance in the oceans and the elder man knew this to be a warning of things to come. Since then he had watched other shifts in the night sky. Some stars changed in brightness, others changed color, and some even changed position in the sky. All very subtle changes that would be lost on a casual observer but this man's eyes were well versed in celestial language.

  The great bear was lit brightly. A signal for the need of strength. The scales of Libra were off-balance. Things were indeed turning toward chaos. But the stars that caught the man's eye the most belonged to Orion and his dog Canis. They burned brighter than any other constellation in the sky. He had watched the dog-star Sirius shift from blue to red in the past few weeks and on this night it was a fiery crimson.

  “It has risen then.” The man said. “Soon the others will return as well.”

  He spoke to nobody but himself in a small clearing in the woods away from his small village. The man drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out, watching the fog of his breath swirl and rise into the night. He turned to head back to his home and faded into the woods.

  -** --*

  ###The End###

  Thank you for reading the first book of the Hunters series. I truly hope you enjoyed it. Arlynd, its people and its monsters, was created out of my imagination and there are many more adventures to come as Grimey, Leo, and Kane embark to hunt down the dragon. They will certainly meet new people, new monsters, discover new places, and encounter a few surprises along the way. I can't wait to tell you all about it!

  About the Author

  David Greer is the soon-to-be best-selling author of stories that will make you crack a smile, have a hearty laugh, inspire tears (in a good way), and whisk you away to wonderful new worlds. Born and raised in California, he then moved to Hawai'i, and has traveled across parts of Europe. He's had a life-long love of stories and creating things in his mind everywhere he went. David has discovered that through his words he can truly bring his imagination to life for audiences to enjoy. His writing style is known for its layered simplicity and cinematic flow. David currently lives in Hawai'i where he joyfully fine-tunes his writing craft.

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