Loved by the Linebacker

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Loved by the Linebacker Page 4

by Lyssa Layne

  The zipper is barely down when Gregg’s strong hand is in my hair. “Mmm, Cam, miss me?”

  I glance up at him as I pull out his manhood, stroking lightly. “Nah, just need to get laid.”

  Laughing, Gregg sits up and pulls me to him. His fingers move to my hair as our lips touch and we exchange a needy kiss. My hips rub against him as our tongues roll over one another’s. Gregg breaks the kiss and looks at me. “Need to get laid, eh?”

  I nod, my hips still moving against him. “It’s been a long couple of weeks and someone ditched me on Valentine’s Day.”

  “Sorry, babe,” he says and kisses me softly. “One of our pitchers got in trouble and they needed me to come down early. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  I glance over at the clock and stand up. “Good, but it’ll have to be later. We have dinner in an hour with Feiser and his guys from the Lancers.”

  Gregg swings his feet off the bed and moves his legs so I’m between them. He pushes my shirt up so my tummy is exposed then his fingers are in my waistband, tugging my pants down. His lips skim over my belly button and my fingers pull through his blond, slightly receding hairline. It only takes a minute for him to have us both completely naked and in the shower.

  Standing under the warm stream of water, my back pressed against his chest, his hands roam over my body. I close my eyes, trying to relax, but Evan immediately comes to mind. I can still recall feeling his hard on against my thigh from the day in the kitchen. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I want to feel it again, but this time with nothing over it.

  “Damn, Cam, what’s got you so excited?” Gregg asks as he removes his hand from between my legs.

  I feel my cheeks heat up, but I turn my head and kiss him. “You,” I lie and Gregg laughs.

  He spins me around to face him. “As much as I would love to believe that, I know you too well, Camila. Who is he?”

  Even as he asks, his hands slide over my ass and he holds me against him, his erection digging into my stomach. I know our relationship is odd, but it’s how we work. We’re great friends, know each other inside and out, literally, but neither of us want more than what we have. No flowers, no anniversaries, no fighting, just fun and friendship.

  I sigh. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  Gregg cocks his eyebrow. “Oh? Now I’m intrigued.”

  I laugh and move my arms around his neck, lifting my legs around his waist. “Not now, okay?”

  He nods and slips inside me. I close my eyes and lean my head back, letting the water cascade over our bodies. As he hits my sweet spot, I let out a moan, not holding back because that’s all I’ve been doing since the Super Bowl. Gregg continues pumping into me and eventually I feel my release, my body shuddering as I orgasm. Thank god, now I’ll be able to get through contract negotiations without Evan Purser enticing me.

  Quickly, we finish our shower and I get dressed as fast as possible so we’re not late for dinner. I pull on a black blazer over my beige mini dress and black leggings. I slip on my ankle boots then finish adding my earrings and a ring when I hear a knock at the door. Gregg gets up to answer it while I put the back on my earring.

  “Can I help you?” I hear Gregg ask. I can’t make out the voice on the other side of the door. Walking out of the bathroom, I stop dead in my tracks when I see Evan standing outside my room. Our eyes lock and I see fury jump in his eyes. He shakes his head and storms down the hall.

  I move quickly around Gregg and chase after Evan. “Evan…Evan…Evan, wait!” I call after him.

  He reels around, taking me by surprise and when he takes a side step, I’m pinned against the wall. “You’re a fuckin’ tease, Cami,” he hisses at me through his teeth.

  My stomach twists at his words and my hands move to his chest, nervously fidgeting with the button on his shirt. “Gregg and I aren’t dating… it’s not like that, we’re just…” Well, how do you say you’re just screwing someone without making it sound awful? Besides, why do I feel the need to justify any of this to him? Any other client and this would be a non-issue.

  “You’re just what, Camila?”

  I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Pull it together, Camila! Evan’s face slides into a grin and his finger slides down my dress, between my breasts. He stares into my eyes when he speaks.

  “You pride yourself on being professional. You refuse to sleep with your clients so people won’t think you use sex to get ahead, but look at yourself, that’s all you do.” His hand moves to my ass and he squeezes it. “Your perky ass in your too-tight jeans, your tits hanging out in every outfit you wear, your kissing up, literally, to every coach, player, and owner in the leagues. Camila, all you’ve got is your sex appeal, without it, you’d just be another asshole male sports agent.”

  Now I’m pissed. Forget what he thinks about Gregg and me, I don’t care. My fingers move off the buttons of his shirt and I grip the material in my fist, pulling him to me. “Don’t for one second think that’s all I am. I know this industry better than anyone in it. If you don’t like being represented by the best agent in the profession, then go find another one.” As I finish my statement, I shove him away from me and slip out from under his arm, walking back toward my room.

  Behind me, Evan is chuckling, but I keep walking until I feel his hand on my waist. He pulls me back against him and leans down, whispering in my ear, “Have fun with your fuck buddy tonight, Cami. Too bad we both know that you’ll only be thinking about me.”

  My pulse races and he’s right, that’s all I was thinking about earlier when I was with Gregg. Evan’s lips press against my neck, directly below my ear and I suck in my breath. Then he walks away, still laughing. Straight ahead of me is Gregg who is doing the same thing.

  Making my way to him, I narrow my eyes. “What are you laughing at?”

  Gregg takes my hand, leading us to the elevator, still chuckling. “You’re right,” he says and looks at me as we step onto the elevator and the door closes. “I never thought it would be one of the Purser brothers that had your panties in a wad, especially not that one.”

  I close my eyes and shriek, stomping my foot on the ground. Evan Purser is having far more effect on my panties then he should and it ends now.

  Chapter 7


  Neither of us have spoken since we got in the cab to head to the airport. Our feet are now firmly on California ground and still nothing. Evan was right, I couldn’t get him out of my mind last night which was a good thing for Gregg and completely sucked for me. Nothing Gregg did could get my mind off the linebacker, so I’m still as sexually frustrated now as I was when I arrived in Colorado.

  My mind is on autopilot as I drive my SUV. I try to concentrate on the highway and not the citrusy smell of the man sitting beside me. Taking a chance, I glance over at Evan who is staring out the window. This isn’t the normal Evan I know. The normal Evan would have his hand on my leg, trying to seduce me and make me falter at my rule to not sleep with a client. Evan is acting like the picture perfect client. I sigh. So why am I so disappointed?

  My sigh catches his attention and he looks over at me. My stomach knots and I’m at a loss as to what to do. I’m seriously like a schoolgirl with a crush and I don’t have any idea how to act on it. There’s only been one other time that I’ve ever felt this way about a man and that didn’t turn out so well. It’s a mixture of giddiness and nerves and the combination makes me want to puke.

  The song on the radio is interrupted as my phone begins to ring through the stereo, startling me. I quickly hit accept to make it stop. Crap, I don’t even know who it is. What if it’s Gregg? I begin to panic, hitting every button on the dashboard until Evan calmly hands me my phone. The speakerphone turned off, I finally manage to answer, “Hello?”

  My sweet friend’s voice hits my ear. “Camila? Are you in town?” Mia asks and I can hear her breathing heavily on the other end.

  Immediately, I push all my problems out of my m
ind. “Yeah, Mia. What’s wrong? Are you okay? Toby? Tate?”

  She takes a deep breath and through gritted teeth she speaks. “Every…one’s fine.” There’s a long pause and then she talks again. “My contractions are about a minute apart and my water just broke.”

  Without looking, I swerve across two lanes of traffic to get to the exit. Evan cusses under his breath and grabs the handle above the door.

  “Okay, Mia, I’ll be there as soon as I can. Is Toby alright?”

  She takes a few seconds then answers. “Yeah, he’s watching T.V. and I’m pacing in the foyer. Tate’s already on a plane from Arizona so hopefully this baby can wait that long.”

  “Okay, don’t have him before I get there,” I tell her and she laughs before we hang up.

  I have a one-track mind right now to get to Mia’s place. After everything Mia, Tate, and Toby have gone through in the last couple years, this baby has to be fine. Luckily, Mia’s had an easy pregnancy up to this point, but I don’t think she’ll be able to go through anymore drama after what her ex-husband did to her. I press the gas pedal harder and maneuver through the tight traffic.

  “What the hell is going on?” Evan demands from the passenger seat.

  Crap, I forgot he was there. Good to know that it is possible to stop thinking about him for a few moments. I speak fast, sounding completely frazzled which isn’t like me, but then again, I’m no baby expert. “That was Mia James. She’s home alone with her six-year-old son and her water just broke. Her husband is in Arizona at spring training so I have to get her to the hospital.”

  Out of nowhere, Evan’s hand is on my thigh and he gives it a light squeeze. “Okay, but you need to calm down. If we don’t get to her safely, then we can’t get her to the hospital.” The animosity is gone from his voice and there’s a natural assuredness in it that is already relaxing me. His thumb rolls over my knee, helping my nerves as well.

  I nod and let off the gas. “Sorry, once I get her to the hospital, you can take my car and go to your truck. Just text me where you leave it and I’ll get a ride there once Tate gets back in town.”

  Evan shakes his head. “I’ll stay, I don’t mind hanging out with the kid so you can take care of Mia.”

  Luckily, we’re at a stop light because my jaw drops when I turn to him. Evan laughs and moves his hand to my chin, closing my mouth. “I like kids, I’m actually pretty good with them.”

  His hand slides and cups my cheek. With the smallest smile, he looks in my eyes. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Camila. I’m sorry about my comment last night, it was out of line.”

  Instinctively, I nuzzle my cheek into his hand and nod. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself, both from Mia’s excitement and this man across from me. One minute he hates me and I’m totally turned on, ready to jump in bed with him. The next, he’s this sweet, giant teddy bear, something I’ve never wanted, but with Evan Purser, I do. I want him to protect me, to calm me, to be the man I never thought I wanted. Both of these thoughts scare the hell out of me.

  “I do like your outfit though,” he comments with a smirk. As much as I disagree with his comment about my sex appeal, I toned it down today by wearing the only pair of jeans I had with me and one of Gregg’s team’s long sleeve tshirts. I’m swimming in the shirt, but I managed to tie it in back without showing too much skin.

  The car behind us honks and I slowly look away from Evan. I’m changing because of him. My style, my attitude, my thought process. I’m where I am professionally because of how I am—sexy, hard, independent. I can’t change, I can’t let Evan Purser ruin my career. But what about my heart?

  I pull in front of the James’ house and park, running toward their home before I have to talk to Evan again. Mia’s waiting with Toby on the porch, obviously not wanting to waste any time. Evan makes his way to Mia, holding her hand and helping her to the SUV. I stand staring at him, the gentle giant.

  Toby yanks my hand and looks up at me with big eyes. “He’s humongous!”

  I laugh and tussle Toby’s hair. “Yeah, but he’s a good guy.”

  Words I never thought I’d say.


  “Uno!” the energetic kid in front of me declares. Toby and I are both stretched out over the floor, lying on our bellies as we play our fifth hand of Uno. We’ve been sitting in this twenty by twenty space of hell called a waiting room for the last five hours, but I’m not complaining. Despite the annoying infomerical trying to sell the Magic Bullet, I’m in good company.

  “Damn,” I mutter, examining the four cards left in my hand. Toby giggles and I glance up. “Oops!” I add on, knowing I probably should have used a different word choice.

  After I take my turn, Toby lays down his card and jumps up, doing his victory dance. Chuckling, I shake my head and shuffle the cards. Toby flings himself across my back, draping his arms over my shoulders, his head next to mine.

  Quietly, the little boy asks, “Is my mom okay, Evan?”

  I glance up at Camila, who’s been pacing back and forth for the past two hours since Tate arrived. The calm, collected, confident sports agent is showing her true colors and how much she cares about her friends and it’s a total turn on. Reaching the end of the room, she turns and our eyes lock. I can see the worry in them so I give her a wink, trying to put her at ease. I swear the tiniest smile comes to her face.

  Dropping my shoulder to reach him, I pull Toby off my back and set him in my lap. “Yeah, man, your mom is good. You know, it takes awhile for babies to come, they kind of have a mind of their own.”

  Toby nods. “And they don’t like to sleep. Uncle Grant sometimes comes over and takes naps at our house because he says Liam is a night owl. Woo, woo!”

  I chuckle and ruffle his hair. “True and I’d probably not tell Colie that.” I’ve never met the Adamson family, but I can imagine a new mom wouldn’t be too pleased with that fact.

  The door swings open and Toby jumps up. “DAAAADDD!”

  Camila and I both turn our attention to Tate James who has a shit-eating grin on his face. Toby runs into his arms and Tate scoops him up. I look over and Camila’s standing next to me, biting her bottom lip. I have to swallow and look away quickly.

  “Well, buddy, you’re officially a big brother!” Tate announces and Toby squeals, hugging his dad around the neck. Tate’s grin gets even bigger when he says, “Mia and baby boy, Barrett, are both doing great.”

  Camila’s hand is on mine and she gives it a squeeze. I’m pretty sure it’s not intentional, I am just the closest thing she could grab. Toby yells even louder about the gender announcement, even though they’d found out awhile back.

  Tate walks over to Camila and gives her a one-armed hug. “Thank you, Cam. I don’t know what we would’ve done without you.” He gives her a kiss on the forehead and pulls away. Camila’s eyes are full of tears and I rub my thumb over the back of her hand.

  Toby takes his father’s face in both his hands, turning his head to look at him. “Dad, this is Evan. He’s awesome!” Toby rattles off all the games we played and I am secretly praying he doesn’t repeat any words I let slip out.

  Tate’s nodding his head with Toby’s hands still on his cheeks and laughing. When Toby takes a breath, Tate looks my way, extending his hand. “Evan Purser, right?”

  I nod, briefly pulling my hand away from Camila’s to shake his. When we finish, I move my hand to Camila’s waist, pulling her closer to me without objection. “Yeah, nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” Tate acknowledges. “Thanks for helping my family out today. We really appreciate it.”

  “Anytime,” I say, rubbing my fingers up and down Camila’s hip. I can feel her body start to relax against me and I smile.

  “Yeah, Evan, can you come over sometime? I have a pool and Dad’s teaching me how to do a swan dive. It’s awesome and I could show you,” Toby rambles.

  The adults all laugh and I tousle his hair. “Sure thing, buddy, but I’m more of a cannon ball kind of

  Toby throws his head back, giggling hysterically and Tate shakes his head. “Come on, Tob, let’s go meet your brother. Cam, give us a few minutes and then you guys can come back.”

  In a trance, Camila nods as the James boys leave the waiting room. I turn to her, rubbing my hands up and down both her arms. “You okay, Cami?”

  In response, she throws her arms around me and buries her face in my chest. Her tears are muffled as she sniffles into my shirt. Holding her close, I try to console her. “Sshh, baby, it’s okay.” Where this is even coming from, I have no idea. As much as I wanted to break down Camila’s bold demeanor, I’m not a fan of crying women, especially not this one.

  Chapter 8


  I pull Camila’s SUV into her three-car garage and put it in park. In one of the other bays is a sleek black Jaguar and the other houses Blake’s custom neon blue Harley Davidson. For two people who aren’t dating, they sure are very close, but I know today’s not the time to bring up that conversation again.

  After Camila got out a good cry in the waiting room, Tate took us back to Mia’s room to meet the new baby. When Camila was in the room with the James family, she was the calm, collected Camila I’m used to, but she hasn’t spoken since we left the hospital. Camila clears her throat and I turn my attention to her.

  “Sorry about today…breaking down, keeping you in L.A.—”

  I cut her off. “It’s fine, Camila. I like the James’, maybe we can hang out with them again.”

  Tears well up in her eyes, but she nods quickly and opens the car door. I sigh, watching her walk inside then I get out and follow her. The Dave Matthews Band plays through the speakers and I can hear Camila in the kitchen. When I walk into the room, I smile as she hands me a glass filled with clear liquid. Taking it, I mumble my appreciation and watch as she pours herself a glass of red wine.

  She’s shed her heels and that oversized shirt she was wearing earlier. Now, she just dons her jeans and a white camisole, showing off her pink and black bra straps. I lick my lips at the sight of her perky breasts almost busting out of the tank top. Camila takes a long drink of her wine and tops it off before walking across the room and opening a cabinet. She pulls out a box of Twinkies, taking one out and holding it up.


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