by Jeri Dion
“Your gifted, my prophecy came true,” announced Tricara softly before saying anything else.
“Yes!” replied Tayce somewhat stunned that Tricara should know and say as the first words to her.
“Marc, still as dashingly handsome as I last remember seeing you,” said Tricara.
“Empress, it’s good to see you again, after all these yearons,” replied Marc in a somewhat reserved way.
“Tell me, is this Amalthea the same cruiser, you had when you left Traun?”
“By name, but this is a newer cruiser, she was rebuilt after a crash on a planet recently,” replied Tayce.
“It’s good to know that you were the one’s to rescue me, my worst fear was to be picked up by corsairs if you know what I mean, thank you!” she said in a thankful tone sounding weak.
“Well your safe now, all you need to do for a while is rest,” said Donaldo in his true doctors tone of authority.
“I have some questions, but they can wait till your rested,” said Tayce.
Tayce walked away leaving Treketa to move in and make the Empress more comfortable. Treketa figured that she was going to treat the Empress like royalty, as in her books, that’s just what she was the equivalent too. Donaldo crossed to Tayce discretely calling her to stop, just before she was about to leave. Discretely he began that the Empress would be fine in a couple of hourons. Tayce nodded understandingly. He further assured her that all the Empress needed was a little time to get over what had happened. The doors drew apart in front of Marc and herself and they left Donaldo to take care of the Empress, walking on out on up the corridor to Organisation. Marc like Tayce was thinking over the reasons of why the Empress was so far from home. On route to Organisation Tayce raised her Wristlink and pressed the Commun button. Midge answered, she requested Lance. He quickly transferred her to him.
Lance was in the new on board Computer Study Centre when Midge informed him that Tayce wanted a word. He left what he was studying and ran out of the Centre back into Organisation, to find out what she wanted. He took up his regular duty position and asked Tayce what was the request.
“Where were you?” asked Tayce curious over the commun channel.
“Computer Study Centre, doing some in depth research that I couldn’t do at my position, what can I do for you?” he replied casually.
“I need you to find out more on what has made Empress Tricara leave her home world, only I feel she’s not prepared to divulge the real reason why she was out here alone,” said Tayce discretely.
“Actually that’s just what I’m trying to do, I knew that you would want to know why, so I’ll go back and continue to find out, I’ll let you know when I come up with something, are you on the way back up here?” he asked curiously.
“Yes, I want to talk to your Father, inform him of what’s materialised, see you soon?” said Tayce ceasing communications.
Lance left his duty position once more and briskly headed back into the Computer Study Centre to continue researching about Tristarcus and the present situation. He had a feeling that this research was going to be for the first Quest back in space, in their new surroundings.
Both Tayce and Marc ran up the last steps and walked along the corridor back into Organisation. The moment Tayce entered the deck she requested communication with Questa and Jonathan Largon, she wanted to inform him of what had unfolded with the Empress, to see if he knew what had been happening. Lance a while later came back into Organisation in a hurry and went straight to his console, keying the combination to transfer the information he had found, to his duty position. He waited for it to arrive. Upon Tayce finishing the call with his Father he called her over to his screen, beginning to explain he had managed to hack into Tristarcus computer systems and found the real reason for theEmpresses departure from her home world. Both Tayce and Marc came to a pause at Lances side waiting. He keyed in a sequence that after a few minons brought up the information after transfer. Tayce after reading the first frame of the displayed information couldn’t believe the image that was staring her in the face. She ordered Lance to magnify it, put clarity on it. Slowly the image became clearer and more dominant, on screen, it made her angry.
“Deltaline fighters, what the hell are they doing near Tristarcus?” said Marc before Tayce could say a word.
“Looks like we’ve found a flaw in Commodore Addams after all, he had better have a good explanation behind this as I recall what they are doing, is termed invasion of a no fly zone around the home world, Midge get Deltaline 4 on satellink, I want to speak to that obnoxious Commodore, now!” requested Tayce angrily.
“Deans Father is somewhat of a dark horse, as they use to say in old Earth times,” said Marc to Lance.
“Yeah, but what Tayce said is true, Tristarcus has a milon radius around the planet that is a no fly zone, unless permission is granted by high command, their fighters are either breaking the law, or up to something that could have caused the Empress to suddenly depart her home world,” confided Lance.
Tayce had no sooner sat back in her seat, when Midge announced that the Commodore from Deltaline 4 was on Satlelink waiting to talk to her. Tayce sat ready to address him, giving a far from amused look. He was a man she didn’t care for much, considering how he had treated Dean when he was alive and how rude he was to her the last time they had spoken over Dean.
“Colonel Traun I hope this communication with you is important, I have an emergency meeting to attend to and I do not want to be late, pleasantries are at this time unnecessary,” he began in his usual obnoxious way.
“This won’t take long Commodore, what were your fighters doing in what is classed as a restricted fly zone around Tristarcus?” asked Tayce, getting straight to the point, without any politeness in her tone.
“Oh dear, Colonel what can I say… It all happened about less than a monthon ago, fifteen of our newly delivered Deltonian Fighters were stolen in transit, we did all we could to trace them, but whoever stole them covered their tracks, we came to the conclusion that a band of freebooters had staged the whole thing, If something bad has happened I would like to offer my sincere apologies right here and now and you must let us know if there is anything that we can do to make amends to those effected by this incident,” said the Commodore much to Tayce’s surprise in a much more pleasant tone.
“That is not for me to decide, however, whoever has these fighters used them to attack the planet Tristarcus and cause Empress Tricara to flee without any warning and any escort, lucky for her, we picked up her space Launch otherwise she wouldn’t be here to tell what happened,” replied Tayce informatively.
The Commodores face gave a look of utter surprise and shock, at what Tayce had just told him. This Tayce considered had to be the first time ever. He was glad in one way that the fighters however were still in space even if they were in the wrong hands of another race. He expressed his apologies once more to the Empress and assured Tayce that the meeting that he had to leave for, was one where they could look at retrieving the fighters and now look at ways in which to help the Empress. A wrong had to be put right. He suggested that any further updates on the whereabouts of the fighters would be very welcome. Tayce agreed, that if the fighters were discovered again, she would inform him where they could be found and what race to go after. He nodded and for the first time ever managed a slight thankful smile. He informed further that the moment she discovered who had the fighters, then he would have a team standing by, to fly out and take them out of the lawbreakers hands. Communications ceased and the screen went blank.
“Midge where’s Tom right now, he should be here on duty?” said Tayce.
“I let him go for his duty refreshment break,” replied Midge informatively.
“Have him meet me down in the Life Ability Centre, it’s time for questions, that need answering.”
“Yes Tayce, requesting him now,” r
eplied Midge.
Tayce left the control seat and began across the deck heading on out, leaving Marc in charge. Things had taken a drastic turn, in finding why the Empress was in the state she was in, milons from her home world. Deltaline 4 had now become involved. Just what was going on thought Tayce as she headed on down to meet up with Tom.
Treketa Stavard in the Life Ability Centre (L.A.C.) was standing by Tricara’s bunk, unaware that Tayce was on her way down. She was running constant health checks on the Empresses progress, back to normal. As requested by Donaldo. He took the information and keyed in the progress to the Porto Compute as Treketa relayed it to him. He was finding the rapid speed at which the Empress was healing somewhat amazing to say the least. He had a feeling that Tayce would evolve to be as great in powers as her one dayon. He crossed and explained about how Tayce had suddenly developed her ability and listened to what Tricara had to say. Both Treketa and himself found the whole explanation far fetching, but believable. Tricara explained that she herself was linked to the realm of great power and energy and served under a greater being, who resided in a place called Hyperspace on a Empire world that was greater than her home world, of Tristarcus. He ruled over Tristarcus from this place and once he learned of Tayce and her abilities, he would visit her in a time to come, or send one of his people to work with her, to train her in the use of her gift, to a greater good. She and Tayce shared some of the same powers, in the fact she could heal herself and others if need be, but above all else, there was no need to be afraid of the power that Tayce possessed. It would do her no harm or the team around her. This Donaldo was glad to hear. He thanked her for her understanding, exclaiming that at least he knew Tayce would be all right. She smiled gently. The doors to the L.A.C. opened. Tayce briskly walked in with Tom at her side, who had waited for her outside. They both crossed to Tricara.
“Tayce, Dr Tysonne has been sharing with me his concerns for your welfare over your newly gained powers and I have assured him, as I am about to you, there is no danger to yourself, in time you will get use to this new gift, it’s strange I know at the moment to adjust, but in time you will use them like anything else in your normal life, you won’t even notice that your different,” began Tricara assuringly.
“Thank you for telling me, I’ve contacted General Largon at Questa, he informs me that we are to take on the reason behind your attack and sudden departure from Tristarcus and try and help, we’re to treat it as our next Quest, he’s also looking forward to seeing you when you reach Questa,” replied Tayce seriously.
“I fear it may be to late for Tristarcus Tayce, but thank you all the same,” said Tricara softly.
“Tom this is Empress Tricara, of our sister home world Traun, Tristarcus, Empress this my new husband Tom Stavard,” said Tayce introducing Tom proudly.
“Your highness, it’s an honour to meet you,” said Tom politely, nervous of her.
“Relax Tom, I’m no different to anyone else, only my title, tell me what’s your rank?” asked Tricara plainly and softly, she didn’t like to think Tayce had legally joined beneath her standing.
“I’ve just become Lieutenant, your highness,” replied Tom again politely, but a little more relaxed.
“If your up to it now, I have questions that need answers, we’ve discovered that Tristarcus was attacked by stolen fighters, that were the proposed property of Deltaline 4, they apparently were stolen whilst being delivered to Deltaline 4, Commodore Addams wants to help you in anyway he can, for what’s happened, I need to know from you, if you have any idea who was firing on Tristarcus using those fighters to investigate this further,” said Tayce calmly, but hoping that the Empress could answer the question.
Tricara could see that Tayce hadn’t changed in her eagerness to take something on and sought it, so began by asking, did she remember the blue Power Crystal of Tristarcus, that was once in her chambers for all to see? Tayce nodded wholeheartedly, giving Tricara her full attention. She urged the Empress to continue, so she did by explaining that there was an evil being more ruthless than any known lawbreaker in the Universe. His name was Norgan. He was greedy beyond all recognition and if the crystal had fallen into his hands, there was no telling what use he would put it to. Tayce knew what the crystal meant to the people of Tristarcus. It was part of their every dayon existence, because of the properties it withheld in it’s immense power. She also knew that if it had been stolen by this being Norgan, during the attack, he probably was going to use it for no good purposes and not for which it was suppose to be used for. To protect the people of Tristarcus. This Norgan seemed to be along the same lines of Lord Dion of the Boglayon Pirates thought Tayce. It was her estimation that Norgan had lead the attack on Tristarcus, using the Deltaline 4 Fighters as an elaborate cover and it had obviously worked, considering the fact the Empress was where she was. This didn’t look good and it made her angry beyond words.
“What happened to your people?” asked Tom curious over Tayces shoulder.
“Norgan attacked in a minons notice, we had no time to save ourselves, my people were struck down in their every dayon activities, with no time to retaliate, we were caught totally unprepared,” replied Tricara a tear forming in her eyes, as she thought of her people perishing.
“I’m sorry to put you threw this,” said Tayce putting a friendly arm around her friend, who was finding it hard to fight back the tears.
“There’s one thing you need to know now your gifted, in that one dayon you will inherit this blue Power Crystal, you must try and recover it at all odds, to regain it’s power of good,” said Tricara sincerely.
“Don’t worry Norgan has just carried out his last unprovoked attack, we’ll find him and get the Power Crystal back where it belongs, this I promise you,” said Tayce in a determined way.
Tayce knew that now she was going to be handed down the blue Power Crystal, it was up to her to find this notorious criminal, Norgan, and get back what will rightfully belong to her one dayon. It was time to get the Quest under way, she softly advised Tricara to rest then ordered Tom to follow. Both headed back to the main entrance. Upon the doors opening before them, they continued on out into the corridor. Once outside Tom informed Tayce he could see the seriousness of the matter in hand, anything she decided to do, then he would willingly back her up. Together they briskly headed back to Organisation Deck, to put into place the journey to Tristarcus and the hoped recovery of the Power Crystal. Tayce was hoping to catch Norgan in the act, if he was still on the surface.
It was roughly an houron later Tayce was in Organisation at the main controls working with Lance in having constant updates on what was unfolding on Tristarcus, on the long range scanning device, that could scan into the next Universe and beyond. By keying in the planets, or destination of the desired scan. Tom was beside her, as updates were fed through from the research console. The cruiser picked up speed and headed at a much quicker rate across the milons to Tristarcus. Upon receiving the latest update. Tayce occasionally looked out the sight port, for the first sign of trouble, as Lance had said Norgan was still very much on the planet surface, much to their gladness.
“Arrival time to Tristarcus Midge?” demanded Tayce.
“Two hourons and fifty six cencrons, to be exact are we going in to land may I ask, or are we remaining in orbit?” asked Midge.
“We’ll put up protection shields and go into a stationary orbit, I don’t trust Norgan, if we land and he’s in full swing of taking over Tristarcus, as well as the Crystal, we’d be setting down in a battle zone,” replied Tayce.
“Did you just say Norgan?” said Lance suddenly from his console over Tayces shoulder.
“Yes why?” asked Tayce curious.
“You must remember him Tayce, he was around when you and I were teenage buddies, he must be really old I would have thought by now, he was in his middle age back then,” said Lance recalling the fact and thinking abou
t it shaking his head to know the notorious Norgan was still around.
“Well he’s back, unless he has a son and he’s carrying on the evil lawbreaking ways of his Father, apparently he’s either stolen the blue Power Crystal by now, or is still searching for it,” replied Tayce thinking about what Lance was driving at, in the fact of Norgan, if it was the original one he, would be very old, something didn’t add up.
“If you remember, if it is the original Norgan and he’s obviously found some way to preserve his yearons, he never was any good, I figured he’d pulled his last stint yearons ago and got his comeuppence, when he got involved with that deadly bunch back in 2411, as we never saw him again after that time, I for one had thought he was dead,” said Lance thinking about the no good law piece of work.
“He sounds a bad lot from what your both saying,” spoke up Duncan, interested.
“You bet he is or was, he’s in the same class as Lord Dion and Vargon,” said Lance disgusted.
Duncan raised his eyes in surprise. Marc walked on deck. He’d brought with him much to everyone’s surprise Empress Tricara. Tayce decided to put him in charge of looking after her whilst she was on board. This he obligingly accepted. He guided her to a nearby seat, after she had acquainted herself with Duncan and Lance. She sat silently and poised as if she was sitting on the throne of Tristarcus, which she normally did, but she was an active Empress, not one that ruled from the throne all dayon she liked to meet her people and help in anyway she could, she wouldn’t have it any other way. Midge announced that they would be arriving in orbit of Tristarcus in roughly over two hourons at their current Hyper Thrust Turbo speed. Suddenly the Empresses face took on a saddened expression, at the thought of seeing her home world. Tayce felt her sadness, she glanced over her shoulder and assured her, that everything would work out well, she’d see.