Amalthean Quests One

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Amalthean Quests One Page 41

by Jeri Dion

  “Call Deputy Councillor Lydia Traun to make a speech,” came a stern to the point, eloquent male voice.

  Everyone in the Hall glanced around as Lydia stood to her feet feeling nervous and walked up the steps to the platform and the small podium where a small built in microphone would relay her speech to the mourners both inside the Hall and out in the square. She stood for a few minons, gathering what she wanted to say.

  “I look at you all before me here todayon, on this sad occasion and see rightfully, the grief we all share over a great man such as Jonathan Largon, some more than others, Jonathan will be remembered for the good he has done for both the base and you all here present, he put Questa on the Intergalactic map would you believe, but most of all Jonathan was a man that gave us his patience and time, when we asked for it, he made a lot of peoples ideas and incentives a reality, one being we all know as the Amalthean Quests crime fighting team, headed by my daughter Tayce, yes Jonathan you are a man that will go down in history and we will all miss you,” said Lydia turning to Jonathan’s Casket.

  Upon Lydia finishing Adam began on walk down the isle to inform Tayce it was time for her speech. Tayce unexpectedly turned to Lance, suggesting he join her up front for her speech. He agreed, as he didn’t feel that he could stand up at the front alone and face all the people his Father knew. He followed Tayce out down the isle under the concerned watchful eye of the gathered congregation. Silence was still very much apart of the atmosphere around the great Hall, whilst Tayce and Lance walked up onto the platform. Tayce let her Mother step back then began.

  “It’s an honour to be here todayon, to show mine and the teams respects to Jonathan on this sad occasion, he was a good man and without him my idea of a crime fighting team to clean up this Universe, would not have taken flight, he was like a second Father to me, but then he knew my Father, they were the best of friends in dealing with the many troubles that came up in the every dayon life that we lived back then, before my world was destroyed, Lance Largon here is a fine example of his Father, in the way he handles situations with the same amount of confidence and ease, General Largon will be remembered for yearons to come and I feel sorry for the next person who gets his position, as he’ll have a lot to look up to, Thank you General for giving us a bright future and your time, we will miss you,” said Tayce turning to bow to Jonathan’s Casket.

  Lance discretely thanked her then bowed in respect too.

  “I have but one thing to say, no one could have wanted for a better Father than mine, he gave me something to aim for in my life, Father if your listening up there, thanks for everything,” said Lance fighting back the tears.

  Tayce draped her arm around his shoulders reassuringly and suggested discretely they head back to their seats. They both walked off the platform and received praise from many of Lances Father’s delegates, as he passed, on his words. Another councillor that knew Jonathan stood up and began on how good a son Lance had been and how Jonathan had talked about him with nothing but praise. He went on to talk about how Jonathan had made Questa what it was and that was a base to be proud of, to be part of, if something needed to be done, then it was taken care of, to put a building, complex, or Dome up whatever needed to be done to restore it’s glory, Questa had become the best it could ever be, in it’s rising thirty-eight yearon history, thanks to one man who had a lot of scope for the future. He went on to express that whoever filled Jonathan’s boots, then he hoped that they had the same forward thinking approach and could continue with the foresight to see things in the same way the great man himself did. He finally told funny story’s and happenings, that got many of the congregation laughing. Finally a councillor who was near retirement stood and walked to the microphone. He began speaking on planetary matters of past and present that had a good outcome, thanks to intervention by Jonathan. It had been a sad couple of yearons, where members of the council had left places never to return namely Darius Traun, as yet his whereabouts unknown, whether he was in fact dead, or alive and now Jonathan Largon that laid before them. At the end of the ceremony Adam walked back to Lance asking him to accompany him back to the front. Two smartly dressed guards folded the Largon crest designed flag from being draped over Jonathan’s Casket, then they walked forth in precise movement, as Lance came to a stop just ahead of them, out in the front area before the congregation. They handed the flag to him, then saluted a Questa military salute, then stepped back. Lance walked on to the Casket placing the folded flag down on top, then stepped back and bowed to his Father for the last time. He was still fighting the strong emotion of great loss as it tore at his heart. The memories of good times and tough times flashed in his thoughts, the many laughs he’d shared with his Father, when growing up, until the present dayon. His Father personally teaching him to fly a fighter, helping him in his studies to reach an ‘A’ Grade in the Complex of Learning. Donaldo walked out of the seating area, he could see that Lance was straining and had informed Tayce that Lance in his current state was not going to take much more. He walked down to meet him and walked back with him concerned. Lydia from where she was, looked to Lance also concerned, she considered him like the son she could never have and she felt he was being extremely brave. She stood to her feet walking back to the Microphone.

  “Let us pray for a peaceful eternity for Jonathan Largon, Father and General,” said Lydia.

  Everyone around the hall lowered their heads and closed their eyes to pray for the Journey of peace. Tayce before doing so glanced at Tom, he was looking back at her. He winked affectionately and reached out to clasp her hand. Once he had hold of her hand, he squeezed it reassuringly. Slowly up front Jonathan’s Casket began to move on a suspended cushion cold energy beam towards the jettison hatch, then as it slowly opened, the Casket headed on through until out of sight and jettisoned into space. The jettison hatch closed and the founder of Questa Headquarters Base was no more. The various aliens and human people that had come to pay their final respects stood and began on the walk out of the Hall. Many shook hands with Lance on the way. Donaldo in the capacity of watchful cruisers medical man, stayed with him as did Treketa. Tayce stepped out of the seating area waiting for her Mother. Tom followed on. Aidan kindly stepped forward offering to take anyone who wanted to leave, up to the Celebration of Passing. The celebration of passing was very much like an old Earthon tradition called a ‘Wake’ but this century, it was a means to say that the person was on their way to an eternity of peace. It signified that the celebration of friends and family gave a guiding light, by which that person would be guided to the peace and tranquil existence, such as it was, in the other realm. Tayce turned to the team suggesting that they go on. Donaldo asked was she sure, they could wait? Tayce nodded. Tom stayed behind also, whilst Aidan lead the others away on out behind the many people leaving. Once the Hall was empty Tayce stood in thought for a while.

  “You know the way your Mother conducted herself at this ceremony, she would make a good contender for Jonathan’s position,” said Tom suddenly.

  “Tom for Gods sake, Jonathan’s only passed to eternity two dayons ago,” said Tayce in surprised reprimanding whisper.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking!” he said, feeling somewhat awkward that he’d said what he had without thinking.

  “No it’s all right, it’s just I was surprised the way you came out with it, but when you come down to it you do have a point, she apparently has that certain commanding knack for the position and I think she could settle in nicely,” replied Tayce seeing his point.

  Tom walked across the row of the seating area and gently turned Tayce around. He gently advised her that maybe they ought to catch her Mother later and join the others at the ‘Celebration of Passing’ Tayce nodded. Tom slipped his arm around her waist lovingly and guided her on out, leaving Adam talking with her Mother. Neither one noticing, that both he and Tayce had left.

  People were mingling with drinks of various colours and
in various designed shaped glassene’s, a while later at the Celebration of Passing. Treketa sat watching the different ranked members of Questa personnel talk with Lance. She was quite surprised to find out that he knew so many influential men and women. Empress Tricara crossed and began talking with her, noticing that she looked lost and alone. Tayce and Tom walked in and were immediately offered drinks by a welcoming hostess, to toast a farewell toast to be announced soon. Tayce wasn’t much for drinking, but on this occasion, she would make an exception. She accepted the tall stemmed glass with sparkling Stavern in, then crossed to talk with Tricara. Tom took his drink and did the same, only while Tayce was talking with Tricara he caught up with Marc and Lydia. The elderly councillor that had spoken earlier for Jonathan, soon crossed to join the discussion about Jonathan and what might happen with Questa in general.

  “Tayce, I’d like you to meet someone your Father use to talk about when you were growing up, this is Councillor Waynard Bayden, do you remember my daughter Councillor, Tayce, well she’s now Lieutenant Commander of the Amalthean Quests team?” introduced Lydia in friendly manner.

  “Yes, I remember young Tayce, how are you, Jonathan told me about the good you and your team were doing, he was truly amazed at some of the things you’ve taken on, especially the one where you took on Countess Vargon, your a credit to your Father young woman, he would be very proud of you,” said Waynard glad to see her.

  “I’m fine Councillor, it’s good to see you again, Countess Vargon as you know, is at large once more, she’s a tricky person to trap, but should she appear, we’ll be ready for her,” assured Tayce.

  “I have no doubt, you will, you’re like your Father, he wouldn’t stop when he had to tackle something important that had to be stopped, or brought to justice,” said Waynard in polite tone.

  “Marc Dayatso you managed to survive the onslaught attack on Traun then, it’s good to see you again,” said Waynard turning to Marc glad to know he had made it off Traun alive.

  “Yes sir, I’m part of Tayces team now, as Commander and wouldn’t trade it for anything,” said Marc.

  “Tell me Marc is Tayce here like her Father, keeps you on your toes,” asked Waynard discretely with a grin.

  “Yes sir, she certainly does,” replied Marc light-heartedly.

  “You must be Tom Stavard, Tayces Legal Intimate Joining partner?” asked Waynard turning to Tom.

  “Yes sir that’s correct and I wouldn’t have it any other way, Tayce here is one special lady,” said Tom drawing Tayce to him with a gentle squeeze.

  Waynard smiled a gentle smile. He was a kind mellow looking man of round statue and average height, he had whitish blonde hair and a beard rather like an old professor. It was assumed that he was in his late 60s to mid 70s as he never let his age be known to anyone and no one had dared to ask him, but it was a known fact he had started at Questa roughly before Jonathan Largon took over, as General, he had taught Jonathan all he needed to know in running an Earthon 2 type base, such as Questa. Suddenly there came the sound of three single gong type sounds. This signified the farewell toast to Jonathan. Waynard took his glassene of Stavern and walked to the centre of the room, asking for everyone’s immediate attention. When the room had fallen silent and everyone was looking at Waynard, he began in a well educated voice.

  “I have known Jonathan for many yearons and it gives me great pleasure to do this farewell toast, so please each and everyone of you raise your glassenes… to Jonathan Largon, Father, General and good friend also founder of this base, may he find happiness in the realm of Eternity, to Jonathan!” said Waynard raising his glassene to a Image representation of Jonathan, high on the wall at the front of the room.

  The guests gathered around him, also raised their glassenes in a final salute, to the great man, then drank down the final drink of the celebration. Tayce glanced around for Lance. She saw him alone, walking out of the open glassene doors and leaning over the chrome rail, of the outside balcony. She excused her presence and took her glassene walking on out through the gathered mingling guests, leaving the rest of the team to mingle. She walked on through the open doorway, out onto the balcony, coming to a pause beside Lance.

  “You okay, do you want to talk, I’m proud of the way in which you’ve held it together todayon,” said Tayce in an understanding and quiet tone beside him.

  “Thanks, I can’t believe Father knew so many influential people,” he began, continuing to look down into the City Square below them.

  “Your Father was a man of great importance and had a lot of influence, everyone that’s back in there knows that, that’s why they all came, he’s helped them in so many ways and they appreciate that, I for one would not have the Amalthean Quests team if your Father hadn’t seen the potential it could bring, I’m grateful for that alone beside giving me the best team member I could have in you,” said Tayce meaningfully.

  Both continued talking about the dayon in general, Lydia saw them and walked out worried that Lance might be finding the whole celebration, to much. Upon seeing that Tayce and he were just talking she casually and quietly announced that it was time for him to thank the guests for attending the Celebration of Passing. Lance nodded understandingly and walked ahead of Tayce and Lydia, back on into the celebration room. The room was roughly the size of a small Celebration Hall, big enough to hold medium sized functions. Lance like Waynard had done earlier, began asking for everyone’s attention for the last time. They all stopped talking and turned their attention to him.

  “Firstly, to all of you here, thank you for coming todayon, Father would have been pleased that so many of you had turned out to pay your last respects, thank you to Waynard, Lydia for your kind words at the ceremony, you too Tayce for your support, I know it’s something Father would have enjoyed listening to, he would have been overwhelmed to see what so many people thought of him, in such an admiring way,” said Lance with a nod.

  “Well done, nice speech,” said Tayce discretely at his side.

  “Thanks!” he said glancing to her.

  Some of the guests that had to leave, stopped to tell Lance to take things easy and take care, then walked on out of the room back to where they had come from. The remainder of the guests stayed and talked amongst themselves on many topics. Even though Jonathan had only been dead for two dayons, the discussion had turned to who might be his new replacement, for the council and the running of the vast sized base. Would it fall to Lance being his only son and heir? Who would it be? Adam and Aidan entered the Hall and crossed to the area where Lydia, Lance and Tayce were standing in discussion on the very subject. Lance deep down remembered his Father saying that all of Questa would be his some dayon, but did it mean that he would have to give up his duty on Amalthea, move back to the base, as the new replacement for his Father. He stood in thought for a minon, knowing that if anyone in his estimation was right for the job apart from himself, it was Lydia, she had good leadership skills, as she use to take care of affairs on Traun with Darius her coupling partner. She had done the same on their present surroundings until his Father died, been his right hand so to speak taking care of many of the arising matters, that had arisen. Adam came to a pause

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, honoured guests, if I may ask for your attention once again, I know that it has been an extremely sad occasion for all of us todayon, but a couple of dayon ago when the other members of council found that General Largon was not going to survive this latest attack in his illness, it was put forth the choosing of a newly elected chief of Questa, it gives me great pleasure to announce that new chief here todayon and it is someone that General Largon would most sincerely approve of, I give you without further delay, Chief and councillor Lydia Traun, Questas new head of base,” said Adam turning and beginning applause.

  Lydia without further word fainted with the sudden shock of finding out it was her. Marc quickly caught her as she began to fall and helpe
d her to a nearby seat. Lance quickly fetched a glassene of Plicetar, to revive her as thunderous applause erupted all around. Donaldo hurried to her side discretely checking that she was all right. After a few minons she regained both conciousness and her composure.

  “Did I hear right, I’m the new replacement for Jonathan to run this base?” asked Lydia almost speechless at the very thought.

  “That’s right Mother, your the new leader and chief of Questa,” confirmed Tayce pleased at the fact beside her.

  “You deserve it Lydia, Father would be proud, and I for one give you my approval and good luck for the position,” said Lance managing a smile through his sorrow, also glad that it wasn’t him after all.

  As everyone congratulated Lydia, Lance stood back and could in his minds eye, see his Father in the corner of the room smiling and nodding in total agreement of who had been chosen as his replacement. Lance was glad that Lydia had been chosen, as he liked his life amongst the stars, being a member of the Amalthean Quests team. Lydia after receiving all the congratulations sauntered back to Lance, asking for a quiet word. He agreed. They walked together out of the room and onto the balcony. Tayce watched feeling overjoyed at what her Mother had become, wondering what her Father would think, it was truly something. Lydia paused out on the balcony expressing to Lance that just because she had taken his Father’s place, it did not mean that he did not have a home to return to. Questa would always be his home and she would always be there for him, if he needed someone to confide in, because he would always be considered like the son she never had. Both Lance and Lydia hugged and he thanked her, with tears swelling in his brown eyes.

  “Your one special lady Chief Traun, what you’ve said means a lot to me,” he said breaking free.

  “Your welcome,” said Lydia with a motherly smile.


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