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Hardy Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to talk to you,” he said.

  Moving to her vanity table, she picked up her hairbrush and started to comb through her damp locks. “What would you like to talk about?”

  “I want to move back in. I don’t want to stay at the club anymore.”

  Rose stared at him in her mirror. Her heart was racing, and her pussy was slick with cream. She was aroused just by him being in her home.

  “You want to live together?”

  “I want us to live with each other, and to give us a chance. I’m not asking to be in your bed, Rose. I want to. I want you in my arms, and I want to make love, and to fuck you any chance I get, but I’m not going to pressure you. I love you, and I’m going to prove to you that I’m not the same asshole who fucked up all those years ago.”

  She licked her dry lips as Hardy stood, moving toward her. He bent down on one knee, taking her hand.

  “I want us to be a family. That baby is half of me, Rose. I want to give you and our son or daughter a chance.”

  He cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her flesh.

  She pressed her face against his palm. “I love you, Hardy.”

  Hardy stood, and Rose did so as well. She ran her fingers down the leather of his jacket, loving the scent of him. Without giving herself time to think, she pushed the leather from his shoulders.

  “Rose, babe, what are you doing?”

  “I want this, and I want you.”

  “No.” He grabbed her hands, stilling her movements.

  “You don’t want me?”

  “I want you.” He took her hand pressing it against the hard length of his cock. “I want you more than you can even begin to believe. You’re a drug, Rose, and I need my next fix.”

  “I want to give you your next fix.”

  He still held her hands stopping her. “I don’t want you to be my drug. After a couple of hours of being high, what do I get? I’m left with nothing. I’m going to prove to you that’s there’s more to us than you think. I love you.”

  “I need you, Hardy.”

  Hardy pushed her against the wall, trapping her hands above her head. She whimpered, her need was so strong.

  “I’ll take care of your needs, but I can wait.” He stroked his hand down her arm, going over her breast. Hardy flicked her nipple, and that simple action had her crying out, wanting more. This was how it always was with Hardy. The attraction had never dissipated. They were bound to each other in more ways than marriage. She believed they were true soul-mates. “You were always this responsive to me. I loved it, and I still do, Rose. It didn’t matter how many men watched us, or what anyone else did. You always wanted me, only me.”

  “I never wanted anyone else, Hardy. I still don’t.”

  She’d been more than willing to date someone just to try to hurt Hardy. Then she’d thought twice about dating someone else. What was the point? She’d go from hurting Hardy to hurting the person she was using. Rose wasn’t a vicious person, nor was she manipulative. She didn’t know who’d she’d turned into the past year, but she didn’t recognize herself. She didn’t want to hurt anyone, not even Hardy, not really.

  He slid his fingers over her beaded nipple, and she shuddered at the contact. Rose needed him. She needed him to fuck her.

  “I want you.”

  “Not tonight, not yet. When I fuck you, Rose, you’re going to have my ring back on your finger, and you’re going to let me back in here.” He pressed his hand over her heart. “I’m not going to accept anything less.” Hardy leaned in close so his nose was against her throat. “It doesn’t mean I can’t play, and give you what you need.”

  “I need you, Hardy.”

  He caressed down her body going to the front of her ratty old shirt. The shirt went to mid-thigh. She couldn’t look away from him as he teased his fingers slid up the inside of her left thigh. Gasping, Rose would have fallen if it hadn’t been for Hardy’s hands holding her up. He cupped her pussy, slipping his fingers beneath the fabric of her panties, sliding over her slit, up to her clit. Hardy circled the bud then slid down to her cunt.

  “You’re wet for me, baby. Tell me what you want me to do.”

  “I want you, Hardy. I want you pushing me against the bed and fucking me so hard that I’m screaming for it.”

  “Keep going.”

  “I want to suck your cock until you’re hard for me, then I want to push you to the bed, and climb on top. I know you love it when I ride you.”

  “Fuck, baby, you know how to get a man hot for you.” He sucked on her neck, and she moaned as his tongue flicked across her pulse. She was hyper aware, and no one could stop or tame her need in that moment.

  Hardy went from fucking her with his fingers to stroking over her clit. Each touch heightened her arousal a little more. It had been too long since he’d touched her. Before she was pregnant they’d been using each other.

  Wrong. You’d been using him.

  You selfish bitch.

  You need to stop.

  She cut off all thought and focused on Hardy’s touch.

  “When you’re ready for me, Rose, I’m going to fuck you so damn hard you’re not going to remember your fucking name.”

  “Yes,” she said, begging him for more.

  He flicked her clit, pinching, and caressing.

  She couldn’t hold off her orgasm anymore, and she came, screaming his name.

  Hardy held her throughout giving her the comfort, and the support that only he could.

  This is your man. The love of your life.

  He picked her up in his arms, carrying her to her bed. Hardy settled her inside, cupping her cheek.

  “You can stay,” she said.

  “Not until you’re ready for me. I told you, Rose, I’m not going to take your for granted. I’m going to earn my place in your life, and in your heart.”

  Hardy pressed a kiss to her lips, then stood. She watched him walk out of her room, and a spark of hope erupted inside her. Maybe, just maybe they had a chance.


  “You’ve got to do something about him, Lash.” Whizz paced Lash and Angel’s sitting room. He’d left Lacey back at the clubhouse while he handled this.

  Lash leaned against the wall as Whizz paced.

  “What do you want me to do? Tiny gave him the all clear.”

  “You’re the Prez now, Lash. You’re the one that calls the shots.”

  “I’ve known Gash my entire life. Him getting sent down for rape nearly broke the whole fucking club. You weren’t there before. I was. You didn’t know the man Gash was. Otherwise you wouldn’t be pacing my sitting room right now,” Lash said.

  “Could you keep it down?” Angel said, coming into the room. She was pulling on a robe. “Anthony’s sleeping, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

  Whizz nodded. “I’m sorry.”

  “This about Gash?” Angel asked, moving to Lash’s side.

  She was too soft for the brother she’d fallen in love with. Lash wrapped his arms around his woman, and the two looked so odd together that it was almost right. She was soft while he was hard. They were the chalk and cheese of the biker world, only it worked.

  “Yeah, baby,” Lash said, kissing her head.

  Whizz told her everything that had happened after Lash gave a nod of his head.

  For a few seconds Angel didn’t say anything, but he saw she was thinking everything through.

  “We need to give Gash the benefit of the doubt.”

  “We do?”

  “He’s hurting, and he’s needs closure on this.”

  “He could kill an innocent woman. I could be handing her a death sentence if Gash goes off the rails.”

  She smiled. “He won’t. Gash probably thinks he will as well. You don’t know him. He’s not a monster. Let him play this out. You’re only going to turn his anger inward, and that could destroy the club. I like Gash, but I don’t want him as my enemy or that of the clu

b.” Angel kissed Lash’s cheek. “I’m going back to bed.”

  They watched her leave, and Whizz turned to Lash, unable to ask the questions.

  “She’s my old lady, and I’m not going to hide the club from her. I never expected to take over from Tiny. I need her.”

  “I have to say she’s shocked me.”

  “Angel will shock everyone. She’s a lot stronger than people give her credit for. No woman needs to be a bitch in order to succeed in this world, and Angel’s going to prove to all of you that you can depend on her when you need her.”

  Whizz stopped pacing and took a breath.

  “Give him the weekend to cool off. Go and see this girl you’re going to adopt, and when you’re done, come back. I’ve got faith in Gash. You need to have a little faith in him as well.”

  It was easier said than done. Whizz had been in a similar place a few years ago. He didn’t know if he’d have been able to hold back.


  Hardy kept his distance over the next couple of days, helping around the house, and being there when Rose needed him. He was there when she vomited, holding back her hair so that she didn’t soil it. Years ago Hardy would have stormed out of the house if Rose started vomiting, hating everything about it. Now, he could only kick himself. This was all part of being married, of being in love, and helping each other.

  You fucked up big time.

  By Friday morning, he’d helped her with her vomiting, rubbing her back once again. Fighter was in the kitchen this time, so Hardy was using the skills that Baker had taught him to get breakfast together.

  “How is she?” Fighter asked.

  “She’s fine. The vomiting doesn’t seem to like her very much at the moment, but there’s not a lot we can do about that.” He started frying up some bacon, and Rose entered the kitchen.

  “How did you sleep?” she asked, looking at Fighter.

  “Great. You?”

  “I’m doing fine. I’m getting tired of waking in the morning and vomiting, but I guess I asked for this.”

  Hardy chuckled.

  He poured her some milk, placing it in front of her.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Turning back to the stove, he removed the bacon from the skillet, and then paused. What the hell was he supposed to do now?”

  “If you drain off most of the fat, you can add in the scrambled eggs,” Fighter said.

  Rose chuckled. “I think it’s cute you’re in the kitchen, baby.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “I know.”

  They stared at each other for a few seconds, and he saw that she understood he was trying.

  “Lacey and Whizz are off to see that kid today, right?” Rose asked.

  “Yep. They leave at nine, hoping to get there by twelve.”

  “What happens after that?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Fighter was the one answering while Hardy was cooking breakfast.

  “Who is going with them?” Rose asked.

  “Ink and Baker have been assigned to it.”

  “Do you think they’ll bring her home today?”

  “Don’t know,” Fighter said. “They’re in the process of buying a small place, and the deeds are going through. I don’t know if Whizz will even want a teenager hanging around.”

  “It’s a decision for the pair of them.”

  “That it is,” Hardy said, finally finished with breakfast. He served everything up on three plates, and put them on the table. “What are you doing today?” he asked.

  “Me?” Rose pointed at herself, and he nodded.

  “I’m going to clear out the attic, I think. I’ve been meaning to do it for some time.”

  Hardy shook his head. “You’re not going in the attic. I’ll handle the attic.”

  “Oh, well, can I go over to Angel’s then? I put her off because I really want to get rid of some of the crap up there.”

  Hardy nodded. “I don’t see why not.” He wasn’t her keeper, and he’d get more work done if he was not worried about his woman.

  “I’ll drop her off on the way to the clubhouse,” Fighter said.


  They ate breakfast in silence, and within half an hour, Hardy was waving goodbye to Rose and Fighter.

  Stretching his arms above his head, Hardy let out a sigh. There was no point in him putting off the attic. If he didn’t do it, Rose would.

  Closing the front door, he made his way up to the next landing, and pulled on the tug that opened up the attic.

  He climbed up the stairs and looked around.


  The attic was a mess with over ten years of crap up there. Whenever he’d bought something and not been able to throw it out, he’d put it up in the loft. Their garage was filled with all the equipment to fix the bike and car. He wouldn’t dump crap in there, and so he’d sent it up.

  “This is your fault, Hardy. You may as well get on with it.”

  For the next hour, Hardy carried each box downstairs, looking through it, and either assigning it to Rose to look through or he placed it in the car to send to the trash. After a quick drink of cool juice—it was hot in the attic—he went back up, heading toward the back. He saw a box marked with Rose, and recalled the moment he and Rose first moved in the house.

  “Where do you want this, babe?” he asked.

  Rose walked over, opening up the boxes. “They’re just some diaries. Put it in the attic. I’ll either add to the box or throw it out in years to come.”

  He’d not given it much thought back then. Sitting down on the floor, he opened up the box and took out the first diary he saw. He felt like the world’s biggest asshole as he’d not even known his woman wrote in a diary.

  Opening up a page, he saw the last entry was over a year ago.

  Curious about what was in the box, he placed the diary aside, and looked through them, noting that each book was marked with the date she’d started writing, and the last date it was finished.

  When he found one where she would have first met him, he started flicking through until he found the day that she would have met him. Going to the next entry, he started reading.

  Last night I met a man. Well, I don’t know if he was a man or a god. It’s stupid. He was a man. Of course he was a man. Hardy was his name, and he noticed me. Out of all of the women there, he noticed me, and I can’t believe it.


  He was large, I mean big, and his muscles were like the size of melons underneath his leather jacket. I wanted to lick them. No guy has made me feel like that. Who wants to lick muscles? I must be some kind of freak.

  What do I do?

  Hardy’s a proper man. The kind of man who’ll expect experience, and a woman who knows the score. He’s not looking for a woman like me. I’m not the kind of woman to screw around. I saw what my friend was talking about last night. The guys that are in The Skulls, they don’t really care about the women at the club. They fuck around, and have fun while doing it.

  The entry came to a stop, and he wondered what had happened to Rose.

  He flicked over the page and saw several entries about college, and life in general. When it came to him again, he paused.

  Hardy came to see me today. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve not seen him since the party, and yet there he was, waiting. He had that cheeky smile on his face, and I loved it. I loved the way he reached for me, and touched me, like he owned me. I guess he does own me. No other guy will ever measure up to him.

  He took me out on a date. Riding on the back of his bike was a huge deal for me. I couldn’t believe it when he tossed me a helmet and told me to climb on. I got the chance to hold him in my arms, feeling him.

  Not once did he pressure me for more. We went for a ride, had some ice-cream, and then he took me back.

  Does he know I’m a virgin?

  Would I be able to deny him?

  She started talking about something
else then, and Hardy ran a hand over his face. From the night of the party he couldn’t stop thinking about her. What he hated most was the fact he’d not even realized how much until that moment. He’d fucked other women then, and when he’d seen her friend, he’d been more curious than he should have been.

  Taking a deep breath, he opened the book up. He skipped several pages of when he’d taken her out a few more times, and the way she was growing attached to him.

  Hardy had felt the exact same way, compelled like a magnet to find her. He wanted her.

  Last night, I slept with Hardy. No, I didn’t sleep with him. Not much sleep happened. Last night Hardy and I had sex, fucked, made love. Crap, I don’t know what the hell happened. One moment we were just talking and then he was taking my virginity.

  At first, it was horrible. The worst experience in the world, but then, he made it good. I hope I made it good for him.

  Guilt had him shutting up the book. Rose’s virginity had been a treasure he’d not expected. She was always so beautiful. Even now he thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  When he got to the diaries that were written after their marriage, Hardy started to get heartbroken.

  Today was Tate, Lash, and Nash’s prom night. They all looked so happy, even Murphy who’d been assigned to look after Tate. I was happy, and then sad. I never went to my prom. I was too busy studying to have fun. In that moment, I wanted to go to prom, and then I felt like a bitch.

  When I asked Hardy about prom he told me it was for pussies. He’d never be doing any kind of dancing or shit. We didn’t even dance at our wedding. I guess marrying a biker is great in the imagination, not so much in the reality….

  I love Hardy. I do. He’s my world, but there are times I wonder what it would be like to have someone different, maybe a banker, or a teacher. Someone who wasn’t so concerned about being a man all the time. Hardy is a man through and through, and I love him. He’s just not approachable at times.

  He remembered the conversation, and he’d been more interested in the card game he planned with the brothers that night. The whole prom crap had been a nightmare. He’d not been interested in anyone or anything other than the damn cards. Over the years he’d done what he wanted, and not really cared about anything else. Hardy hadn’t once asked what Rose wanted. He figured she loved him, and wanted the biker lifestyle.


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