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Darkness Falls: Cirenthian Chronicles (Book 2)

Page 5

by D. R. Rosier

  I nodded, “If you need the help. You’ll be in a certain amount of danger while all this goes down.”

  Ari said, “He’s right, I know you would follow your conscience in this with or without our support, and hopefully the king will be tied up in political knots before it gets that far but… The new king is very ruthless; I think to risk a war with my people has to be more than just a ruse to get Cirenthia to readiness for an attack from the east. He seems to be hungry for power as well.”

  Serina just nodded thoughtfully.

  We chatted about lighter subjects for a while. When it was time to go Serina gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek in silent goodbye which I returned. I did have one serious worry. The three of us were still covered from scrying from all but each other which I decided would now include Serina, but all it would take is one loose tongued guard when the other mages got here and Serina would be questioned.

  Serina had laughed when I asked her about it. She said the guards here were loyal to her, and that most mages would never seek out help from an underling, they were there to protect and be ordered about. She wasn’t worried about Tina at all who she treated more as a loyal friend than a servant. None of the other servants had seen them by design.

  We went back up to the room and grabbed our packs and left directly from there. A short while later we had our horses loaded up and we hit the road. I wasn’t expecting trouble, but I still had my magical senses out a long way. Over the last week they had grown half again range wise. No movement within a few hundred yards in any direction escaped my notice.

  Ari asked, “Have you heard the rumors that humans believe the Arinith forest is aware and prevents trespass?”

  Sienna said, “I’ve heard that yes, any uninvited humans are trapped or killed by the forest itself. I wasn’t sure whether or not to believe it though.”

  Ari smiled, “Well it’s true in a sense, that’s another reason I wanted to ride overland. The scouts usually do this on the sly for caravans, but I’ll explain the truth to you. The forest isn’t exactly alive; it’s more of a very complicated ward that is connected to all the Arinith Elves.

  “It’s done through a spell, much like forming a personal bond with an elemental, but in this case it forms a bond with the entire clan, which feeds and maintains the spell with a small amount of magic from all. The ward is extremely complex and can make many decisions on its own based on the spell parameters. Normally when a caravan or other invited person approaches our land the scouts that watch our borders adds them to the ward as people allowed to enter for the duration of their stay.

  “It will be the same for the two of you until you are accepted as family. One of the rituals you go through at that point will connect you both to the wards as permanent members of the community.”

  I asked, “What other rituals?”

  Ari replied, “The naming rituals will reveal your second and third names. There is also a ritual which will make you the children of my parents in the eyes of the elements and the goddess. I am sure you felt the eyes of the goddess on you during your marriage ceremony, it is very much the same.”

  She smiled brightly at me, “Then of course the one we will share between us, which will join us together as mates.”

  She turned her gaze to Sienna, “And one between us, to bond us as co-mates.”

  I smiled back, I’d almost forgotten with all the talk of war there was a much more joyous reason for visiting with Ari’s people. I had put that in the back of my mind when I thought it would be a couple of years before we could finish our spell training, but now we wouldn’t have to wait. On balance I’d have preferred to wait if it meant peace, but at least some good would come of this, even if it was on a personal level.

  We questioned Ari a bit more on customs, but it seemed we had most of the important stuff. She let us in on a few small things that we would have noticed on our own anyway, like removing our boots inside someone’s home, the small things that we were sure to pick up on if we paid attention.

  We stopped in early afternoon and followed Ari into the woods. She knew the area well here and led us to a waterfall with a decent sized pool on the bottom before it emptied out again into a small river, or perhaps a large stream would be the correct term.

  I set up the tent as Ari prepared a place for a fire. When the food was on we double checked the area for anyone else, and then all stripped down and jumped in the pool, using the waterfall as a shower. It had been an especially warm day and the stream of water that pounded into my skin invigorating me. We washed each other and one thing led to another. By the time we sat around the fire we were clean, extremely sated, and hungry for our meal.

  When we set the wards and went to bed they cuddled into me.

  Ari whispered, “My flow is late.”

  Her voice was both scared and hopeful. It took me a while to fall asleep, as I considered the alternatives. Either she was pregnant, or she could no longer have a child at all. I also considered that Sienna was still very young, eventually though I knew she would want children. The thought of not being able to give my mates children was extremely troubling to me.

  Sometimes I felt wise with the age and experience of millennia behind me. But at times with my new life, around a month old, the new emotions and priorities seemed overwhelming to me. I suppressed my anger and convinced myself there was still hope. That there was a chance this stress was baseless. I wasn’t one to normally focus on what ifs, preferring instead to take things as they come, but it wasn’t so easy when the women I loved were central to the question. It wasn’t as if I could do anything about it either way.

  Eventually I found my way to sleep.

  We got an early start the next morning after Ari’s sword dance, we were back on the road at false dawn and Ari was confident we would be camping at the border of the forest by late afternoon. I spent part of the morning scrying Cliff’s Edge, the area around it, and Serina. Nothing had changed yet, but it had only been a day.

  When I checked on the capitol I was there were differences there. It appeared there were a lot of raw recruits being trained. I saw the beginnings of it in Hunter’s Ridge and Star’s Cove as well. I wished I knew more of the kingdom, there were fifteen towns scattered around the country not to mention isolated farmsteads like the one I married Sienna on. It was impossible to get a full picture of what was going on.

  I was also practicing my stone face along with Sienna while Ari was trying to get us both to react emotionally. I felt that we would probably need to take breaks during the day, it was exhausting to completely guard our countenance. Some suppression of emotions were natural, no one walked around completely open after all. But suppressing all of it was quite a chore.

  Ari explained, “I know it’s hard but its better this way. Children are not required to suppress their emotional reactions in public, so many would consider you as children if you can’t. I think that’s wrong, but it’s how it is. I have seen it often when traders come to barter their goods.”

  There were no ambushes set up, since the road connecting the two kingdoms was rarely travelled. We stopped as the sun neared the horizon in a small glade a little ways into the trees.

  Ari said, “We’re just a couple of miles from the border. The forest trails are small so we won’t go very fast tomorrow, but we should get there sometime after the noon meal.”

  It was late but we practiced with Sienna who was slowly improving her technique and forms until the sun went down. We shared dinner by moonlight and then I was taken inside the tent by Sienna as Ari remained behind and watched over us. Sienna was a perfect mix of naughty and loving as we pleasured each other and spent some time alone talking.

  She seemed as excited as I was by this adventure, and wanted Ari as an official part of our little family as much as I did. As usual she was an amazing and giving bed partner and seemed, at least to me, to enjoy my attentions just as much as I led her into ecstasy multiple times.

  Ari joined us shortly after
we finished, setting the wards and cuddling up on my other side as we settled in to sleep.

  I found myself feeling thankful for all that had happened to me since being moved here from Earth. Some of it was hard, and I could feel a darkness coming to Cirenthia if we couldn’t prevent it. My priority though was the two women in my arms, and for them I was beyond grateful…

  It was early morning and there was a light drizzle as clouds and cooler air came off the mountains. We hadn’t gone very far when a tree line came in to view. Ari took the lead and led us toward her home. When we were halfway there I felt a group of riders approaching, four of them. I remembered to lock down my emotions and as they got nearer both groups slowed down until we stopped several yards apart.

  One of them took a position in front. He looked about my age, or five years older than Ari’s appearance. I’d guess that made him over fifty years older as I translated the ages in my head. None of them had expressions on their faces and I found it didn’t make me uncomfortable. I guess I had gotten used to it from Ari whenever we were around other people.

  He studied me a moment, as if assessing a possible threat, then did the same with Sienna. It was hard to read what he was thinking but I’d gotten rather good at reading Elven eyes and didn’t like what I saw.

  He turned to Ari, “Welcome back Ari. The border has been locked down by your uncle Levi, we have seen their human treachery and the danger you were in. No humans may cross onto our land and the treaty is considered void.”

  I kept it off my face but I was surprised, and knew I shouldn’t be. Of course they were watching and would react this way to protect themselves. I had thought we would be warning them, although we did have more specific information than what could be gleaned from scrying. It kind of made things more difficult for us though being under suspicion.

  Ari said coldly, “I understand Elwood, but these aren’t just any humans, he is my intended mate and she will be my co-mate. Surely if Arinith was watching me you also picked up this up? There are also other humans we left behind that fight to stop the conflict before it can start. I find it hard to believe my uncle would write off a whole species based on a few fools. We will camp here while you contact Levi, I’m sure exceptions will be made in light of the circumstances.”

  For just a moment I saw disgust cross his face when she spoke of me as being her future mate. I guessed that not all Elves were as good as Ari at hiding their emotions. It also told me this just got harder, the gatekeeper was prejudiced.

  Elwood said woodenly, “I was to inform you to go straight to your uncle when you arrived, surely these… people could wait until you have a chance to talk with your uncle.”

  Ari shook her head, “I think not, please pass on my message.”

  Sienna and I followed her lead as we turned our horses and trotted away. After about a mile she found a place off the road and her visage turned thunderous. We put together a quick campsite while Sienna and I gave her time to calm down and explain.

  Ari said, “Only the scouts can grant the temporary exclusion, if I could have I would have just brought you in myself. It’s how the ward works. I wish I knew the communication spell, it is perhaps untrusting of us, but I have not been taught most spell work so I could not reveal any secrets by accident when visiting with the humans. Point being, I do not trust Elwood to deliver my message without his point of view attached to it.”

  I asked for verification of my feeling, “Is he prejudiced against humans?”

  Ari looked uncomfortable, “Partially, I’m afraid there is more to it than that. He has pursued me in the past, and although I have never shown interest in him he hasn’t given up either. I am sure he had some mischief in mind when he thought to part us, I will not leave you regardless.”

  I pulled her into a hug and Sienna joined us as I said softly, “It’s not your fault love, no more than it’s mine or Sienna’s that the king of Cirenthia is a major asshole.”

  Her lips quirked at that, “I suppose not.”

  She kissed me softly and then Sienna’s cheek and she added, “I’m sure it will get straightened out, it was just really bad luck running into Elwood out here.”

  I asked, “Will your uncle get angry if you don’t report back right away?”

  She shook her head, “He leads the community, not the individual. I’m not sure how to explain that. Best I can explain it in human terms… he makes sure the laws are obeyed, and serves the community. But he has no authority over what an individual does as long as he or she isn’t breaking the law. He can’t order us to come, or to stay away, if that makes sense? More than likely it was given in the form of a request because he is worried about my safety.”

  I nodded sagely, “After all, you were corrupted by a human,” I winked.

  She snorted, looked down her nose at me and raised an eyebrow, “I’m pretty sure you’re my love slave, human.”

  I grinned and leered at her up and down, “No doubt… sexy elf.”

  She blushed and changed the subject, which so meant I won.

  “We should go hunting. We only brought three days worth of food with us. Although with fast travel we could be to the city and back in less than an hour.”

  I nodded, “Something to keep in mind, do you think it will take that long?”

  She shrugged, “Probably not, my mother will give my uncle, her brother, an earful if he leaves me out here too long.”

  We went hunting and got a couple of rabbits. Sienna made a stew with that along with some vegetables we had left. Hopefully that will get us through food wise until the issue is resolved, otherwise we’d have to make that trip. It was early afternoon when I felt, and then heard, three horses approaching from the west.

  I turned and looked that way as I cleared my face. I was happy to note it wasn’t Elwood. Based on the woman on horseback I guessed it must be Ari’s family. Her mother, Aja, looked exactly like her, just closer to thirty instead of twenty. Ari’s father, Efrain, looked stern, but I knew that was just my imagination, his face wasn’t betraying any emotion. Along with them came a young lady just entering her teenage years, it was hard to believe that she had to be over a hundred years old.

  I couldn’t imagine a childhood that long, but apparently it was normal for the Elves. I assumed this was Ari’s younger sister Nia. She was also trying to cover up her emotions, but I could see her fighting a smile on spying her older sister.

  The rules got a little confusing now, because for Ari everyone here was family or in Sienna and my case as close as family, so she could smile, but none of the rest of us were supposed to.

  Ari said, “It’s good to see you, things were a bit more difficult than we had expected on my trip.”

  She continued on and introduced everyone around, adding at the end, “Would you like to share our meal?”

  We all sat down and started to eat after that brief moment of silent contemplation and thanks Ari had mentioned. I remained silent as Ari’s family did, perhaps they did not discuss matters of importance during a meal. Once everyone was finished, Ari started the conversation.

  Ari asked bluntly, “So what’s going on father, why is my word not enough to grant access to our lands for Marcus and Sienna. I can understand closing the border to large caravans, but to all individuals?”

  Efrain explained, “Soon after you left a human mage came in one of the caravans. He was found in areas he should not have been in a number of times, until it was obvious to even the most trusting of us that he was a spy. We questioned him and discovered not only was he looking for weaknesses to exploit but that there was a plan to replace the king.

  “I wanted to recall you immediately, but some had hopes this conspiracy would have been stopped. The point is, the spy made your uncle very paranoid, and he closed the borders. The last caravan we wound up trading with outside the ward line.”

  He looked at me, “I was sent to make sure you weren’t a spy who has fooled my daughter into bringing an enemy into our home. Of course, my wif
e insisted on joining me to see her daughter, and at that point there was no stopping Nia from coming along. Just to be clear, I have no doubts in my daughter’s ability to spot someone false, yet it is a duty I may not simply dismiss.”

  I replied, “I see, and what must I do to prove it?”

  He shrugged, “Answer me one question and I will hear the truth or falsehood of your answer. If we let you into our community and you follow our customs and join our family. If you become my daughter’s mate, what will you do when the humans march on us, can you, or will you, fight your own kind?”

  I considered a long explanation about my loyalties lying with my family, with Sienna and Ari. That Cirenthia was new to me, and though I’d like to build a life there I had no investments in the kingdom, much less in a tyrannical conqueror who wished to destroy the Elves for no other reason than to consolidate power back into the office of the king.

  “I would do what I must to stop them and turn them back, and not one bit more.”

  He said, “Explain.”

  Ari objected, “Father, he answered…”

  I interrupted, “It’s alright Ari, he isn’t asking that for your uncle’s sake any longer. I don’t mind answering.”

  I explained, “My priority is keeping my family safe. In extension of that, our family’s home which I hope will be in Arinith. After that, I would see the least amount of death from the decisions of a handful of fools in Cirenthia. If we are attacked here, most of the attackers will be farmers and others that had no choice but to come. Even some of the mages will simply be dupes believing the lies that Ari killed their king. I would not press a pursuit for that reason once the danger had passed.”

  He nodded in thought, “What makes you believe that second question was not on behalf of my brother in-law?”

  I shrugged, “If I were you I’d want to know how honorable the man that would become my daughter’s mate was. That, more than my loyalty to Ari or to Arinith seemed to be the question, which is something you don’t need to know to clear me as not being a spy.


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