Darkness Falls: Cirenthian Chronicles (Book 2)

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Darkness Falls: Cirenthian Chronicles (Book 2) Page 6

by D. R. Rosier

  “On the surface of things, it would appear I was betraying my own kingdom and race if you aren’t aware I’m not from Cirenthia, and mankind has long fought each other on points of honor, morality, and ethics. Not to mention the darker reasons for war, that is greed, power, and hatred. What the king is doing is wrong and my conscience in the matter is clear. That I need to fight on the side of Elves to be on the correct side is immaterial, it just is. Even if I was from Cirenthia I doubt I would feel any different about it.”

  He turned to Sienna, “And what do you think? Are you comfortable following where your husband treads?”

  Sienna replied simply, “Where he goes, I go. He’s the best man I’ve ever met and I don’t doubt he’ll do the right thing.”

  He nodded again, and then looked at the sun, “We should probably wait until tomorrow to return to Arinith. We wouldn’t make it before dark. I look forward to getting to know you, Marcus and Sienna both. I think my daughter has made a good choice but it will take a little time before I am sure.”

  I kind of understood that. Taking the step to add us to his family would be a lifelong commitment, a ritual witnessed by the goddess. A short conversation wasn’t going to take care of that.

  We talked some more and hiding my emotions was driving me crazy. It was much harder to read between the lines of what was said without inflection or facial expression to follow. Ari’s family set up a couple of tents and took the time to unload their horses and tie them up with ours.

  Sienna and I took a walk later as the discussion wound down. I needed a break and figured Ari would like a moment to speak to her family alone so they could all show emotions. I think it would be easier once we got over that obstacle and we were considered at least at the friend level. I imagined we’d be spending most of our time with Ari’s family.

  We set wards in the evening, Efrain and Aja seemed pretty impressed that I’d picked up the Elven way of doing magic so quickly. I had assumed there would be no night games with young ears around, but Ari put up the noise muffling magic we’d thought of and proceeded to make love to me passionately. Her eyes were glowing and dancing which made me believe everything was going well. Sated, we cancelled the spell and curled up together and fell into sleep…

  Chapter 7

  The next morning we started out for the forest. This time there was no objections to our entrance. I wondered what it would feel like to be in touch with all the nature around me as I watched Ari’s face transform. She looked relaxed, at home, as nature surrounded us.

  I was surprised when Aja rode up beside me and smiled. She looked so like Ari, or I supposed it was the other way around.

  Aja said softly, “I wanted to thank you for befriending and standing with my daughter through the dangers you both faced.”

  I returned her smile, both relieved and glad at what that meant.

  “It was my pleasure. She means the world to me.”

  Aja smile grew, “That is apparent, but even before then you risked much.”

  I nodded slightly.

  We talked a bit more, I managed to drag a few stories out of her about Ari while we trotted through the trail toward the Elven city. I had my senses out, but it was more out of habit than any worry we would run into trouble. I caught my first view of the place around midday as the trees started getting larger as we neared the core of the forest.

  At first I didn’t know what I was seeing, the dwellings almost seemed a part of the forest, blending into the trees and bushes as if they were grown instead of built. When I mentioned this she smiled.

  Aja replied, “In a way they were, we shape our homes with magic, not tools and nails.”

  The buildings all seemed to be one story and minimized, as if they were a necessary evil. The forest was truly their home and they seemed to go out of their way to minimize the impact on the surrounding nature. Whatever the reason it was both harmonious and beautiful…

  The next few weeks were probably the most relaxing time I’d spent since I was dropped here on this world. Not all the Elves were accepting of humans in their midst, especially Elwood, but for the most part we spent all our time with Ari’s family and didn’t need to deal with it. That would probably change once we were part of the community, but for now it was for the best.

  I usually found some time to check on Serina and the cities, there was activity there, but it was all moving slow. Without the modern technology of Earth it took time to move men and supplies around. Not to mention training farmers to wield a sword instead of a hoe. Things seemed okay with Serina as far as I could tell, but I missed her, it didn’t help that I checked up on her a couple of times a day which caused me to think of her often. I also hoped she was having luck passing the truth to those who could make a difference.

  War was coming to Cirenthia; I just hoped it wouldn’t be with the Elves.

  Things did get easier after a few days, when Efrain followed Aja and Nia’s example and we were welcome enough to not guard our emotions in and around the dwelling. After the first week we fell into a kind of pattern.

  The mornings we would all sword train under Efrain’s guidance, although not the sword dance yet, that had to wait until we were officially family. Ari and I were both faster, but Efrain was better. I may have been a sword master before he was born, but I hadn’t practiced every day for the last few hundred years, the intervening years I hadn’t picked up a sword at all made a difference.

  After sword training we would all split up. Ari, Nia, and I would spend the balance of the morning learning spell theory and trying to study the language under Aja while Efrain and Sienna would continue training either in sword, bow, or tracking.

  My lovely young wife was becoming more formidable every day and I was thrilled at how much she was taking to life in Arinith. I had been a little worried she would feel at loose ends, but on the contrary she was eager to learn the Elven ways and increase her sword skills.

  The afternoons would vary slightly. Sometimes we went on a hunt as food stores got low, practiced magic, or we just relaxed and talked. Efrain grew to know my life and was curious about Earth, we would spend hours talking. By the end of the three weeks I thought things were going well enough.

  The nights we spent in Ari’s small dwelling which was close by her parents’ place. It was very cozy for the three of us, and we got a lot of use out of the sound muffling magic...

  The next afternoon after lunch Efrain came to me and Sienna.

  “It has been a good few weeks. Now that you have an understanding of what it means to be one of us, do you still wish to be part of our family and community?”

  Sienna and I replied, “Yes,” almost as one.

  Efrain sounded pleased, “Good, follow me.”

  Aja, Ari, and Nia joined us on the way out and we headed into the forest away from where most of the buildings stood. I had never been this way before and it was just a few minutes before the temple came into view. The temple, much like the houses, looked to be organically grown somehow, but at the same time it was clearly a temple to the goddess. It was the only building I had seen that seemed to stand apart from the forest around it, as if they felt the goddess deserved that distinction.

  We went up the stairs into the temple, there were two people inside already, an older Elf woman in green robes along with a younger Elven woman who looked somewhere between Ari and Aja in age.

  Efrain nodded to the older woman and said, “Priestess Mila, we have come to join these two, Marcus and Sienna, to our family, and our clan.”

  Mila responded in formulaic words, “Then I welcome Marcus and Sienna to our clan, may the goddess bless you and watch over you both.”

  The older woman turned to the younger and said, “Come Alia, we must give them the privacy of the temple for this.”

  The two shuffled out and Ari and Nia stepped out, taking Sienna with them. The ritual would be private for each of us. The best I understood it was a spell to summon four elementals, one of each, to determine my sec
ond and third true names. It was held in the temple so that the goddess could witness it and recognize me as being Arinith.

  It was a big step that meant so much more than just being able to officially mate Ari, though that would have been reason enough to do it, and I was ready for it.

  I knelt before the altar and was flanked by Efrain and Aja who laid a hand on either shoulder.

  Efrain said, “From this day forward I claim this human, Marcus, as my son.”

  Aja said, “From this day forward I claim this human, Marcus as my son.”

  I replied how I’d been taught, “From this day forward I am your son, and will faithfully uphold the honor of my new parents and clan.”

  It was a simple thing to say, but I felt the eyes of the goddess witness it, this was not just empty words to a silent deity. I was now a part of the clan, but we weren’t done.

  Efrain and Aja then started the spell for my naming. It was in that language I’d been studying the last three weeks, but I barely recognized a word here and there. When they were finished I could feel the Undine and sprite and was surprised to realize they were the ones I had bonded to. I could also feel the magic of the earth and fire, but it was hard to perceive the elementals I had no affinity with.

  I felt them… study me? Judge me? It was a short moment but felt much longer than that before Efrain spoke my names. I knew the elementals would shield the words from any others but the three of us.

  Efrain said, “We name you Marcus Damon Erraman Arinith.”

  I smiled and they both pulled me up into a familial embrace. I thought about what I had just gone through as I stepped out and stole a kiss from Sienna before sending her inside the temple. Ari and Nia gave me a hug as well welcoming me to the family.

  Alia said, “Welcome to our clan Marcus.”

  Mila welcomed me as well, I thanked them and then we all grew silent, waiting for Sienna to go through the ritual. It took about ten minutes, the spell taking the most time to get done I’d imagine. Sienna came out flanked by Efrain and Aja. A similar scene ensued where everyone welcomed Sienna to the clan. After thanking the priestesses we went back to the family dwelling.

  I was surprised when we got there that Levi was there, with his family. He had seemed to be avoiding having to do anything with us. Levi, his wife Aysha, son Alton, and daughter Alethea all welcomed us to the clan and family. Despite the lack of emotions, I got the feeling Levi and Alton didn’t really mean it and my aunt and cousin Alethea did.

  I also knew there wasn’t much they could do about it. It made the rest of the afternoon uncomfortable, I wanted to celebrate, and ask Ari when we could go ahead with bonding as mates, but I cleared my face and dealt with it. It became apparent though, why they were there, after an hour or so.

  Levi said, “We not only came by just to welcome you, but to spell you both as part of the ward which is my responsibility. Only Marcus will be able to feed magic into the ward, but both of you will be connected to the point where it will welcome you, and also pass information to you if the boundaries are breached.”

  I said, “I understand,” even though I didn’t. I had been taught this part happened as part of a clan wide celebration.

  Sienna agreed as well though I could see her confusion.

  Levi went to start the spell but Aja interrupted, “Brother, why are you breaking tradition, this should be a reason for a celebration and done before the whole community.”

  Levi said, “I thought that would have been obvious. There is a lot of tension with the humans preparing for war. Not everyone is so… pleased, to have humans joining us at this time, something that hasn’t happened in a couple of generations. The timing is suspect. I thought a private ceremony would be preferable to everyone.”

  That got Efrain’s hackles up, “Are you saying they doubt my discernment? That I’d welcome a spy into the family?”

  Aysha said quickly, “No Efrain, we don’t doubt you and most of the older generation knows better. It’s Elwood and his brother Basil that’s stirring up trouble. He isn’t really breaking the laws by simply speaking, even if it is nonsense. Some of the younger generation take him seriously though, foolish as it is. We just thought to keep tempers down…”

  Alethea added, “It’s true, I didn’t believe it, but they’d have me believe they were spies. Mom and dad are afraid someone may do something stupid if we have a public celebration.”

  Ari snorted, “Elwood is just a jealous idiot who can’t take no for an answer, he is preying on people’s fears to forward his cause.”

  Alton asked, “Jealous of what?”

  Ari explained, “Elwood has been after me for years, no matter how many times I’ve said no. He also knows that Marcus and I will mate very shortly now that he is in the community.”

  Alethea asked sharply, “How does Elwood know that, you didn’t even tell your cousin!”

  Ari blushed, “Sorry, that was my fault and I should have said something. On the other hand it’s not like you’ve stopped by to visit since I got back. Anyway, I’d hoped he’d finally go away so I mentioned it the last time he came calling. It… didn’t go well.”

  I briefly considered all the different ways Elwood could die, and then imagined doing those things to Elwood, and then pushed it all down.

  I asked, “So when can we make that happen?”

  It was the one thing we hadn’t really talked about or gone over in detail in the last three weeks.

  Ari shrugged, “It’s not like a human wedding, we can do it anytime after joining the clan is complete, which means being added to the ward. Since we are at home though, it’s tradition to get the priestesses blessing and exchange names before the altar. After that, Sienna and I will bond as co-mates.”

  I loved the look in Ari’s eyes, and knew she couldn’t wait either. I still didn’t understand why she thought I was all that special, but I’d never let her down if I could help it, clearly I was making out in this deal.

  I had to suppress a frown however when I saw the ill look on Levi’s face as Ari explained we would be mated. I wasn’t so sure it was just a jealous idiot named Elwood who had a problem with this. But then I didn’t really care, I didn’t exactly need everyone’s approval, I had no need to be liked by everyone, though it would be easier if I had Ari’s entire family’s approval, extended or not. Still, all of them but two was better than none.

  Aja said patiently with a hint of steel in her voice, “Back to the original point, all that only makes it more critical it be done before all. Once the ward accepts them both, there won’t be any question of loyalty. Then we’ll just be down to a couple of jealous males and a few prejudiced idiots having a problem with it, and life will go on. Unless you believe they would actually bring violence to my son?”

  I blinked at that, surprised how much it meant to me to be called her son. I also hadn’t considered that about the ward and felt a bit better. When Levi bonded us to the ward it would search our mind, much like my bonded elementals had. The ward elemental couldn’t be tricked or lied to, if I was a danger or a traitor the ward would reject me.

  Levi shook his head and blew out a breath before replying, “Very well, I was only trying to keep the peace, but you’re right. I’ll put out the word, tomorrow evening we’ll have a clan dinner in the large meadow. Until then?” he asked.

  Efrain said coldly, “Until then,” still not looking very happy at all with his brother in-law.

  Levi, Aysha, and Alton left. Aysha threw an apologetic look over her shoulder as she followed them out. Alethea stayed.

  Alethea said to us, “Ari is right, I haven’t been a very good cousin the last few weeks have I? And now I have two more cousins to get to know.”

  Aja said, “You’re welcome to stay for dinner dear.”

  Alethea said, “Thanks.”

  We sat around and talked and I found myself telling the story of how Ari and I had met. Which had a humorous slant to it based on how she had treated me in our first real conversation
. It didn’t take long for Alethea to give up the mask, which was a relief, and also made my story telling more three dimensional.

  That night when we were finally alone I kissed Ari until she was breathless. Sienna said she would catch up with us. She always knew what I needed and stepped back when Ari and I needed to be alone.

  I asked, “So how about the morning after tomorrow night?”

  It was ridiculous, I knew she wanted to mate with me, yet I was still nervous about nailing down the day and time. Felt more like a teenage boy than an ancient creature.

  She smiled and it reached her eyes as she kissed me. “That sounds perfect love,” she said in that musical voice that still captivated me.

  She added softly as she burrowed her soft body into my embrace, “What if I can’t… have children. We probably won’t know for sure for another month.”

  I replied, “If that is true we will get through it. That wouldn’t change my mind any about what we have together, would it for you?”

  She shook her head against my chest, “No, I would be unhappy about it, but not with you. It’s silly, I know if I can’t, then you can’t either. But it’s an instinctual doubt. I can’t help wonder why you would want a barren woman. I know it’s crazy, you don’t have to answer.”

  I didn’t answer with words, but I told her quite clearly with actions how desirable she was, and how much I wanted her…

  Chapter 8

  I woke up to a soft moan that turned out to be mine. My body arched and I pushed up into the warm heat that was slathering my manhood in pleasure. I felt two… I looked down to see both of them giving me a wakeup blowjob this morning. They were kissing and licking on either side of my length, their hands caressing my balls, inner thighs, stomach and chest.

  They must have taken me most of the way in my sleep, because I felt my balls start to tighten already as they took turns swirling and sucking on the tip while the other licked up and down my shaft. I gasped as my legs went numb and I erupted between their lips.

  Ari took me in her mouth and sucked hard as I spurted twice in her mouth before passing me to Sienna who sucked the rest out of me, as they both milked me with joined hands around the base of my pleasure.


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