Darkness Falls: Cirenthian Chronicles (Book 2)

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Darkness Falls: Cirenthian Chronicles (Book 2) Page 9

by D. R. Rosier

  Sienna screamed when I took a running jump into the pool. It really was a beautiful and warm day…

  It was midmorning the next day when I felt Efrain’s presence on the edge of my detection range. I smiled as I felt Aja and Nia enter too, I guessed he had no luck leaving them behind this time either. They were still hundreds of yards off and weaving between the trees so we had plenty of time to get dressed. I sighed, so much for my decadent naked vacation with my two young beautiful mates. It was time to get back to it.

  Honestly, five days vacation was about all I could handle anyway.

  We spent the rest of the morning just chatting and shared lunch before we broke down the campsite, loaded up our horses and moved out. Aja told us to be careful and we promised we would. Nia had gotten upset. She wanted to come along but that wasn’t happening, she was too young and this would be dangerous.

  We were still protected from scrying except those we allowed; it had become one of my normal constantly running elemental magics along with the light adjusting sunglasses and night vision. It had also been a month since we were seen anywhere in Cirenthia, so we should be safe, at least until we hit Lakeside, or ran into a roving mage who would probably report us.

  We were still wanted for regicide after all. We would have to hope the mayors we saw wouldn’t react negatively until they had heard us out.

  I almost didn’t want to bother with it, and just pick a direction and not stop. We needed a home eventually though and I might as well fight for the right to live here in Cirenthia. Overall it wasn’t a bad place to live, if we could only stop it from turning into one.

  We got a late start, so it was past dark when we finally stopped and set up camp. We were just a few miles west of Cliff’s Edge, so we should start making progress tomorrow. It was strange and there was something definitely wrong with me. I was excited to be back on the road and going into danger. My only real concern was keeping Ari and Sienna as safe as I could; otherwise I was really looking forward to it.

  It wasn’t necessarily the violence of it; I was just confident as long as we remained cautious we could win out and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Once we made a place for ourselves, there was almost no limit to what we could accomplish here. I assumed it was my driving need to do well for myself, and my mates, that the goddess was referring too. If I had to help stop a mad king and an invading empire to get there, then that’s what I’d do.

  Sienna asked curiously, “What are you thinking about so hard?”

  I grinned, “My plans to take over the world and lay it at your feet my lady,” I said extravagantly.

  Ari snorted, “Really?”

  I shrugged, “Just our small part of it. I’ve been a powerful and influential man before, but honestly it’s an empty prospect without you two. Really I’m just reminding myself why we are doing this outside of trying to save a lot of stranger’s lives, why we’re putting ourselves in danger.”

  I winked, “We can save the Elves, our family specifically, a bunch of humans, and be a little selfish too.”

  Sienna came over and sat in my lap giving me a kiss, “You’re just worried about us poor helpless females getting hurt aren’t you?”

  The woman was a witch, always knowing what I was thinking. It was exactly what I was doing, numbering all the reasons we should do this, why I should accept them being put in danger. Why I should risk their lives which were infinitely precious to me.

  I snorted a laugh, “Worried yes, think of you two as helpless? Never.”

  Ari said in a lightly teasing voice, “You’re very wise for a man. Don’t worry love, we won’t take any insane risks, but we must take some calculated risks if we are to get through this.”

  I grunted in agreement. It was already late, so we ate a quick meal and turned in for the night after setting our wards…

  I was probably being paranoid but we skirted the town through the woods since we didn’t need any supplies, Efrain had packed quite a bit. It wasn’t long before we picked up the southern road and started to make good time, eating up the miles as we rode south. I had my senses out, but all we passed on our way south was a few farmers taking some food to market. Ari had kept her hood up to hide her hair, ears, and face, so I didn’t think word would get around, although it was only a matter of time.

  When we stopped in the afternoon and got the camp set up Ari took over and continued to teach us the sword dance. Both Sienna and I were making progress but it would be a long time before we knew it, and had it practiced enough to actually use it in battle.

  After dinner Sienna came and sat in front of me and I automatically reached up and started to massage the muscles I knew were sore from the sword dance. I chuckled lightly.

  Sienna asked, “What is it?”

  I kissed the back of her neck and said softly, “You have me well trained,” as I continued to massage her shoulders.

  She asked innocently, “You don’t mind do you?” as she wiggled her butt back against me.

  I said, “Of course not. I’d miss it…”

  I didn’t even consider questioning it when she pulled me up and brought me in the tent after her stiff muscles were all worked out. They figured out the schedule and I was far from deprived. I considered spoiled might be a better term as my wife started to have her way with me, working out my stiffness, wantonly riding me from above.

  It had occurred to me that there was a good chance I’d get both of them with child after the goddess’s gift, if I hadn’t already, but that didn’t seem like any kind of deterrent to our night games for Ari or Sienna. If anything they were both more aggressive in bed now. We’d figure it out if it happened, I was kind of looking forward to it actually.

  In all my centuries I had never been a father before; I just wished things were a bit more stable first.

  We seemed to fall into that same rhythm from before our time in Elven lands. Pre-dawn I would watch Ari do the sword dance, I wasn’t good enough to join her yet and this early morning ritual wasn’t the time to train me, it was her practice, her morning routine to center herself.

  Plus, I admitted to myself, I loved to watch her. Even after all this time her graceful beauty was mesmerizing as she went through the dance.

  After we had breakfast we would take to the road for eight to ten hours, and then after setting up camp it was time to practice our sword skills, learn the dance, and study magic. Aja had packed a couple of books to study with simple spells and vocabulary in them. We also worked on our affinity magic, trying to come up with new ways to do things, such as the automated defense ward I had come up with.

  A new idea I’d had was lightly based on the light modifying spell but more used refraction. I didn’t really need much of an advantage sword fighting with my speed, but the spell would refract the light causing me to blur, or even appear in a slightly different location, much the same way a fish in the water isn’t really where it appears to be.

  It took six days to make it to Lakeside, and although I enjoyed the trip and spending the time alone with Ari and Sienna, I’d be glad when I knew the kingdom well enough to fast travel to most places. It would also be useful if I could figure out a way to safely put a horse to sleep, so we could skip around and ride. Buying new horses every time we fast travelled would be ridiculously expensive.

  I had thought of just putting blinders on them, but that wouldn’t stop them from panicking in the weightless environment in the elemental realm of air. I’d have to remember to ask a healer if there were drugs for that, or maybe a spell that could induce sleep.

  Lakeside was of course named after the large lake it was next to. Whoever named these cities or towns must have had a twisted sense of humor, or really liked to name things after the surrounding terrain. The lake was quite large, I couldn’t see the other side of it, and there were docks with small fishing boats tied up.

  The town itself was fairly large, about the same as Star’s Cove, and there were no walls around the city. I guessed their major export woul
d be fish as I saw very little farms as we got closer to the city. Ari put her hood up as we got close and I had a feeling our anonymity was at an end. Even if the mayor in this town sided with Serina’s plan I had no doubt word would spread, and hunters would be sent out.

  We refreshed a few supplies that were running low and got a room at the tavern. No one seemed to give us a second look, but I knew a spy wouldn’t so it didn’t help me relax much. Ari and I did our normal scrying and there was nothing else happening that was new that we could see. It was late afternoon so we figured we would wait until morning before trying to approach the mayor.

  We set a number of wards on our room, both to ensure we’d wake up if something happened, and to protect our valuables when we were outside the room. I knew Sienna would refuse to be left behind, and I didn’t want to approach the mayor loaded down with all our stuff. The bed was plenty big for all three of us, and much more comfortable than the ground. We found our way to sleep, eventually…

  Chapter 11

  The mansion was only two stories here, but it was sprawling with multiple wings. I couldn’t really see how far went back, but based on detecting the air it was a huge building. I couldn’t understand why such a building would be necessary for one man, his family, and perhaps a few visiting mages. Maybe they had grown over the years, kind of like keeping up with the neighbors back on Earth.

  Of course, I wasn’t one to talk, my mansion back home was pretty damn huge and it had been just me and a few human servants.

  I could also sense there were four mages inside, one a healer. I assumed two of them were the mayor and his daughter; I had no idea who the other could have been outside of a roving mage. I sighed and knocked on the door. There were guards there, but they didn’t seem interested in us at all which seemed curious.

  A man dressed in the same kind of uniform all kingdom servants seemed to wear answered the door. He took in the three of us for a moment.

  “Can I help you?”

  I said, “We would like an audience with the mayor please, could you let him know Marcus is here, mage Serina indicated I might be able to clear up a few issues for mayor Neil.”

  He seemed to think about this for a moment and said, “Follow me.”

  He lead the three of us to a side room close to the door which had a table, some chairs, a couch against the far wall and various tables with vases or small sculptures. There were also a number of landscape paintings hanging on the walls.

  “Please make yourselves comfortable while I inform the mayor you are here.”

  I nodded and he left smartly.

  Ari said lightly, “He seemed very stiff, we should be as formal as possible.”

  I agreed. We took seats around the table and waited. About ten minutes later a maid came in with some tea followed by the man who brought us here.

  “Here are some refreshments; the mayor will be available shortly.”

  He stepped back out before I could reply. The maid poured our drinks while not looking at any of us and left the room. It was apparent to me this mayor didn’t mix with his staff at all and that was how things were expected.

  I tried the tea while we were waiting, it wasn’t bad at all. We were all quiet as we waited, I wasn’t sure if we were being monitored or not, and Ari and Sienna seemed to pick up on that as well.

  A few minutes later the ladies and I stood as the mayor came in. He was in his forties and was impeccably dressed. He had a no nonsense look on his face and I could tell he took his station in life very seriously.

  His daughter followed and I understood Serina’s warning, she was gorgeous with long golden blond hair, blue eyes, and a very pretty face along with a body that looked built for sin. I’d imagine she would have no problems seducing most men and causing trouble wherever she went. It wouldn’t work on me though; I had two mates just as sexy to keep me out of trouble.

  It was the next person to walk in the door that floored me. I had been expecting someone I hadn’t met before and froze like a deer in headlights when Carl, the affinity instructor walked in the door.

  Carl said calmly, “Marcus, I see you’re still running around with that Elf and pretty young woman. Have you come to your senses yet about magic use?”

  I replied, “It’s… good to see you again sir.”

  He laughed, “Liar. Although I guess I deserve it for being so hard on you. Better that than you getting killed later because your skills are lacking though. I’m sure you understand. If I don’t take my job seriously my students die. Have a seat. Bet you didn’t know Mayor Neil here was my cousin. We’re both looking forward to getting to the bottom of the truth, although I hope you’re a liar, it would make things simpler.”

  We took our seats after the three of them did. I saw Ariel give me a considering look out of the corner of my eye but ignored it and focused on Carl and the mayor.

  Neil said pompously, “That’s true Carl, but if that young man on the throne truly killed his father, and is twisting the truth to gain power and kill innocent lives, both human and elven… it’s our duty to ensure he fails in his endeavors. Go ahead son, tell me what happened.”

  I tried to be as succinct as possible; it was ironic that I thought of his words as pompous and behind the times archaic but had no problems at all slipping into that mode of speech myself. I skimmed the trip to the capitol to the bare bones of what we went through, going into high detail only about our confrontation with Friesa, and then at the capitol regarding our fight with Stella, and then finished up with the words I traded with the King in his private apartment a few days later.

  They seemed surprised I had gotten in so easily, but didn’t ask me to tell them how I did it, just taking the words at face value as they read the truth in them. The more I talked the more Carl’s face darkened in anger. The mayor kept his countenance even throughout and Ariel just seemed… bored, which was kind of frightening to me.

  Neil said, “I thank you for coming here and verifying it. I did not think Serina one to play such a dangerous game, but with the stakes so high I needed to be sure. I will send her a message indicating our support in this matter.”

  Carl growled, “I’m going back to the capitol and my post, when the time comes you will have at least one ally there and more if I can find them.”

  I felt a little guilty, I’d suspected Carl because of his hard attitude and apparent dislike of Elves, it had definitely been fuzzy thinking on my part.

  Neil asked, “Unless there is anything else, I won’t keep you, I understand you have two more towns to visit, and the sooner the better. Do you have anything to add Ari?”

  Ari said, “No, thank you mayor.”

  He nodded, stood and said gravely, “Good luck,” as he turned and left the room, both Carl and Ariel followed him out.

  This seemed entirely too easy to me, and I wondered how much farther we’d get through our mission before the other shoe dropped. It was still fairly early in the day; our meeting only took a little over an hour. We decided there was no reason to delay leaving and got our horses packed up and were on our way about two hours before midday.

  The road led to the south-east, mostly east, to the next town on the list which was Forest River. The mayor there was one of the rare two talent mages, but instead of two elements she had wind and healing. According to what Serina sent, mayor Nialla should be receptive to what we had to say.

  The town itself was a logging town, and they used the river to send the lumber north, which is where they came up with Forest River. It would be a good week’s travel to get there. When we were a few miles out of the town I broke the silence.

  “So what did you both think?”

  Sienna said, “Well, he believed us. I think he might have his own aspirations toward the crown though, he was very entitled, but at least he seemed to care about right and wrong.”

  Ari agreed, “No doubt. I also think we need to watch ourselves. I don’t think Ariel would betray us per say, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she gos
siped about the infamous Marcus and his evil Elven mate visiting her town.”

  I objected, “I’m not infamous!”

  Ari raised an eyebrow, “But you don’t object to the evil Elf part?”

  I shook my head and said in faux surprised innocence, “Of course not my dark mistress. Clearly you seduced me and turned me into your love slave to satisfy your many and widely varied carnal perversions.”

  I cringed when I felt her magic and got whapped in the head.

  I winked and she shook her head, but Ari couldn’t help the blushing smile that broke out on her face…

  Later that day I received another message from Serina. She thanked us for taking care of getting Neil and surprisingly Carl on our side and warned us to be careful. She’d already received word from the capitol to keep an eye out for us and send out patrols, so the manhunt was active again. The closer we were to a town the more danger we’d be in.

  She also said she missed me though not in so many words. I got the idea someone had hurt her badly in the past and she was uncomfortable being open with her feelings. There was nothing I could really do to reassure her I was truly interested, except prove it once this nightmare was over. I passed on the information to Ari and Sienna. I also explained how the succession would be handled.

  “Serina said there won’t be civil war. There are laws covering this. Basically every mage that has taken the oaths will vote in the new ruler. The choices for ruler are one of the fourteen mayors. It had been decided to limit the choices to the mayors since those mages will have been ones with leadership experience and had the confidence of the king when appointed.

  “She said it has been a few hundred years since it happened last time, but she didn’t see a reason the mayors wouldn’t follow the laws, since it gave them all a chance at the crown for themselves and their heirs. No doubt there will be back room deals, betrayal, and even a few assassination attempts but not outright civil war that would involve the commoners.”


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