Foul Play [Merricks, Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Foul Play [Merricks, Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 15

by McKinlay Thomson

  “Even if you do kill me, they have too much evidence against you. My men would have figured out something was wrong by now and they will be looking for me.” Sarah hoped to god that was true. She really didn’t want to die today. She finally had something to live for.

  “I will handle that hick country sheriff and his farmer brother. I have come out of worse situations than this. Did you think that moron and your silly little friend were the first people I’ve eliminated?” Angelo laughed, a great belly laugh that made his chin jiggle around.

  “John, go see if there is anything to drink in this shithole of a house,” Angelo snapped out, and one of the men left the room. That left the man who had held the gun on her earlier. Angelo stood up and walked over to the sideboard. Opening and closing the cabinet’s doors, he searched for something to drink. Sarah assumed he was looking for alcohol.

  Sarah noticed that he had left the gun on the couch when he had gotten up. The other man wasn’t paying attention, but she didn’t think that she would be able to move quick enough to grab the gun without them seeing.

  A loud bang rocked the windows above her head, and Sarah ducked down, sheltering her head with her hands. Angelo ran to the window and peeked outside. He still hadn’t realized that the gun was still on the couch, but Sarah had. She sat there and bided her time, waiting for the opportunity to run and grab the weapon.

  “Get outside, Dan, and see what that was. Whoever it is, kill them.” Angelo stayed by the window, the coward sending his thug to do his bidding. Sarah wasn’t surprised. He may talk the talk, but it was this Dan guy who had pulled the trigger and killed her friend.

  Dan left the room, and Sarah heard the front door bang open. John, the other thug, hadn’t come back, and she hoped it was because he had already been taken out of the equation. She was worried that if her men had come to rescue her he might ambush them.

  When gunfire exploded the window above her head, she threw herself flat on the ground. She crawled on her tummy away from the window. Sarah could feel the broken glass cutting into her skin. She tried to move closer to the gun, peeking over her shoulder at Angelo. He had taken a crouching position beside the window.

  “Where do you think you’re going, bitch?” he screamed, and lunged in her direction. Sarah used all her strength to push her body from the ground and dash for the discarded gun. Her fingers wrapped around the handle. Her hair was grabbed from behind, pulling her backward and arching her neck.

  Sarah held the gun in her right hand, her grip tight and firm. She sent an elbow back into Angelo’s gut. He let go of his grip on her hair, grabbing his stomach. Sarah swung to face him and drew her leg back. She kicked him square in the balls. Angelo went down, holding himself and swearing profanities at her. She aimed the gun at him and waited.

  Sarah’s heart was in her throat. She pointed the gun at the man who had turned her world upside down. One bullet would be enough to kill him and she wouldn’t have to worry about testifying at trial. There would be no chance that he would get out or have someone come after her from jail. One shot and she would be free.

  Her hand started to shake with the weight of the gun, and she tried to steady it. She didn’t want Angelo to know that she was anything but in control. As the pain seemed to recede Angelo started to pick himself up from the floor.

  “Don’t move. I’ll fill you full of lead if you even squint,” Sarah told him. Angelo froze on his hands and knees. Sarah thought she might be sick, she was so scared.

  “You won’t shoot me. You don’t have the disposition to kill,” Angelo replied. He slowly rose the rest of the way to his feet.

  “I said don’t move. I will do it, you son of a bitch. You killed my friend. Don’t think for a minute I won’t shoot your sorry ass.” Sarah waved the gun at him to back up her statement.

  Everything that happened next was over in a split second. Sarah didn’t have time to think. Angelo reached behind him and pulled another gun from the waistband of his slacks. Sarah lifted the heavy gun higher and took aim. She fired the weapon. Angelo raised his gun and pulled the trigger. The two guns went off one after the other, and Sarah felt a sharp pain enter her side. She watched blood appear in Angelo’s forehead, and he slumped lifeless to the ground.

  In shock, Sarah stood there watching Angelo’s dead body on the floor. The room went into ciaos around her. Blake and James were the first to enter the room. Blake kicked the gun away from Angelo’s body. James slowly approached her and stood by her side. She still held the gun pointed at Angelo. She wasn’t ready to give it up.

  More men poured into the room, coming to a stop when they saw the dead body and Sarah still holding the gun.

  “Give me the gun, little darling. It’s over now. He’s dead.” James gently took her hand and pried her fingers from the gun. “Call an ambulance. She’s bleeding.”

  “I shot him. He pulled a gun and I shot him,” Sarah told them. She stared up at the brothers, her eyes wide. “I don’t feel very well.”

  Sarah let James take the gun from her hand before she leant over and puked all over his boots. Dizziness took over, and she had only a second to see Blake rush toward her before she collapsed in his arms.

  * * * *

  Blake sat by Sarah’s bedside and waited for her to wake up. James was asleep in a chair on the other side. Both hadn’t left her since she had come out of surgery. A bullet had been removed and sent to ballistics as evidence. Thankfully it hadn’t hit anything vital and the procedure had gone off without any hitches.

  The other two thugs that came with Angelo were also dead. Blake had taken out one of them when he exited the house, gun drawn and shooting randomly into the trees. The other was killed in the kitchen when Wolf breached the back entrance. No one had heard a thing. Wolf killed him silently with a knife before gently lowering his body to the floor.

  Blake was desperate for his baby to wake so he could look into her green eyes and tell her he loved her. His heart had nearly failed when she fainted in his arms. He thought he might never get the chance to tell her how much he loved her and how she completed his life.

  He had let James ride in the back of the ambulance, staying to wrap up the scene before heading to the hospital. He wanted to make sure it was handled properly and that nothing would fall back on Sarah. Then he rang Alex to let him know what had happened. Alex’s plane had landed and he expected to meet them at the hospital by nightfall. He was due to arrive any minute.

  Sarah would be able to go home now. She wouldn’t have to testify, just make a statement and then she was free. They would need to contact her family and let them know she was all right and it was over. Would she go home and leave them? Or would she stay? He wanted her to stay. If she needed to go home for a bit and sort out her affairs, then he would take her. But he wasn’t letting her out of his sight for a long time, if ever. Not after the scare she had given him.

  He looked over at her when he heard a moan. She was shifting on the bed as she woke. He stood and rushed to her side, taking her hand in his.

  “Wake up, baby girl. You’re safe now, it’s over.” Blake brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. Her eyes opened and she blinked up at him.

  “I feel like shit,” she said, and her voice was rough and groggy. “I think the prick shot me.” Blake let out a huge, bellowing laugh, which woke his brother and made Sarah jump.

  “Oh, baby girl. You’ve got a mouth on you. I’m glad you’re all right. You had me scared there for a while.”

  “When can I go home?” she asked. Blake thought his heart was going to be ripped from his chest. He frowned down at her and let go of her hand. Taking a step away from the bed, he sat down in the seat behind him. She wanted to go home. She was going to leave them. He pressed a hand to his aching chest and felt tears come to his eyes.

  “You want to go back home, little darling?” James asked. His voice was rough and Blake could hear the hurt in it. He stood by Sarah’s bed and looked down at her.

“Yes, I hate hospitals and I need a shower and our big bed. I want to be able to hold you both and try to forget about how he looked when I shot him.” Sarah started to cry, big tears rolling down her checks and into her hair. It took Blake a minute to realize what she had said. She wasn’t leaving them. She wanted to go home. To their home.

  Blake rushed back to her side. James bent down and placed kisses along her cheek and then used a hand to wipe the tears from her face.

  “We thought you wanted to leave us, baby girl. Now that it’s over you can, if that’s what you really want.” Blake held his breath and wondered why he had said that.

  “But know this, little darling. If you do go, we will be coming after you and dragging your ass back. You’re our girl, and we aren’t letting you go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. My family can send my things over. I love you both. There is nowhere I would rather be than here with you.” Sarah tried to sit up, and Blake wrapped his arms around her back and lifted her until she was in a sitting position.

  “I love you, too, baby girl. More than you can ever imagine. You make my life complete and fill it with a joy I thought I would never find again.” Blake poured his heart out and then took Sarah’s mouth. He kissed her with all the love in his heart, and when he lifted his head, they were both panting. Sarah turned to James and waited expectantly.

  “I love you, little darling. You challenge me and make me want to be a better person and a better Dom. You fill my heart. A heart that sat empty waiting for you.” James kissed Sarah as well, breaking the kiss when the door to the room opened.

  Alex walked in, followed by a nurse. She ushered the brothers out of the way and checked Sarah’s vitals before leaving again. Alex shook James’s hand and then Blake’s. When he walked over and placed a kiss on Sarah’s forehead, Blake growled low in his throat.

  “Settle down, Blake. I know she’s your woman.” Alex then turned back to Sarah. “How are you feeling, honey?”

  Blake bristled when Sarah smiled at Alex.

  “I feel like shit, but they tell me I’ll live.” Sarah was getting sassy and Blake loved it. When she was feeling better, he would be more than happy to redden her ass for sassing them.

  “You’ll feel better soon, honey. I hope these fellows took good care of you?”

  “We did,” James told him. “Right up until she disappeared and got herself shot.”

  “Hey. That’s not fair. I didn’t mean to let him shoot me.” Sarah was smiling now, and color was returning to her cheeks. Blake sat on the end of her bed. Alex took the empty chair.

  “What happened with the mole? We don’t have to worry about Angelo since Sarah shot him.” She punched his leg at his teasing. “The other two are dead also.”

  “When Sarah made the call to her sister, it was monitored by the department. Angelo didn’t have the phone tapped, we did. So when the mole intercepted the call, we knew who took the information to Angelo. Unfortunately for us, we didn’t discover it before they were able to leak her location.

  “Turns out it went deeper in the department than we first thought. When we arrested the mole who was one of the intelligence agents, we also arrested three others. Two field officers and my superior. It will take a lot of cleaning up, and distrust will run wild through the agency.”

  “If anything good has come from this, it’s that you were able to find the bad seeds at the agency and stop the leader of a drug cartel. Jenny would be glad that her death wasn’t in vain,” Sarah said as she lay back down on the hospital bed. She looked exhausted.

  “You need to rest, baby girl. We will talk to Alex outside.” Blake stood up and gestured for them to leave. He gave Sarah a quick kiss on the forehead before following Alex and James out into the corridor.

  “What happens now? She won’t have to go back, will she?” James asked as soon the door closed behind them.

  “No, her new identity papers mean that technically she is an American citizen, so she doesn’t have to go home unless she wants to. I can take a statement back with me and that will be enough. They have promoted me to head of the department. So I’ll have to head home as soon as I take her statement.” Alex ran a hand through his hair and looked back through the window in the door. “I knew the minute I laid eyes on her that you two would snap her up. She’s a beautiful woman, inside and out. She just needed the right man to bring her out of her shell. Would have asked her myself if things were different.”

  “Well they weren’t different, so keep your hands to yourself,” Blake said, and moved to block the window into the room.

  “Calm down, Blake. I was only saying.”

  “We need to get back in there. See you tomorrow. You can take her statement then.” Blake shook Alex’s hand and they said their good-byes. Then he and James went back to their woman and their future.

  Chapter Nineteen

  It had been two long weeks since Sarah was released from hospital. Two long weeks since she shot and killed her best friend’s murderer. Her men wouldn’t let her lift a finger and made her lie in bed all day long. She was going crazy. Every time she got up from bed one of them would chase her back in it. Not for fun stuff either. There had been none of that. Neither of them would touch her. Oh, they would hold her at night and tell her how much they loved her nonstop, but there was no sex. They wanted her to rest and heal. She had had enough. If they didn’t make love to her soon, she was going to take matters into her own hands, and she didn’t mean literally either.

  She knew that both brothers were home. She could hear them downstairs laughing and carrying on. She was so randy she could hump her pillow. She needed a plan, something that would get their attention. Make them realize she was fine and ready to take them. Together or separately, she didn’t care, as long as one of them fucked her.

  Sarah moved to the bathroom and removed all her clothes. Then she quickly made sure her pussy was freshly shaved, before rooting around in the draw and pulling out her largest butt plug. She covered it with lube and then with one leg up on the bath ledge, she worked it into her tight back passage.

  When she was ready she left the bathroom and grabbed the collar she wore to the club and put it on. Then she slowly made her way downstairs. She was listening for voices other than Blake’s and James’s. It would be highly embarrassing to be caught in her birthday suit by anyone other than her men. She moved quietly toward the lounge and paused when she got to the door. Sarah stood there listening to the brothers talk. They weren’t saying anything interesting, just talking about the hockey results.

  She took a big breath and rallied her confidence. With all the confidence she could muster, Sarah entered the room. She kept walking, swinging her hips seductively until she reached the center of the room, and then she gracefully dropped to her knees. She spread her legs wide, placed her palms on her thighs, dropped her head, and waited.

  “I think our baby girl is trying to tell us something, James,” Blake said from where he sat on the couch. He was sitting to her left, and James took up the other seat to her right.

  “Yes, I think she must be feeling neglected. She makes a beautiful sight kneeling submissively at our feet,” James replied.

  “Indeed she does. But I would think that was topping from the bottom, wouldn’t you?” Blake stood and walked to stand in front of her. His large boots entered her line of vision, but Sarah kept her head down.

  “She is definitely due for some punishment. Not just for this stunt, as stunning as she is, but for putting herself in danger. Calling home and then lying to us about it. Then she was almost killed. I’d say that she has racked up a very decent punishment,” James said.

  “I agree, James. Though we will have to wait on that, her side isn’t healed enough yet. But we can take care of her pressing needs.” Blake slid his hands under her arms and picked her up like she was a small child. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on. He walked from the room and climbed the stairs. She looked over his shoulder at James, to see he was fol
lowing them upstairs.

  When they entered the master bedroom, Blake put her down in the center of the bed. She knelt quietly on the big bed as the brothers removed their clothes and then joined her. James knelt in front of her, and she felt Blake press into her back.

  Sarah shivered as Blake placed kisses along her neck. He then cupped her large breasts from behind, pinching and pulling at the nipples. James leant down and took her mouth in a drugging kiss that left them both panting. Juices leaked out of her pussy and coated her thighs.

  As Blake moved his hands down, rubbing through her wet lips, Sarah leant forward and took James’s throbbing cock between her lips. She licked over the large mushroom head before taking the stalk further into her mouth. Bobbing her head, she tried to take as much of him as she could without gagging. James grabbed onto handfuls of her hair and moaned above her.

  Blake lifted her hips until she was on her hands and knees. She spread her legs wide to give him better access. Blake tapped on the butt plug before swiveling it around in her ass.

  “She came downstairs prepared, James. She has her large butt plug in. It’s a fucking hot sight. Her hole is stretched wide to accommodate it.” Blake was moving the butt plug in and out of her ass, making Sarah moan and wiggle around. He slapped her butt cheek in warning and she stilled.

  “Lay on the bed, James. It’s time to fuck our woman and remind her who she belongs to.” James lay flat on the bed and Sarah crawled over the top of him.

  “Kiss me, little darling.” She leant forward to follow his command, nipping at his lips before he took control and deepened the kiss. When he broke away, Sarah slid her pussy back and forth along his length.

  “Put my cock inside you, Sarah. I want to feel your pussy squeezing me tight,” James said. Sarah sat up and took his cock into her hand. She guided him into her pussy and then lowered herself onto his throbbing length. Blake came up behind her and pushed her upper body closer to James before removing her butt plug.


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