Kindred (The Watcher Chronicles #2)

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Kindred (The Watcher Chronicles #2) Page 7

by S. J. West

  "And I intend to keep you safe."

  I look up and see Mason leaning against the doorframe to my room, his gaze steady on me. "They'll have to kill me to get to you."

  "I think I have a way to stop them from trying to kill me," I say.

  "And how do you plan to work that small miracle?" Chandler asks.

  "Tell Lucifer what they did. If anyone can stop the other princes or anyone else under his command from trying to kill me, it's him. Even Asmodeus didn't try directly because Lucifer ordered him not to harm me when we were in Antarctica. He had to call in Mammon to do the dirty work for him."

  "It should work," Mason agrees. "None of them will go against a direct order from Lucifer. They know the consequences of disobedience."

  "I'll just have to wait until Lucifer comes to have one of his little chats with me," I say. "Until then, we'll just have to keep an eye out."

  I look at JoJo. "So I heard you found your crown."

  "Oui, oui!" She says excitedly. "Lilly says it belonged to her father, Michael."

  "You have Michael's crown?"

  "Oui," JoJo says, her eyes downcast. "Poor, sweet Lilly seemed a bit upset when she found out. It was only afterwards that I learned Michael is her father. If I had known, I would have better understood her reaction."

  "She's been through a lot," I explain. "I'm still waiting for her to come see me to speak with Michael directly."

  "What do you mean by directly?" Mason asks.

  "I can call on Michael when I'm awake now," I tell him. "Didn't I tell you that?"

  "No," Mason says, his eyebrows draw together, "you didn't. Have you tried to contact him since you woke up?"


  "You might want to try," Mason suggests. "Just to make sure you can still call him when you need to. I'm not sure what damage might have been done to your brain after Asmodeus phased you all those times."

  I nod, suddenly becoming frightened I won't be able to connect with Michael anymore.

  As soon as I call to him, he appears in my room, still wearing the faded blue jeans and white t-shirt with black angel wings I dressed him up in the first time we met.

  "Glad to see you're better," he tells me.

  I smile. "Glad to see you didn't disappear on me."

  "I assume you see him," Mason says, his eyes wandering to the empty spot where only I can see Michael standing.

  "Yes, he's here," I tell Mason. I look back at Michael. "I just wanted to make sure I could still contact you."

  "Our connection can't be broken," Michael assures me. "I'm a part of you until we defeat Lucifer."

  "Will I lose you after that?"

  "If that's what you want to happen. I will always be a part of you, Jessica; at least until you die and our souls are able to separate. Once we've accomplished our mission, I can stay hidden within you like I have for most of your life. I don't want to burden you with my presence."

  I shrug. "I'm kinda used to you now. I don't think I'll want you to stay in the background anymore."

  Michael smiles, pleased. "I'll let you get back to your friends. They're probably a little jealous they can't talk to their archangels like you can."


  Michael smiles at me and fades away.

  "Bonté divine," JoJo says, "I wish I could speak to my angel too."

  "You will," I reassure her. "It won't be long now. We'll start looking for your talismans soon." I look over at Mason. "At least as soon as Mason thinks I'm well enough to go with you."

  "Two days," Mason promises. "I would just feel better knowing you're fully recovered first." Mason's eyes travel to Chandler. "Chandler's talisman may be tricky to get if my guess is right about where it is. I want you fully well before we try."

  "You know where it is?" Chandler says, turning to face Mason, obviously hearing this news for the first time.

  "I have a theory," Mason hedges, not committing completely.

  Chandler turns back to me. "Ok, two days. Then we go get my toy." He smiles like a kid at Christmas.

  "And mine?" JoJo asks Mason. "Do you know where it is?"

  "I'm pretty sure I do," Mason says, seeming more confident about the whereabouts of JoJo's talisman. "But Joshua is still doing some research on the people who should have it. He feels confident he can find them soon."

  "So, we sit and wait," JoJo says, completely despondent.

  Chandler looks at Mason. "Could you give us a moment alone with Jess?"

  Mason looks uncomfortable with the requests. "I don't like leaving her unprotected."

  "Just a couple of minutes," Chandler promises.

  Mason hesitates but finally nods and leaves the room.

  Chandler turns back to me. "Take this."

  He hands me a bracelet made of a strand of red silk, a rolled piece of black leather and a thick silver chain with a silver angel charm dangling from the middle.

  "We made it for you while we were waiting around this afternoon," Chandler tells me, placing it around my right wrist and fastening it with the catch.

  "Thank you," I say, "it's beautiful."

  JoJo leans into me and whispers, "It will tell you things."

  I feel my face scrunch up in confusion.

  "It's a talking bracelet?" I ask, feeling stupid for asking such a question.

  Chandler smiles indulgently. "No, but it will tell you what people are feeling and if you are in any danger. Once we learned what JoJo’s power was this morning, we figured out how to transfer some of our powers to something you can wear. She made the bracelet to warn you of danger and I placed my own special whammy on it so you can know how whoever you're touching feels about you. I thought it might come in handy in case Mr. Moody tries to hide his feelings from you again."

  Now I understand why they asked Mason to leave.

  "It doesn't feel right to use that type of power on Mason," I say. "It would be like I'm invading his private thoughts."

  "It'll only work if you make it work," Chandler says. "The warning of danger part is passive, it's always on. If you want to know how people feel about you, you have to ask it to tell you."

  "Like, say it out loud?"

  "No, just think it."

  I remembered back to the night Asmodeus attacked me. I could remember thinking I wanted to be invisible and suddenly I was. The bracelet must work on the same principal.

  “I still don’t understand how you made the dress so I could disappear when I needed to,” I say to JoJo.

  “I have thought about that,” she says. “Do you remember asking me that day if I could make you something that would make you invisible?”

  I nod because I do remember that small wish.

  “When I was draping the dress, I remember thinking about your odd request and thinking how funny it would be to create such an outfit. I believe that is when my gift ...umm...came on?”

  “It makes sense,” I say. I look down at the bracelet they gave me. "Thank you for the gift. I won’t abuse its power."

  “No one else can see it besides the three of us,” Chandler tells me, “unless you want them to see it. That way no one can just snatch it off you.”

  Mason walks back into the room with Isaiah by his side and I know exactly two minutes have already gone by.

  "I think Jess should get some rest," he says to my friends, gently telling them that it's time for them to leave.

  Chandler leans in and kisses me on the forehead while JoJo kisses me on a cheek.

  "See you later, when we're allowed," Chandler grumbles, not even trying to hide his irritation from being kept from me.

  "Au revoir, ma cherie."

  My friends go to stand with Isaiah and he phases them back to wherever it is they're staying.

  Mason comes to stand by my bedside as I sink back down underneath my comforter.

  "Why don't you take a nap?" He suggests.

  "All right," I say, not having the strength to make an argument, just falling into a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 8
  When I wake up from my nap, I notice that it's mostly dark in the room with only my nightstand lamp providing light. I flop over onto my back and look beside me, hoping to see Mason on the other side of the bed reading his book. Mason is nowhere to be seen but his pillow is facing me lengthwise with a white note card perched on top of it. It's the same exact card stock as the one he left me Christmas morning. My name is written on the front in a curly calligraphy font with red ink. A single red rose lies beside the note.

  I pick up the card and the rose. The note on the inside reads:

  You are cordially invited to have dinner with Mr. Mason Collier at his villa. If you accept the invitation, please ring the bell on your nightstand.

  I look over at my nightstand and sure enough there is a bell made of cut crystal sitting there.

  I lift the bell and ring it twice, not quite sure what the action is supposed to set into motion.

  Almost instantly, Faison, Mama Lynn and JoJo walk into the room.

  "I thought you would never wake up!" Faison says in exasperation. "It's almost seven o'clock. We've gotta work fast."

  "Work fast?" I ask.

  Faison, never one to be shy about things, throws my comforter off my body and practically drags me out of bed. I falter somewhat and almost fall but JoJo catches me.

  "Oh zut!" JoJo exclaims, bearing most of my weight with her tiny frame.

  Before my petite French friend topples over, I'm able to make my legs wake up enough to stand on my own two feet.

  JoJo turns on Faison hotly, showing her fiery Parisian temper. "Pas plus! She is in a fragile condition. Be more careful!"

  Faison face blanches, looking as white as a ghost. "I'm so sorry, Jess. I wasn't thinking."

  I put an arm around Faison's shoulders. "It's ok. You didn't mean it. Just help me out a little, ok?"

  I am gently whisked into my bathroom where Mama Lynn prepares a bubble bath in my marble tub for me. I'm allowed to soak in it for a little while just to bring feeling back into my legs before I'm advised it's time to get out and get ready.

  As JoJo styles my hair into a neat, plaited bun at the back of my head, Faison dabs on a little make-up to give my pale face a bit more color. Mama Lynn goes into my closet and pulls out a dress I've never seen before. She walks over to JoJo and hands it to her.

  "Ah," JoJo says, taking the dress, "merci beaucoup."

  JoJo looks at it with a critical eye while I feel myself gaping at how short the dress’s skirt is.

  "Am I supposed to wear that?" I ask, completely sure there must be more to it than what I'm seeing. Leggings, perhaps? Or a trench coat?

  "Oui," JoJo confirms, holding the dress up to her body so I can see it completely.

  "Do I get to wear something over it? Or under it?"

  JoJo looks confused and then laughs like she thinks I'm joking with her. "Non, this is it, Cherie. There is no more."

  "We figured if that doesn't get you kissed, or who knows what else tonight, nothing will," Faison says.

  I feel like burying my face in my hands but know Faison will kill me if I smudge my make-up.

  I look at the dress and know I can't possibly make it look as alluring as it does on the hanger. It looks like something Number Six on the old Battlestar Galactica show would wear, and I know I don’t have a voluptuous figure like that.

  The dress is made out of a black material which looks to be a mixture of rayon and spandex. The top has a strappy front and back with a very deep neckline dropping low into the area between the breasts. The material at the top of the dress is ribbed with solid seams and an hourglass shape is constructed down to the fluted skirt which seems to fall on JoJo just above her knees. Since I'm a couple of inches taller than her, I can only imagine it will fall to mid-thigh on me.

  "I don't think I have the legs to carry something like that off," I confess, eyeing the dress warily.

  "Sure you do," Faison says, full of confidence. "You've just never shown them off before is all. Trust me, Mason will love it. What man wouldn't?"

  "So, your plan is to throw me half-naked at him and see what happens?" I ask, completely flabbergasted.

  "You are too old to have never kissed a man, Cherie. This dress," JoJo says shaking the dress on its hanger, "will insure that happens tonight."

  I see Mama Lynn nodding her head in full agreement.

  I resign myself to the fact they won't let me wear something else and slip the dress on. When I look at my reflection in the full length mirror by the bay window, I have to agree with the other women in the room. If the dress doesn't get me kissed, nothing short of the hand of God pushing Mason into me will.

  JoJo opens her purse on my dresser and pulls out her cell phone to call someone.

  "She is ready," I hear her say.

  Isaiah instantly appears in my room.

  I watch as his eyes take in my new attire.

  "Wow, that’s some dress, Jess."

  Isaiah's comment propels me into action. I walk into my closet and pull out a black wool coat that goes past my knees. I almost never wear the coat because it's too heavy. After buttoning the front up to my neck, feeling safely cocooned inside its warmth, I walk back into my bedroom and hold my hand out to Isaiah.

  "Good luck!" Faison says.

  Thankfully, Isaiah phases me quickly before anyone decides to give me a pep talk, and I find myself standing inside the dining room in Mason's villa.

  Mason stands across from me on the other side of the dining table dressed in a finely tailored black suit, white shirt and black tie looking classically handsome like a movie star.

  "Enjoy your meal," Isaiah says before quickly phasing away to give us privacy.

  I have a hard time taking my eyes off of Mason. I don't really have to look at the dining room because I remember what it looks like from the time Chandler and I spent taking a self-guided tour of Mason's home.

  It's a medium sized room with a circular table in the middle meant to seat eight people in taupe colored fabric covered chairs. The table itself is draped with a low hanging lacey white cloth. On the ceiling are exposed dark oak beams and I know three tall arched windows, which look out onto the formal Italian garden, are directly behind me.

  Now sitting in the middle of the table is an arrangement of pale peach and white roses. Two candle globes sit on either side of the flowers and provide the only illumination in the room.

  Mason walks over to me. "Here, let me take your coat."

  I wrap the fingers of one of my hands around the lapels of the coat at the neck. "I'd rather keep it on for now, if you don't mind."

  "Are you cold?" Mason asks, full of concern. "I can turn the heat up to make it warmer in here."

  "I would rather just keep the coat on," I say, hoping he doesn't ask for a more detailed explanation of why I'm being so insistent.

  "Ok," he says uncertainly. "Well, are you hungry?"

  "Yes," I say, "very."

  Mason walks over to one of the two places set with silverware and crystal water goblets. He pulls out one of the chairs for me and I sit down finding myself smiling at his show of respect for me.

  “I’ll be right back,” he says before phasing.

  Mason reappears almost instantly with two small plates in his hands. On each plate are two small silver skewers with slices of melon, ham and mozzarella cheese.

  "I thought since you’re in Italy," Mason says, setting one of the plates down in front of me, "you might like an Italian style dinner."

  "Thank you," I tell him, not wasting any time and digging into the appetizer with gusto.

  I feel more than see Mason staring at me while I eat and end up looking over at him. He looks amused.

  "What?" I ask, wondering if I have something on my face. I pick up the linen napkin from the table to dab my lips just in case.

  "Nothing," he says with a shake of his head. "I just remember a time when you didn't want me to look at you while you ate. You don't seem to mind it now."

pretty much seen me at my worst," I say with a slight shrug. "If seeing me sick or crying my eyes out hasn't scared you away by now, nothing will."

  Mason smiles, cocking his head to the side. "Why would you think watching you eat would scare me away in the first place? I think it's cute the way you completely devour your food."

  I almost choke on the piece of ham in my mouth.

  "Well, if you didn't cook such delicious food, I wouldn't eat it so quickly," I say, thinking this is a completely logical defense.

  "Oh, I'm not complaining. If a girl has a healthy appetite for food, it usually means she has a healthy appetite for other things too."

  The light of amusement and secret promises in Mason's eyes makes me look away. I may not be very experienced in dealing with men, but I know a come on line when I hear one.

  "So what's the main course?" I ask, deciding to completely ignore Mason's double entendre.

  Mason stands. "Be right back."

  I take a deep breath waiting for his return. When he reappears, he's holding two plates. Each plate holds two slices of rack of lamb over various herbs, roasted tomatoes and risotto.

  Since Mason didn't have time to eat his appetizer while he was making his gentle insinuations about my appetites, he ends up not having much time to talk during the main course which gives me ample opportunity to enjoy the tender lamb he cooked to perfection.

  "Is there a desert?" I ask after finishing my entrée.

  Mason smiles, phases and returns immediately with a white bowl filled with two scoops of what looks to me like ice cream sherbet.

  "Mango gelato," he informs me.

  The bowl only has one spoon.

  He picks up the spoon and scoops up some of the gelato.

  "Here, try some," he says, positioning the spoon in front of my face.

  I part my lips and let him slide the spoon in and out of my mouth.

  I nod. "It's good," I say, wondering if he just wanted me to taste it before he brought me a bowl of my own to eat from.

  I watch as he scoops some more out of the bowl and eats some himself. It's only then I realize he intends for us to share the desert with the same spoon. The act seems rather intimate, and I find myself feeling slightly flustered. My body feels like its on fire, and I desperately want to get out of my coat to cool off.


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