Kindred (The Watcher Chronicles #2)

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Kindred (The Watcher Chronicles #2) Page 9

by S. J. West

  "I need to leave now," he says, dropping his hand back to his side.

  The front door opens and Mason steps out.

  Lucifer looks at Mason's disheveled appearance, wrinkled clothes and haphazard hair. It's painfully obvious Mason's just gotten out of bed.

  Lucifer's eyes narrow on Mason. "Mason."

  "Lucifer," Mason replies, saying Lucifer's name like it's a cuss word.

  "I hope you're treating Jess with the respect she deserves and not just using her like the other women I’ve seen you with."

  "I love her," Mason says, making sure Lucifer knows how he feels about me.

  "I suspected as much," Lucifer says. He turns back to look at me. "I can't say I approve of your choice in men, but I suppose you could have done worse. At least I know he's not one to say those words lightly like human men are want to do. I assume you love him as well?"

  I nod. "Yes. I love him."

  "No accounting for taste, I suppose" he says, like he's disappointed in me. "I'm leaving now. You have nothing to worry about as far as your physical safety is concerned. The princes and the Watchers under my command will not be bothering you again. You have my word on that. After I get through with Asmodeus and Mammon, they won't even think your name much less try to hatch a plan to harm you."

  Lucifer looks over at Mason. "And if you hurt her, well, you know what I can do to you."

  "I'm fully aware," Mason says, crossing his arms over his chest, staring hard at Lucifer.

  "Then I will leave the two of you for now." Lucifer looks back at me. "But I will be back."

  Lucifer phases and Mason walks up to me, wrapping his arms around me.

  "What were you thinking coming out here alone to talk to him?" He questions. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

  I encircle his waist with my arms and lay my head on his chest.

  "I didn't want you to worry. Plus, you looked so comfortable in bed, I didn't want to wake you. You know I needed to talk to him anyway, to tell him what happened."

  "At least we don't have to worry about you being abducted again," Mason says, kissing the top of my head.

  "At least," I agree.

  "Hey you two!"

  I lift my head from Mason's chest and see John Austin walking up the steps to my porch with a white cardboard box in his hands. Even from where I'm standing, I can smell the heavenly aroma of Beau's cinnamon rolls.

  "Hey John Austin, is it Wednesday already?" I ask, knowing the answer but feeling a need to ask it anyway.

  "Got proof in the box that it is." John Austin smiles at us. "Mama Lynn asked me to go fetch the two of you some rolls this morning. She said you guys would probably be hungry after last night."

  The amused twinkle in John Austin's eyes tells me he suspects Mason and I might be hungry from some suspected physical exertion from the night before.

  I reach for the box and murmur a low, "Thanks." Suddenly feeling like a tainted woman when I am anything but.

  "Well," John Austin says, "I'll let the two of you enjoy your breakfast. See you later."

  After John Austin leaves, I feel like burying my head inside the box in my hands. I look up at Mason and notice he’s wearing an amused smile.

  "Why are you smiling?" I ask.

  Mason looks down at me. "Because apparently your family thinks I'm completely irresistible to you. They already think I've had my way with you, and if Faison has her way, we'll be married before I even get to ask the question."

  I slowly open the lid to the box in front of my face to hide from Mason's laughing eyes. I feel the lid being pushed down gently and have no other recourse but to look up at Mason who still looks amused by my family’s actions.

  "You know I don't mind," he says gently. "I'm glad they think we belong together."

  My heart dissolves into a puddle of bliss because of the earnest expression on Mason’s face. I know he means what he says but I still can't believe someone like him can love someone like me the way he professes to. I'm just a nobody from a small rural town who fell into a life filled with more wonder than I ever thought could exist.

  "How can you look so irresistible when you've just rolled out of bed?" I ask, marveling at the beauty of the man standing in front of me. "It's not fair you know. I'm sure I look like a hot mess."

  Mason smiles and I instantly see his want for me spark in the depths of his eyes.

  "How long will it take to make you understand how incredibly gorgeous and sexy you are? Even in pink flannel pajamas all I can think about is making love to you."

  I feel my body begin to tingle from the tiny hair follicles on my head to the very tips of my toes. I want nothing more than for the man standing in front of me to take me in his arms and show me what making love is supposed to feel like.

  But, a small part of my psyche sends up a red hot flare signaling that the time isn't right yet. I should simply enjoy these small moments with Mason because I have no idea what will happen if we try to make love.

  How will I react? Will it dredge up memories from my past that will taint what is meant to be a sharing of our minds, bodies and souls? Or will I run away from him, not having the courage to fight against the demons from my past which are sure to rear their ugly heads?

  Mason seems to sense my internal struggle because the flames of lust in his eyes suddenly become contained.

  He smiles at me, making my body relax because I know the discussion is over for now.

  "Come on," he says, taking the box of rolls out of my hands. "Let's go inside and eat."

  While we're sitting at the table in the kitchen, I remember to ask Mason about some things Lucifer mentioned.

  “What is it that Lucifer can do to you?” I ask. “He’s always threatening that he can hurt you but neither of you have said how exactly.”

  “He could kill me if he wanted to,” Mason says.

  I stop eating. I place the roll in my hands back on my plate and give Mason my full attention.

  “What do you mean he could kill you?”

  “It’s basically the same power you have, Jess. When you killed the changeling that first night we met and what you and Chandler did to Baruch, that’s the power of an archangel. He could turn me into a pile of ash with one touch.”

  “Why hasn’t he then? If he considers you a threat, why hasn’t he just killed you off?”

  “Then where would the fun be for him? He likes to taunt people, me especially I think.”

  I decide to switch the topic from death because Lucifer killing Mason is not something I want to even consider as a possibility.

  “Lucifer also told me that the princes of Hell all had their own specialty. What did he mean by that?”

  “You’ve heard of the seven deadly sins, right?”


  “Each of the princes is in charge of one.”

  “What are Asmodeus and Mammon in charge of?”

  “Asmodeus’ specialty is lust and Mammon’s is greed. They’re each capable of evoking those emotions in humans.”

  There is a knock at the door.

  Mason goes to answer it and comes back with someone I wasn't expecting to see, Malcolm.

  "Glad to see you're feeling better," Malcolm tells me.

  He's dressed in a white shirt open at the front and a pair of white twill pants and tan sandals.

  "What brings you here, Malcolm?" Mason asks in his usual brusque way when speaking to others.

  It makes me realize how different Mason is when it’s just the two of us together. When he’s with me, he’s much more relaxed. He’s able to joke, tease and laugh with me. With others, he’s curt, short-spoken even. It’s just another example of how much our relationship has grown since the first night we met.

  "Lilly wanted to know if Jess is well enough to speak with her today."

  I stare at Malcolm, suddenly becoming nervous.

  "I'll speak with her," I hear myself say, but the words aren't mine.

  I was actually thinking about asking for a fe
w more days before I had to face her but apparently Michael had other ideas. It's the first time he's used me in such a way and I find that I don't like it. Not one bit.

  "Good," Malcolm says. "Will an hour give you enough time to get ready?"

  I nod because I feel like if I open my mouth, Michael will say we're ready now and I really don't want to meet with Lilly in my pink flannel pajamas.

  "Then I'll be back."

  Mason comes over to me and kneels by my chair. "What just happened? You didn't sound like yourself when you said you would speak with Lilly."

  I marvel at Mason's ability to know me well enough to tell I hadn't been in control in that moment.

  "Michael spoke through me," I say, not trying to hide how frightened that moment made me. "He said he wouldn't try to control me but he just did."

  "Talk to him," Mason urges. "I'm sure it was only because of Lilly. He's her father. He's probably wanted to speak with her for a long time now. I don't think he meant to scare you. Michael was never one to do that to people. Lucifer used fear to control but not Michael. He was always the voice of reason and understanding. Let him explain."

  I nod. "Ok."

  I walk to my bedroom and sit on the side of my bed before I call to Michael. He instantly appears.

  "I'm so sorry," he immediately says, coming to kneel on one knee before me. "Please, Jess. It wasn't something I planned to do. It just happened. I couldn't let the opportunity pass by and I knew you wanted to wait. Please forgive me for using you like that."

  "I didn't know you could do that," I say in almost a whisper. "It scared me."

  "I know," Michael hangs his head in shame. "It was stupid and rash. I will never do it again. I promise you."

  Now I feel bad. The way Michael looks tells me just how sorry he is for using me for his own purposes. I reach out, wanting to bring him comfort but only find air when I try to touch his shoulder. I know what it's like to want to speak with your father and pity Lilly because she’s never even met Michael. At least I got to spend the first seven years of my life with my dad. This will be her first time having any sort of communication with her father and it will end up being filtered through me. That more than anything else makes me decided on my next course of action.

  "I want you to use me to talk to Lilly," I tell Michael.

  His head snaps up at my suggestion. "I couldn't do that to you. It would be like violating your body, and I just promised I wouldn't do that again."

  "I know," I say, taking a deep breath. "But Lilly needs to hear what you have to say. I know what it's like to want your father close. She’ll want to hear how much you love her. She's not going to want to hear it through a third party. She needs to know how much you care for her, Michael. Trust me. It's important."

  "You would do that for us?" Michael questions earnestly. "You would give us that time?"

  Before I chicken out, I say, "Yes."

  Michael smiles sadly and closes his eyes. Twin tears stream down his face.

  "Thank you," he says. "Thank you, Jess."

  I quickly get ready and wait for Malcolm to come get me.

  "Do you want me to go with you?" Mason asks.

  I've already told him the agreement I made with Michael. I know he's scared about what I'm about to do. He worries Michael won't be able to relinquish control over me once he takes it. I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind, but something deep within my soul tells me everything will be all right.

  "Please, don't worry," I say, drawing him into my arms and kissing him lightly on the lips. "I'll be fine. Michael doesn't want to control me. This wasn't even his idea."

  Mason sighs heavily. "I know but what if he can't find a way to give you back control?"

  "That won't happen," I say confidently. I think it's that confidence more than anything that wipes the worry from Mason's face.

  Before I know it, Mason is crushing me to him, completely possessing my lips with his in a mind blowing kiss. When he finally pulls away, we're both physically shaking from the experience.

  "I'm not complaining," I say, swallowing air, "but where did that come from?"

  "I wanted you to have something to remember while Michael has control of you. I intend to finish that kiss when you get back."

  I smile. "Well, there's no way in hell that I'm not coming back now."

  Mason chuckles and I know everything will work out just fine.

  Chapter 10

  Exactly one hour after he left, Malcolm reappears in my kitchen. I sigh because I know he has free reign of my house now.

  "Ready?" He asks, holding out his hand to me.

  I stand up and feel Mason grab my hand before I'm able to walk over to Malcolm.

  "Come back to me," Mason says.

  I hear the worry in his voice and see his trepidation about what I'm about to do in his eyes.

  "I won't be long," I promise, squeezing his hand reassuringly.

  I walk up to Malcolm and he places his hand on my shoulder.

  A warm ocean breeze flutters my hair against my neck. I find myself facing a glass wall with seamless sliding glass doors open to the outside. Palm trees, a blue ocean and black sand make up the outer surroundings of the glass, steel and cement home I'm standing in.

  "I'll leave the two of you alone," Malcolm says, looking at someone behind me before phases.

  I turn around to find Lilly standing on the other side of the room by the opposite glass wall. She’s wearing a white eyelet sun dress.

  "Thank you for coming," she says.

  I see uncertainty in her eyes and instantly wish I could erase it.

  "Lilly," I say, taking one step forward, "your father and I decided it would be best for you to speak with him directly instead of me telling you what he wants you to know."

  Lilly looks confused. "What do you mean speak directly?"

  "I'm going to let him control my body and talk to you."

  Lilly gasps, obviously not expecting this turn of events. "He can do that to you? Why would you let him?"

  "Because if I were in your shoes, I would want to talk to my dad without having another person basically just relaying messages back and forth. He loves you so much, Lilly. He deserves a chance to tell you himself, to be with you and feel you."

  I see Lilly's eyes glaze over with unshed tears at what’s about to happen.

  "Thank you," she says with a nod, signaling she's ready to meet her father.

  I close my eyes and call to Michael.

  The sensation is weird, to say the least. When he takes control of my body, I can still feel everything but it's like the sensations aren't immediate. It's almost like there's a time delay between him moving me and my feeling it.

  "Hello, Lilly," I hear myself say, realizing Michael is addressing his daughter for the very first time.

  Lilly holds a hand up to her mouth, desperately trying to suppress a cry but unable to do so. I watch as tears spill freely from her eyes and her shoulders begin to shake as she stares through me to see her father.

  Michael walks over to his child and takes her in his arms. I can feel how happy it makes him to finally be able to touch and comfort her. Lilly cries on Michael's shoulder drenching the long sleeve blouse I'm wearing with her tears. Michael holds her to him, never wanting to let her go.

  Once Lilly is spent of her tears, she lifts her head.

  "I can see you," she says. "I can see you in her eyes. How is that possible?"

  "Because you are my daughter. Lilly, I want you to now that I have loved you since the day you were conceived. I'm thankful to Jess for letting me say that to you in person and to tell you how proud I am of everything you've been able to accomplish in your life. And I don't mean just your defeat of Lucifer either. I'm proud of the way you let yourself find love and fight for it. I'm proud of the children you've had and what a wonderful mother you are to them. A father couldn't be prouder than I am of you and what you've been able to accomplish even with all the obstacles placed in your way. You have so
much strength, so much power, yet you don't take advantage of it. You only do what you have to. What father wouldn't be proud of a daughter like you?"

  "I've wanted to talk to you so many times during my life," Lilly says. "And now that you're here, I can't think of anything to say."

  "I want you to know," Michael says, "that leaving you and your mother was one of the hardest things I've ever been asked to do. Please tell me you understand why I had to do it."

  Lilly nods. "I know. God explained it to me. You had to leave because if you didn't I wouldn't have been able to end up where I needed to be. I won't lie and say I liked it, but I understand. I don't blame you and I don’t blame Him. Please, don't feel any guilt over what you had to do. I wouldn't change a thing about my life because if I did I might not have Brand or my children. If I didn't have them, my life wouldn't be worth living."

  "I don't want to impose on Jess for too long," Michael says. "But I'm thankful to her for giving me the opportunity to hold you and talk to you. Know that you can speak with me at anytime through her. She is a true friend to me and she can be one to you too."

  Lilly nods. "I know. I felt that the first time we met."

  Michael brings Lilly back into his arms for one last embrace and kisses her on the forehead.

  "I love you," he says.

  "I love you too, Daddy," Lilly replies.

  When Michael gives me back control over my body, I immediately stretch to chase away the cobwebbed feeling in my extremities.

  "Thank you, Jess," Lilly tells me, giving me a heartfelt hug.

  "Anytime," I tell her.

  When she pulls away from me, she takes my hand and we sit down together on a white L-shaped sofa in the room.

  "Malcolm's kept me informed on your progress since the attack," she tells me. "How are you feeling?"

  "I'm still a little tired but other than that I feel fine. I actually feel the best I have in a long time."

  A knowing smile spreads Lilly's lips. "This wouldn't be due to a certain angel would it?"

  I laugh nervously. "Most definitely."

  Lilly's smile falters. "You know after Baruch attacked you Mason came to see me that night."

  "After he left me?"


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