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Kindred (The Watcher Chronicles #2)

Page 12

by S. J. West

  "And what's that?" He asks, almost as a groan.

  I lean up further until our eyes are level with one another.

  "Submission by kissing," I say, pressing my lips lightly against his.

  "I can live with that," he replies, as I continue to barely touch his lips with mine.

  With a groan built out of frustration, Mason grabs me by the upper arms and deftly positions me under him instead of on top. He plunges his hands into my hair on either side of my head and plunders my mouth with his tongue in a kiss that literally takes my breath away. Mason leans his body down onto mine and I know the hardness I feel against my thigh isn't his phone this time. The realization that I can arouse him in such a short amount of time makes me feel powerful and desired. I feel him wedge the leg he has near the inside of the couch in such a way that lifts the proof of his arousal so it isn't resting against my leg anymore.

  I break the kiss.

  "What are you doing?" I ask, taking the opportunity to catch my breath.

  With a blazing heat in his eyes, he leans down to continue the kiss while saying, "Kissing you."

  I bring my hands up to his face to stop him.

  "No, I mean with your leg," I say.

  "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable," he says shyly. "It's not exactly a part of my body I can control, Jess."

  "It wasn't making me uncomfortable," I tell him. I grin. "Especially now that I know it isn't a phone."

  The heat of desire in Mason's eyes intensifies and his lips descend against mine like he's laying claim to me, possessing me. I feel him slowly lower his body back down on top of mine and I smile against his lips at the feel of him against me. I run my fingers through the hair at the back of his head content to keep him there forever. After a while, I feel him gently begin to move his hips against mine. The feel of him makes my body ache to accept what he has to offer but the warning signal blaring inside my head over rules everything else.


  Mason pulls away immediately. He gets off of me and kneels beside the couch.

  "I'm sorry," he says, breathing heavily.

  I shake my head. "Please don't be." I reach out and cup the side of his face with my left hand. "You didn't do anything wrong."

  "I should have had better control."

  "I'm glad you lose control when you're with me," I tell him. "It makes me feel like the most desirable woman in the world when you do."

  Mason takes the hand I have on his face and brings it to his lips to kiss the palm.

  "You are undoubtedly the most desirable woman I have ever met," he proclaims, making me smile.

  He kisses the inside of my hand one more time before standing up and pulling me to my feet.

  "But I need to take you home now," he says. "I need a few minutes without you around."

  I nod, understanding his request isn't meant to hurt me but protect me.

  Mason phases me to my house and gives me a tender kiss.

  "I'll be back soon."

  After Mason phases, I sit down heavily on my couch. My phone buzzes and I fish it out of my front pant's pocket. It's Faison.

  "Hey, you back home yet?" She asks me.

  "Your timing couldn’t be more perfect. I just got back. What's up?"

  "I found some pictures of bride's maid dresses that I like but can't figure out which one I like best. Can Mama Lynn and I come over? I want your opinion since you'll have to wear it."

  "Sure. Come on over. I'm alone."

  "Why isn't Mason there with you?"

  "He had to attend to something," I say, hoping I sound vague enough for Faison to not delve any further into the subject.

  "Attend to what?" She asks and I can tell she's suspicious.

  "Had to take a shower I think."

  Faison is quiet for a few seconds before saying, "Be right over."

  I end the call and brace myself for the interrogator I feel sure is walking to my doorstep.

  Chapter 12

  Surprisingly, Faison doesn't try to interrogate me right away. She waits a good five minutes before setting in.

  "So, a shower… in the middle of the day, uh?"

  I look at her and Mama Lynn, knowing they already discussed why Mason would need a shower before it was even dark outside.

  "It's not the middle of the day. It's almost supper time," I say, avoiding direct eye contact with either of them as I stare at a crack in the wood of the table.

  "Hmm," Faison says knowingly, not easily thrown off the scent now that she smells blood. "Sounds like someone might have taken my advice and is working her way onto the naughty list this year."

  I stare at Faison, not believing she just said that to me.

  "Any help here?" I beseech Mama Lynn.

  Mama Lynn smiles. "Jess, you know we just like seeing you happy, and being with Mason makes you happy. Everyone around the two of you can see that."

  "We aren't disgustingly lovey dovey like Faison and John Austin, are we?"

  "I take offense to that question," Faison says, but with a smile because she knows I'm right.

  "Not quite that bad," Mama Lynn concedes. "But it's there, plain as day. Now, have you talked about getting married yet?"

  I rest my forehead on the table. Dear Lord, did I really want to meet my blood kin? Would my grandfather torture me as much as Faison and Mama Lynn about my personal life? If my grandfather is a nosey body too, I feel sure I won't survive my family. As it is, I know Mama Lynn and Faison won't stop bugging me until Mason and I are married with two children. That might not even be enough. I'm not completely sure.

  I raise my head and stare at their expectant faces.

  "No, we have not talked about marriage. We just really started dating. I don't think we're at a point where we need to talk about marrying each other yet."

  "Why not?" They ask in unison.

  "Because I'm not ready yet!" I say and immediately regret yelling at them. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell, but you guys have got to stop harping on the marriage thing. It is not happening anytime soon."

  Faison sighs. "And here I was hoping we could have a double ceremony."

  She pouts, which brings out a reluctant smile on my part because she looks like a petulant child when she pouts.

  "Listen, you'll be the first person I tell if and when Mason and I decide to tie the knot."

  "Tie what knot?"

  I look up and see Mason standing against the entryway between the kitchen and living room. His hair still looks wet from his shower.

  "A boat knot," I say, refusing to give him the satisfaction of answering a question I feel sure he already knows the answer to.

  "I have a boat," he tells me, grinning slyly. "A yacht actually."

  "Ooh, could we go out in it one day?" Faison says, thankfully filled with a new purpose besides trying to marry me off.

  "Sure, name the day," Mason tells her.

  "I'll get back to you on that," she promises.

  "I'm going to go read my book while you ladies talk," Mason tells me, a slow suggestive smile spreading his lips. "Let me know if you need any knots tied. I'm pretty dexterous with my fingers."

  I stare after him as he leaves, completely flabbergasted that he made a sexual innuendo in front of my family. Or had my mind just completely become obsessed with sex that I was taking everything he said as meaning something naughty. When I look back at Faison and Mama Lynn, I know he did just do what I thought.

  Faison starts to giggle. Mama Lynn just lifts one of her eyebrows at me.

  "Show me the dresses," I tell Faison, desperately needing something to take my mind off the devastatingly handsome man waiting for me in my living room.

  I spend a good thirty minutes with Faison and Mama Lynn discussing dresses. We finally all agree on one and they gather their things to leave.

  "Can you and Mason come over for dinner tomorrow night?" Mama Lynn asks.

  "No," I say hesitantly, not sure if I want to tell Mama Lynn the reason why. But I don't want to k
eep her in the dark either. "I'm actually supposed to meet my grandfather tomorrow night."

  Mama Lynn stops stacking the magazines in front of her and looks up at me. "You're grandfather?"

  "Mason found my biological father's father. I'm supposed to go to his house and meet him."

  "Oh," Mama Lynn takes in a deep breath. "I see."

  Worry creases Mama Lynn's brow as she finishes stacking the magazines in front of her. "Well, I guess that will be good for you. You'll finally get to see where you come from."

  "Yeah," I agree, but don't elaborate on how excited I am about the meeting. I don't want to give the impression that I feel like my life thus far has been lacking in any way.

  "I love you," I tell her.

  Mama Lynn smiles wanly. "Oh, I know that, Jess. I just didn't realize you had any family out there."

  "Me neither," I admit. "But, apparently I have a grandfather."

  "Well, maybe we can all get together one day," Mama Lynn suggests. "I would like to meet him too."

  I smile. "Let me make sure I like him first. Then we can decide if we want him in our family or not."

  Mama Lynn smiles too. "Ok, Jess."

  After they leave, I flop down by Mason on the couch and he puts his book on the coffee table.

  "Everything all right?"


  "Do you need to talk about it?"


  "Would you like to continue what we were doing at the villa?"

  I look over at him and notice his hair is still slightly damp. It makes me smile.

  "How many cold showers can you take a day?"

  He brings me into his arms. "As many as is necessary."

  "You'll turn into a prune," I argue weakly.

  "It'll be worth it."

  Before Mason can kiss me, I see Isaiah and Chandler phase in behind the couch. I instantly get to my feet, not wanting the two of them to think all Mason and I do is make out.

  "How's JoJo?" I ask them, straightening out my shirt.

  "She's sleeping," Chandler answers. "Which made me think of something."


  "If we're going to go get my talisman tomorrow, I'm going to be asleep for at least two days right?"

  "More than likely. That's what happened to me."

  "Then I need your help in hiding what's happening."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I have fans, some of them rabid. If I disappear off the face of the planet for two days, their going to start asking questions."

  Mason stands from the couch and turns to face Chandler. "What's your plan?"

  "Well, the tabloids already think I have a thing going on with Jess. I was thinking she and I could go out to a public place tonight and hop a private plane making it look like we're going somewhere secluded for some alone time. That way no one, including my agent, will wonder where I am. If I just disappear, there will be questions."

  Mason sighs and looks at me. "He's right. There would be too many questions. It might look suspicious."

  "Ok, so we go eat and hop a plane," I say with a shrug. "Sounds easy enough."

  "Cool," Chandler smiles a smile I'm sure would melt the heart of many a teenage girl. "Let me call Deon so she can spruce you up a little."

  "Seriously?" I ask, becoming completely exasperated. "Why does everyone think I need help getting ready for things? You guys make me feel like I need to hire a permanent stylist or something because I obviously can't dress myself, put on make-up or fix my hair!"

  The men in the room become deathly silent and still at my tirade. With a huff, I turn on my heels leaving them in my wake.

  "I will get myself ready," I inform Chandler. "No need to call your make-over squad."

  I go to my bedroom and slam the door shut.

  Mason quickly appears, standing by my bed.

  "What?" I snap at him.

  "I hate to admit it, but you completely turned me on back there."

  I cross my arms in front of me, not in the mood to satisfy the need I see in his eyes.

  And then he smiles at me and my ire disintegrates into a pile of dust against my better judgment.

  "I just get tired of being treated like I can't make myself presentable. It's a little insulting."

  Mason walks over to me and takes me in his arms. "You would look beautiful even if you were completely naked, without make-up and your hair freshly washed." Mason sighs. "Please promise me I'll be able to see you like that one day because the picture I have in my mind just isn't enough."

  I roll my eyes at him and drape my arms over his shoulders.

  "Hopelessly incorrigible," I say before kissing him.

  Once Mason finally leaves my room, I go take a shower and get myself ready for my pretend date with Chandler. I curl my hair in hot rollers but wear it down like I promised Mason I would from now on. The soft curls bounce when I move and it makes me wonder how JoJo is fairing with her archangel.

  I decide to dress in comfortable clothing because I'm getting tired of looking so dolled up all the time. Surely for a simple supper I don't have to look like a movie star who just stepped off a Hollywood sound stage.

  I decide to wear a sleeveless, off white, cowl neck sweater dress with ribbed detailing around the waist and bottom. I also pick out a herringbone moto jacket with an asymmetrical zippered front, over-sized notched collar, zippered front pockets and small adjustable buckled belt around the waist. I grab a pair of gray suede slouchy calf boots with wrap around self-tie straps. Around my neck I loosely tie a peach and lavender scarf.

  When I look at myself in the full length mirror, I think I look like the epitome of a rock star’s girlfriend. Who needs a stylist?

  I spray a little perfume on my neck and wrist and head out of my bedroom to find my ‘date'.

  When I step into the living room, the men are standing around talking to one another. Mason is the one who sees me first. His appreciative smile tells me I must have done a better than average job of getting myself ready for my faux date with Chandler.

  Chandler turns around and blows a soft cat call whistle. "Looking wicked cool, Jess. I sure am a lucky man."

  "Just remember whose girlfriend she actually is," Mason warns Chandler in a tone that is all at once commanding and menacing.

  "Yeah, yeah," Chandler says off handedly, "you've made that perfectly clear a few times already." Chandler's tone sounds irritated.

  I walk up to Mason and put one arm around his waist as I stand beside him.

  "So where are you taking me for supper?" I ask Chandler, attempting to break the tension which has built between the two men.

  "I thought we would go to Nobu. Should be a lot of paparazzi outside it, always is. It's a popular place with the A-list crowd in New York."

  I turn my attention to Mason who continues to scowl at Chandler as if just his glare will insure my impudent little rock star friend will behave himself with me tonight.

  "Hey," I say, squeezing Mason with the arm I have around his waist to gain his attention.

  Almost reluctantly, Mason slides his eyes from Chandler to look at me. I can feel how tense his body is.

  "Will you be here when I get back?" I ask.

  "Yes," "Mason slides his eyes back to Chandler. "I'll be here waiting for your safe return."

  "You know where Nobu is right?" Chandler asks Isaiah, obviously ready to get out from under Mason's intense scrutiny.

  "Yes," Isaiah answers.

  Mason kisses me lightly on the lips.

  "Come back to me," he whispers.

  I smile, a little confused by his statement.

  "Always," I reassure him.

  Isaiah places his hand on mine and Chandler's shoulders. Just before we phase, I wink at Mason. He smiles and I know he'll be all right until I make it back home.

  Chapter 13

  Chandler and I are seated almost immediately when we reach the restaurant. The architecture inside Nobu makes you feel like you've stepped into a modernist take of a Japanese
countryside. We are seated in a private corner behind a line of birch tree trunks with strips of wood planks attached to their tops meant to mimic tree limbs as they reach up towards the ceiling. Our chairs scrape against the dark wood floors as we sit down next to a wall made of river stones.

  "Do you eat here a lot?" I ask Chandler, noticing a few celebrities from movies and TV shows scattered around the room, enjoying their meals.

  "Every once in a while," Chandler says, unaffected by the room full of celebrities as he considers the menu. "Especially when my agent thinks I need to be in the public eye a little more."

  I look at the menu having a hard time deciding what to eat. I finally settle on a bowl of miso soup and the Colorado lamb chops with balsamic teriyaki. Chandler decides to get the tenderloin of beef with pepper sauce.

  While we wait for our meal, I study the crowd around us and feel myself go into Watcher agent mode looking for any trouble makers. I see a few tearers scattered around the restaurant but none of them seem to present a threat of any sort.

  I feel Chandler staring at me and look over at him.

  "What?" I ask, wondering why he's looking at me so intently.

  "How are you so sure Mason is the one for you?" He finally asks me.

  "Should we really be talking about this here?" I ask out of the side of my mouth, glancing quickly around us for any prying ears.

  "No one's going to overhear us," Chandler assures me. "How do you know?"

  "Because he makes me feel special, like I'm not as screwed up as I think I am. It's hard to explain.” I pause for a minute to gather my thoughts. “My heart feels on fire every time we're together. He's a part of my soul now. I can't live without him. I wouldn't know how to or even want to anymore."

  Chandler lifts his eyebrows as he contemplates what I've said. "How do you know there isn't someone else who could make you feel the same way?"

  "That would be impossible."

  "But you don't know for sure, do you? You'd have to open yourself up to someone else to find out."

  "I have no desire to try."

  Chandler shifts in his seat and puts his elbows on the table to lean towards me. "I don't think you'll know for sure Mason's the only man for you unless you do. He's the only man you've kissed so how do you know it's as special as you think it is? You have nothing to compare it to."


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