HIL: a bay falls high novel

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HIL: a bay falls high novel Page 21

by Kidman, Jaxson

  And she could sing and play them better than us.

  Vera looked at me and cringed. “Too loud?”

  “Never,” I said.

  There was a guitar balanced on the chair in the living so I grabbed it and sat opposite to her.

  We didn’t need any notebooks.

  We just started playing together.

  “Uly is going to get pissed at us,” she whispered.

  “I know,” I said. “But you sound good.”

  “We sound good.”

  “So I have two bands to play in,” I said. “Look at me.”


  I opened my mouth and the front door to the house opened.

  “Lovers and fuckers!” Uly yelled as he stumbled inside.

  Behind him came Mara.

  She grabbed for his arm. “You can’t just show up like this.”

  She was slurring her words.

  Ash and Belle were next.

  “Do I want to know?” I called out.

  “They wanted to keep partying,” Ash said.

  “Here?” I asked.

  “Look at this,” Uly said. “They’re fucking playing together. Fuck. I bet it’s good. Let’s all play.”

  Uly ran up the stairs knowing where I kept my other guitars.

  “I’m so sorry about him,” Mara said.

  “Oh, I’m sure you are, beauty,” I said to her. “Why don’t you sit down and chill?”

  “Yeah, I will,” she said.

  She stumbled back to the chair and plopped down.

  She curled up and shut her eyes.

  “Are we bothering you?” Belle asked Vera.

  “No,” Vera said. “I just woke Hil up. He’s a lightweight tonight.”

  “Yeah right,” I said. “I was just enjoying a little rest after what we did…”

  “Poor girl,” Belle said. “At least it’s only ten seconds, right?”

  “I can finish him off in five,” Vera said.

  “Goddamn,” Ash said.

  “I got a guitar!” Uly yelled from the stairs.

  He came rushing down like the house was on fire.

  He then fell to the floor and started strumming the guitar.

  “You sure about this?” I asked Uly.

  “Let’s play!” he yelled.

  So the three of us started to play.

  Uly, Vera, and me.

  Uly sang his parts. Slurred but still able to pull it off.

  When my screaming part came, I smiled at Vera.

  She looked nervous for a second but then started to sing.

  Instantly, Mara’s eyes opened.

  “Whoa,” Ash said.

  Vera took my part and made it into something really beautiful.

  “Yes!” Uly yelled. “Yes! We have a singer!”

  Vera laughed, losing the song.

  We all stopped playing.

  Uly dropped the guitar to the floor and stood up.

  “Hil… you’re out of the band, man,” he said. “You’re fired. You suck compared to your girl.”

  “Fuck, Uly,” Ash said. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “He’s right,” I said.

  “I’m not looking to be in a band,” Vera said. “I’ll do it on my own. I’m better than both of you.”

  “She’s awesome,” Belle said. “I’d pay to see her.”

  “See her do what?” Uly asked.

  I swung my hand and hit him in the balls.

  He screamed and fell to the floor.

  “Oh, well,” Mara said. “He’s useless now.”

  She curled back up and shut her eyes as we all laughed.

  “I guess they’re sleeping here,” Ash said.

  I stood up and grabbed Vera’s hand.

  I pulled her close.

  “You’re watching them,” I said.

  “What?” Ash asked.

  “You brought them here, they’re yours,” I said. “There’s spare rooms. You can figure it out, Ash. Or drag them back to your place.”

  “Hell no,” Ash said.

  “Have a good night,” I said.

  Vera and I walked to the stairs.

  Belle touched my hand and smiled.

  She knew I was happy.

  She knew I was the version of Hil she wanted me to be.

  Vera and I walked up the steps.

  “Get up off the floor, Uly,” Ash yelled. “You drunk moron.”

  “My balls,” Uly whined. “I can’t live without my balls, Ash. I think he knocked them off my body.”

  “You never had any balls to begin with,” Belle said.

  I laughed.

  Vera hugged my arm.

  At the top of the stairs, she stopped me.

  I looked down at her.

  “You really are good at that,” I said to her. “Much better than me.”

  “Girls like when you scream though,” she said. “It does things to them.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because I’m a girl and I know what it does to me.”

  “Well, maybe I’ll just save my screams for you.”

  “We’ll see,” she said.

  “If you throw up, I’m taking you outside,” Ash yelled at Uly.

  “We should have stayed down there,” Vera said.

  “You want that crazy shit in your life right now?”

  “I kind of do,” she said.

  “Then let’s go back downstairs,” I said. “Guitars. Puke. Ash yelling. What else could you ask for?”

  Vera led the way.

  “And we’re back,” I said.

  “Good,” Ash said. “He won’t get up.”

  Uly was on his back. “I’m counting the stars I keep seeing.”

  I turned my head and saw Vera putting a blanket on Mara.

  I growled and reached down and grabbed Uly by his shirt.

  It was easy to toss his ass to the couch.

  He laughed and I put a pillow over his head.

  “Who turned off the lights?” he yelled.

  “There,” I said. “He’ll pass out soon enough. Just ignore him.”

  “So now what?” Belle asked.

  “I’ve got an idea,” Ash said. “Let’s tape Uly to the couch.”

  “Tape him to the couch?” Vera asked.

  “I like it,” I said.

  “Then when he gets into a really deep sleep, we’ll move the couch outside,” Ash said.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “You guys are mean,” Belle said.

  “Is that wrong?” Vera asked.

  “No,” Belle said. “Let’s get the tape.”

  It was so fucking stupid to do.

  Waiting for Uly to pass out.

  Then pulling the couch into the middle of the floor.

  Then literally taping him to the couch.

  He was on his stomach, head to the side, just in case he got sick.

  We wasted so much tape.

  But whatever.

  Hearing Vera giggle made it worth it.

  Then Ash and I lifted the couch with Uly taped to it.

  We carried the couch out to the porch and that’s where Uly was left to sleep.

  I shut the door, locked it, and that was that.

  Poor Mara was sound asleep in the chair.

  “He’s going to be pissed,” Ash said.

  “Yup,” I said. “Uly is always pissed though.”

  “Kind of like you,” Belle said.

  I put my arm around Vera. “How can I be pissed when I have Vera?”

  Vera elbowed me. “Cliché.”

  “Where the hell are we supposed to sleep?” Ash asked.

  “Find a bed,” I said. “Don’t leave this house though. If Uly wakes up and loses his shit, this is on you. Your idea. I was just trying to get some sleep. And all of you were acting stupid and crazy.”

  “Wow, I didn’t realize Hil was such a pussy,” Vera said.

  “Oh, damn,” Ash said.

  I curled my lip and hurried to the

  I opened it and went out to the porch.

  Uly snored on the couch.

  Taped to the couch.

  I looked around.

  I grabbed the arm of the couch and dragged the couch down the steps.

  Then I flipped it over.

  “Hil!” Belle cried out.

  Uly then started to scream.

  “Ohmygod! Help me! I’m stuck! I’m eaten alive! I’m under an avalanche! Something has me! Help me! I don’t want to die! I’m going to piss myself!”

  I wiped my hands together and walked up the steps.

  I patted Ash on the shoulder “He’s your problem now.”

  “Fuck you,” Ash said. “I hate you, bro.”

  I looked at Vera.

  “All that because I called you a pussy?” she asked.

  “Nope,” I said.

  “You liar.”

  She put her arms around my neck.

  I picked her up and carried her into the house and shut the door behind me again.

  “This night needs to end,” I whispered.

  “Then let’s go end it.”

  “I thought we already did.”

  “We can try again.”

  “Tomorrow is going to be a mess. I’ll probably need a new couch. And some new friends.”

  “I’m sure you can handle that.”

  “Of course I can, I have you.”

  Vera broke away from me and punched my chest. “If you say one more cliché thing I’m going to tape you to a couch and put you in the ocean.”

  “And I would float away and look at the stars at night and think of you.”

  Vera walked up the stairs, shaking her head.

  Halfway up she stopped and looked down at me. “Coming?”

  “Just admiring the view.”

  My long hoodie and her short shorts… fuck yeah.

  I put my hands together and took a deep breath.

  Then I climbed the stairs and followed Vera into the night, the morning, the day, and forever.

  What more #bfh?

  BAY FALLS HIGH … is NOT OVER YET! If you want MORE of Them, you got it darlin’ … it’s time to read the last book featuring Ash.

  Just go to Amazon.com and type in ‘Jaxson Kidman Bay Falls High Them Ash’ to order your copy today!

  Here’s a preview of ASH


  “Come on, bro, look around,” Hil said. “It’s the perfect scenery here, right? You’ve got the fucking ocean next to you. The waves clapping together. Make a beat. You’ve got the smell of cigarette smoke lingering around like some kind of bad shit that’s so fucking good. A couple hot chicks splashing each other in the water…”

  “You just think Mara and Vera are going to suddenly start kissing,” Uly said.

  “Is that a bad thing?” Hil asked.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I said. “Both of you.”

  I looked down at my left hand.

  Trying to figure out how to play the fucking guitar.

  Of all things… but there was nothing else to do.

  I had to kill time while Belle was dealing with her mother’s bullshit of a life.

  That asshole we jacked up in the hospital - Chester - really fucked her over big time again. This time for good. That was all Belle would tell me.

  That it was for good.

  And that she needed to help her mother for a little bit.

  In my heart, it had been a lifetime already.

  In reality, it had been two full days.

  And in those two full days I watched Uly and Mara together. I watched Hil and Vera together. I watched the halls of BFH with a more pissed off look than normal. Everyone knew I was like a coiled up cobra ready to strike.

  But so far… I just kept it calm and cool.

  And I decided to play guitar.

  “You really want to finger it,” Hil said. “You know?”

  “Finger this,” I said.

  I showed my middle finger on my right hand.

  “Give him a break,” Uly said to Hil. “He’s not good at fingering.”

  “Not like me,” Hil said. “Right, Ash?”

  “I will break this guitar over your head,” I warned.

  I curled my fingers and put them right where Hil had told me.

  A G chord.


  At least he said it was simple.

  I strummed the guitar and two notes sounded okay and the rest were muted sounds of shit.

  “Almost,” Uly said. “Just have to curl your fingers some more. And leave the open strings open. That’s where you get a lot of sound too.”

  “Fuck the open strings,” I said.

  “Here,” Hil said. “Try an E minor. It’s even easier. Take your middle and ring fingers and put them on the second frets of the A and D strings.”

  I stared at Uly.

  I had no idea why I was even bothering with this.

  “Two fingers like this,” Hil said, holding up his hand with his middle and ring fingers showing. “Just like the way chicks like it. Those are jamming fingers… for more than one reason.”

  I did what Uly said and it still sounded like shit.

  I knew how to draw and do tattoos, but playing guitar… nah.

  “Tell you what, bro,” Hil said. “We’ll tune the guitar to an open tuning. So when you strum it without touching anything, it’ll sound good. That way you don’t look stupid.”

  “Stupid?” I asked.

  “He’s fucking around, man,” Uly said. “He can’t draw a straight line.”

  “I can with my tongue,” Hil said.

  I jumped off the rock I was sitting on and squeezed the neck of the guitar tight.

  Hil just stood and stared at me with that fucking grin on his face.

  To my left I heard Mara and Vera giggling together.

  Splashing in the water, enjoying their lives…

  “Come on,” Hil said. “Keep practicing and then you can join us on stage.”

  “Don’t rush it,” Uly said. “We have a reputation.”

  “Fuck you,” I said.

  I turned and swung the guitar like a baseball bat.

  It smashed against the rock and exploded into pieces.

  Wood splinters flew all around me.

  The body of the guitar was in pieces, dangling by the strings as I held the neck.

  When I turned back around, I dropped what was left of Hil’s guitar.

  “I broke your guitar, bro,” I said. “Shit.”

  I stepped toward him and threw my shoulder into his.

  He stepped back, pissed off, but he didn’t do anything.

  Instead, I had Uly on my ass.

  “Fuck, you miss her that much, huh?” he asked.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Belle is gone for a little bit and you’re losing your mind. You just trashed Hil’s guitar.”

  “Fuck that guitar,” I said.

  “I agree. It’s a piece of shit. But still…”

  I stopped and looked at Uly. “What are you getting at here?”

  “Not much going on here today,” Uly said.

  “I told her I wouldn’t…”

  “We don’t have to,” Uly said. “But what if we went a road trip and just so happened to pass by…”

  I looked to my right and Hil was crouched down, picking at what was left of his guitar. Behind me I heard Mara and Vera laughing again.

  “If we show up, she’s going to hate me,” I said. “She’ll probably break up with me. And if that happens, I’ll end up breaking all of Hil’s guitars. Yours too, Uly.”

  Uly grabbed my shoulder and grinned. “Good thing we’re fucking rich and can buy as many guitars as we want.”

  I looked at him again curled my lip.

  “I’m driving in three minutes… with or without all of you assholes with me.”


  Jaxson’s Amazon Page


  What is #bfh vs #hch?


  You may have about HCH in this book or read about #hch on social media… well, that’s the rival town for Bay Falls High. And I’m inviting you RIGHT NOW to start reading Hidden Creek High! Trust me, you’re going to want to know the story of Wes & Aira (and Nova & Elijah… and more). It’s simple. How? Check this out here: bit.ly/hch1-us

  I have a couple important things for you…

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  * * *

  Look for more heart wrenching, emotional upcoming novels including:



  * * *

  Other bestselling novels by Jaxson include:

  5 Years Later

  Somebody Else (& Nobody Else)

  Dear Everly,

  Imagine Us

  Anna’s Dress

  Let You Go

  When I’m Gone

  What You Don’t Know

  Every Other Weekend


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