Best Friends With Benefits (Most Likely To)

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Best Friends With Benefits (Most Likely To) Page 14

by Candy Sloane

  She worked to catch her breath above him, sweat slicking her skin. He was a mirror below, laying small kisses against her shoulder, along her neck.

  The only word in his mind was her name, Valerie, repeating fast and slow, loud and quiet, insistent and like a sigh. The only question: how would he ever be able to survive back in L.A. without her when this weekend was over?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Valerie and Alec rushed to the trailhead. Their classmates were clumped in varying states of disinterest as Reece stood in front of them listing off dos and don’ts for the hike. They were dressed like Val was in shorts, sneakers, and T-shirts. Reece’s outfit included a fisherman’s hat and a backpack.

  Alec was back in his rock star uniform of jeans and a black T-shirt. Valerie couldn’t decide if she preferred him like this, rugged, antagonistic, and indifferent, or naked. Who was she kidding? The answer was naked.

  “She looks like Dora the Explorer,” Alec said.

  Val laughed, thankful to get the magnificent image of Alec’s naked body out of her head, along with the echoes of the words she’d been trying to cover up with it. “She does, but at least she’s more prepared than you. Doesn’t your stylist ever let you show a little leg?”

  He nudged in close, his lips inches from her lobe. “I save that for special occasions.” There was no doubt what he meant by that.

  He could go from having her laughing to having her worked up and wet in one line—in one hot whisper against the sensitive skin of her ear. She managed a glance at the midnight blue lake beside the trail where they would picnic later and wished she could jump in now just to douse the flames licking at her thighs.

  Alec had more than satiated her that morning, but she was realizing with Alec her need might never end. She was just about to respond in kind, when Reece trained her booming voice at them.

  “Nice of you to finally join us,” she yelled out above the heads of the rest of their classmates.

  There were a few laughs.

  “Are we late?” Alec asked, glancing at his naked wrist.

  There were more than a few laughs.

  Valerie beamed at Alec’s small victory over Commander Reece. Of course, she should have known that people like Reece didn’t tolerate back talk and hated being laughed at even more.

  “Yes, actually, you are,” Reece replied, her face as severe as a storm warning. She held up her cell, open to the clock app for everyone to see. “Twelve minutes to be exact,” she added. “We were about to leave without you.”

  “Wouldn’t that have been a shame,” Valerie shot back softly, her voice low enough she thought only Alec could hear.

  Reece smiled wider than necessary. “Quiet, Valerie, no one cared what you had to say back in high school and no one cares now.”

  The rest of her classmates all turned to look, waited to see how and if Valerie would respond. Her skin chilled and her throat burned. Reece had clearly not forgotten the way she used to taunt Valerie in high school and must have thought she deserved a public dose. Valerie had no response. How did you reply to a statement you believed to be true in the darkest parts of yourself? In the parts you prayed no one would keep prying open?

  Seeing she had Val, that her long-ago-established Achilles’ heel was still raw, Reece continued. “In fact, I think people care less now than they did then. At least then people cared enough to make fun of you.”

  There was a collective, ooooh as in burn, from her classmates.

  Barking, someone whispered from behind her, or was it her imagination? It didn’t matter; if Reece remembered, everyone did. The nickname she’d hated echoed through the pine trees above, shot back down like a bird attacking. It was so stupid. She should have been ten years beyond that nickname now.

  But she wasn’t. Alec might have brought out a different side of her, showed her she wasn’t the same Valerie she had been, but Reece only fueled what she knew. She was the same dorky, knock-kneed, stringy-haired Valerie. No matter how many standing ovations she heard or times Alec called her Dirty Girl and blew her mind, she was still reduced to the way other people viewed her.

  Maybe Alec saw her the same way. Maybe that was why he’d agreed to sleep with her once, so he never had to again. But he had done it again…

  “I care,” Alec announced, loud enough for everyone to hear. He stood up taller, a sliver of a feather from his tattoo visible as he spread his broad shoulders even wider. She wished she could fly away with him on that wing.

  “Oh, isn’t that a surprise,” Reece cackled. “Maybe if Valerie fluttered her eyelashes and drooled at me all day long, I would, too.”

  Cynthia caught Valerie’s eye. “Screw her,” she mouthed.

  “Do you have anything else to say?” Reece inquired with a smile as sharp as a knife, “or may I continue?”

  “Please,” Alec said.

  Val bit back more fire in her throat. She’d hoped Alec would continue to come to her rescue, but that was silly. No matter what things were like when they were alone, no matter where her mind went since they’d kissed, they weren’t together. They were just friends. Why did she have to keep reminding herself?

  “Okay, thanks to Alec and Valerie, I’ll have to start again. Stay on the trail at all times…”

  Everyone groaned as Reece droned on.

  “She’s a fucking bitch,” Alec said out the side of his mouth as he glanced at the itinerary, his hair as glossy as tar in the sunshine.

  “Should we just leave? I don’t think I can take much more of her today.” Valerie didn’t want to admit defeat, but she really couldn’t. What if Reece decided she was walking too slowly, or her knees weren’t lifting high enough off the ground? What would she say then? What dark hollow would she force Valerie back to?

  “No.” The spark of his mischievous smile became a fire. “I say we put her in her place. She’s been asking for it all weekend, but what she just said to you…she crossed the line.”

  Val considered the razor-sharp outrage in Alec’s eyes. He seemed truly offended for her. She wanted to kiss him, hard. Instead she pressed her lips together.

  “If she wants to act like we’re still in high school,” Alec continued, “we’ll treat her that way.”

  Val’s smile grew as large as a watermelon slice. “What are you thinking?”

  “Well…” He stood back on his heels. “We have the empty side of this paper,” he said, shaking the itinerary. “Maybe we hang a little something to Dora the Explorer’s backpack.”

  “What, KICK ME?” she bantered. Her embarrassment melted away into camaraderie—the slow buzz that started in your stomach and traveled up and out when you were planning something you should not be planning with someone you couldn’t wait to plan it with.

  “That would be good.” He considered. “I think everyone here would like to take a turn putting their foot up her bony ass, but she deserves something a lot worse. You got a pen?”

  Val’s pockets were empty but for her wallet and phone. She looked around and noticed a bag marked Picnic Supplies next to the trailhead. She rushed over and rummaged through. It was filled with paper plates, cups, and napkins but there were also markers, tape, scissors, and construction paper. Is Reece planning to make us draw our own food?

  She pulled a red marker from the bag and put the tape in her pocket.

  “Perfect,” Alec replied, pulling the cap off with his teeth.

  He flipped to the back of the itinerary and held it horizontally. He paused in thought for a moment before he wrote, I’m only such a bitch b/c I need a good lay, in large block letters along the center of the paper.

  Val couldn’t stop laughing. It was so juvenile, but it was also one of the most chivalrous things anyone had ever done for her.

  “Masterpiece.” He held it out and appraised his work.

  “One more thing.” Val reached for the paper. What Alec had was good, but she had a better idea. She remembered that Reece had printed her cell number across the top of the itinerary.r />
  Val wielded the marker and beneath what Alec had written she added Reece’s cell number and the words Send Dick Pics.

  Alec’s laugh was triumphant. “Damn Val, this hike just got a hell of a lot more interesting.”

  “For Reece especially,” Val teased.

  As they were preparing to leave, Cynthia hung the sign from Reece’s backpack while she and Alec distracted her with fake apologies. It was almost too easy, Reece’s ego lapping up every fake I’m sorry and you were right they fed her. For good measure, they continued far past when Cynthia gave the thumbs-up that the sign was in place.

  Reece turned toward the trail. “Okay,” she yelled over her shoulder. “Let’s move out.”

  Cynthia had done great. The sign was affixed right to the top of Reece’s backpack. The classmates on either sides of Alec and Valerie tittered as they took in the words and request. A few of them snapped photos of the sign.

  Reece spun to face them. “What?”

  “Sorry, I told a joke. It won’t happen again,” Alec said through laugh-clenched teeth.

  “Whatever.” Reece stepped onto the trail. “I said move out.” She hiked like they were about to climb Everest.

  “Guys,” Alec whispered to their closest classmates, “you’d better do what she says.” He pointed his thumb at the sign. “Also, those of you considering it, Instagram is great, but pass it along to everyone behind you via text first.”

  Laughter scattered through the group.

  His boots pounded and her sneakers slapped the trail as they hurried to catch up to Reece. The anticipation was as strong as anything Val had ever experienced, buzzing and high in her throat. “This might be the best thing we’ve ever done together.”

  “It’s pretty good,” he said, moving his hand to the base of her spine, “but I’d pick a few other things for best.” He squeezed his fingers into the soft flesh above her ass, giving her no doubt what other things he meant.

  Wow, did she ever agree.

  “Depending on how frisky the guys are feeling…” Alec pulled his hand away and put both out in front of him director-style. “It could actually be epic.”

  Val turned to check. Several of the guys from their class were stepping to the side of the trail to shove their phones down their pants.

  “It’s about to get epic,” she squealed.

  He rubbed his hands together villainously. “I can’t wait.”

  “Are you going to join in?”

  “Only if you are.” His brows flickered.

  She stuck her tongue out in mock disgust. “No one needs a picture of that.”

  His gaze dripped down to her fly. “I’d frame a picture of that.”

  She followed his eyes. Her zipper was shiny gold in the sunlight peeking through the canopy of maples and elms above them. An alarm clock seemed to go off between her legs, buzzing away with no snooze button in sight. She considered finding a bush to shove him into to give him his own private showing when Reece’s phone tinged.

  Valerie could barely contain herself. Laughter started filling her like air, and if she couldn’t let it out it might take her up into the sky like a balloon.

  “This better be from Gideon or Georgia; they’re almost as bad as you two,” Reece said, glancing back at them. She continued to hike as she pulled out her phone. She clicked into it and gasped, dropping it on the trail floor and stopping everyone behind her.

  “Everything okay?” Alec asked.

  “Yeah.” Reece’s face was white. “Fine.” She picked up her phone and stuffed it back in her pocket. “Let’s keep moving—we have a lot of ground to cover before lunch.” Her voice was shaky.

  When the next text rang out, Reece ignored it. Alec turned to Valerie and lifted his eyebrow. Another text hit a minute later, but Reece kept trudging. She didn’t even move to put it on vibrate. It had to be because she would not, could not act like anything was wrong. Their stupid perfect hike had to stay perfect, even though her phone was like a Chippendale’s audition.

  Soon the tings were coming as insistently as the birds chirping above them: another and another and another and another.

  Val couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in her classmates. They were totally coming through—with dicks.

  “Your cell phone is ruining my hiking experience,” Alec said, flat faced, but Valerie could tell he was trying not to laugh. She could barely hold it in herself. She bit her lip so hard she tasted metal.

  Reece’s hands trembled as she took her phone from her pocket. She clicked into it with her eyes closed. When she opened them and glanced at her notifications, she let out a blood-curdling scream.

  “We’re definitely not going to see the wildlife promised if you keep making so much noise,” Alec pressed.

  Reece’s face was as red as a tomato; her eyes watered in anger. She wheeled around and pointed at the space between them. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I know you’re involved.”

  “What are you talking about?” Val managed, even though each word had a laugh around it.

  The rest of her classmates gathered behind them, trying their best to keep their laughing in check, too. Cynthia was doing a terrible job, laughs escaping her lips like wheezes.

  Reece’s phone exploded with more texts, more of her classmates’ dicks on her display. Talk about a yearbook.

  “I see you!” Reece jabbed her finger into the crowd. “All of you. This is a federal offense.”

  “What are you talking about? What’s on your phone, Reece?” Alec asked, finally gaining his composure.

  “This,” she hissed, spinning it, “all their penises.” She flicked her chin at the crowd.

  “But why would they be sending them to you?” Valerie asked.

  Reece’s mouth was open in an O. She was stumped. For all her planning this weekend she never could have expected this.

  “Maybe there’s a best dick contest or something. Is that on the itinerary?” Alec asked.

  Her classmates’ decorum shattered at that, laughter spilling around the group like a dam had broken. Comments shot at Reece from all directions.

  “I’d win!”

  “What about best balls?”

  “Longest pubes, right here!”

  Reece fixed her bloodshot eyes on Alec and Valerie. “You’re ruining everything.” Her phone exploded in even more texts.

  “I’d say things are going perfectly,” Alec replied, crossing his arms.

  “My dick is too big for your phone.”

  “I’m the one who’s not circumcised.”

  “Reece, they’re just going to keep sending them until you text back,” Alec urged, “so I’d go with the full beave if I were you.”

  Instead of responding, Reece ran back to the trailhead, the catcalls and guffaws of their classmates following her.

  Alec put his arm around Valerie. It was the same half hug he offered her when one of her solos went well, or when she got into the all-state orchestra. He gave her a squeeze and pulled her in close. “Guess that means it’s time for lunch.”


  Their classmates were still laughing and cajoling one another when they set up at the picnic area beside the lake. Reece had left in one of the rental vans, and for the first time that weekend it seemed like Alec’s classmates were here for one another instead of whatever activity was listed next on the itinerary.

  “I’m going to help pass out lunches,” Val said, noting with her chin the cardboard boxes full of sandwiches. She was glowing, sparkling like the lake beyond the picnic tables. He’d helped to do that, and he wanted to do it a thousand times more.

  “Don’t you dare go Reece Freedland on me,” Alec joked.

  She placed a finger to her chin in mock thought. “Hmm, I am jealous about what she has on her phone…that alone might convert me.”

  Alec laughed. “I’d be happy to fill your phone up for you.”

  She eyed his belt buckle. “I do not have the data plan for what you’re packing under ther

  “We could test it out.” His gaze went right to the button on her shorts. “Too bad you’ll be busy waitressing.”

  “I just want to thank everyone,” she explained.

  “You’re going to thank people for sending dick pics?”

  Val’s eyes danced. “You’re damn right I am.”

  “In that case,” he said and angled his body closer, “where’s my thank-you?”

  She met his stance and ran a finger along his bottom lip. “Later.” Her fingertip lingered for just a moment before she headed off to take care of the sandwiches.

  It was a good thing, because if she hadn’t, he’d have pulled her back into the woods to get that thank-you now. He was continually thrilled by her wild streak. Especially because it was a side she seemed to reserve only for him. She’d always had a spark of rebellion, but it wasn’t until this weekend that he’d realized how damn sexy it was.

  Cynthia walked up behind him and slapped his back. “Nice work with Reece.”

  “That was mostly Val.” A smile flashed onto his lips. Send Dick Pics? He let out a low whistle. She really was a dirty girl.

  “She never would have done something like that on her own. She might have had the cherry-on-top idea, but that was you.”

  “Glad to be of service.” He saluted.

  He hadn’t done it for any other reason than the way Reece had talked to Valerie. He could never stand up to her and the assholes in high school who’d made barking noises as Valerie took the stage or when she walked down the hall. He’d had his own jeers to deal with back then, but now, no one would ever get away with doing anything close to that ever again. Not that he could share that with Cynthia, or anyone really.

  A best friend would do what he’d done, but what he’d felt when he saw Val’s white face, the tremble of her lip, had nothing to do with friendship. It had to do with protecting his woman. Mine, a word he’d never thought he would use in any relationship—a word that made him dizzy with uncertainty filled his chest as he glanced over at Valerie again.


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