Yes Sir

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Yes Sir Page 1

by Cassandra Bloom

   Copyright 2017 by Cassandra Bloom- All rights reserved.

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  Yes Sir

  Bad Boy Billionaire Boss Romance

  By: Cassandra Bloom

  Table of Contents


  CEO’s Christmas Party




  Knocked up under her boss






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  Chapter 1

  Veronica shaded her eyes from the sun and squinted into the clear sky. The helicopter hovered over the luxury yacht Diamantina off the Singapore coast. It sank out of the sky and landed on the boat’s stern helipad.

  Veronica and the rest of the staff covered their faces against the propeller wash. Some turned their backs, but Veronica faced front and kept her eyes on the helicopter. Two men got out and crossed the deck toward her. They both wore immaculate black suits, but only one wore a tie. The one with the tie carried a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist and wore dark sunglasses. The other did not.

  The two men strode away from the helicopter and under the aft veranda, where Veronica greeted him. “Welcome aboard the Diamantina , Your Majesty. I’m your maitre d’, Veronica Mellon. On behalf the whole staff, let me say it’s an honor to put ourselves at your service. If you follow me, I’ll show you to the security office where you can lock up your valuables.”

  The man with no tie swept his brilliant blue eyes over the assembled staff without seeing them. He didn’t see Veronica, either. He gave a curt nod and turned his back. Veronica led the two men down the companionway to the main salon. She turned off into a little office with no windows. The two men squeezed in behind her, and she shut the door.

  Without a word, the man in the sunglasses laid his briefcase on the desk and unlocked the handcuff holding the handle. He immediately turned around and walked out of the office. Veronica stepped forward. “Here’s the safe, sir. Enter an eight-digit code into the key pad, and you’ll hear three beeps. Then enter it again. Once you enter your code twice, the combination lock will be set and the door will open. Put your valuables inside and lock the door. No one will be able to open it without your code. I’ll wait outside until you call me. Then you can give me your further orders.”

  He smiled at her for the first time. His bright eyes glowed out of fine tanned skin. His short black hair framed an exotic face, and his shirt collar opened at the base of a muscular neck. “Thank you, Miss Mellon. You are very thorough.”

  Veronica blushed in spite of herself. “Please, call me Veronica.” She let herself out of the office and heard the door lock behind her. The bodyguard stood next to the door. His sunglasses eyes faced straight ahead. He didn't acknowledge Veronica.

  A few moments later, the door opened again. “You can come in now.”

  She went back inside. The briefcase was gone.

  Prince Said went around behind the desk and dropped into the big leather chair. It swayed under his weight. He rested his chin on his chest and let out a heavy sigh. “Thank goodness that’s finished.”

  Veronica gazed across the desk at him. He couldn’t be more than thirty. Why did that surprise her? When she heard Crown Prince Said of Brunei booked the yacht, she expected a middle-aged, greasy, and womanizing sleaze. This man was anything but that.

  She couldn’t stop staring at his skin. He glowed with an inner light. That light shone out through his clear eyes, too. It even shone through his hair and fingernails. Every part of him radiated curious energy. Unlike the demanding powerbrokers who usually booked the yacht for private luxury cruises, that energy hummed a sublimely serene and contented air. When he looked up at her, he smiled again.

  “As to my orders, Miss Mellon — I’m sorry, Veronica — I plan to give a dinner party on the Diamantina on Saturday night. I’m told you’ve been maitre d’ on the yacht for some years, so you must be very experienced with events like that. Am I right?”

  “I’ve been maitre d’ for five years, so yes, I have quite a bit of experience with them. I’m ready to receive your orders for your preferences. I can also arrange a meeting between you and the chef concerning the refreshments, and we have a full liquor locker in the forward hold. If you guests are devout Muslims, we can keep the locker locked for the duration of the event to avoid offending anyone.”

  He burst out laughing. “Devout Muslims! Ha! Well, Veronica, I can see you really are as thorough as they say. My guests are not devout Muslims. That’s all I think I need to say on the question of liquor. As for the refreshments and preparations, I’ll leave that to your discretion. I’m sure you’ll do a much better job planning the party than I will.”

  “Thank you, sir. You can count on me.”

  “I’m sure I can.”

  “Might I ask, sir, how many guests you expect and what time you expect them?”

  “I expect fifty guests, and I expect them between nine and ten o’clock pm.”

  Veronica bowed her head and closed her eyes. “Thank you, sir.”

  When she raised her head, she found him looking straight into her face with those crystal blue eyes of his. A slight smile touched his lips. “As for my other orders, I’ll call on you when I need you.”

  She couldn’t tear her eyes away from his face. “Yes, sir.”

  His gaze unsettled her in a way she couldn’t understand. He was so handsome and calming, he should have put her at ease. He did put her at ease, but every inch of her skin tingled when she looked at him. She wanted to run from the room, but she had to stand there and stare at him and let him stare at her. Her pulse screeched in her veins. Adrenaline burned her chest.

  She had to think of something to say. She had to find a way out of that office. No one could see her here. The door was solid steel, reinforced against forced invasion. What was she thinking about that for? What could he possibly do to her in here? “If you follow me, sir, I’ll show you to your quarters.”

  She started to turn away, but he shot forward in the chair and leaned his elbows on the desk. “Not just yet, Veronica.” She turned back. “I want to ask you a few questions. I want to get some personal information about you before we leave this room.”

  “Personal information about me? What for?”

  “I’ll ask the questions here. You’ve been on the Diamantina for five years. You must like it a lot.”

  “I like it a lot, but this will be my last cruise — for a while, at least. I’m getting off at Honolulu. I’m flying back to the States to visit my family.”

  His eyes widened. “Your last cruise? May I ask why?”

  “I’ve been on the ship five years. I haven’t been home once in all that time. I want to visit my family and see my home town again. I have good friends back home, and I miss them.”

  “Will you come back to the Diamantina afterwards?”

  “I haven’t decided. That depends on how I feel when I get home. I might decide to live around my family for a while. I really don’t know. I love the Diamantina , but it might be time for a chang

  “I understand. Where’s your hometown?”

  “I’m from Fresno.”

  He stood up. “All right, Veronica. You can show me to my quarters now. Lead on.”

  She did her best not to tear the door off its hinges getting out of that room. She jumped when she found the bodyguard still standing outside the door.

  She strode down the companionway to the forward cabin. She didn’t turn around to check if the Prince came behind her. She didn’t have to. His magnetic presence smoldered behind her back. She kept her eyes facing forward. She knew that companionway well enough not to look where she was going. His presence consumed her whole awareness.

  She threw open the cabin door and stood back. “Here you are, sir. Please let me know if I can do anything else to make you comfortable. Shall I have the steward bring you refreshments in your cabin?”

  “That won’t be necessary.” He stepped inside and swept the cabin with an appraising glance. Then he turned back and smiled at her standing beyond the door. “Come in for a minute.”

  “I apologize, sir, but that’s not allowed. If there’s nothing else you require, I’ll....”

  “I require you to come in for a minute.”

  “I’m sorry, sir. The ship’s charter specifically forbids any staff member to enter the guests’ quarters except the maid. I could get fired. If you have any orders to give me, you’ll just have to give them to me here.”

  His eyes sparkled, but he didn’t smile. “You said you were ready to accept my orders. I order you to come inside.”

  She glanced around. The man in the sunglasses took his place right outside the door. He stood right next to her with his back against the wall and his hands together in front of his hips. He faced forward and gave no sign of hearing the conversation.

  Veronica hesitated a moment longer. She couldn’t enter that cabin and she couldn’t refuse a guest’s express order, either. Entering that cabin was the last thing in the world she wanted to do, but something in his eyes told her not to refuse. His overpowering presence drew her toward him. He ordered her to enter. She had to obey him.

  She stepped into the cabin, and he shut the door behind her. She stood still and stared straight forward. She knew the cabin well enough, the big bed piled with cushions and the forward conservatory flooded with sunlight from overhead hatches set into the ship’s deck.

  Prince Said leaned against the mattress. He rested both hands on either side of his hips. That maddening little smile danced across his lips. “Now, Veronica, I want to ask you something a bit more sensitive. You’ll understand why I didn’t ask you in the security office.”

  She waited for him to continue.

  “You’ve been on this ship long enough to have received some pretty outlandish requests from your guests. I’m sure some of them ask you to procure them drugs or women or even men for their pleasure. Is that right?”

  The blood rushed to her cheeks. Why did it do that? She had, in fact, procured drugs and women and men and a lot more than that for her guests without the slightest scruple. Why did that smile on his face throw her off balance now? “Yes, sir, I have.”

  “Good. Then I want you to procure a woman for me. I have a hankering to spend my time on board this ship in the company of a fine woman, and I’m trusting you to procure her for me.”

  Veronica started to say, “You can count on my discretion, sir,” when he held up a warning finger.

  “Don’t be too hasty, Veronica, until you’ve heard the rest of my request. I don’t want you to procure just any old woman. I know what you’re thinking. You would have some Chinese waif sent out from Singapore, and that would be the end of that. That’s not good enough for me. I have refined tastes, and I need a woman who meets my standards. I want a certain woman — only one specific woman is good enough for me.”


  His eyes pierced her to her core. “I want you, Veronica. I want to spend my time on board this ship with you in my bed. You are the woman I want you to procure for me.”

  Veronica’s jaw dropped. “Me, sir? No, I couldn’t possibly do that. I have a job to do on this ship. I couldn’t spend the entire cruise in your bed, and anyway, another woman would serve you much better than I would. I’m not cut out for that sort of thing.”

  “I have no intention of interfering with the job you have to do on this ship. You won’t spend the entire cruise in my bed. You’ll go about your usual duties, but when I call you, you will come.”

  “I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t do that. I’m sorry, but I just can’t. It isn’t done. I have no problem getting a woman for you or just about anything else, but you can’t call on me to do that.”

  “Nonsense. No one tells me what I can and can’t do. I want you, and I won’t take any other woman. You said you were ready to receive my orders and put yourself at my service. This is what I require, and this is what you will do.”

  She stared at him. The very idea of putting herself at his service that way shocked her beyond comprehension. At the same time, a secret thrill ran through her body when she thought of it. Her crotch swelled up with hot blood, and her lips opened to ooze into her panties. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t. She was maitre d’, not some cheap prostitute.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t, and I won’t.”

  He didn’t seem to hear. He pushed himself off the bed and walked in a circle around her. He murmured into her ear with slow, purring tones. “I find you very attractive, Veronica. Do you find me attractive?”

  “Yes, sir, but....”

  “You have no idea how intoxicating it is when you stand there with your back to me and say, ‘Yes, sir.’ I want to hear you say that a lot more.”

  His voice drove her out of her mind. The vibrations rippled out of his chest into her very bones. They rattled her world on its foundations. They shook the droplets from her pussy lips and brought fresh gushes of juice flowing onto her thighs. What was he doing to her? She couldn’t allow herself to actually consider fulfilling his request.

  “Have you ever given yourself to any guest on board this ship? No, don’t answer that. I know you haven’t. You’re too professional for that, and if you get off at Honolulu, you never will. I’ll be the first and only guest who’s ever had you. I like that idea. I’ll have you, and that will be your last experience on the Diamantina .”

  Her head swam in a drunken swoon. This couldn’t be happening. She couldn’t end five years of a spotless record like this, as a sex toy to some pampered playboy. She could call on several dozen high-class whores in Singapore to service his tastes. She even knew some statuesque blonde American babes if he didn’t want a Chinese waif. He would like them a lot better than her.

  But it was happening. Against her better judgment and her own will, it was happening. Even now, she lost the power to protest. The power of her subservience to the Diamantina's guests overrode everything else. She placed herself at his service and accepted his orders, even in this.

  He stopped behind her and his lips hovered inches away from her ear. “Is your pussy wet, Veronica? Do I turn you on?”

  She could barely gasp out the words, “Yes, sir.”

  He brushed his hand across her ass, and her knees melted under her. “You have a very nice ass. I’m sure the rest of you is just as nice. I like a woman who keeps in shape. Let me see you better. Bend over and put your hands on the bed.”

  “Sir, I....”

  He brought his hand down hard across her ass in a stinging slap. She jumped three feet in the air and cried out in surprise, but she didn’t run away. “You’ll speak when spoken to. I gave you an order. Bend over and put your hands on the bed.”

  She sobbed under her breath. “Yes, sir.”

  Without moving her feet, she leaned over and planted her hands on the bed. She braced her elbows like she was doing push-ups. Her ass stuck up in the air behind her, straight toward him.

  He stood back and admired her upturned ass. Then he stroked it back an
d forth through her woolen skirt. “That’s nice. That’s very nice. That’s beautiful. You have no idea how appealing that sweet ass of yours is. Do you like me touching you like this?”

  A ragged moan answered him. Veronica closed her eyes. She didn’t recognize herself, bent over like that for a man’s intimate touch. Her body acted of its own will, against all her silent screams to get herself together, to get away from him and run to the authorities.

  He couldn’t treat her like this. He couldn’t use her like this. He couldn’t smack her when she tried to protest. He couldn’t demand her body as part of her service to him.

  How did she wind up like this, with her body bent over and her head thrown back? How did she wind up moaning at his touch? Her pussy throbbed for more, for whatever he would choose to do to her. Would he take her right here and now?

  He slipped his hand up under her skirt from behind. He gave her engorged petals a few circles with his flat fingers through the her cotton panties, just enough to make her whine in naked lust. Then he ducked his fingers inside her panties, straight into the spongy moist hole of her pussy.

  He sighed to himself. “Ah, yes. That’s a good girl. That’s my juicy, sweet pussy . You’ll be mine. You’ll be my sweet southern thing, won’t you? I need a woman on my prick, and you’ll fit there nicely. You’ll make a nice memory for me to take with me when I disembark in Hawaii.”

  He removed his hand from between her legs and stepped back. “Stand up.”

  He walked around in front of her and stopped where he could look her in the eyes. He smelled his fingers with a satisfied smile. “You can go now, Veronica. I’ll call you when I’m ready for you.”

  Chapter 2

  Veronica pushed her way past the bodyguard and hurried aft. She had to put as much distance as possible between herself and that man . She couldn’t put very much distance between them in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, could she? T hey weren’t in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, either, were they? They were no more than seventy nautical miles off Singapore. If she really wanted to, she could get the chopper pilot to fly her back to the city. She could go to the Police and be on the first plane back to San Francisco.


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