Yes Sir

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Yes Sir Page 9

by Cassandra Bloom

  His eyes drilled straight through her. “I see.”

  Ruby squirmed in her seat. How long did this disaster of a conversation have to go on? He looked out the window for a while longer before he murmured to himself. “I guess you didn't see anything you haven't done yourself. From what I saw, you and your boyfriend probably do it all the time.”

  Before she could stop herself, she blurted out, “I have never done anything like that with Tom.”

  He spun around to face her. “You haven't?”

  She turned away so he wouldn't see her burning cheeks. “No, I haven't.”

  “Well, why not? You two seemed pretty close to me, and here you are talking about going home with him.”

  “We are close. I mean, we've been together for three years.”

  “And you live together? So why haven't you done it?”

  She waved her hand in agitation. “We're getting married in March. I'm a virgin, and I don't want to do it before we get married.”

  He frowned and looked her up and down. His exacting gaze measured every inch of her inside her gown. “Oh.”

  She kept her face turned toward the window. She couldn't look at him. Her cheeks and neck burned. No one ever made her this uncomfortable talking about her personal life. No one gave her any static about being a virgin. Chad Archer never gave her any static about it, either. He never said anything. He just sat there in silence and stared out his own window.

  His very presence accused her, though. He did it with anything that came within his reach, and that was a lot. He never held back. He must be exactly opposite from everything she valued and held dear. He followed his own rules. If some floozy wanted to jump him in a hot tub, he gave her her own way and did it with her. He enjoyed himself, all the time, everywhere.

  Chapter 4

  His voice purred out of the darkness. “You make out with this Tom of yours, though, don't you? Does he turn you on?”

  “Of course he turns me on. I wouldn't be marrying him if he didn't.”

  Chad turned his languid eyes toward her. “What have you two been doing together in the last three years? You must be satisfying each other, that he doesn't get bored and go out and find somebody else.”

  Ruby's temper flared. “Does it surprise you so much that a guy could love a girl enough to hold off doing it with her until they got married?”

  “It doesn't surprise me. I respect you for that. I'm just saying. You've been living together for three years. I guess you sleep together, and you certainly make out. What do you do together, to satisfy each other?”

  “I'm not going to tell you that. That's none of your business. You might be my boss and everything, but I don't have to give you all the gory details of my life with Tom.”

  “You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm not asking as your boss. I'm just curious how two people express their affection for each other and sleep in the same bed together for three years without having sex.”

  She softened. What was she getting so worked up about? They were just talking. As long as she kept her cool, he would never know how much this conversation excited her. Here she was, riding in a luxury limo through the frosty winter's night. She was talking to one of the most powerful business moguls in the country about her most intimate sexual experiences. A jolt of adrenaline burned through her guts and thrilled her darkest desires.

  “I guess we have a different kind of sex,” she explained. “We do just about everything except penetration.”

  “Does he go down on you?”

  “Yes, and I go down on him.”

  “Does he get you off?”

  Her voice cracked, and the word came out as a broken whisper. “Yes.”

  “Does he use his fingers inside you?”


  His voice caressed her all over until her skin tingled. Her nipples tightened inside her gown. Could he see them from across the seat? “What else?”

  “I sit on his leg and I ride his fingers.”

  His eyes flicked down her body and back up to her face. His fierce gaze stabbed through her insides. “Does that turn you on? Does that get you hot and wet?”


  He lowered his voice to a rumble in his deep chest. “Are you turned on right now?”

  Her lips pouted open. “Yes.”

  “Would you like me to touch you right now? Would you like me to finger you right now?”

  She snapped alert. “Oh, I couldn't do that. I couldn't do that to Tom. I'll just go home and I won't bother you again.”

  “You saw that woman sitting on my lap in the Jacuzzi , didn't you? Is that the sort of thing you'd like to do with Tom? Do you fantasize about riding his cock like that?”

  Ruby floundered in confusion. Talking about this made her blood boil. She didn't know how to answer him. She ought to cut this conversation short right now, but she couldn't stop herself. “Yes. I think about it all the time, but I can't do it.”

  “Did seeing me like that make you want to do it? Did you think about what it would be like to sit on my lap like that?”

  “Yes...I mean, I thought about Tom... I mean... I don't know what I thought.”

  He didn't smile now. “Do you want to sit on my lap now, Ruby?”

  “Yes...I mean... I don't know... I mean, I should get home.”

  “If you're turned on right now, you should satisfy yourself. You could touch yourself and I could watch. That wouldn't be going against Tom, would it?”

  She passed her hand over her burning forehead. How did this conversation turn into this? “I couldn't do that. You're my boss.”

  He shrugged and turned back to the window. “That's okay. You don't have to. I just thought you might want to, for your own pleasure.”

  She opened her mouth and closed it with a click. “I couldn't.”

  “Oh, you definitely could. Nothing's stopping you but your own inhibitions.”

  “You don't want to see that. That's nasty.”

  He glanced at her. “It's not nasty, and I definitely would want to see it, but only if you really want to. I would only want to see it if you enjoy it. I don't want to make you uncomfortable.”

  “What do you want to see that for? That would be disgusting. I mean, you can have anybody you want. You don't want to sit there and watch me being nasty.”

  “It's not disgusting, Ruby. Don't you think you're a beautiful woman? Don't you think your sexuality and your pleasure and your orgasm are beautiful to men? Why do you think Tom keeps sticking around?”

  “If he found out I did that, he would....”

  “What would he do? Would he leave you?”

  “Well, I don't know what he would do, but I guess he would definitely leave me if I gave my virginity to another man.”

  “We're not talking about you giving your virginity to another man. We're talking about you touching yourself, giving yourself pleasure. Why shouldn't you do that wherever you want, even if it means someone else seeing you?”

  The blood rushed to her head. She couldn't think. “I couldn't do that.”

  “You have to stop saying that. You could. Lots of women do it, and they enjoy it. The men watching them enjoy it just as much. It's not disgusting or nasty. It's beautiful.” He snorted out a broken laugh. “Believe me.”

  “So do you watch them do it?”

  “I watch them do that and a lot more. If two people want to take pleasure in each other's bodies, why shouldn't they? As long as no one else gets hurt, it's the most beautiful thing in the world.”

  “Well, Tom would get hurt if I did it with you...I mean, to you... You know what I mean.”

  “You're not married to Tom yet. You're not wearing an engagement ring. If you want to do it, you should.”

  “I don't want to touch myself while you watch. That's for certain.”

  “You said you wanted to sit on my lap. You said you wanted me to touch you. You said watching me and me seeing you with Tom turned you on. The only thing you said agains
t it is you can't. You definitely can if you want to. Nothing's stopping you. It's not like you'll take some nasty disease home to pass on to Tom. He won't get hurt. You just have to accept someone giving you what you really want, what will really give you pleasure.”

  She shook her head, but she couldn't clear her thoughts. “I can't.”

  He let another torturous silence pass without a word. All of a sudden, he jumped off his seat and scooted over next to her on the seat. He surprised her so much she leapt aside to get away from him.

  He took his place on the seat at her side. His presence loomed huge and dark next to her. His head rose so close to the lights they shone on his hair and left his eye sockets in shadow. His face turned into a ghostly mask, and his voice breathed into her face. “You're a beautiful woman, Ruby, and you're obviously a very sexual one. You're turned on right now. Let me satisfy that hunger. Let me give you the pleasure you deserve. I promise I won't do anything you don't want me to do. All you have to do is tell me to stop, and I will.”

  She gasped out loud, but before she could reply, he darted in and covered her mouth with his lips. Heat and excitement flooded through her. Her body tightened all over in tense anticipation. In spite of all her protestations that she couldn't, her crotch spasmed in aching desire. Juicy wetness oozed into her panties.

  At the same moment, his hand closed around her ample breast. He squeezed and massaged it in his muscular fingers until she squeaked in excited agony. Her stomach contracted in wicked desire. What was he doing to her? He wasn't doing anything Tom hadn't done a thousand times, but the forbidden nature of the act excited her beyond comprehension.

  He pulled her toward him by her breast, and her body followed his directions of its own free will. She couldn't stop it. Her whole soul fell into his magnetic vortex. His hands commanded her, just as surely as his voice commanded her to get into the limo in the first place. The whole world obeyed him. She couldn't do anything different.

  His tongue pushed its way into her mouth. Her gasping breath drove her breast into his hand. He scooped her toward him with his other arm. Her back arched, and her chest rose into his grasp. His mouth prodded her lips to answer him.

  She couldn't stop the insatiable desire rushing through her into his hands. She wanted this. She wanted this more than anything. She wanted to experience this sexual moment in all its forbidden glory. She was kissing her boss in a limo on the way home from the office Christmas party. He was feeling her up and turning her on.

  Tom flickered through her mind, but not even the thought of him and his hurt feelings could stop her. The flaming desire licking between her legs wiped out everything else. Was she drunk? No, she knew exactly what she was doing. She was breaking all the rules—her own rules.

  What were they worth, anyway, those rules, if they didn't give her the life she wanted? What good were they if they didn't feed her and give her pleasure? What made her want to preserve her virginity until marriage in the first place anyway?

  She couldn't remember. She didn't want to remember right now, with his hand pawing her breasts through her gown and his other hand sliding down her back to her waist. Thinking about Tom only made her want to do it more. How many times did she fantasize about some dark, forbidden force taking her while she rode Tom's hand to screaming climax? How many times did she think about something else, some forgotten beast creeping up on her, while Tom kissed her and fingered her and ate her out?

  She let her eyes drift halfway closed and tasted champagne on Chad's breath. A hint of perfume hovered around him, mingled with his cologne. Some woman touched him and sat on his lap in that jacuzzi. Maybe he got Priscilla in a corner and hitched up her dress to lick her dripping slit before they left the party to drive away together. Maybe he sank his fingers in some other woman's crotch while someone sucked him in the men's bathroom.

  How many women had he done it with? Maybe thousands. He could get away with it. He was the dark beast, the forbidden force behind her. He was the alien monster taking her when she rolled in Tom's arms.

  Now here he was, with his tongue down her throat and his thick fingers pinching her nipple to distraction. He turned her on beyond her wildest dreams. She wanted nothing in the world but to cum right now. What would his fingers feel like inside her? What would he do to her if she gave herself to him without reservation?

  He let go of her breast, and his hand traveled down her hip to her thigh. He eased off kissing her to gaze into her eyes, but he kept his lips in contact with her mouth. His warm breath blew into her nostrils. His fingertips dragged down her thigh to her knee, and he tugged the glistening fabric up to reveal her bare skin.

  He watched her reaction as he slipped her dress up over her knees. He slid his fingertips up her thigh and pushed the dress up to her hips. He traced up and down her thigh with his bare fingers until she gasped in startled surprise.

  “Is this what you want? Do you want me to touch you like this?”

  She tried to tear her lips away from him, but he held her firm. His hand slipped down between her thighs, and her flesh embraced it up to the wrist. He inched higher, closer to that slippery slit between her legs.

  She resisted, and he hummed under his breath. “That's it. Nice and easy. Is this what you want? You can tell me to stop anytime you want to. Do you want me to stop? Does that feel good? Is that what you want?”

  She gasped out loud. She couldn't. She couldn't allow this. She had to stop it, but he kept her hypnotized with those snake eyes of his. He kept her fixed in place while he moved in on his prey. She couldn't stop him. She couldn't speak the words to say she didn't want it when she did. She did want it! She wanted it! She wanted him to touch her. She wanted those fingers sneaking higher. They melted her defenses so she couldn't pull away.

  His other hand crept around her ribs to her other breast. He pinched the nipple. “Does that turn you on? Huh? Is that what you want? You don't have to do this. You can tell me to stop. Do you want me to stop? Do you want me to touch you like this? Is this the way you like it?”

  She choked out the words. “Yes. I want it.”

  “Is this the way Tom does it? Is this the way he fingers you down there?”

  She fought for every breath. His fingertips grazed her saturated panties and vanished somewhere. She couldn't stand this. She dangled on tenterhooks. She shouldn't. She couldn't, but she had to. Every nerve screamed Yes! She had to. She had to grab this experience, just once in her life.

  In a few minutes, she would go back to her old life of sweet virginity. She would clasp Tom in her arms, and they would ride off into the sunset together. He would never find out what she'd done, and she would keep her secret for the rest of her life. She would dream about the dark monster taking her. The forbidden beast would excite her fevered fantasies, and that's as far as it would ever go.

  Chad slithered his tongue into her mouth one quick lick and retreated. He studied her from beyond the end of her nose. His eyes searched her soul while his fingers explored between her legs.

  “Do you want to spread your legs for me? Do you want me to touch your wet pussy down there?”

  She groaned in agony. She couldn't do this, but she couldn't stop her thighs yawning apart in delicious desire. His hand came to rest on her panties, and his fingertips nudged her engorged flesh. He milked the syrupy juice from her cunt.

  “Is this good, baby? Is this turning you on?”

  “Oh, God, yes!” she moaned.

  “Is this the way you want me to touch you? Do you want me to stop? I can move back over there and not touch you again if you don't want me to.”

  She cried out in tortured surprise. “Don't stop! I want it. Oh, please.”

  He settled into his seat with a satisfied sigh. One hand mauled her breast and rolled the taut nipple to a hard knob while the other crossed the last inch to her pussy lying quivery and tense inside her panties. He dug around the trim and found his way inside.

  Acres of juicy nectar swallowed his fingers int
o her delicious hole. He swirled her essence with languid strokes and flicked her petals apart. “Hmm, yes. That pussy is so damn wet. God, baby, you are so freakin' hot. Is that nice? Is that what makes your nice hot pussy feel good?”

  She could only pant into his mouth. Every fiber ached for this. She had to sit on those fingers until she dissolved in a screaming, sobbing mass. She collapsed into his hands. She belonged to him. He could do what he liked with her, and she could never tear herself away.

  He was just touching her, turning her on and making her moan into his mouth. She hadn't actually done anything forbidden. She hadn't cheated on Tom—not yet. Chad desired her. He desired her desire. He wanted to make her wet and pliant and orgasmic. He said so himself. Her pleasure was beautiful to him.

  Chapter 5

  Ruby couldn't hold back anymore. She threw herself into his hands. She opened her mouth to receive his kiss. Her tongue tasted his mouth to the limit. She surged her breasts into his grasp, and her ass answered the pressure of his hand to slide toward him on the seat. She hitched her hips against those fingers and drove them into her waiting cavern.

  He sensed her compliance, and his hands took over. He plunged his fingers into her cunt, and her honeyed syrup surrounded his hand with glistening sparkly wetness. He touched the excited spots along her channel to drive her to dizzying delirium. He pumped his fingers against her G spot and banged them deep to the very limit of her anatomy.

  She craned her thighs apart to draw him in. She surged her breast into his hands and devoured his mouth in raving ecstasy. She wanted this. She craved it. She needed it. She wanted to destroy herself and her precious propriety on this looming monster.

  She lived her life as a good girl. She never did anything like this in her life. She looked down on girls who did things like this. If any of her friends at work told her they made out with the boss in the back of a limo after he picked them up at a party, she would have turned away in disgust. She would have labeled that girl a slut and a sleaze.


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