Yes Sir

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Yes Sir Page 41

by Cassandra Bloom



  “And I sit on it and ride it, and I got some butt toys, too.”

  His eyes burned. Why did he look at her like that? “Yeah?”

  “And I sit on both of them at the same time.”

  His nostrils flared. “I'd like to see that.”

  She blushed and looked away. “I know you like to watch.”

  “I've had enough watching you. If you come with me, I won't watch anymore.”

  “I haven't said I would come with you.”

  “What part of what we did together was the most life-changing for you? Was it the anal play?”

  “Not really.”

  “Had you done any anal play before?”

  “No. I never considered it before you did it to me. I thought it was dirty and painful, but you showed me it wasn't. As long as I have something... I don't want to talk about this with you anymore. I'm going home.”

  When she turned away this time, he hurried to fall in at her side. “If it wasn't the anal play, what was it?”

  “I told you. It was just putting my own desires first. It was realizing my desires matter, and turning myself on enough first that I can cum every time, sometimes more than once. I never thought it could be like that. With Liam, it was just wham, bam, thank you, ma'am. He never bothered with getting me turned on beforehand, and I never bothered with it, either. I just didn't care.”

  “I liked turning you on beforehand. I liked watching you play with yourself and listening to you beg me to fuck you. That was incredible.”

  She smacked her lips. “Come on. You don't really expect me to believe we had anything special for you. I'm just a notch on your belt.”

  “I don't have notches on my belt, Sonya, and I never do that sort of thing with just anybody, either. I don't want to settle, either. I haven't been with anybody else since you left.”

  She drew up short and confronted him. “You're lying.”

  He raised two fingers. “Scout's honor. I've been taking care of myself, but it's nowhere near as good as it was with you. You can probably please yourself with your toys as well as I could, but I can't please myself with my hand as well as you could with your body.”

  “Shut up.”

  “It's true. I've been going out of my mind since you quit, and I've spent you don't know how many hours tracking you down.”

  “You didn't have to do that.”

  “I did have to do it, and I did it, and I don't regret it one bit. If you walk away right now, I'm still glad I had a chance to see you again and hear it straight from you why you left. I can let you go now.”

  “What will you do? Will you try to find someone else?”

  “I don't try to find anyone. I wait for the right person to come to me. I thought the right person had come to me when you came to work for me, but I can see I was wrong.”

  “If I was working for you, I wasn't the right person.”

  “I understand that now. I see your point, and I respect you for sticking to your guns.”

  She waited in silence.

  “Well, aren't you going to go home?”

  “Why don't you give me a ride home?”

  His head shot up. “Are you sure?”

  “Sure. What the hell.”

  Chapter 6

  Cameron swung his leg over the Harley and kicked the kickstand out of the way. He handed the spare helmet to Sonya and unhooked his own from the handlebars. She looked at it. “I've never done anything like this before. How does it work?”

  He took hold of his own helmet straps and held them out in front of her so she could see what he was doing. “You stretch the helmet open with these straps and pull it down over your head like this.”

  He slid his head between his hands, and the helmet covered his face. She copied him and got her head wedged into it. It hugged her cheeks and ears, and it muffled the roar when he turned the key to fire up the engine.

  He squeezed the clutch and revved the throttle. Sonya stood well back until he held out his hand to her. She couldn't hear if he spoke to her. He tugged her toward him. When she hesitated, he laid his hand along her thigh and guided her toward the seat behind him. She lifted her leg and climbed into place.

  The bike vibrated under her until her thighs went numb. She put her arms around his padded sides and just found a firm grip around his waist when the bike eased forward with a powerful roar. She flailed with her feet until she found two places to rest them.

  The bike purred down the street and around the corner, but Cameron didn't drive her anywhere in the direction of her apartment. He headed onto the highway and rumbled through miles of landscape.

  In three weeks on her own, she experienced one mind-blowing orgasm after another. She could please herself with her toys and never come down, but she never experienced the thrill of excitement she got in his office—until now.

  The bike lifted off the ground and soared over the countryside. She flew on steel wings into a sky bright with prism rainbows. Her whole body shivered in quaking excitement to see what would happen next.

  Cameron handled the bike with expert care, but true to his word, he didn't do anything wild or fancy. He drove with delicate assurance so she never worried about her safety. Her arms hugged him to her, and he enveloped her in a halo of safety. She could rest in his presence. As long as she was with him, all roads led to pleasure and happiness and contentment. Of that, she could be certain.

  He drove far out of town where the city lights faded and disappeared. Night settled over the land until he turned off into a gateway lighted with lamps on stone pillars on either side. He drove up the driveway to a big old mansion on a hill.

  As soon as the bike stopped, Sonya jumped off. She tugged her helmet off. “Where are we?”

  Cameron killed the motor and hung his helmet on the handlebars. “This is my house.”

  “I thought you were giving me a ride home.”

  “I did. This is home.”

  “Not to me.”

  “Why don't you come inside?”

  “So what? So you can have your wicked way with me?”

  “From what you said, it's you who will have your wicked way with me.”


  “Come inside, Sonya. I promise I'll make it worth your while.”

  She hesitated. “All right.”

  He led her up the stone steps and through the front door. A huge lighted hall welcomed them into the place, where a sweeping staircase rose from the checkerboard tile floor into the atmosphere beyond sight.

  Sonya struggled to take in every detail of her surroundings, but Cameron took her by the hand and urged her forward. He escorted her into a quiet bedroom behind the stairs. A regular metal bed frame occupied the center of the floor, with plain white dressers and wardrobes lining the walls.

  He closed the door behind her and peeled off his leather jacket. He wore a skin tight black T-shirt underneath.

  “Is this your room? Where's the skull-and-crossbones flag?”

  “This is the guest room.”

  “Am I a guest?”

  He took a step toward her. “You're much more than that.”

  His massive brooding presence made her shrink down inside herself. Her voice sounded small and uncertain to her ear. “What are you going to do?”

  His hand landed on her shoulder and crushed her under its weight. “I think I know what you need.”

  “Are you going to do what you did last time?”

  “You're already doing that on your own. I don't need to do it again.”

  She swallowed hard. That sizzle of adrenaline burning through her chest—was it fear or excitement?

  He bent over and kissed her. She didn't realize until his lips touched her mouth that he'd never kissed her before. That kiss carried none of the sappy romance she read about in books. It didn't give her visions of happily ever after.

  It gave her visions of screaming, exploding sex. His being dominated her whole consciousness so sh
e could think of nothing else. He wasn't here to woo her and flatter her and ride off into the sunset with her. He was here to take her, to possess her, to smash the last remains of her boundaries and send her to heaven in a golden chariot.

  His hot breath seared her nostrils. His other hand materialized on her other shoulder, and he turned her to face him. He squirreled his tongue into her mouth, and the heat clouded her thoughts. She couldn't think. She couldn't do anything but fall under his inexorable hands.

  He pulled back to gaze into her eyes, and his lips trailed away from her mouth in a spider's web of saliva. “You're beautiful, Sonya. You don't know how many nights I dreamed of you.”

  Her cheeks throbbed with blood. Her pulse pounded in her neck.

  “Did you think about me? Did you dream about me when you played with your toys?”

  “Yes. I dreamed you were doing it to me. I dreamed you were behind me again.”

  His hands lifted off her shoulders, and he squared his big shoulders. He crossed the room to a dresser and opened the top drawer. He took something out and came back toward her. He took one of her hands and wrapped something around her wrist.

  Sonya looked down, but she couldn't comprehend what his hands were doing. He buckled something around her wrist, and then around the other one. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking it to the next level. You're ready.”

  Something metal clicked, and she found her wrists manacled together by a dog clip. Two padded leather cuffs wrapped her wrists in black comfort, but she couldn't separate them. She glanced up at his face and read her fate printed there.

  He glared down at her with black fury written across his face. He knit his brow at her, and his jaw clenched in terrible intensity. She couldn't speak to that face. She could only succumb and submit to his dominance.

  “You want this, don't you? You want to give yourself to me and let me take you higher. You went there once before. Now I'll take you there again. Just give yourself to me, and I'll take you where you want to go.”

  He silenced her answer with his kiss, but those manacles around her wrists changed everything. That kiss meant so much more, now that she was bound and couldn't get away. She was his, his possession.

  He knew it as well as she did. His kiss changed. That kiss contained less passion, more care. He studied her eyes when he kissed her. He checked to make sure she was excited and willing. She gazed up into his eyes, but her usual stout resistance melted before his power. She couldn't fight back. She couldn't resist. She could only melt.

  He took her by the shoulders with both hands and turned her away from him. His chest radiated its monstrous heat into her back. He ran his lips down her neck to the bare place on her shoulder. “You like this, don't you, Sonya? You like being mine to do with what I want. You like being my plaything and my sweet surprise.”

  She gasped for every breath. His presence crushed the air out of her lungs. She couldn't see through the blood rushing to her head. “I like it.”

  “You want me to take you higher, don't you? You want me to show you how good it can be.”

  “I want you to. I want you to show me. I want you to do what you want with me. I'm yours.”

  His hands slid around her waist. He ran his palms up her sides and under her arms. He lifted up her manacled arms to extend them over her head. He pushed them behind his head and hooked them behind his own neck.

  He stroked down her exposed sides to where her breasts stuck straight out into the air. He buried his face in her neck. “Are you wearing any underwear under that skirt?”

  She couldn't speak above a whisper. “No.”

  He chuckled low. “Do you get turned on walking around with no underwear on?”

  “Yes. I get wet and horny thinking about you taking me in your office.”

  “Do you touch yourself?”

  “I go into the bathroom at work and get myself off on my break.”

  “Does anybody know you aren't wearing any underwear?”

  “No one knows.”

  “No one touches you?”

  “I never see anybody.”

  “I bet the guys at work would like to touch you. They'd like to run their hands up your skirt and finger your wet pussy.”

  “I think about them touching me.”

  “Is there anyone at work you like?”

  “I don't like anyone enough to do it with them.”

  “Do you like me well enough to do it with you?”

  “Yes. I want you to.”

  “Do you want whatever I can do to you?”

  “Yes. I want you to do something I've never done before. I want you to do something to take it to the next level.”

  “Are you sure that's what you want? Don't ask for it when you don't know what it is.”

  “I don't care what it is. Just do it.”

  He massaged up her ribs to her breasts. “Do you want this?”

  She heaved up into his hands. “Yes. Oh, please.”

  His hands closed around her breasts. He kneaded them back and forth until excitement shot the nipples between his fingers. He twisted them hard until she roiled in agony. She threw her head back on his shoulder, but she couldn't bring her arms down to protect herself. She was helpless in his hands. He could do whatever he wanted with her.

  He brought the squeals of excitement and anxiety to her lips. He smoothed down her shirt to her waist where her hips arched and rubbed against him behind her. His cock nudged into her ass. How she wanted it! How she wished she could get on it and ride into oblivion, but he had other ideas.

  He unhooked her wrists from his neck and moved back where she couldn't see him. When he reappeared, he took hold of the dog clip holding her wrists together and snapped a climbing carabiner to it. A black rope ran away from the carabiner to somewhere she couldn't see. Where he got it, she couldn't tell, and she couldn't guess what he would do.

  When he moved away a second time, he took a place by the wall where the curtains hung next to the window casement. He withdrew the other end of the rope and hauled it in. Sonya followed it through two pulleys to the ceiling over her head, where it raised her wrists up.

  He coiled in the rope hand over hand until her manacled wrists stretched her arms over her head. Her feet stayed flat on the floor and she could twist one way and another, but she couldn't do anything else.

  He tied the rope to a cleat on the wall and sauntered back over to her with excruciating slowness. He eyed her up and down and walked in a complete circle around her. He trailed his fingertip across her belly to make her suck in her breath with a hiss. When he passed in front of her face and caught her eye, a twitch of a smile touched his mouth. “Are you excited right now?”


  “Is this what you like?”


  “Do you like being my puppet on a string? Do you like dancing when I say dance?”

  “Yes, I like it.”

  “What would you like me to do to you right now?”

  She gasped out loud. “Touch me.”

  “Is that all?”

  She floundered in confusion. She didn't know how to ask for what she wanted. She couldn't imagine all the things he could do.

  He walked around behind her and murmured in her ear. “Don't worry. I'll make sure you're taken care of. I'll show you how good it can be.”

  Chapter 7

  Faster than thought, he was on her. He wrapped his arms around her, and for a fraction of a second, his hands explored her breasts the way they did before. His speed and power knocked the breath from her lungs. He only stayed on them a moment before one hand came up to her neck. He surrounded her neck with his cruel fingers and traveled on to her mouth.

  One thick finger touched her lips. “Open your mouth, baby.” She opened it, and the finger slipped inside. “Let me see you suck it. Suck it like you want it, baby.”

  Sucking that finger sent her into a raging passion. She sucked it for all she was worth. She sucked her own
pussy and his cock all at once on that livid finger.

  “Yeah, baby. You suck it so good. Oh, God, you make my cock so hard.” He dug it into her ass. “Can you feel how hard that is? Can you feel how much I want to fuck your tight hot ass?”

  She couldn't stop sucking. She wanted it so bad. Filthy words filled her mind. Oh, God, yes. Oh, please, fuck me. I want your cock so hard.

  How could she go three weeks without this? How could she walk away from him like that? How could she live another moment without this intoxicating thrill?

  His other hand worked down to her waist and came up under the hem of her skirt. He found her pussy-spattered thighs. His hand dissolved in miles of honeydew. He explored among her quivering leaves until he found the molten hole of her cunt and the ragged nub of clitoris at the top.

  He swirled one hand in her opening and spread the creamy mixture around her clit. He flattened three fingers against her clit and circled until she thrashed and contorted in her bonds. She undulated between sucking the finger in her mouth and riding against the hand touching her crotch.

  All the while, he growled into her ear. “Yeah, baby. That pussy is so sweet. Come on, baby. Suck that thing. Suck it like you mean it. That's good. Oh, that's so good. Yeah, baby, you are so wet down there. Do you think about your boyfriend touching you like this? Do you think about him sticking his hand up your skirt and finding out how wet you really are? Would you like to sit on his lap during your break? Would you like to get him in the bathroom stall and suck his cock like this?”

  The more he talked, the hotter she got. She couldn't stand this much longer before she came all over his hand. Just when she thought she couldn't tolerate the intensity rising out of her clit, he left off circling and buried two big fingers in her pussy. He brought them up hard on her G spot and worked them back and forth inside her delicate cavern.

  At this vicious intrusion, she really did blow her lid. She couldn't suck his finger anymore but screamed out loud in lusty delight. She bucked and fought to grab his fingers with her love muscles, but he already held them as tight and strong inside her as they would go. Her juicy cunt squeezed and stroked his fingers with powerful clenching action.


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