Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series

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Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series Page 13

by S. L. Hadley

  “Well?” she asked, once her own breathing had slowed. “Did you like that?”

  Inu sighed deeply, eyes closed.

  “Yesss,” he mumbled.

  Smiling, Kitty propped herself up on his chest and waited for the drakashi to look at her. Only then did she allow the smirk she’d been holding in to fully manifest.

  “Now… would you like to come home with me?”

  Stolen Lover

  Harem Ship Saga

  Volume Six

  By S. L. Hadley

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  “Piece of shit!” Kitty roared, slamming her laspistol against the wall. It sparked violently, then hummed for a second before powering back on. In the time it took to reset, however, her pursuers advanced a half-block toward her position and once again resumed firing.

  “Getting clossser,” Inu hissed. The drakashi’s claws curled and uncurled repeatedly at his sides. From the way he crouched beside her, coiled like a spring, he looked prepared to pounce toward Satoshi’s men the instant the opportunity presented itself.

  Snarling under her breath, Kitty seized his shoulder and held him back, just in case.

  “We’ll be fine,” she insisted. “Keep moving. I’ll cover you.”

  Inu grumbled at her words but obeyed with barely a moment’s hesitation. Leaping out from the cover of the alley, he sprinted toward the docks. A hail of slugs and plasma bolts erupted in his direction, several missing his crest so closely that they singed the obsidian-hued bone in their passing.

  Bellowing, Kitty rounded the corner and returned fire. Her heart was pounding and with every backward step, she was certain she would either stumble or be shot through. But to her astonishment, and that of the men shooting at her, neither outcome occurred. Instead, she dropped one man with a lucky shot to the neck and sent the other ten ducking back into cover.

  It was miraculous, but certainly no more miraculous than making it this far. They hadn’t even made it out of Satoshi’s compound before the alarm was raised and had to fight a tactical retreat toward the Feronia through over a kilometer of dense urban sprawl. Kitty had downed at least six men in that time, while suffering nothing worse than a few scrapes from ricocheted debris.

  At last, vaulting over a pedestrian barricade, Kitty laid eyes on her ship. To her dismay, the Feronia’s engines were silent. But, at the very least, there was no sign of Satoshi’s men nearby.

  Inu idled just inside the gate, glancing from ship to ship with uncertainty. He glanced sharply at Kitty as she approached.

  “That one,” she said simply, pointing out the Feronia.

  A brief, bloodthirsty smile flashed across Inu’s face, but vanished as quickly as it had come as he set off toward the ship. Kitty paused for a moment, just long enough to unleash a few more rounds from her laspistol, then followed suit.

  “Nita!” she shouted, bounding up Feronia’s loading ramp. “Nita, where the hell are you?”

  The woman burst from her cabin a second later, pale-faced and wearing only a thin robe. She stared at Kitty in shock, regarded Inu with the same expression, then froze.

  “Kitty, wh—?”

  “Get us out of here!” Kitty roared. Spinning, she crouched down to peek out with her laspistol pressed against her cheek. “Now, damn it!”

  She heard Nita curse loudly, but the sound of the woman’s frantic footsteps as she raced for the bridge echoed an instant later. Silently, Kitty knelt beside the ramp and waited. She fought to keep her hands from shaking, listening for both the approach of Satoshi’s men and the telltale purr of the Feronia’s sub-light engines. Both reached her ears simultaneously, the latter nearly drowning out the former.

  With an audible thrum, an unexpected bolt lanced past Kitty’s head, close enough to make the hair on her nape stand on end. Yelping, she scrambled out of the line of fire.

  “Damn it!”

  Somehow, Kitty managed to still her trembling fingers long enough to command the landing door closed from a nearby panel. As the ramp withdrew and the door slowly sealed, a few more desperate shots snuck in through the ever-shrinking gap and dissipated harmlessly against the bulkhead. For a few seconds, even after the door had fully shut, Kitty continued to stand there and eye the nearly imperceptible seam in the hull as if expecting it to suddenly open again.

  Breathing a sigh of relief at last, Kitty turned and nearly stumbled into Inu. The drakashi stood awkwardly behind her, studying the Feronia’s innards with an unreadable expression.

  “Sssafe?” he asked, green eyes narrowing slightly.

  Kitty shrugged and returned her laspistol to its holster.

  “For the moment,” she said, shouldering past him. “Nita! What’s taking so long?”

  “Keep your panties on!” Nita shouted back. Her voice echoed slightly as it carried down the hall from the bridge. “She just needs another minute!”

  As Nita’s voice faded, the dim, echoing sound of armament striking the Feronia’s exterior took its place. Kitty glanced about, dreading the cost it would take to repair the damage when they next made port.

  If they made port.

  “Come on,” Kitty said, grasping Inu by the wrist and guiding him away from the landing door. The drakashi followed with uncharacteristic obedience, continuing to look about as they walked. He only hesitated as she opened the door to her cabin.

  “What isss thisss?” he demanded.

  Kitty flashed a lopsided grin and used her grip on the male’s wrist to slide effortlessly against him. Her other arm snaked around his back, roaming downward to cup Inu’s firm, muscular backside.

  “This,” she purred, “is my room. You will stay here until we’re off-planet—”

  “Will not!”

  “—and then we’ll resume where we left off,” Kitty finished, punctuating her words with a pronounced pinch to the drakashi’s ass.

  Inu growled unhappily, but slowly turned and entered the room. Kitty watched him go, gaze dropping to linger on the male’s backside. Even when he turned, her eyes remained where they were and the memory of what presently hid within the drakashi’s scaly hips sent a delighted shiver down her spine.

  “Don’t get started without me,” she warned him.


  Nita had finally managed to get the Feronia airborne just as Kitty entered the bridge. She had just enough time to catch a glimpse of several incandescent beams lance past one of the many viewscreens before the sub-light engines screamed and the displays shifted to a mess of navy blue skies and wispy streaks of dark grey clouds.

  “Did they hit us?” Kitty asked.

  Nita didn’t reply. Her fingers navigated the controls with practiced skill and her eyes flitted from screen to screen. They continued to do so even after the sky visible on the screens had transitioned to a black, peppered with stars.

  “Did they hit us?” Kitty repeated, at last.

  Nita muttered a curse, tapping a few final commands into her console and flopping back in her chair. Her robe sagged as she did so, clinging to her skin. Both gleamed with a thin veneer of sweat.

  “Of course they hit us,” she snapped. “Damage reports are still compiling. But we didn’t burn up on takeoff, so I suppose we’ll be all right.”

  Kitty chuckled softly, cautiously dropping into a seat.

  “I suppose you’re right,” she said.” You’re welcome for the excitement. Set a course for Five-Three, if you don’t mind.”

  Nita spun in her chair and for a brief instant, the look in her eyes made Kitty pause. Then the expression softened and she sighed.

  “You’re a damn fool, Skipper. What in the hell was all that about?”

  “I… may have stolen something. A drakashi.”

  “You stole a drakashi?” Nita gasped. “What do—how? Why?”

  Kitty’s own expression hardened and she gripped the arms of her chair so fiercely it made her knuckles ache. It took her a few seconds be
fore the burning in her throat abated enough for her words to slip out.

  “He was a slave,” she explained. “Some petty underworld boss was using him for fights. Profiting off his pain. I couldn’t let it continue.”

  Nita frowned. She opened her mouth to speak then hesitated.

  “What is it?” Kitty asked.

  “It’s nothing. Just….”


  “You stole him because he was a slave? I didn’t think you were so… philanthropic.”

  “Slavery is an abomination,” Kitty snapped. “Especially slavery to a man like that. Don’t ever compare what I do to—!”

  “Okay!” Nita interrupted, throwing up her hands in a defensive gesture. Her robe opened further with the motion. “I didn’t mean to offend you! I was just surprised is all.”

  Kitty closed her eyes, breathing deeply. For a long time, nothing passed between them.

  “I’m sorry,” Kitty said, at last. “It’s just adrenaline. You’re right, of course. It’s a subtle difference, I suppose. Men like Satoshi grow rich from Inu’s pain. I give pleasure and grow poor for my trouble.”

  Again, silence fell over the bridge. This time, it was Nita who broke it.

  “So,” she said, eyes twinkling with laughter. “Was he worth it?”

  Kitty burst out laughing, far harder and louder than she’d intended.

  “You have no idea,” she said, unable to keep the wide grin off her face.

  “In that case, I might need to sample him myself!”

  Kitty barked another laugh, standing.

  “Don’t even think about it!” she growled playfully. “He’s all mine! It’ll take more than flashing your tits to win me over!”

  Going pale, Nita glanced down at her robe to where the slipping neckline had finally exposed a perfect, milky breast down to the edge of a nipple. She yelped, blushing furiously and yanking her robe back into place as Kitty turned and practically skipped from the bridge.


  Inu was waiting for Kitty when she arrived at her cabin. He was perched on the edge of her bed, talons clutching the frame like an immense, scaly bird of prey.

  “Where were we?” Kitty murmured as she stepped through the door.

  No sooner were the words out of her mouth then Inu rose and stalked toward her. There was something different about him, an intense swagger that hadn’t been there even minutes ago. The body language, paired with the throaty, amorous growl he let out left her stomach flip-flopping with both nervousness and excitement.

  Slowly, Kitty leaned forward and pressed herself against Inu’s chest. Being so close to the male only enhanced her appreciation of what he had to offer. From his warm, smooth scales to the muscles beneath, every aspect of his body conveyed a quiet yet almost overwhelming masculine strength. A strength that Kitty was all too aware could easily overwhelm her at any second.

  “I hear your kind like things rough,” she murmured.

  Inu didn’t reply—not audibly, at least. Instead, he slipped his arms around Kitty’s back and crushed her to him then leaned down and kissed her passionately.

  Closing her eyes, Kitty moaned into Inu’s lips. As much as she liked being in control, to find herself trapped in the drakashi’s embrace and unable to pull away—not that she wanted to—sent a wave of arousal surging through her. Arousal that only grew stronger when a sudden pressure alerted her to the emerging of Inu’s stiffening member.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  With a sudden snarl, Inu lifted her off the floor and all but flung her onto the bed. Kitty bounced once, too stunned to react. Before she had a chance to collect her wits, Inu was atop her. His eyes were wide and full of the single-minded intensity of a hunting predator. Pinning her wrists, he dove forward and kissed her once on the lips before roaming across her cheek and onto her neck. His kisses were full of passion and enthusiasm, so much so that it left Kitty’s skin burning and tingling wherever he went.

  “Easy,” she said, warningly.

  Inu did not heed the warning. If anything, his grip on her wrists tightened. Growling, Kitty shimmied a leg in between their bodies and kicked him forcefully off of her. Despite his greater physical strength, the leverage proved too much and Inu toppled back.

  Before he had a chance to recover, Kitty sat up and slapped him ferociously across the face.

  “Enough of that,” she growled. Standing, she loomed over the half-sprawled drakashi and did her best to look intimidating. “You get to be rough when I say you can. You are not in control here. I am. Is that clear?”

  Blinking in surprise, Inu hesitated and then nodded.

  “Good,” Kitty said. “Now lie down.”

  Inu moved woodenly, as though every motion pained him. He obeyed though, eyes never leaving Kitty’s face. As soon as he was prone, his claws and talons began to curl, fidgeting impatiently.

  Smirking, Kitty began to undress. She felt Inu’s gaze continue to linger on her, the knowledge sending a heated thrill across her increasingly bared skin. Even so, she was still surprised to discover just how damp her panties had become in the short time since returning to the cabin. They clung to her skin and she was careful to keep her fingers clear as she playfully used the elastic to shoot them in Inu’s direction. He caught them, examined them in confusion, and then flung them back at her. Yelping playfully, she dodged the garment before leaping onto the bed. A single step later, she dropped heavily astride his thighs.

  “Naughty boy,” she purred. Laying a palm between his legs, she stroked and teased this way and that. In seconds, Inu’s cock had slipped fully from its home inside his body and rose willingly into her grasp. She took it delicately in both hands, caressing him with every ounce of skill she had.

  “Isss good,” Inu groaned, arching his back. His hips pressed up against her, thrusting against her hands.

  “Oh? You like that?”

  Grinning, Kitty slid one hand up the length of Inu’s shaft and began to gently circle the very tip with the flat of her thumb. Inu whimpered suddenly, a sound she hadn’t thought the drakashi capable of producing, and began to squirm.

  “Kitty!” he groaned.

  All at once, Kitty stopped stroking him. Instead, she squeezed down powerfully with both hands, hard enough to make the drakashi gasp and sit up.

  “Down!” she commanded, tightening her grip further until Inu obeyed. Only then did she let the amusement in her expression fade and her frustration show. “I want to make something clear to you, Inu.”

  “Yesss?” he asked, somewhat anxiously.

  “I need you to understand that I’m the one in charge here.”

  “Isss underssstood.”

  “I’m not so sure it is.”

  Sighing, Kitty settled back on Inu’s thighs and studied his cock with an emotionless expression. The only movement she made was to wipe away a drop of precum that had welled up at the head. Even that small sensation was enough to make him shudder.

  “I love how passionate you are, but if you ever lay a hand on me again without my permission there will be consequences. Do you understand?”


  “Good. You’re new, so I won’t punish you. But you have a choice to make.”

  Inu said nothing. Instead, he stared at Kitty, eyes slightly wider than was typical for him.

  “Here are your choices. One: I’ll use my hands to satisfy you. Then, once you’ve gotten off, I’ll go and lie with one of my other lovers. Or, two: I’ll peg you. And then, afterward, I’ll let you fuck me as hard as you like.”

  It took Inu a moment to respond.

  “Peg?” he asked.

  Kitty chuckled, releasing him and trailing her fingers lower, past his recently emerged balls. Upon reaching her destination, she bore down softly. To her surprise, her finger slipped in effortlessly, earning a groan from Inu. His cock twitched gently, rising to press against her waist.

  “Peg,” she echoed, grin returning. “Which, it seems, you might enjoy more
than expected.”

  Inu groaned softly, closing his eyes and turning his face away. His embarrassment was utterly adorable and Kitty couldn’t help but coo softly.

  “Stay like that,” she murmured, pulling her finger free of the drakashi’s ass. To her relief, it was spotless and, even more fortunately, she didn’t even have to leave the bed to retrieve her toys. The large box was tucked beneath her bed and she was able to maneuver it out in such a way that she was free to search through it without Inu catching a glimpse.

  The last thing she needed was for her new consort to flee.

  In the end, Kitty settled on the second smallest of her strap-ons. The smallest was scarcely larger than her finger and, judging from his reaction to said finger, it would hardly offer the sort of stimulation she was looking for. Still, he was undoubtedly an anal virgin so she didn’t want to take any chances.

  By the time she’d rigged up the dildo and fastened it around her hips, Inu had evidently recovered from his earlier embarrassment. Not that his expression looked much different—his eyes remained wide and locked on the strap-on—while his claws clung to her bed for dear life. His cock, however, told a different story. The massive, crimson erection throbbed with an eagerness she wouldn’t have dreamed of.

  “Just relax,” Kitty urged him. “Trust me, you’re going to enjoy this.”

  Inu shook his head.

  “Isss ssshameful,” he protested. “Isss for femalesss to sssubmit. Malesss to give.”

  Rather than answer, Kitty simply slipped her legs beneath Inu’s and angled his hips up into the proper position. She lined the thoroughly lubricated tip of her strap-on into place—holding his marvelously weighty balls out of the way—then smiled.

  “Who told you that?” she asked. “Satoshi?”

  Inu froze, frowning. It was obvious the thought had never occurred to him and Kitty gave him a minute to process the notion.


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