Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series

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Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series Page 18

by S. L. Hadley

  Breathing deeply through her nose, Kitty went to work. She bobbed her head furiously, channeling every bit of erotic skill she possessed through her fingers and tongue. Though the alien’s elongated hand remained pressed to the back of her head, he had apparently forgotten to use it. Instead of controlling her movements, he simply floated there, passively savoring the enthusiastic motion of her lips.

  Or at least, he remained that way until Kitty’s efforts neared their desired goal. As a certain tensing made itself known, a loud, guttural groan slipped from the alien’s lips. All at once, the hand on Kitty’s head grew heavy, bearing down with tremendous strength and pressing her face flush against him.

  Kitty sputtered, fighting down the urge to gag as the alien’s erection thrust unexpectedly into her throat. The ticklish sensation grew worse, but the male’s strength was too much to resist. So rather than fight, she concentrated on the bizarre sensation of Kreax’s pubic-tentacles exploring her chin and moaned deeply. The sound came out muffled, but had the desired effect. A second later, after throbbing pronouncedly on her tongue, the alien cock unleashed a powerful torrent of unexpectedly cold cum. It splatted the back of her throat and tongue, summoning another wave of barely concealed gagging—an urge that only grew more desperate as the eruption continued and the chilly ejaculate began to drip down toward her stomach.

  Just before the sensation grew too much to bear, Kreax groaned softly and eased his hips back. Kitty swallowed furiously, closing her eyes to mask the involuntary tears that had sprung up there. When at last she opened them, they were dry and full of a smoky, aroused look that caught the male completely off-guard. He stumbled back a half-step, obviously bewildered by her expression, yet far from displeased as he lazily hiked his trousers back up past his knees.

  Clearing her throat, Kitty wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and slowly rose to her feet. She forced a grin.

  “Not bad, hmm?” she said.

  The two human men shared a look and then each began shoving forward in their haste to be the next in line. They’d barely managed a single step each when Kitty interrupted them with a sharp note of protest.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded. “Wait your turn! I’m not finished with Kreax yet!”

  The men stared at her in disbelief, then indignant fury as she reached out and grasped the alien by his still semi-erect cock and guided him back toward her.

  “Ready for round two?” she asked, biting her lip with a flirtatious smirk. His member was still slick from her mouth and had a wonderful, almost rubbery quality to it as she stroked him encouragingly. “I can’t wait to get this thing inside me.”

  “Kree, come on!” one of the men protested. “Don’t be a prick. Let us have a—”

  The male turned, silencing his fellow with a look. As he brought his attention back to Kitty, dropping his trousers back to his ankles and reaching up to give her breast an amused squeeze.

  “Strip,” he ordered, smiling despite the growl in his voice.

  A faint blush heating Kitty’s cheeks, she retreated and slowly did as instructed. She could feel the males’ eyes watching her, even when the blouse of her uniform was pulled up over her eyes. Honestly, she half-expected Kreax to pounce while she was so vulnerable, but he didn’t. Instead, he continued to watch, all four of his bright red eyes locked on her as she slipped out of her underwear and stood naked before him.

  “Now,” she said. “How do you want it?”

  Nostrils flaring, Kreax stalked forward. One clawed hand caught her by the elbow while the other grasped a handful of hair and roughly swung her about. Disoriented, Kitty nearly toppled over and it was only the painful tug against her scalp that kept her from doing so. She found herself stooped over, practically on all fours and trapped. Kreax held her from behind, one hand still ensnared in her hair and the other descending to hold her hips steady. And in front of her, the two men stood watching, laughing with perverse amusement.

  As the male lined himself up, Kitty had little time to prepare. She felt the broad, oversized head of his cock press against her folds and then felt a sudden, heated pinch of pain as the alien thrust himself inside her.

  Kitty groaned, unable to anticipate the delirious, agonizing pleasure that would accompany Kreax’s member filling her for the first time. Her insides clenched down instinctively, fighting him, and yet simultaneously driving home how marvelous it felt to be taken in such a rough, almost brutal way. He was large, far larger than she was used to, and yet she could do nothing to stop him. Doubled over in such a way, she had no leverage, no means to defend against the male’s pounding thrusts. The bulging, coniferous head of his cock stretched and stroked her deepest parts, sending waves of aching pleasure throughout her body. At the same time, the tentacles near his base seemed to have come to life, teasing her outer folds and wriggling maddeningly against her clit.

  “Fuck!” she moaned. “That’s what I’m talking about!”

  As if encouraged by her words, Kreax released her hair and grasped her hips with both hands. His hips bucked harder, plunging deep enough to leave Kitty shuddering. Freed at last, she managed to brace herself against the floor to keep from pitching forward. Staring back past her freely swaying breasts, she found herself momentarily hypnotized by the sight of Kreax’s thick member sliding wetly inside her drenched outer folds.

  Then she saw it.

  Clenching down, Kitty bit her lip and fought back the rising tide of pleasure that accompanied it. As the seconds passed, it grew more and more difficult to fight. But if this was going to work, she’d have to be fully in control. Permitting an orgasm, tempting though it might be, would render all her sacrifices thus far meaningless.

  Then, the moment she’d been waiting for.

  Kreax threw back his head and groaned, cock throbbing ecstatically inside her. His fingers tightened, claws digging into the flesh of her hips. The first burst of his seed caught her by surprise, practically ice cold inside her depths.

  Kitty lunged.

  Yanking herself free of the male’s grasp, Kitty felt his claws slice shallowly through her skin as she wriggled away. His still-spurting member slipped free with a wet, sloppy pop, sending an involuntary shudder through her.

  But by then, it didn’t matter. Her fingers grasped the knife on the alien’s belt, tugging it free and releasing the blade in an instant. Before the male’s sex-addled mind could even catch up to her actions, Kitty was already behind him. One arm held him in a choke-hold. The other held the knife to his neck.

  “Now then,” she said calmly. “Where were we?”

  Neither man moved, though Kreax sagged weakly in Kitty’s arms. Whether an aftereffect of his climax or out of sudden fear for his life, she had no way of knowing.

  In the end, neither needed to.

  The door behind them slid open without warning. The room was quiet enough that even over her hostage’s labored breathing, Kitty could hear the barely audible hiss of its passage. For several seconds after it fully opened, she could only stare in shock.

  The knife very nearly slipped from her grasp, though she managed to cling to it with trembling fingers.

  “Kitty,” Lio said. “It’s good to see you.”

  Punished Deep

  Harem Ship Saga

  Volume Nine

  By S. L. Hadley

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  “Kitty, please,” Lio said. “Put down the knife. Let him go.”

  Kitty stared at him, too frozen with shock to do anything of the sort. Her hand trembled—hell, all of her trembled—threatening to cut Kreax’s throat without even intending it.

  “Lio,” she whispered, finally. “What are you doing here?”

  The Arsalian dropped his gaze and shuffled forward wearily. The two other men in the room parted to let him pass, their eyes never once leaving Kitty or the stolen knife she wielded. She ignored them, watching as Lio settled
onto one of the room’s empty storage crates.

  “It’s a long story,” he said. “And I’d like the chance to explain. But, first, you need to let Kreax go.”

  “I can’t!”

  “You can,” Lio insisted. “What else can you do? You really think DeWitt will surrender the ship just to save one man’s life?”

  He paused, and then added with a significant look at Kreax, “No offense.”

  Slowly, hands trembling more violently than ever, Kitty lowered the knife from the alien’s neck. She loosened her chokehold on him as well, barely reacting as Kreax slipped from her grasp and scrambled away. He hiked his pants, refastening the belt and turning to glare at Kitty with a murderous expression.

  Standing, Lio approached and cautiously took Kitty’s wrist in both hands. He peeled her fingers away from the hilt of the knife and it was only then that she realized how frantically she’d been grasping it. Lio tossed it away, wrapping her in a reassuring embrace as it clattered across the floor toward Kreax’s feet.

  “Was it all a lie?” she whispered.

  Lio didn’t answer. Instead, he glanced back at Kreax and the men, still holding Kitty in his arms.

  “Report to DeWitt,” he said. “Tell him I’ve got things handled.”

  “Lio,” Kitty said, more urgently.

  He waited until the men grudgingly complied, filing out of the room with sullen looks and grumbled protests. The door shut automatically behind them.

  “No,” Lio said, drawing back to look her in the eye. There was a sad, almost mournful quality to his gaze that contrasted oddly with the smile on his lips. “It wasn’t a lie. Not one minute of it.”

  “Then why?” Kitty demanded, pulling her arms free and shying away. There was an ache in her chest that she couldn’t place, as though her heart didn’t trust Lio’s words—words she was desperate to believe. Hiding her face, she snatched up her discarded clothes and began to dress. “Why are you here? Why are you working for DeWitt? What the hell is going on?”

  “Do you remember what I said before I left?”

  Kitty nodded. “You said you needed to help your sister.”

  Seating himself on the edge of another crate, Lio hung his head and stared at his folded hands. It was a long time before he spoke and he seemed to be grappling with something Kitty could only guess at.

  “That’s right. She was… trying to escape a bad situation. Left her mate, pregnant, no credits… that sort of thing. By the time I found her, DeWitt was the only one I could turn to for help.”

  “You could have asked me.”

  “No, I—I didn’t have time. I didn’t know where you’d headed and my sister wasn’t really… she didn’t approve of the way I’d stayed with you the last few years.” His voice trailed off at the last few words, as though embarrassed to speak them aloud. “After everything she’d been through, I didn’t want to make things worse.”

  “Fine,” Kitty snapped, a bit harsher than she’d meant to. “So you called DeWitt and what? He hired you?”

  “It was right after you’d stolen the drakashi—”


  “Rescued,” Lio conceded. “Anyway, DeWitt was already looking for you. He said that if I helped him with this, he’d make sure my sister made it somewhere safe. That she’d be protected.”

  Sighing, Kitty pressed her back to the plasteel bulkhead and slid her way down to the floor. Drawing her knees up to her chest, she hugged them and stared off to the side to avoid having to meet Lio’s eyes.

  “Fair enough,” she muttered.

  Hesitantly, Lio rose from his seat and moved to join her on the floor. Kitty watched him from the corner of her eye. Part of her wanted to scoot away and yet another, equally strong part of her was tremendously grateful for his presence. It felt like old times.

  Sort of.

  “It really is good to see you, Kitty,” Lio said quietly. “I promise not to run off this time.”

  She snorted. “You might be better off if you do. Just say goodbye this time, you bastard. After all, I’m probably going to spend the next ten years locked in some basement.”

  “I know,” he said. Then, after a moment, “DeWitt promised I could stay with you.”

  Kitty turned and looked at him, frowning. “What?”

  “I’m not leaving again,” Lio insisted. “I’m staying with you this time. All the way. No matter what.”

  Kitty’s eyes began to sting and she closed them to head off the tears. Slipping an arm through Lio’s, she intertwined her fingers with his and rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.


  It’s wasn’t a basement. Sure, there were no windows and the warehouse’s bare, soundproofed walls provided absolutely no avenue for Kitty to escape. But a least it wasn’t underground. Three walls of the cell were made of plasteel, the fourth—of similar composition—kept out of reach by a row of narrow prison bars that divided the interior in half. Yes, things could absolutely have been much worse. There was even amenities: a single, undersized bed, a bare, industrial shower, a small ventilation unit affixed to the far wall ensured the climate was comfortable, and actual iron-alloy bars like something straight out of a history holo.

  All in all, it wasn’t the worst place to be imprisoned.

  Lio followed her into the cell, practically on her heels. He glanced around, eyeing DeWitt as if he feared the man might reach in and drag him out.

  Kitty, on the other hand, shared a look with Kreax and his friends. Each scowled at her and she did her best to match them with a cheeky, almost flirtatious smirk.

  “You sure this is a good idea, boss?” Kreax said. “What if they—?”

  DeWitt interrupted the alien with a wave of his hand. He turned to Kitty, sighing softly as he stepped forward to rest his forehead against the bars of the door. His glasses had slipped partway down his nose but he made no move to adjust them, which only added to his wearied demeanor.

  “Kitty,” he said quietly. “Is there nothing I can do to convince you?”

  She folded her arms, staring at him in silence. After a few seconds, DeWitt sighed and withdrew. He left without another word, his goons filing out after him.

  As soon as the door shut, Kitty turned and discovered Lio staring at her. There was a curious look in his eyes, something she hadn’t seen in years. The sheer, primal intensity of it made her breath catch in her lungs.

  She pounced a split-second before he did. There was no overcoming Lio’s strength, though. As their lips met, Kitty felt herself half-flung, half-carried backward until her back was pressed up against the bars. She wrapped her arms around Lio’s powerful shoulders then followed suit with her legs a heartbeat later. The air in her lungs escaped as a moan, nails raking the Arsalian’s back like claws.

  “Don’t you ever leave me again,” she hissed, biting at his lip.

  Lio didn’t fight her. Instead, he bared his teeth and growled back, pinning her hard against the bars and shoving his hips upward. Even through all their layers, Kitty could feel the firmness of his arousal pressing against her. She writhed against him, painfully aware of the growing need within her and the maddening wetness of her sex.

  “Bed!” she whispered, breathless and demanding.

  Lio barely hesitated, hauling her away and carrying her aloft in his arms. He nearly stumbled, the unrelenting connection of their lips making it difficult to navigate. Fortunately, there was nothing for him to trip over and the pair of them fell hard against the bare mattress. Even before she landed, Kitty was already pawing at Lio’s clothes, roughly pulling the shirt from his shoulders in her haste.

  The interruption of their kiss, however brief, only served to increase their hunger for one another. Kitty gasped as Lio, now shirtless and fumbling one-handedly with the clasp of his trousers, yanked her shirt up to her neck. Far too desperate to worry about removing her bra the properly, she yanked it up out of the way and groaned as Lio buried his face against her

  “It’s been too damn long,” he growled, kissing a nipple before rising to capture her mouth with his.

  Something about his words struck Kitty oddly and she laughed. She could tell she was blushing but hardly felt it for the smile plastered from cheek to cheek. Squirming, she shimmied out of her slacks and kicked them aside.

  “It’s only been a few weeks,” she pointed out. Using her toes, she tugged at Lio’s trousers as well, dragging them down to his knees.

  Lio stared at her, wild-eyed and practically glowing.

  “Too damn long,” he repeated, before lunging back in for another kiss.

  Kitty could feel the hardness of his erection pressing against her thigh. She grasped at his shoulders, dragging him forward until he loomed over her. Her panties were in the way but she couldn’t be bothered to remove them. Instead, she merely pulled the fabric aside, grabbed Lio by the cock, and guided him inside her.

  The moment Lio entered her, Kitty forgot everything—the Feronia, DeWitt, even their current predicament. The only thing she knew was the momentary ache of being stretched open by the Arsalian’s thick, rigid member and then the bliss that consumed her as he plunged into her depths. His cock-spines were fully erect and stroking her most sensitive spots. Even the mere throbbing of his shaft or the shallowest of breaths was enough to make her see stars.

  “Kitty?” Lio asked, concerned. His voice sounded as though it was coming from far away. “Are you okay?”

  She whimpered softly, nodding.

  “I’m okay,” she whispered.

  “Are you sure? You look—”

  Kitty squeezed down around him, eyes fluttering shut as she relished the sensation. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, back arching against the mattress. Above her, Lio chuckled and leaned in to kiss her brow.

  “Say no more,” he said. Bracing himself on the bedframe, he gave a slow, tender thrust.


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