Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series

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Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series Page 20

by S. L. Hadley

  Lio sat at the center of the cell, carefully carving small glyphs into a severed length of his mane. He’d snapped off a few dozen segments of the cartilage weeks ago, shaping them into chess pieces with his claws. It had been one of their few distractions.

  Kitty cleared her throat, then a second time, until Lio glanced over.

  “Want to fuck?” she asked.

  Lio grinned, returning his attention to the pawn he was crafting. He didn’t answer, but there was a certain unmistakable playfulness to the angle of his ears.

  “Maybe later,” he said, at last. “We’ve already done it four times today.”

  “Only three!” Kitty protested, frowning.

  “Four,” Lio said. “Twice in the bed, once against the wall, and then that time against the bars.”

  Kitty rolled out of the bed, landing on all fours and crawling toward the Arsalian. She swung her hips as she moved, grinning as Lio’s ears rose and his eyes flicked in her direction.

  “That time against the bars was yesterday,” she said. “Remember? That ugly bastard came in with the food right before you—”

  “All right!” Lio interrupted, chuckling. “We’ll call it three and a half. Fair enough?”

  With an amorous, throaty purr, Kitty crawled into his lap. She knelt astride him, brushing his mane back over his shoulders then leaning in to nibble gently at his neck.

  “I don’t know,” she teased. “Why don’t you persuade me?”

  Lio rolled his eyes. It didn’t stop him from wrapping his arms around her and slipping a hand beneath her shirt, though. Nor did it prevent him from leaning in and seizing her mouth in a delicate yet passionate kiss as his fingers roamed higher.

  “You must really hate chess,” he murmured, grinning against her lips.

  Then it was Kitty’s turn to roll her eyes. She pinched Lio’s side with mock annoyance, then slipped a hand between them and down the front of his trousers. She grasped him firmly, stroking his stiffening shaft in time to his breathing.

  “I wouldn’t say that,” she said. “I just hate losing.”

  Slipping inside her bra, Lio’s fingers glided across her breast. Carefully, he flicked her nipple with a claw, the already stiff nub hardening further at the stimulation.

  “Oh?” was all he said.

  Inhaling sharply, Kitty tensed. Even after a month in DeWitt’s cell, making love to Lio three, four, sometimes five times per day, his touch could still leave her breathless like no one else’s. Bizarre as the whole thing was, in many ways, she was happier in prison with Lio than she’d been aboard the Feronia without him.

  Not that she dared speak such a thing aloud.

  “For instance,” Kitty whispered, caught off guard by how shaky her voice had become. “Take your… bishop here. If I don’t take care of it, you’ll have me in check next turn.”

  Lio’s laugh, though quiet, filled Kitty’s chest with such warmth that she couldn’t think straight. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and never move again.

  Fortunately, Lio saved her from such a dilemma. With a sudden growl, he rolled her onto her back, looming over her and allowing the tips of his mane to hang down around her face. The spines were so thick and abundant that it blocked out nearly all the light filtering down from the cell’s single overhead fixture.

  Staring up at him, Kitty couldn’t help but smile. It felt like living in their own private world. Or, at least, it did until Lio caught her wrists in his hands and pinned them gently to the ground.

  “In that case,” Lio said, grinning more wickedly than before. “I’ll just have to press my advantage. Check.”

  “Oh no,” Kitty deadpanned. She trailed her legs up his sides until they practically reached his shoulders. “My queen is defenseless. Whatever shall I do?”

  Lio paused, frowning ever so slightly. “Your queen? You know it’s actually the king that—”

  “Lio.” Kitty glared at him. “It’s pillow talk. Don’t analyze it.”


  “You want to screw the king then? Fine, it’s the king. Now, thrust your lance into his royal ass.”

  “Technically, it’s a crosier.”

  With a sigh of exasperation, Kitty pulled her arms free of Lio’s grasp and allowed her legs to fall from his sides. She wriggled about until she was on all fours once again.

  “Forget it,” she grumbled. “Go back to your chess pieces. I’m not in the mood anymore.”

  Just as she started to crawl away, however, Lio caught her by the ankle. Kitty yelped, flopping to her stomach as he pulled her off balance and dragged her back toward him.

  “Oh no, you don’t,” he growled. “You’re not getting away that easily.”

  Kitty’s retort was lost as the Arsalian slithered on top of her. She could feel his erection pressing against her, the stiffness obvious even through their clothes. And, despite her earlier claims to the contrary, her own arousal was equally apparent.

  Once again, Lio took Kitty’s wrists in his hands. This time, however, he used them to fold her arms against the small of her back. Only then did he lean down and nuzzle the nape of her neck, purring softly.

  “Besides,” he murmured, his voice sending a wave of goosebumps down her spine despite its warmth and silkiness. “I believe there was some mention of royal asses.”

  All at once, Kitty’s heart began to pound in earnest. Her insides clenched involuntarily at the mere mention, sending a new rush of moisture leaking out into her already soaked panties. They’d deliberately shied away from such things since their imprisonment. Lio was far from small and the pronounced spines that ringed his cock made such things challenging in the best of times. But now? With nothing but water and their own bodies to serve as lubricant?

  Kitty said the only thing she could.



  Kitty’s breath came in ragged gasps as she trembled, face buried in her arms against the floor of the cell. Her face was blisteringly hot and she was in no mood to think of much else as Lio’s tongue continued its humiliating work. His hand tapped her thigh and she grudgingly lifted her freshly stripped hips higher, granting him greater access to her most sensitive spots.

  He’d been at it for minutes on end, her embarrassment too great to accurately judge the passing of time. All she knew was the endless, ticklish sensation of her lover’s tongue probing her ass in preparation. She’d endured such things before, of course, but never under such circumstances and never with such thoroughness.

  “I think you’re almost ready,” Lio murmured, parting her cheeks with his hands as he evaluated his work.

  Kitty couldn’t muster a reply and merely buried her face in the crook of her elbow. A second later, however, she gasped as two of Lio’s broad fingers slipped effortlessly into her pussy. Her insides tightened around the digits, clinging wetly to them as they slowly caressed her and eased out a few seconds later. A shudder ran through her as Lio moved higher and gently sank his slickened fingers into her rear, one after the other.

  Pressing up against her, Lio chuckled into her ear. The sound was rich and throaty.

  “Now you’re ready,” he said.

  Heart pounding, Kitty bit her lip and reluctantly raised her backside. She could feel the spines of Lio’s cock pressing against her thigh and the thought of having such a thing crammed inside her filled her with apprehension. Yet, at the same time, a powerful, slow-burning arousal was building inside her. Lio had always been the male she could trust utterly, even when it came to submitting. And the chance to prove her love again was well worth a bit of discomfort.

  “Do it,” she said.

  Without another word, Lio did just that. Kneeling, he lined himself up, grasped Kitty’s hips, and gently leaned into them. The pressure on her backside increased drastically as the seconds passed and her body’s natural tension fought against the Arsalian’s erection. Despite her best efforts, she wasn’t entirely able to relax. Just as the discomfort grew to outright pain, howe
ver, her rear gave way.

  Kitty groaned as her ass swallowed the end of Lio’s shaft in a single, slow progression. The sensation was simultaneously so foreign and yet so intimate that she wasn’t able to keep her eyes from widening. The tension of her lewdly stretched rear had abated somewhat as his tip was engulfed, but as the first, gentle thrust buried him up to the foremost row of knobbled spines, the pressure returned.

  Stars above, had he always been so thick?

  Hands balling into fists, Kitty braced her forehead against the cool plasteel floor and tried to relax. This would never work if she didn’t. She felt Lio begin to move.

  “Wait!” she gasped, trembling faintly. “Lio, wait!”

  He stilled instantly, drawing back in concern. All but the very tip of his cock slipped from her, the last inch throbbing slightly inside her.

  “Everything okay?” he asked. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  She shook her head, drawing a shaky breath.

  “No. I’m okay. Just… go slow.”

  Nodding, Lio leaned in and kissed her gently on the back of the head. For a second, he simply knelt above her. Then, with a husky sigh, he pressed forward with his hips once again.

  Kitty sucked air through her teeth and fought to keep her breathing even. She could feel every inch of his member as it speared her open and, somewhere beneath, the dull pleasure-pain that came from being joined to someone she loved. It was that feeling she clung to, even as her body longed to cry out.

  The penetration of Lio’s cock slowed, and then stopped entirely. The small, stiff ridges lining his shaft tickled the taut entrance to her ass, threatening to pop inside with the slightest additional effort.

  “Still okay?” Lio asked. His forearms quivered with the effort of remaining stationary above him. Kitty couldn’t tell if it was because of the weight of his torso or because of how badly he wanted to thrust deeper into her ass.

  Before he had the chance to give in to temptation, Kitty took the choice away from him. Gritting her teeth, she pushed her hips upward, driving his cock-spines through the ring of firm, clenching muscle and fully into her bowels. Lio groaned loudly, without any semblance of self-control, and met her with a gentle thrust of his own.

  Kitty whimpered, biting her lip until she tasted blood. She waited patiently as the burning ache slowly died, leaving only the distracting sensation of how terribly full she was. Listening to Lio pant with barely contained lust and feeling him throb enormously in her ass, it was only a matter of time until her own desires began to reassert themselves.

  “Stay like that,” she whispered.

  Taking a deep breath, Kitty slipped between her thighs. Her breasts were beginning to ache from being pressed to the floor but the moment her fingers brushed her swollen clit she forgot all about the discomfort.

  This was what life was about—this is what made it worth living. The feeling of being penetrated by a male she loved—even in a less than orthodox way—and the pleasure her body felt from it… what else was there? What else mattered?

  Hooking two fingers into her almost painfully empty pussy, Kitty moaned against the floor and squeezed. She could feel Lio tense, his cock throbbing in response. And, as she began to lightly sway her raised hips in a gentle, thrusting rhythm, his groan matched her own.

  “Now,” she said, words trembling on her tongue. “I want you to fuck me, Lio. Gently.”

  Lio laughed softly, the reverberation of it sending tingles throughout her belly. Almost without meaning to, Kitty found herself on the verge of laughter as well.

  “I think this my bishop is in trouble,” he teased, punctuating the words with a tender, almost slow-motion bucking of his hips.

  Kitty grinned, matching the pattern of his cock with her fingers. The sloppy sounds filled the air, distracting her from the buzzing in her ears and the feather-light touch of Lio’s balls as they brushed her knuckles. Before long, she felt a warm, familiar tension building within her, heating her skin and magnifying the sense of fullness the makeshift double-penetration offered.

  “Seems like you’re in a tight spot,” she said, struggling to keep her eyes open. From the corner of one, she saw Lio smile.

  “Seems that way,” he agreed. There was a certain quality to the way he said it, as though he was simultaneously distracted and desperate to hear her words. The motion of his hips slowed, just a bit.

  “Don’t stop.”

  Once more, Lio leaned in and kissed the top of her head. He lingered there, breathing deeply of her scent. The affectionate gesture made Kitty blush and squirm away from his touch, grinning. Her grin turned to a gasp as Lio began to move anew, working himself deeper into her ass with short, calm thrusts.

  Only once the second row of spines had slipped inside and the sheer girth of Lio’s member grew too much did Kitty make a sound. She let out a quiet squeak, Lio understanding instantly. He drew back, noting the depth he’d reached and moving with careful precision that never brought him near that limit again.

  “How you doing, Kit?” he asked.

  There was an implication behind his question, corresponding to the mounting pleasure below her navel. Kitty didn’t answer at first, too busy dwelling on the ache in her rear and the mirrored delight her still-exploring fingers provided.

  “I’m okay,” she said. “I can still win this.”

  She meant it too. Even as Lio’s shaft began to pump into her faster and more enthusiastically, there was no denying the build-up of her own desires. Her insides clenched involuntarily, squeezing down on nothing or the occasional tips of her fingers as she urgently stroked her clit. Wetness leaked from her folds, tugged apart by the movement of Lio’s cock. It dribbled down across her fingers, making her shudder but doing nothing to diminish her increasing urgency. Eventually, her own breathing became ragged, matching that of the male pressed against her back. Though she was lying flat on the floor, the room seemed to spin, nevertheless.

  “Kitty!” Lio gasped. She could feel his legs trembling slightly against her thighs. “I don’t know how much longer—”

  With a swift, almost frantic motion of fingers-on-clit, Kitty slipped over the edge. She came almost silently, no moans—just a sudden burst of air from her lungs with a distant sound like a strangled gasp. Her insides convulsed anyway, clamping down on Lio’s member, unaware he was buried in the wrong hole to meet her body’s instinctive needs. Somewhere beyond the cacophonous noise in her ears, she could hear the Arsalian grunting and moaning. She felt him throbbing as well—or thought she did—it was impossible to tell for certain through the mental haze of her orgasm.

  It was only later, after the mind-numbing bliss of her climax had faded to a general, tingling warmth, that Kitty felt the telltale twitches of Lio emptying himself into her backside. She lay still, allowing him to savor the last remnants of his orgasm and doing her best to ignore the growing ache that would no doubt last long after he’d pulled out.

  Despite her intentions, he didn’t get the chance to enjoy it.

  A deafening, explosive boom roared without warning, rattling the bars of their cell and startling Lio off her. Kitty yelped as his cock pulled free of her ass without warning or gentleness. The pain that followed a second late made her nearly double over with a hiss, though, to his credit, Lio scrambled back to her side voicing a torrent of apologies. He half-cradled, half-shielded her with his arms, drawing her back away from the cell door.

  Though the bars and past the door beyond, the sounds of bellowed orders and agonized shouting could be heard.

  Then, only silence.

  Kitty clung to Lio without even meaning to. At some point, he’d yanked the blanket from their bed and wrapped it around her shoulders, placing himself between her and the door. The chivalry of it made her want to smile, but the frantic, adrenaline-fueled beating of her heart wouldn’t allow it. She peeked out around him, watching the far door and missing her laspistol more than she’d ever missed it in her life.

  They huddled there in
dreadful anticipation, hardly daring to breathe.

  Both knew it was coming, but it didn’t stop either of them from flinching violently as the door to their prison room burst inward with another tremendous boom. Men flooded the room, clad in black, featureless armor with lasrifles drawn. Or, at least, Kitty assumed they were men. Opaque, military-looking masks concealed their faces and hid their expressions as they checked corners and leveled weapons at her and Lio.

  It could only have been a few seconds, but it seemed an eternity before the men stilled. Another entered, his chest and sleeves marked with gleaming, golden chevrons.

  “Hands!” he barked, his voice modulated beyond all recognition. “Slowly!”

  Lio moved first, lifting his arms and advancing a single step toward the men. Kitty followed suit a second later, fixing the man who’d spoken with a humorless stare as the blanket slid from her shoulders and crumpled on the ground.

  More than one of the armed men exchanged hesitant glances. Though she obviously couldn’t read their expressions, Kitty assured herself they were doing so from surprise, and not sharing lecherous grins at her expense. Or, worse, doing so because of the small river of cum currently leaking from her ass and down her inner thigh.

  In any case, the weapons descended further.

  “Names!” demanded the chevroned man.

  Rolling her eyes, Kitty scooped up the blanket and wrapped it around her once again.

  “Kitty Black,” she said, dryly. “And Lio… uh....”

  “Liorrioskitascz,” Lio finished for her. He glanced her way, eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement.

  The chevroned man gestured sharply and the man to his right moved forward to deal with the lock. As he knelt to begin working, the rest of the group filed out of the room, leaving only the four of them alone.

  “And you are?” Kitty asked, when her curiosity finally got the better of her. It had been hard to think while facing down so many weapons, but now that the immediate danger appeared to have passed, her thoughts had come roaring back. Theories, anxieties, everything hit her all at once and she was surprised by how unconcerned her voice managed to sound.


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