Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series

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Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series Page 27

by S. L. Hadley

  His just happened to be on top.

  Stripping off his bedclothes, James made his way to the washroom. He'd paid extra from his own pocket to have it expanded, and he had yet to regret the decision. The room was nearly as large as the main quarters, with a bath and shower that could easily fit six. It had on many occasions.

  He stretched as he walked, stiff muscles loosening much as they always did. During the early years of his voyage, he had gotten used to the toned and athletic body the ship's galley had given him. With the right calories, stimulants, and modified foodstuffs, it took virtually no effort on his part. So it wasn't until he'd visited his first inhabited planet that he'd realized what an unusual specimen he was. Regardless of species, the males quailed before him. And the women... he gave a self-aware grin at the way his body still responded to the memories. They'd practically fought one another to serve as his concubines. He flexed a little, one muscle at a time, to distract himself as he stepped under the stinging hot shower spray.

  Damn, it felt good to be a god-emperor. And he'd be damned if he was going to let some filthy refugees settle all over one of his planets.

  When he was eventually satisfied by his hygiene, James stepped from the washroom. His back was still stiff and regal, and the pre-adjusted heat settings had warmed his quarters until they were almost balmy. He dressed quickly, his uniform tight and authoritative as ever. There was something about a stiff collar and epaulettes that most would never understand. You weren't just dressed differently, you were different.

  With a gentle brush of his hand, James stepped out from his chambers. The main hold was surprisingly spacious, given all the modifications he'd made. Over half had originally held assorted survey equipment--as if anyone actually cared about soil samples. He'd scrapped or sold all but the essentials, often to natives, and in exchange he'd amassed all sorts of treasures. Food, actual alcohol, additional beds, and most importantly...

  Throughout the chamber, the members of his harem knelt, bowed, or made other culturally significant signs of reverence. He acknowledged them with a faint nod and paternal smile.

  "Morning, my dears," he said.

  A chorus of voices answered him and his grin widened appreciatively. Glancing around, he gave a small frown.

  "Where's Janna?" he asked. He spotted a hint of jealousy in a few eyes and bit back the urge to explain himself further. She'd been the first to join his makeshift crew, and he suspected a number of his lovers resented her for it. Any attention he paid her was certainly attributed to favoritism; he didn't even need to be psychic to perceive that.

  It was silent for a second, until Orryhena, his only darkmaw bride, gave a fanged, toothy grin.

  "Briesheh," she hissed. Certain sounds were impossible for her to enunciate, but they'd grown to understand one another in their own way. Her eyes swelled and her tail writhed a bit as she spoke, eying him hungrily. "Shanna eesha wash sabriesheh."

  James inclined his head in her direction. Come to think of it, it had been a while....

  "Thank you, Orry." He indicated over his shoulder with a thumb. "Clean up if you haven't already, then wait for me. Everyone else is dismissed for now."

  The darkmaw gave an excited trill, settling back on her haunches. Her tail snaked back and forth, and her eyes were pitch black with eagerness. Around the rest of the hold, sighs and muttered disappointments could be heard. James purposefully ignored both, simply making his way toward the bridge with steady, even strides. Behind him, Orryhena darted into the room, while the rest looked on jealously.

  Janna was waiting for him in the bridge, seated in the copilot's chair. In her hands, she held a steaming mug of some sweet-smelling, native drink. She passively watched the handful of monitors and viewscreens, most of her attention focused on a gentle, haunting tune playing over the speakers. Glancing back as the door shut behind him, she lifted her mug in a casual greeting.

  "My lord," she acknowledged, casually. There was a refreshing, almost irreverent familiarity in her tone. None of the others dared speak to him that way.

  "Anything to report?" he asked, sliding into his seat.

  Janna shook her head. "Nothing. She's still purring like that darkmaw of yours."

  He rolled his eyes, swapping a few of the viewscreens with a lazy wave of his hand. "Showoff. You're lucky I like you, or I'd have thrown you out the airlock by now."

  Unblinking, Janna took a sip of her drink that doubled as a rude gesture. James sighed and she stiffened almost at once, suddenly nervous.

  "What is it?" she asked.

  "News," he said. "The damned Survey Corp put C2 on a colonization list. I don't know if they sent someone to follow-up, but for whatever reason they've stopped trusting my reports."

  Janna shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Her gift meant that she could read moods, emotions, and generalities, but the nuances of politics and federal colonization policy were beyond the scope of her abilities. It was a not-so-subtle reminder of who was really in charge.

  "So what does that mean?" she asked.

  "It means," he said, staring ahead, unseeing. "That there are thousands of poor, dirty mongrels on their way here right now. They're going to swarm over this system, plant their flags, build their cities, and destroy anything in their way. All of that," he nodded back toward the main hold and its occupants, "is about to become a footnote in some history text."

  Janna's mouth hung open, her look somewhere between disbelief and horror. "What...what are we going to do?" she demanded.

  Standing, James leaned over and kissed the top of her head, feeling her flinch a bit in surprise.

  "We," he said, in a reassuring tone. "Are going to keep this to ourselves. We're going to stay calm and quiet."

  Struggling to compose herself, Janna nodded. She kept her eyes down, staring toward his knees.

  "Of course, my lord," she said. "Forgive me."

  "Naturally. Now, Janna, I want you to keep us on the same course. We have more than enough time to address this situation." Assuming I can think of a way to do it.

  "Yes, my lord."

  "I'll send you updated coordinates shortly. I have something to attend to at the moment."

  "More important than--? Oh. Right." Janna's concern morphed into a scowl. "Go mount your demon-cat. I'll just be here... contemplating the annihilation of my people."

  James gave a rare grin, mussing her hair affectionately. "Glad we understand one another."


  By the time James returned to his quarters, Orryhena had already burrowed under the covers of his bed. The lump where she lay curled was petite, and he might have glanced right past had he not invited her. Well, except for the tail that poked from beneath the blankets. That was rather difficult to miss. The appendage was long and slender, ending in a serrated spade that was every bit as dangerous as it looked.

  Slowly lowering himself to the bed, James cleared his throat. Taking his time, he slowly peeled off his shirt, savoring the slight delay. His hand trailed over the blankets, allowing his fingers to lightly brush the end of Orryhena's tail. Still curled inside her makeshift burrow, the darkmaw shivered visibly.

  "What have we here?" he murmured. His hand gently wrapped around the stem of her tail, inching its way up. Her skin was utterly hairless and inhumanly smooth, like a fingernail, yet supple.

  "N-naaa..." she groaned beneath the blanket. Her people were so reliant on their tails that centuries of breeding and modification had left them sensitive to a fault. Though James had yet to test the theory, he had long suspected that with the right stimulation, Orryhena could have climaxed through her tail alone.

  No time like the present.

  As his hand glided to her tailbone, James took the tip with his free hand. Almost at once, the darkmaw began to thrash, struggling out from the blankets.

  "No, Orry," he barked. Orryhena lifted her head, still covered by the blanket. Face shadowed, she stared at him with wide, gleaming eyes. They were still black, but now a faint pinkish
halo gleamed around her pupils.

  "You stay down under there until I tell you."


  Slowly, almost reluctantly, she dipped her head and vanished back into the insulated den. Grinning, James lay her tail across his lap, feeling it tense beneath his fingers. One hand grasped her firmly near the base, patiently stroking down the length of her tail. The other pinched the cartilage of her tail-spade, lightly kneading the material between his fingers. Immediately, Orryhena began to cry out, tail struggling against his grip. His smile widened, and his hand began to caress her more assertively.

  Beneath the blankets, Orryhena continued to wail.

  "Eesha doomash!" she pleaded. Her legs kicked, twisting and snarling from overstimulation.

  James grunted as one of her desperate kicks caught him in the ribs, knocking him off the bed. He hit the ground harder than expected, his head and side aching. Uninjured, of course, but sore. Almost at once, he heard Orryhena give a horrified cry. He stared up numbly as her face appeared over the edge. Her eyes looked terrified, and her vaguely feline ears angled low. They normally poked just over her head, her lobes starting where the tips of his ears ended, but now they flushed back against her skull and nearly vanished into her black hair.

  "Mallad?" she whispered.

  "Orry..." James said, eyes narrowing. The kick had obviously been an accident, but that wasn't what bothered him.

  "Mallad," she repeated. "Aya suhsorria!" Her head dipped lower, barely above the edge of the bed.

  Slowly, wincing at the pain in his side, James stood. He glared down at the darkmaw, who kept her head submissively low. She peered up at him in obvious fear.

  "Orryhena," he growled. She whimpered a little at his tone. "What did I tell you to do?"

  Eyes widening, she whirled and dove back under the blankets. As expected, her tail remained exposed, but so too did her naked backside. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd done that on purpose to try and tempt him--she was certainly clever enough. Her legs were even held slightly ajar, the fleshy pink folds between her legs already glistening with eager arousal.

  It almost worked, too. James felt himself swell at the sight of her, and the potent memory of their first time. Now that had been an amazing night.

  His side throbbed, and the urge slowly faded away. He stared down at his concubine, forcing his breathing to remain steady and even. There would be plenty of time for making up. Right now, Orryhena knew that she had screwed up, badly. She would be expecting a punishment, and if he didn't deliver, the precedent would be set. It wasn't about anger or revenge, but nature. Of all his brides, Orryhena was one of the most feral--she understood the law of the jungle. She needed to understand, deep down, that he was the dominant one here.

  "It's too late for that," he chided her. "Come out."

  Reluctantly, the darkmaw emerged from the blankets. She looked up at him, looking guilty and nervous, keeping her body low to the bed.

  "Mallad," she whimpered.

  "Quiet," he snapped. "I don't want to hear it."

  Orryhena looked so miserable, cowering and cringing as though she wanted to sink into the bed itself.

  "You struck me and then you disobeyed my orders. If you think that's something a few 'Mallad's are going to fix..." he trailed off. Unable to match the intensity of his gaze, Orryhena dropped her gaze. It was the sign he'd been waiting for.

  James sighed, mostly for effect. He lowered himself to the edge of the bed and eyed her coldly.

  "I'm going to punish you, Orryhena. And once we're done, I'll decide whether we continue as before. Do you understand?"

  Lifting her head from the bed, if just barely, the darkmaw nodded. She crawled forward, cautiously. Reclining slightly, James patted his lap and watched her comply. The feeling of her light, nubile body stretched across his thighs made him stir. Her breasts were rather small, at least compared to some of the others, but they were perky and firm. And despite the initial hurdle of getting used to her tail, her lower half was even more exceptional. Orryhena's waist was impossibly slender, but her hips curved like he'd never seen. And planted between them was a toned, inviting ass to rival any throughout the galaxy.

  "Are you ready?" he asked.

  She gave a throaty whimper, peeking back over her shoulder at her bare, exposed bottom. Her tail coiled, trying to cover herself.

  "None of that," he said. He snatched up her tail, grasping it tightly right at the tailbone. At once, Orryhena let out a yowl. Her hips shimmied in obvious arousal. Before she had a chance to savor the sensation, James brought his opposite hand down across her ass--hard. The darkmaw yelped, arching her back.

  Holding Orryhena down with an elbow in the small of her back, James squeezed the base of her tail. With more than a hint of awkward self-awareness, he stroked his clenched hand up and down the bottom quarter. Orryhena struggled weakly, toes curling. Once again, he spanked her firmly. The impact of his hand drew another cry and he felt his erection beginning to press against her abdomen as she struggled.

  Gradually, he settled into a rhythm, swatting back and forth across her rear. He varied the intensity of the blows to keep her guessing, sometimes growing so gentle as to be almost soothing. And sometimes spanking hard enough to make her howl. And all the while, after every few smacks, he intermingled a tender, suggestive tug on her tail. Even as her sensitive ass took on a rosy hue, the stimulation never ceased to yield a shuddering moan.

  As much as he enjoyed feeling the girl squirm, this wasn't going to last much longer. The ache in his side had vanished, and he could actually smell the hot, spicy scent of Orryhena's sex. She was close, and given how quickly he'd stiffened, he'd be taking her soon, anyway.

  He swatted her quickly, a half-dozen times in succession. Orryhena writhed, kicking involuntarily as he punished her.

  "Spread your legs," he ordered.

  She looked back at him, suddenly terrified. "M-mallad?"

  James kneaded her tail, and she moaned in response, eyelids fluttering.

  "Do it," he said.

  Continued in the Harem Ship Chronicles

  What’s better than a harem?

  A harem in space!

  Problem: Intergalactic travel is lonely and dangerous.

  Solution: Fill your ship with sexy alien women.

  To be fair, this only solves the lonely part of the problem. But for Capt. James Davison of the galactic survey ship Dionysus that's all that matters. After years of exploring distant star systems, his ship (and bed) are filled to bursting with romantic conquests. Which means it's time for a new challenge: Conquer the Galaxy.

  All is fair in love and war, and James is up to his... ears in both. He needs to keep one hand on the throttle and the other on his... weapon, because his naughty crew has needs of their own. And it's tough to fight a war when you've got an eager harem... begging for a broadside.

  This bundle contains the COMPLETE Harem Ship Chronicles as well as access to a special bonus chapter too... intense for Amazon! Over 100,000 words of rough, raunchy, sci-fi erotica!

  Click here to check out the Harem Ship MEGA BUNDLE!

  Or, if you’re searching for…

  Kinky Alien Abductions?

  Human Resources (Abduction, Insemination, Suction)

  Alien Comfort Women (Captured, Disciplined, Domesticated)

  Probed by the Big, Green Men

  Interstellar/Non-human Romance?

  The Defiled Saga

  Something more… down-to-Earth?

  Stolen by the Dragon

  Bought & Sold: The Co-ed Plaything

  Pegged for Great Things

  Swallowed by the Sea



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