Love Unspoken

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Love Unspoken Page 7

by Delilah Hunt

  “I wasn’t sure if I would,” she admitted carefully, “but I had to. I wanted to see you.”

  Cole looked her right in the eyes. “See where I live?”

  She nodded and stroked the hard line of his jaw. “I don’t care how the place looks. If I did, I wouldn’t be here.”

  Noelle lightened her tone. “Are we going inside or not?”

  His lips curved upward. Her face heated. How demanding she must sound. To her relief, his lips widened into a full on smile.

  “It’s okay, beauty.” Her insides melted, exhilaration fluttered through her as he signed the word for her special nickname.

  He reached for her hand and hesitantly Noelle closed her fingers over his. Once she stepped inside his room there would be no going back. Nothing her father or anyone said would entice her to turn her back on him.

  Cole held the door opened, his large hand bracing the wood frame. Noelle felt him watching her as she scanned the spartan room. A bed with a simple square headboard took center stage in the middle of the room. It was neatly spread with maroon-colored linen. A single dresser stood in the front, lacking a mirror except for a small hand held that rested near the edge it.

  She knew the ranch hands didn’t live in luxury, but it still came as a surprise. This unappealing room was where he lived, came home to after working those endless hours.

  “Are you comfortable here?” She didn’t want to lie and say it looked nice.

  His gaze flickered about the room. Nodding, he answered, “It’s not very different than my home.”

  Noelle pursed her lips. His family never crossed her mind. She hadn’t thought of what his life was like elsewhere. If things developed as she hoped it would, would his family accept her? What sort of people were they?

  “Do you miss your family?” Or maybe he didn’t have a family. Just a home somewhere with no relatives awaiting his return. Her fate, most likely, after her relationship with Cole came to light.

  He rubbed a crease in his forehead, deep in thought. “Yes and no.”

  Noelle tilted her head to the side and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but that’s no answer, Cole.” She really wanted to know.

  He grinned at the expression on her face. “I’ll tell you another time. Come beside me.”

  Noelle sat next to him, feeling her nerves for the first time as realization dawned on her. She was sitting on his bed, here in the bedroom of the cowboy she had been thinking about for longer than she’d ever admit.

  She should bolt. Apologize to him and say she never meant to lead him on. She didn’t want him to find out about her past addiction. It was humiliating and no one wanted their girlfriend to be a former drug user, definitely not a proud man like Cole. He would never understand.

  A few of strands of hair fell out of her ponytail holder. Noelle blinked in surprise when he grasped the locks and tenderly pushed the strands under the thick rubber band. It was such a simple gesture yet it went straight to her heart.

  Noelle faced him. “That day at the river. Why were you there? Was it to take a swim, or because…” She allowed her voice to trail off hesitant to voice the actual question.

  “Because what?” He lifted a brow then tapped a finger to his head. “I don’t want to be a mind reader with you.” To soften his words, she felt his hand upon her cheek, gently stroking. “Always talk to me. Don’t ever shut me out.”

  Easing away from her, Cole gave a curt nod as if he was giving her permission to tell him everything now. If those moments of dominance weren’t making her pussy positively drip for him, then surely the sun would never rise. The fact that he held so much power without having to say a word caused her knees to shudder. It was scary and satisfying the impact he had on her and her body absolutely craved it after all the years alone.

  “Did you go there hoping you would see me?” I went there to see you, she wanted to tell him.

  Cole searched her eyes. His massive chest rose heavily. “I did. So much of what I do is because of you.” He took her hand, watching her reaction as he lowered it over his erection. “Because of this, too. I wanted you to know what you do to me.”

  Noelle nibbled her bottom lip. Her gaze flickered to the front of his pants. He was so hard. Her panties moistened recalling how big he was and how amazing it felt just having him partially inside her. Noelle traced her fingers over the bulge straining inside his jeans.

  To think, Cole had wanted her even after they’d parted so horribly that day when he’d found the snake-bitten yearling. So much, that he had gone looking for her. Her heart clenched at the memory. He’d sought her out, but she hadn’t given him what he needed, wanted. Instead she had allowed her needs to become paramount.

  Noelle closed her eyes and ran her fingers over his cock. There would be no climaxing on her stomach this time, not unless Cole wanted to.

  “You wanted to come inside me, didn’t you?” she murmured, pressing a hand to his stomach.

  Cole circled his hand around her wrist. “I wanted to be inside you.” He continued to sign something to her, but Noelle didn’t understand. He looked away in frustration. Her heart twisted for him.

  She brushed her lips to his shoulder, loving the feel of his solid hardness. There was not an ounce of fat anywhere on Cole, just sinewy cords of lean muscles from the ungodly hours he worked each day. Her legs shook, imagining his powerful body above her pumping hard deep inside her cunt. All the way up to my belly. Her legs went jelly. A sensual heat pulsed between her thighs.

  “Tell me,” she beseeched. “I want to know everything you’re thinking. Write it down and show me, Cole. You have to know how I much I loved having you inside me. I want to know how you feel. I want to feel what you feel.”

  Noelle went to the floor, kneeling before him. Brushing her lips to his stomach, she kissed along the rippling muscles, uncaring if someone were to come through the door and witness her display of affection for him.

  Noelle paused in her kisses. She glanced up from between his thighs as Cole reached into his back pocket. He returned her look with a deep penetration gaze. She was certain he was gifted with those eyes to make up for his lack of speech.

  Flipping the paper over she noted that he started with her name. She smiled. He did that all the time. She supposed it was his way of getting over not being able to repeat it to her.

  Noelle. I love being with you, but I never expected something that intimate from you. I never want you to give more or allow more than you’re comfortable with.

  She wet her lips. He wrote one thing, but his eyes told a different story. She peeked at him and bit back a lusty whimper. Cole looked as if he was getting ready to eat her alive.

  “Don’t say that,” she told him quietly. “I was selfish with you. You should have expected more. You should always expect more.”

  Embolden by his concern and tenderness, Noelle rose from her position on the hardwood floor and crushed her lips to his. This could never, would never be wrong, she reminded herself. His lips covered hers as Cole moved backward to the bed, drawing her down onto his lap, his arms entwined around her waist.

  His roughened hand traveled beneath her shirt, closing over both breasts. Noelle arched into his thrilling touch. Rough fingers pinched her sensitive nipples.

  His hands fell to her hips, stroking the curves. Noelle gasped when suddenly he lifted her from his lap, practically throwing her on the bed. His eyes held hers and she knew he was pleading for understanding and everything else she had to give.

  Cole dipped his head to her stomach. Noelle in turn raised her face, closing her eyes in blissful surrender. His lips traveled below her bellybutton, planting warm kisses that promised wicked delight.

  Noelle felt his hands on her jeans, tugging them below her feet. Once the jeans came off, he gazed into her eyes while tracing his fingers over her panties. Heat burrowed into her belly and her cheeks blazed when he arched an eyebrow, a smile on his lips as he touched the wet spot in the center of her underwear.

e lowered his head to the blatant evidence of her arousal, affectionately rubbing his face against the wetness. But Cole wanted more. Slipping his hand into the cotton waistband, he removed her panties. He held her legs open at the knees and delved his tongue between her slickened folds. Noelle moaned. She wanted him to lick her so much.

  Not tonight, Noelle, she told herself. You can’t be selfish to him.

  Curling her fingers around a lock of chestnut hair, she tugged slightly. It was going to be hard denying herself the feel of Cole’s tongue caressing her tingling flesh.

  “No,” she managed to cry out.

  He lifted his head and stared at her in confusion. “You don’t want my mouth on you?”

  Yes. God yes. She wanted him to lick her pussy and tell her how sweet she tasted…but she wanted to please him also.

  “I want that so much, but I want to,” she lowered her gaze to his cock, protruding from his jeans. Saliva pooled in her mouth. “I want to suck your penis. I want to make you feel how you made me feel that day by the river.”

  She inhaled a deep breath, watching his hand stroke his erection. Cole swung his gaze to the ceiling, eyes closed, his massive chest rising heavily. After a spell, he opened his eyes and signed to her. “You want this?” He peeled down the zipper and withdrew the heavy shaft, fisting it in front of her.

  Noelle nodded and stretched out her hand to touch him. Her eyes rolled backward. She was no virgin, but not once had she felt the desire to actually take a man between her lips. Her lack of experience in that area, however, hadn’t stopped her from fantasizing over the years. God help her, she desperately wanted to know what it felt like to bring Cole to pleasure with nothing but her tongue and mouth.

  “I want it.”

  Callused fingers stroked her cheek as Cole brought the bulbous tip to her lips, tapping lightly. Noelle drew him between her lips, encircling the thick rim. She curled her fingers partway, as far as it could go, around the massive cock. Lids lowered, Noelle chanced a peek at him. She was rewarded by the expression of sheer pleasure and agony on his face with each pull of her mouth on the dripping cockhead, lapping up the salty fluids.

  Cole was ever so silent except for the few breaths of air that escaped his lips as she suckled hard, drawing out copious amount of pre-cum from the dilated opening. When his fingers suddenly twisted in her hair, lifting her from his enticing shaft, Noelle cried out.


  A lazy smile spread across his rugged features. Noelle blushed, realizing how petulant she might have sounded, like her favorite treat was being denied. In answer, he pushed her backward on the mattress. His fingers went to her pussy, lazily caressing her soaked vulva. Cole pressed his lips on her swollen and pulsating clitoris.

  “Do you know what I want?”

  She hoped so and thankfully he didn’t keep her guessing. Noelle turned on her side as Cole held her legs open, staring at her exposed cunt like a thing of beauty. He laid beside her, his powerful legs facing downward, hips ever so close to her face, and buried his head between her thighs.

  Noelle groaned in anticipation and gazed lovingly at the cock thrusting toward her face. Wrapping her hands around his waist, she felt the first divine flicker of his tongue on her sex. Noelle darted out her tongue and licked along the base of his shaft. Clear fluids trickled from the tip, coursing down the astounding length.

  So damn beautiful. It sent her spiraling. His cock was swollen, the broad head a deep shade of red and thick veins visible on the base.

  Using the edge of her tongue, Noelle licked away the salty drops as they fell from the engorged head. At the same time, his mouth closed over her clitoris. Noelle buried her face into his groin unable to help herself. The juicy cockhead tasted so good, a thousand times better than her fantasies. How she loved it. Dark brown hair tickled her nose and the heady scent of his arousal wracked her body with wanton desire. The tugging sensation on her clit made her belly coil with heat and her womb tighten. Noelle closed her eyes, reveling in the sensation.

  Heaven help her, Cole was suckling her clit and she never wanted it to end.

  “Cole!” To her absolute joy, he tightened his hold around her waist and continued sucking to his heart’s content.

  Her cunt watered. Greedily, Noelle closed her mouth over his penis, sucking hard. Oh God. He tasted more delicious than a minute ago. She would never get enough of him. Noelle rocked her hips into his face, rubbing her pussy on his mouth, lips stretched taut around his huge cock.

  The small room was silent save for the creaking of the bed as their bodies moved together in a slow rhythm. Swirling her tongue around the cock hitting the back of her throat, Noelle gazed out of the corner of her eyes. All she could see was a mass of brown hair between her thighs. Cole had his face pressed so close to her pussy, indulging in the taste of her.

  When his tongue dipped into her moist center, Noelle moaned and pushed her pussy even more into his face. Sweet mercy, if she could hold his head there and have him lick her for hours…Her mouth fell open on the thought. Her jaws slackened around his penis. “Don’t stop,” she pleaded.”

  He flexed his hips and pushed his cock deeper into her mouth. Noelle mewled and gripped his shaft, tonguing the underside then the entire length down to his large testicles. Flicking her tongue against the delicate skin she squeezed gently. “Do you like it when I do this?”

  She felt his subtle nod against her cunt and Noelle lowered her head until his sac was above her mouth. She drew the first testicle between her lips. His cock bobbed above her head, tiny drops of pre-cum splashed onto her face with each pull of her mouth on his balls. Cole’s mouth remained on her until Noelle felt her legs tremble. His grip on her leg tightened and she was thankful for it, grateful he continued the delightful strokes.

  Pleasure wracked her entire frame as Noelle opened her mouth over his prick, sucking hard. Inside her head, Noelle cried out her passion. She fastened her hold on his length, stroking what was impossible to fit entirely in her mouth. The engorged tip was pressed exquisitely against the palate of her throat. Her heart filled with bliss. It could get no better than this—Cole’s delicious cock so deep inside her mouth, his tongue lashing across her folds.

  And then she felt it. What she had been waiting for, craving from him for so long. His prick jerked inside her mouth. Anticipation and hunger sent her blood boiling. Yet, so cruelly, Noelle felt him pulling away, although his tongue remained on her cunt, laving in her juices.

  Mewling in protest, Noelle slid her lips along his cock swaying heavily in front of her face. A splotch of cum fell onto her lips. His body tense and his mouth stilled on her pussy.

  “It’s all right,” she whispered, stroking his lower back and stunned that she still held the ability to talk. Her heart ached, knowing he was worried she wouldn’t accept his seed inside her mouth.

  His fingers dug into the flesh on her bottom, holding her to his mouth as Noelle closed her lips over him once again, taking as much of him as she could. His cock pulsed above her tongue and Noelle felt her toes curls as her orgasm ripped through her. Hot, thick ejaculate poured into her mouth and down her throat. She wanted to weep from the pleasure of it. Below her, a harsh sound more like a wounded animal split through the air. Noelle froze for an instant before her heart thundered and her eyes moistened. That horrid yet guileless sound came from Cole groaning his orgasm. She wanted to hear it a million times over and God help her, she would.

  Chapter Nine

  Cole raised his head from between Noelle’s thighs. He had made that embarrassing sound. The one thing he’d tried so hard to keep from not happening with her. It felt like a fucking curse. Of all the tones he could produce, it was only at the height of ecstasy that his fucked up voice box was able to function. And now Noelle was probably terrified and disgusted with him.

  He looked down at her. Damp, strands of jet-black hair spilled across her face. Her pretty lips were still locked snug around his prick. Noelle was so damn sweet. He knew sh
e had tried to take his entire cock inside her mouth, but couldn’t. Fuck, if she didn’t make him proud. Her pussy was like the sweetest chocolate and he was glad he had never tasted another woman before her.

  Noelle, he called to her silently. Cole touched her cheek, coaxing her to look at him. Her head lifted and those delectable lips parted as he pulled his softened prick from her mouth.

  Those lovely brown eyes gazing back at him, made Cole swallow hard. She had heard him, that awful sound he’d tried so hard to avoid making in front of her.

  Taking a hold of her arm, he hauled her beside him. “I’m sorry,” he signed. “I didn’t want you to hear that. It was ugly. I know.”

  The best moment of his life, having Noelle in here, pleasuring and receiving pleasure from him, was about to go up in smoke before his eyes.

  Her brows narrowed. “But, Cole, you made a sound.” She tilted her lips into a half smile. “It wasn’t pretty, but still. Can you make more? Have you tried it?”

  Only a million times. Why else did he have that stupid mirror on his dresser, because even after so many years and numerous failed attempts, he’d still held out hope that whatever was wrong with him, would one day fix itself without rhyme or reason.

  He pointed to the mirror and watched as the excitement on her beautiful face wilted with disappointment.

  “Oh, so you’ve tried.”

  He turned to her. “You expected more.”

  She drew back and stared at him. “If you believe that then you must think I’m a selfish person.”

  If anyone was selfish it was he. He was withholding information from her. Hadn’t mentioned to her that he would be leaving at the end of summer. For Noelle, this room might be excusable because it was just a place on the ranch for the hands, but if she got a glimpse of his actual home, the main house and the small guest house he used as his own, she’d probably do what any other woman accustomed to luxury would do. Turn her nose up and scurry for the fastest way off the property and out of Elk Basin.


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