BRANDON: Stepbrother Navy Romance Series

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BRANDON: Stepbrother Navy Romance Series Page 2

by Wanda Edmond

  “Thanks bro,” she said.

  The two of them worked together, and Jackie continued to feel him sit close to her. It was awkward, but she was happy to have the help. He asked her about what she did for money, and she admitted that right now their parents were helping them, and she was happy to have the support, but did want a bit more. They decided that once he had a job, he would help her get away from that, and she could have more money, and he would pay her back for the hospitality that she gave him. She was happy to oblige him, but at the same time, she also kind of wondered what was going to happen next. The two of them were almost back to what they were before, and it was nice in a sense, but Jackie started to feel something.

  It was a thump in her chest. She wondered what in the world it was, but at the same time, she was terrified of what this meant. She wondered as well what in the world was going to happen next, and if she would be okay. She honestly didn’t know, because this felt so unnatural, but at the same time, she wanted to go with the weird feelings that she was getting from this. Maybe they would be explained later. Maybe.

  After a little bit of time, they finished up, and her homework was put away. They sat around talking, and Jackie realized that there was a small tingle in her stomach, a feeling of excitement that seemed to be coursing through her. What was going to happen next? Would the two of them be able to work out these strange feelings that they had for one another? She could only hope to find out. But then again, it was almost as if there was some sort of new feeling that was bubbling up within her, one that she didn’t know how to grasp. She felt happy though when she was around Brandon, so that meant that it had to be something good, or at least that’s what she thought. Little did she know that this would cause her life to spiral out of control in ways she never thought possible, and it would make her choose something that she never thought she would have to choose.

  Chapter 4

  For Jackie, life was going a whole lot better. It had been about two months since he moved in with her, and now Brandon was working in a motorcycle shop. It seemed to be the right place for him, and one the side he played in one of the university cafes for some extra cash. He was paying most of the rent, and Jackie took most of the money that her parents gave to her and put it towards food and saving up. It was nice to have a second person living here, even though Jackie knew that sooner or later she would have to tell them about the fact that Brandon was back, and why he was back period.

  Things got interesting between the two of them. Jackie got help from him every single night, and in exchange, she helped him get his own skills up to par. The two of them worked well together, and Jackie felt like they were best friends again. It was strange, because the butterflies in her stomach seemed to never stop, almost last if she was feeling like it would never go away. Maybe they wouldn’t’, and maybe Jackie was just feeling the aftereffects of getting to be with her stepbrother for the first time.

  One night, Jackie was in her room. They finished their study session, and she heard that Brandon was going out to play at one of the local pubs. She thought about going out with him to cheer him on, but that wasn’t her style. The bar scene was the last type of place she wanted to be at, and frankly, she was more interested in the book she was reading anyways. But she realized that she left the phone downstairs, and even though a few people rarely bothered her, she decided that she needed to get it in case if she did get any messages from people.

  She scampered outside, when she heard the water running. He was in the shower, and she knew immediately that he was there. Why was the door open though? It made Jackie wonder if maybe, just maybe he was forgetting to close it for whatever reason. This mad her wonder and with an avid curiosity that she shouldn’t have for this sort of thing, she then went over to the area, peering inside for but a moment.

  There he was. She couldn’t see him directly, but she knew that he was naked. It was so awkward, because she had never seen a dude naked before. Jackie never had a boyfriend, or at least someone that could have the credentials to be called that. This was something so new to her that it wasn’t even funny, but when she looked at him, her eyes were full of shock.

  He was gorgeous. His hair had gotten longer, and he kept it short for now, but she could see the muscles defined in his body. He still kept himself in shape, and with his job, he did do it well. She wondered what he looked like without the curtain there, but she wasn’t going to risk it.

  With a red face, she practically ran as fast as she could to get her phone, heading back inside to close the door. His stuff was still out in the front room, and for a moment, Jackie was feeling something strange, something very strange that she shouldn’t be feeling. She felt the desire to let him stay in the same room as her, and when she thought about it, she immediately shook her head, trying to get that lewd thought out of her mind.

  Why was she thinking like this? Why was this happening to her? This was getting out of hand, and Jackie had no idea what to do. But then, she felt a flush against her body, and she realized that maybe, this was some sort of natural body reaction. She never felt this way before, but it was like her loins were leaking out something, and she didn’t know what to do. With a fearful face, she closed her door softly, reading her book and trying to get the thought out of her head. But she couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  The silhouette of her stepbrother naked. The water rushing down his body. The way he must have looked down there. She felt like she was about to have a nosebleed because of this, and with a shaking of the head, she tried to go back to her book. But then, she continued to dream about him, about her stepbrother, and her daydreams started to overtake her. She was supposed to be reading a classic, not fantasizing about her stepbrother! This was wrong!

  She heard the water go off, and within moments, she herd the pattering of feet. There was a presence right outside her door, and she knew who it was. It was him.

  “Hey there Jackie, I was going to let you know I’m heading out soon. Do you want to come with me?” he asked.

  “No. That’s fine. I’ll just stay here. Besides the bar scene isn’t even my thing anyway,” she muttered to him. She tried to get the image out of her head that she saw, and the fact that he was probably out there in just a towel didn’t help.

  “Okay, well I’ll be out late. Can you leave the door open for me?” he asked.

  “Yeah sure, that’s fine,” she said.

  He then scampered away, and Jackie slumped up against her bedframe, trying to catch her breath.

  “What is happening to me?” she asked herself. She honestly didn’t know, but the only thing that she could do for now was to just wait and see what would occur next.

  Chapter 5

  For Jackie, this seemed like she wasn’t getting anywhere with this. She continued to feel strange every time he was around her, and to be honest, she didn’t know what to do about it. It was a new set of feelings that she had never felt before, and it made her wonder if maybe, just maybe she was feeling something new.

  She tried to research it, but all that was coming up was the fact that she was feeling sexual attraction and having feelings for someone. She never had feelings before, and the fact that this was happening now scared the living shit out of her. However, whenever he was in the same space as her, she looked over at him, and she would immediately start to flush once again. He would then ask her what was wrong, and she would tell him nothing, but then the flush would stay there.

  Then there were those moments when they would accidentally brush their hands together. Those were the worst, because she had no idea what the hell to do in that situation, because she did like him, but at the same time, she honestly had no idea what to do about the feelings that she had for him. It was so new to her, so foreign, and she wanted to figure it out. However, she had no idea where to start.

  Was this normal to feel this way for a stepsibling? She managed to think it wasn’t, which made her feel like some sort of degenerate pervert because of it. Of course she d
idn’t know what else to say either, because it bothered her to no end that she was getting these feelings from him. She wanted to just tell him, but she wondered if that was even possible.

  It probably wasn’t. Oh well. She then started to feel nervous about everything, and after a little bit of time, she felt like she was going to snap. He looked at her with concern on his face, and after a while, he spoke.

  “Are you okay Jackie? You’ve been acting odd. I know that you used to hang out here with me all the time, and now you don’t. I’m just checking because if there is something that you want to say, just let me know,” he offered.

  What would she say to him? How could she describe the strange and lustful feelings that she got when she looked at him? That wasn’t what she wanted to talk about, but she wanted to throw him off so she could get her feelings checked out.

  “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. So how has work been?” she asked.

  “Good. What about you? How’s school?” he asked.

  “Good. Thanks for the help with my music theory. I was able to turn that grade around, which really helped me because it’s a hard class,” she told him.

  “That’s fine. So what are you thinking about all the time? You’ve been acting strange recently, and I wanted to know if it was something that I did,” he asked her.

  She blushed. It wasn’t anything that he did, but rather it was something that she didn’t know how to face. It scared her to no end, and she wanted to figure it all out.

  “Well, to be honest, I’m going through some shit, and I wanted to figure it out myself, if that’s okay with you,” she told him.

  “It’s fine. But I was also thinking about you as well. It’s pretty amazing that you’re so caring and sweet to me. I don’t think there is anyone else out there who would give enough of a shit for a guy like me,” he told her.

  That’s because she liked you. But Jackie didn’t want to tell him about that just yet, but rather she just smiled meekly at him.

  “Well I think it’s only fair, since you’ve helped me out a whole lot, and I felt like repaying the favor to you. I feel like as your little stepsister, it should be what I do,” she admitted.

  “I think there’s more to it than that though Jackie. You’ve been acting very strange. And what’s with ignoring me all the time? I don’t get it, and I don’t know what it is that I’m doing wrong, but I don’t want to offend you,” he told her.

  Jackie looked at him, shocked that he even said that.

  “You’re not offending me at all. I was just thinking about the old times, and how we’ve changed. How I’ve changed,” she said.

  “Well you always were a bit of a dreamer. But what about them? I mean, I’m glad to be with you period, so I don’t know what exactly it is that you’re reminiscing about,” he told her.

  “I was just thinking about how we went from where we were then to who we are now. You’ve always been there for me, and even though there was a point of time where you weren’t recently, I’m happy that you are again. I’ve missed you,” she admitted. She blushed at those words, realizing that she probably sounded like an idiot.

  “Well I’ve missed you as well. To be honest, life didn’t feel the same unless you were with me. I’ve always felt like you were a part of my life that always needed to be there, like you were my good luck charm or something. I know that sounds really dumb, but that’s how I feel. You’ve always been there to help me out with whatever was going on in my life, and you were the only one who didn’t give me shit for joining the military. Even though it was what I was probably destined to do, my mom was actually kind of pissed I did it right after high school. Your dad wasn’t so cool with it either. But you seemed okay with it, even though you did tell me that you would miss me. When you said that, I had to admit, it was actually pretty darn cute,” he told her.

  She blushed at those words. She didn’t even mean to be cute. It just kind of happened.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so weird about it,” she admitted to him.

  “It’s totally fine. I was just thinking that you’ve changed for the better, and to be honest, I think you really have. You’ve grown up to become a beautiful woman, one that would make anyone proud,” he said to her.

  She then redeemed again. Dammit, why was this happening to her? It bothered her to no end that it was happening in this fashion, but to be honest, she knew that it had to end this way. She knew that keeping herself and her feelings hidden from this man would only generate more problems with time.

  “Well, I guess that’s correct. We have changed for the better. And I feel like I have something that’s come over me that I don’t know how to explain,” she admitted to him. Now was a better time than ever to tell him the truth about her feelings, the strange and messed up feelings that she had for him.

  “What do you mean?” he asked her.

  She paused, glancing over at him for a minute or so. Should she tell him? Was this really going to work for her? She didn’t know, but then, she realized that there was only one way to go, and that was to bite the bullet and deal with the consequences. The worst that could happen was he would say that he wasn’t interested either, and that she would need to get her damn head out of the clouds. However, she didn’t think that was going to happen.

  “What if I told you that I liked you? Like, as more than a friend?” she asked him.

  There was a pause, and then he glanced at her again.

  “Are you serious?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I’m serious. I don’t really know what to feel about this,” she told him.

  There was a pause, and then he looked at her, but instead of having a look of disdain, he was smiling at her.

  “Then I guess the feeling is mutual,” he told her.

  She looked at him, and then she glanced all over the place. Just what the hell was going on? She was so confused as to how this would work out for them, but then, he spoke once again.

  “I figured that was what was going on. I could see it from a mile away,” he told her.

  Jackie blushed, realizing that her attempts at being as smooth as butter had failed. Was it really all that obvious that she liked him? Apparently so, because now she had to worry about that.

  “Well yeah. I’m confused by these feelings to be honest. I’ve never felt this way about a guy before,” she admitted.

  “It’s fine. I figured that was the case. Your blushing was way too cute though, and I’m flattered that you think of me in that way,” he said in a smooth way.

  Jackie felt completely under his control, feeling happy to have told him but at the same time a bit terrified by the future that was laid out for her.

  “Do you like me as well?” she asked him. She hoped that this wasn’t unrequited love, because if it was, it would become harder to make that crush go away.

  “To be honest, yes. I’ve felt that way for a while though, and I’ve liked you for a long time. I didn’t know how to say it to you, because you were my stepsister and you’re very close to me. But to be honest, I’m happy to have you in my life, and I would love to express my affections towards you,” he admitted.

  She looked at him with a glance, but before she knew it, he moved closer. She didn’t know what to feel, and a part of her felt like it was getting harder and harder to deal with this. Of course, he seemed fine right now, but what if their parents found out? She was utterly terrified of that, and she didn’t know how to express her feelings regarding that to him. Would they hate her? She didn’t really know. But at the same time, she didn’t care as well. She felt inclined to be with this guy, and it was the first time she ever felt these feelings for a person, so it made it even more special to her.

  Within moments their lips were right up against one another’s both of them gazing at each other in an anticipatory measure. They didn’t know what to say at the moment, but what was there to say other than the fact that they could both feel the lust that was brewing within them, the feelings that she did
n’t know how to express, and the ones that he wanted to express as well.

  She felt like this was the first time she would ever feel this, and to be honest, she was scared of what might happen because of this. What was going on? Why did this happen? She didn’t really know, but at the same time, she didn’t care. She just wanted to go through with this.

  Within moments, their lips were against one another, and it was her first kiss. The two of them just stayed like that for a moment, both of them plastered towards one another in an awkward kiss. Jackie didn’t know what to do about this, but she continued to stay like this, waiting a bit as she kissed him softly. He did the same, and the two of them just did a small kiss with one another. It was nice, but Jackie felt a strange feeling that she couldn’t explain.

  She wanted more.

  She wanted more from this man, and she was wanting it now more than ever.

  He pulled away, looking at her with a glance.

  “Are you sure you want to do this? I know that this is your first kiss, so I don’t want to weird you out or anything,” he told her.

  She looked at Brandon, realizing that he did care enough to make sure that she was fine with this.

  “I think I’ll be okay,” she replied.

  Then, it happened. He pressed his lips to hers once again in a passionate kiss, but this time it was much more fervent than the last one. Jackie was a bit scared, but at the same time she was also very excited for what was coming about with this. It was the first time she had ever kissed someone so strongly, and soon she was practically melting against him. The two of them started to deepen the kiss, and Jackie wondered if what she was doing was the right thing.


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