A Whisper of Wings

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A Whisper of Wings Page 23

by Paul Kidd

  They kissed carefully, Shadarii trying not to hurt Kotaru’s mouth. The umpire saw that all was ready and swung his staff round in an arc.

  “Wings spread, ball high!”

  Zhukora came in low and fast just as Kotaru had predicted. She furiously snatched the ball and flung her team out like a lance. This time she protected herself with a shield of guards. Her team reacted to its orders with terrifying precision, driving relentlessly onwards to the goals.

  Wrens dove in to the attack; Zhukora’s team ignored their casualties and screamed onwards down the field. Another man fell, and then another. The Wrens struck and wove, whirling like a storm of darts. Zhukora ground her fangs as she forced herself to even greater speed.

  She would have her victory!

  The goal ring loomed up before her, but suddenly the ïsha seemed to drag back at her wings. It felt like being an insect trapped in amber. She thrashed her wings as a huge Wren sprang up before her. Zhukora parried a sharp stab of his staff, losing the ball as she desperately tried to save herself. Blue figures dove down and snared the prize, dashing off towards the Skull-Wing goals. Zhukora looked around, gaping as she realised her team had dropped to half its former strength.

  A sparkling presence made Zhukora turn. The plump girl from the Wren team hung below her, her mouth wide open in a smile. The cause of the dragging at Zhukora’s wings suddenly became all too clear; the girl had done something to the ïsha! She had cost the Skulls the game!

  With a shriek of fury, Zhukora shot off in pursuit. This time she’d rip the bitch’s wings to shreds! She blind the little bastard in one eye!

  Shadarii felt a thrill of fear as Zhukora screamed out for her blood. Shadarii felt her speed failing her; she was too fat for speed, too broad of wing to outrace an opponent. Shadarii threw herself into a numbing turn; wings bowed, muscles creaked. The girl felt the grass whip across her breasts, and suddenly she was free.

  There was an explosion high above her. Zhukora overshot the turn and plunged into a tree. With a dreadful scream she hurtled end over into the grass, while Shadarii quickly sped away. Somewhere in the distance, crowds were cheering as the final goal went home.

  Shadarii swirled up into Kotaru’s arms. She had won. At long last she spread out her wings to fly. Hand in hand with her beloved, she soared into the trees.


  Zhukora howled and hacked out with her dao in fury. She butchered an innocent tree, ignoring the Ka that screamed out in protest. She met it with a blast of force, viciously hurtling it back into its trunk.

  “Zhukora! Zhukora, stop it!”

  The woman didn’t hear; she raved and swore in dreadful rage, smashing at the tree with all her strength, while Daimïru hovered helplessly in the shadows.

  “It’s only a game, Zhukora! Only a game!” Daimïru scrubbed tears back from her eyes. “Just-just listen to me! It doesn’t matter! It’s just a game. We simply have to move on from here. Zhukora, stop it!”

  Zhukora screamed and threw away her knife, hammering at the tree with her bare fists. Daimïru hurtled her arms about Zhukora and dragged her to the ground. She grimly held her grip as Zhukora bucked in fury.

  “Let me go! Let me go you bitch! Let me go!”

  “I’m here! Hit me all you like, but I’m not letting go! We’ll just sit here, my love. We’ll just sit here until you’re calm.”

  Zhukora writhed and fought with all her strength; Daimïru simply closed her eyes and rode the storm. It would only last a little while. There would be new plans made soon, new orders, new direction. Until then, she must be protected. Zhukora’s genius blazed so bright that she could burn herself with its heat. Daimïru held Zhukora tight and did what must be done.


  Village fires lit the sky as distant music thrummed. Down beside the bathing pools, Shadarii hopped on one foot as she fought to strip away her moccasins. The Ka helpfully heated up the water as Shadarii tore away her clothes. The girl swiftly plunged into the drink, then surfaced in a shower of spray and frantically scrubbed her hair.

  Rain and Fire, she had only half an hour to prepare! The fires were lit, the circle drawn… Shadarii snatched a fist of soap-root and scrubbed furiously at her fur while host of little Ka foamed the water to a froth. Together they might just have time to make ready for the dance.

  A warm presence blundered through the bushes. Kotaru bounced his way over to the water’s edge and dashed his hair back from his eyes

  “Shadarii? Ha, found you at last! We won! I still can’t believe it. The rest of us are all just going to…”

  Shadarii posed beside the pool, long lashes lowered coyly as she stood naked in the firelight. Bright wings flipped out to frame her figure to perfection. Suddenly Kotaru turned himself around and stared out into the empty forest, his ears blushing hot.

  “Uh - Oh Rain, I didn’t mean to-to intrude! I-I just wanted to tell you that I’ve talked it over with the others. It’s all set. You and I can elope tomorrow during the Totenïha dance. We can get married once we reach my clan, then there’s nothing anybody can ever do to part us!”

  Suddenly Shadarii’s head appeared above a bush in front of him. She was brushing out her hair and looking at him with those delicious eyes.


  Gift? Kotaru’s antennae quivered.

  “Oh! A gift? Ah… I-I don’t have anything for thee.”

  Shadarii looked into Kotaru’s eyes and slowly gave a smile. She leaned across the bushes and drew him up into a kiss. Kotaru sighed and softly ran his fingers through her fur.

  “My love - what gift? Can’t ye tell me what it is?”

  Shadarii kissed Kotaru’s snout and felt a delicious tingle deep inside her.


  Shadarii shoved Kotaru on his way. The young hunter stumbled off into the gloom.

  “Shadarii! Shadarii, I love thee!”

  Tomorrow. A world of promise hung upon one little dawn. Kotaru fluttered off into the dusk with stars shining in his eyes.

  Halfway across the village, other women were hard at work. Javïra stirred a cup of pigment and delicately dusted it across Hatïkaa’s naked fur while Mistress Traveesha bustled in the background seeing to the instruments. Pipes and whistles, long necked flutes and drums all had to be polished to perfection. Hatïkaa posed with her arms held high, trying not to sneeze while her assistant stroked blue highlights all across her breasts. Javïra thoughtfully pursed her lips as she plied her brush.

  “Hmmmm… Do you want the nipples blue, too? It could be a nice effect. Very deadly. Very cold.”

  “Aaaaaw yeah… Do you reckon the paint’ll stick?”

  “Oh certainly! I’ll just mix it with a little grease.”

  Hatïka wiped her nose with the back of her hand.

  “Dong it on then! Anything to get the right kind of notice, eh?” Hatïkaa gave Javïra a crude nudge in the ribs. “My husband’s had a headache for a week! Too tired, he says! Too tired I ask you! If he say’s he has a headache after the feast I’m goin’ lookin’ for my own dessert! No way am I sleepin’ alone tonight!”

  Javïra fastidiously dusted off her fur.

  “I want to thank you for consenting to practice with me, Hatïkaa. It has been an honour to learn some small part of your skills.”

  “Aaaaah that’s alright, love. You’re not half as bad as they say. There’s not so much wrong if a girl just likes her heels up in the air once in a while!”

  Javïra put her hand across her eyes.

  “Uh - yes, quite…”

  “That Prince now! He’s a nasty character. Still, I reckon I envy you! Could be interestin’ to let Royalty take a dip in me every now and then!”

  “Now look you! I didn’t…” Javïra screwed shut her eyes and tried to
start again. “Let’s-let’s not talk about fun just now, hmmmm? We have to get you ready for what’s coming, don’t we!” The girl’s blue eyes glinted as she smiled. “Why don’t we have a nice cup of tea and just relax?”

  Hatïkaa idly scratched beneath her breasts.

  “Naah love. I reckon it’s time I did some warm ups. There’s no sign of that dozy partner of mine either! Where do you reckon she’s gotten to?”

  “Oh she won’t be late. She’s just making a few plans for tomorrow.” The girl reached out for the tea pot. “Why don’t you just have a cup of tea to soothe your nerves? There’s no need to rush ourselves, now is there?”

  “I dunno, I really ought to find her.”

  “Well you can’t go prancing around the village naked. Anyway, you’re not allowed to see each other before the dance. Not outside of the sacred circle. You’re both spirit dancing tonight. We’re not allowed to risk any conflicts. Particularly when you’ve both got those nasty knives.”

  Hatïkaa slopped some tea into her cup.

  “I suppose you’re right. No point in getting stage nerves, now is there?” She noisily slurped her drink, nodding in approval. “Mmmmm - It’s good! What is it?”

  Javïra picked up a gleaming dao and ran her thumb across the blade, staring hungrily down at the lethal razor edge.

  “Why it’s Shadarii’s special blend, Hatïkaa!” She smiled absently as she held the blade before her eyes. “Shadarii’s special blend!”

  The girl laughed and swung the weapon through the air. “Drink up, Hatïkaa! The night has only just begun!”

  Chapter Eleven

  Night had clamped across the silent world. There were no stars, no moon, no light to penetrate the vast depths of the forest; only the leaping council fire and a thousand watchful eyes.

  Silence fell across the crowds. In the dancing circle a bonfire spat and hissed. A fire sprite had made a nest inside the sacred blaze, and the little creature chittered as it dragged its talons through the ashes.

  Something soft and lovely shone against the night. Firelight touched against the curves of warm, rich naked flanks. The mask of Mother Rain slowly rose to stare across the faces of the crowd; how long she had stood there, no one could have said. The drums had raised her from the earth to battle once again for her true love.

  Shadarii’s fangs gleamed in the dark. This was not the gentle maid of legend; lush curves clashed with the nightmare imagery of her thirsting knives. The dancer swung the weapons in a glittering arc as she searched for traces of her enemy.

  Where was Poison?

  At the front of the audience, a single figure gazed up at Shadarii in rapture. Kotaru’s eyes glowed in awe; for the first time he saw Shadarii’s skill in all its glory. Each pose, each move, each tiny breath she took spoke into his mind. The girl who lacked a voice shouted out for all the earth to hear.

  Shadarii felt the fire’s warmth against her back, and the crowd’s eyes seemed to burn across her naked fur. Hidden safe and sound behind her mask, Shadarii stretched her wings and gloried in her dance. As the drums rose up to a crescendo, Shadarii whirled to face the enemy who had mocked her for so long.

  Lady Poison screamed in feral challenge, her blue wings spreading out to sweep the crowd with cold. White fur shimmered with bitter highlights, and long white hair spilled down to caress a figure that made men gasp in lust. The girl turned to lift her leering mask towards Shadarii, snarling for the blood of her enemy.


  Poison’s fangs gleamed beneath her mask; blue nipples jutted sharply in arousal as she slid towards her prey.

  Srïhoonii fought her way through the audience to whisper frantically in Traveesha’s ear, and the Dancing Mistress whirled around to stare wildly at her niece. Counselor Gegachii grabbed Traveesha and hissed in alarm.

  “Traveesha, what madness is this? Who let Javïra out there with that-that fat girl?”

  “An accident, My Lord! The other dancer has been taken ill. She can’t be budged from the latrines.” Traveesha’s face grew sick with panic; Srïhoonii gulped as the dancing mistress took her by the neck.

  “Srïhoonii, why wasn’t I told before? You stupid little wretch! Why didn’t you inform me?”

  “M-Mistress, forgive me! We didn’t know! Hatïkaa is in agony! Javïra had to take her place at the last instant.”

  Old Gegachii clawed at the dancing mistress.

  “My Lady, your niece is out there with that mad woman! The dance must be called off at once!”

  “It is a sacred dance. We cannot interfere unless either girl breaks through the circle!”

  Down in the audience, Kotaru’s fur began to rise as his senses prickled in alarm.

  Something was wrong!

  Javïra lunged; the crowd gasped as blades swept a hair’s breadth from naked flesh. The two warriors fought inside a glittering arc of death as the audience stared in fascination at the spectacle of battle.

  The routine went without a hitch, precisely as rehearsed. Javïra’s knives lashed out at an easy tempo, and Shadarii matched her, driving Javïra back with the expected swipe towards her middle. Javïra made the next moves of the sequence; steel rang out once again as the patterns wove through the air faster and faster. Knives slashed - Shadarii ducked and almost didn’t make the second parry.

  Javïra pushed the tempo much too fast; she hissed in triumph as she drove Shadarii back towards the fire. The pattern ended with a vicious double slash. Shadarii took Javïra’s weapons on her lower staves, steel biting home a hair’s breadth beneath her fingers.

  Javïra was pushing the dance too fast too soon. Shadarii tried to signal her to move more slowly, but Javïra merely purred and came at her again.

  Steel spat; knives howled. Shadarii met a blur of light with a pair of lightning parries. She licked out her weapons at the proper speed, only to have Javïra backslash at her eyes. Shadarii jerked back her head as something burned across her neck, then punched out with her hands to shove the other girl away. Javïra span in a somersault to land back on her feet; mad eyes stared in hunger at Shadarii as she whirled her blades en guarde.

  Shadarii wonderingly raised a hand up to her throat, and it came away glistening wet with blood. The crowd gave a sharp intake of breath, eyes gleaming with hunger as they watched the girl’s blood flow.

  With a shriek of hate Javïra launched into the attack. Shadarii rammed forward and locked blades. The girls snarled face to face, their weapons quivering at each other’s throats. Javïra filled the air with a vile animal reek of musk as she hissed venomously in Shadarii’s ear.

  “This time I’ll kill you! Your Kotaru can’t save you now!” Shadarii gave a jerk of shock. Javïra purred and shoved against Shadarii’s strength.

  “I’ve seen you with him! I know your little escape plans. Do you want him? Fight me, Shadarii, or I’ll tell the whole tribe about your plans! You’ll never see your precious Vakïdurii boy again!”

  She tried to ram her knifeblade home, but Shadarii held her in a deadlock. Javïra snarled in hate.

  “If you want your love, you’ll have to fight me for him! Fight me, you bitch! Kill me or I’ll kill your love forever!”

  All around the royal seat, the elders whirled in anguish. Chief Ohputa tore frantically at his hair.

  “Stop her! Lord King, drag them out of there!”

  Nochorku-Zha jerked his head around in anger.

  “Control yourself. We cannot interfere! There are rules. No one may cross the circle until one of the dancers elects to break it.”

  “But your daughter…!”

  “The rules are the rules!”

  Down in the sacred circle, Shadarii hurtled Javïra back across the fire. She landed on her feet and tore away her mask. Kotaru tried to lunge into the ring, only to be held back by a dozen burly hunters.

  “Shadarii, no! Get out! Run! Run to me!”

  The girl sobbed, and her eyes fastened on Kotaru. She stared at him in agony, her eyes shining bright with f

  I love you!

  Shadarii hurtled herself straight for Javïra’s throat. The crowd gasped, stirred - and then suddenly a girl stood to raise a hunting scream.

  “Shadarii! Kill the bitch! Finish her!”

  The shout set of a sudden storm of howls. The crowd leapt up their feet and screamed for blood; months of hunger - years of frustration and futile anger suddenly seemed to boil.

  Within the sacred circle, the battle raged. Javïra rolled away as Shadarii’s knife hacked into the dirt.

  Shadarii fought in a blind red haze of love. Javïra must die - she must die for Kotaru!

  Blades blurred, sparks flew; Shadarii slashed out for Javïra’s face in a furious rain of blows. Javïra lashed out to kick Shadarii in the groin. Shadarii hissed and stood her ground, punching out to crack Javïra across the snout - Once! Twice! Blood flew from Javïra’s mouth. Shadarii hacked out with her dao, and Javïra met the swing with her weapons crossed. She heaved Shadarii back and slashed out for her throat, and the blow rang against Shadarii’s blades.

  Both women crouched, chests heaving as they dashed sweat from their eyes. The crowd’s roar felt like a drug. Shadarii opened up her jaws and hissed like a striking viper as ïsha currents crawled across her fur. A massive punch of force hurtled itself towards Javïra, and the girl screamed in pain as she was blasted off her feet; Shadarii sprang and tried to hack Javïra’s head clean off. Javïra rolled and cracked the flat of her blade against Shadarii’s skull, and Shadarii fell, her hands clenched against her face.


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