Papa's Rules

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Papa's Rules Page 13

by Sue Lyndon

  “It would seem,” Papa finally spoke, “that both Robert and I are very protective of the women we love. It can cause a man to act impulsively. I hope you will accept my apology as well.” He held his palm out to Robert and the two men clasped hands in front of Cammie.

  Her heart filled with love for the two most important men in her life.

  However, she also knew that although everything had ended well with her plan to find Robert, her Papa would not be satisfied with a handshake from her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cammie stood, naked and ashamed, in the corner of Papa’s library, trembling and filled with more regret than she’d ever known. What had she been thinking? Papa was so angry with her. She’d broken his trust. Would he ever forgive her?

  Tears rolled down her cheeks and she sniffled. Behind her, she heard papers being shuffled and drawers being closed. She’d been in such a hurry to leave and find Robert that she hadn’t taken time to clean up the mess she’d made, and now Papa was straightening up after her carelessness. He hadn’t said much during the carriage ride home, but she’d felt the anger radiating off him. She was so upset over having disappointed him that she almost didn’t care how he punished her. But his next words made her blood run cold.

  “You will receive a spanking followed by a dose of the strap.”

  “Papa?” she asked tearfully, not daring to turn around yet. He hadn’t given her permission to move.

  “You know what you did wrong, young lady. We promised to be honest with one another, but you failed to tell me you saw your brother last week in the hat shop. Then you plotted to leave the manor in secret, to meet your brother after years apart and not even knowing what kind of man he’d turned into. He could have hurt you. Or you could have run into trouble on the street. God, Cammie, you could have been robbed or worse. Did it not occur to you how close you might have been to a tragic ending?”

  A sob built in her throat and she trembled harder. He was right. She had been secretive and impulsive and put herself in danger, not to mention worried her Papa. She hadn’t expected him to come home early today and couldn’t imagine what he’d initially thought when he discovered she’d stolen from him and run off.

  “I’m so sorry, Papa,” she said, forcing the words out. Her throat burned so fiercely with emotion that each syllable was a challenge. “And I’m sorry for stealing from you.”

  “Christ, Cammie. I don’t care about the money. What is mine is yours.” He grabbed her and spun her around, out of the corner. His face was etched in lines of fury, her brows drawn together and his jaw clenched. “Are you allowed to leave this house without permission?”

  “No, Papa.”

  “Are you allowed to keep secrets from me?”

  Her lips quivered. “No-no, Papa.”

  “Are you allowed to put yourself in danger?” His eyes blazed, his nostrils flared, and he tightened his hold on her shoulders.

  She parted her lips and tried to answer, but her voice failed her. She buried her face in her hands and burst into tears. She wept for her mistakes. She wept for all the years she’d wondered about Robert’s fate and her relief that he wasn’t still living on the streets. But most of all, she wept for how badly she had scared her Papa and caused him to worry about her. He was correct, of course. Venturing off by herself in London had been stupid. She’d gotten lost once and had to ask for directions. Luckily, the two passersby had been kind and helpful, pointing her down the right street. But Papa had spent over an hour in a state of panic as he searched for her.

  A horrible thought suddenly struck her. She uncovered her face and peered at him.

  “I hope you didn’t think I was leaving you, Papa! Oh, I would never do such a thing!”

  He tensed, but some of the anger left his eyes. “I won’t lie to you. The thought crossed my mind, Cammie, though I found myself at a loss for a reason. You-you are happy living here and being my wife and my little girl, are you not?”

  “I’m very happy here with you, Papa. I swear it. I love you with all my heart. I would never leave you, and I’m so sorry for everything today. I-I know broke a lot of important rules and I deserve the harshest punishment.”

  He loosened his grip on her shoulders and his expression relaxed. She knew he was still displeased with her, but the scary angry look had dispersed from his gaze.

  “I love you too, Cammie, and that is why I must ensure you never put yourself in danger again. That is the worst rule you could ever break. If something happened to you, I…I can’t even bear the thought of it. You are my world, little girl.” He cupped the side of her face.

  She leaned into his touch, soaking up his affection. She resolved to follow his orders during her punishment and not beg for leniency, no matter how much it hurt. A tingle raced across her bottom and her cheeks clenched, but the desire she often felt while Papa scolded her or threatened chastisement was absent. The situation was too grave, and she was simply too distraught over her actions to feel anything but a deep desperation to mend the rift between them.

  All she wanted was for Papa to smile at her again. To hold her and tell her she was his good girl. More tears spilled over and she sniffled for the umpteenth time. She glanced around his library, noting that he’d set everything back to rights. Papa liked to keep things in perfect order.

  He dropped his hand from her face and led her toward his desk. He’d laid her dress and underthings over a nearby chair, and she gave a mournful glance at the garments, wishing she weren’t entirely naked. She’d never been punished over Papa’s big grown up desk before, and the formality of being led, while not wearing a stitch of clothing, to his desk where a leather strap rested, made her tummy flutter with fresh nerves.

  “Over the desk, young lady.” He brought her in front of the desk and guided her to bend down.

  She placed her hands on the hard surface, following his direction. He stepped back and she felt his eyes on her. She heard him walk away and wondered what he was doing, but he soon returned and lifted her high enough to place a pillow he’d taken from the sofa between her stomach and the desk. His kindness—that he would endeavor to ensure her comfort even while he thrashed her—made her feel all the worse for the worry she’d caused him.

  “I’ve scolded you enough,” he said quietly. “I believe you understand what you’ve done wrong, and I know that you are sorry for it, but I’m afraid I still cannot go easy on you during this punishment, Cammie.” He paused for a moment, as if waiting for his words to sink in. “I hope that I never have to punish you this severely again, and it is my hope that you’ll think twice before you behave in such an impulsive manner again.”

  He stood close to her and placed a steadying hand on her lower back. She resisted the urge to clench her cheeks. Closing her eyes, she prayed for the strength to not make a fool of herself and beg him to go easy on her.

  He gave her bottom a squeeze and a second later cracked his palm across her flesh.

  She gasped but remained still, with her bottom raised up to accept each searing smack he gave her. He continued on for some time, slapping first her left cheek, then her right one, and even striking the tender tops of her thighs. She started sobbing again, but she didn’t ask him to stop, and she certainly didn’t ask him to spare the strap.

  Fire blazed across her bottom cheeks and upper thighs. She gasped when he applied a series of especially hard swats to the lower curve of her behind. By some miracle, she managed to keep her feet planted on the floor.

  Finally, Papa stopped spanking. She opened her eyes to see him reaching for the thick leather strap. Her stomach lurched and panic swelled. She took a few deep breaths, trying to brace herself for the final part of her punishment. Papa loved her, and she trusted him not to cause her any true harm, but was still scared of how badly the strap would hurt. She sniffled, hoping he hugged her after the strapping ended.

  “These final twelve will be quick and hard, Cammie.” There was an edge of despair to his voice that she didn’t q
uite understand. “Promise you will be honest with me from this day forward. Promise that you will not keep secrets. Papa can’t take care of all your needs if you are keeping secrets and sneaking around behind my back, let alone running off into the streets of London unsupervised and without permission. Promise, Cammie.”

  “I-I promise, Papa. No se-secrets ever ag-again,” she said through her increasing tears.

  He pressed a firm hand to her back. An instant later, she heard the whoosh of the strap and heard it crack over her buttocks before she even felt the pain. But when the pain registered, she cried out, unable to help herself. Oh heavens. How would she endure eleven more?

  She pressed her lips together and somehow managed to remain quiet during the next two strokes, both delivered slightly lower than the first lash. She would never sit down again, of that she was certain. She would also be the perfect little girl for Papa from now on. She’d made herself that promise before, but this time she meant it. Seeing the disappointment reflected in her papa’s gaze had left her shaken. She’d known she loved him before today, but she hadn’t realized the profound depth of that love until she had so seriously disappointed him.

  She lost count of the lashes and drifted in the pain wrought from her actions. He brought the leather down again and again. Whoosh. Crack. Whoosh. Crack. She gasped and writhed on the desk, and while she lurched up on her tiptoes a few times, her feet never completely left the floor.

  She heard a thud and opened her eyes, trying to focus through her tears. Papa had tossed the strap on the floor.

  It was over. She’d survived it. But what if her papa was still cross with her? Would he truly forgive her so quickly? She cried harder. He might need a few days to calm down, and she wouldn’t blame him at all. What if he made her sleep in her little girl room, bereft of his touch and his comfort? She covered her face, unable to bear the thought of his coldness toward her. She would endure a punishment like this every day of her life, if only he would wrap his arms around her and snuggle her close.

  * * *

  He’d been hard on her. He told himself he had no choice, but God, hearing her uncontrollable sobbing wrenched at his heart.

  Alexander lifted Cammie off the desk and carried her to the sofa. He sat her on his lap and stroked the tear-matted hair from her face. Her crying finally subsided and when she met his gaze, her eyes widened and she appeared positively panicked.

  “It’s over now, Cammie. You took your punishment well. I’m very proud of you, and as I said before, I hope I never have cause to be so strict with you again.” He smoothed her hair behind her ears and started to worry when she didn’t respond. “Cammie?”

  “Am-am I forgiven, Papa?” she asked in a shaky whisper.

  “God, yes. Of course you are forgiven. Is that why you looked so upset, little girl? You were worried Papa wasn’t going to forgive you?”

  “I was so naughty, I worried you might need a few days before you weren’t angry with me anymore. And I-I worried you wouldn’t hold me…afterward,” she confessed as silent tears trickled down her cheek.

  He caught a tear with his thumb and leaned in to kiss her forehead. “You are forgiven, Cammie. You were naughty—very much so—but you repented and took your punishment, and now all is forgiven, the slate wiped clean. I’m no longer angry with you, and I will hold you for as long as you need. You’re my little girl and I’ve vowed to always take care of your needs. Even if I was angry with you and you needed a hug, I would never think of withholding affection from you as part of your punishment. Do you understand?” he said gently.

  “Oh, Papa. I am so relieved. You really are the best papa in the whole wide world.” She threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. “I’m so lucky to have you.”

  “I’m the lucky one,” he replied, snuggling her closer and stroking her hair. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed at her face and nose, tending to her as a good papa should.

  He held her until she fell asleep in his arms. Then he carried her upstairs and laid her in his bed. He tucked her in and pulled up a chair to watch her sleep. He wouldn’t leave her alone, not even for a second. They’d both had a trying day and needed one another, even in sleep.

  Thank goodness all had ended well today. Alexander was happy she’d found her long lost brother, despite the fact that the young man had once tried to hire her out as a scullery maid. But it had been an act of desperation and not intentional cruelty, Alexander was certain of it, since Robert’s attitude toward Cammie today had been one of kindness and relief once he’d discovered her identity and ascertained that she was safe and sound after many years spent apart.

  In his pride, the young man had refused the banknotes Cammie had tried to give him, but Alexander had made it quite clear to Robert that he was part of his family now and if he ever had need of anything, to please not hesitate to ask. Before they departed Mrs. Stilton’s shop, arrangements had been made for Robert to visit Ashton Manor in a fortnight, which had brought a smile to Cammie’s face. Alexander hoped that becoming reacquainted with her brother, who had seemingly done well for himself given the circumstances of his upbringing, would bring some additional joy to her life and help heal the wounds of her past—the dark and scary past that had led her to Miss Wickersham and Talcott House. And eventually, to him.

  Reaching for Cammie, Alexander combed his fingers through her hair and felt relief at the serene expression on her face. He hoped her dreams were as peaceful as she looked.

  She slept for about an hour and awoke with a dreamy smile that warmed his heart.

  “Papa,” she said, touching his face. “Come to bed with me, Papa. Please.”

  He understood what she meant, and he nodded and stood to strip off his clothes. She needed him, and God knew he needed her. He crawled into bed and gathered her close, kissing her for moments on end and running his hands all over her body. However, he was mindful when he rubbed her ass and upper thighs, not wanting to cause her any undue discomfort, as she had already paid her penance. All he wanted now was to love her, to join as one with her and show her that he would always love her and forgive her quickly, no matter how naughty she was.

  “On your hands and knees, Cammie.”

  “Why, Papa? Are-are you going to train my bottom hole now?”

  He felt a grin tugging at his lips, and he leaned down to give her a quick kiss. “As tempting as that sounds, I simply want to shove into your sweet little cunny from behind.” When she still appeared confused, he said, “Trust me. It will be more comfortable if you aren’t lying on your bottom.”

  She nodded and he helped her get into the ordered position, and she jutted her reddened behind up high to his liking. He paused to inspect his handiwork and was satisfied that the strapping hadn’t left any serious marks. No broken skin, though her entire bottom was a painful shade of red. Gently, he grasped her cheeks and pulled them apart, exposing her delicate privates to his gaze.

  He guided his cock straight into her warm core, thrusting deep and slow at first, until her eager moans spurned him to pump into her faster and harder. She was so beautiful and loving, his sweet little girl. Thank God he’d found her safe and unharmed. He would never forget the sheer panic of not knowing where she was and if she was safe, but he was confident he’d made her understand the importance of his rules today, particularly the rule about being honest with one another.

  She clutched the pillow and arched her bottom higher, and he increased his pace and gripped her hips, lost in his primal need to claim her. A high-pitched whimper escaped her, and a second later he felt the walls of her cunny clamping down tight on his cock.

  “That’s it, little Cammie. Come on Papa’s cock like a good girl.”

  Not long after, the first wave of his release hit him, his balls seizing up and his cock exploding as he filled her with his seed, pumping deep into her tightness. He withdrew from her carefully and laid down beside her, pulling the covers overtop them both and drawing her close, folding her snu
gly into his embrace. She gave a sigh of deep contentment and her breaths tickled his chest. His heart swelled to bursting, he was so overcome with affection for her. Indeed, little Cammie was the other half of his soul.

  “I love you so much, Papa.” She ran her hands over his back and tangled her legs with his under the covers.

  “I love you, too, my sweet little bride. Always and forever.”


  Tonight was the night. She was certain of it.

  Cammie paced nervously in Papa’s bedroom. He’d ordered her upstairs, telling her to await his arrival in his room, rather than her little girl room. Given all the extra attention he’d shown her bottom hole lately, and given that she’d successfully taken the largest of the plugs the last two days in a row, she suspected he meant to stick his big hard cock into her hiney hole tonight.

  She gulped. Papa’s manhood was still larger than the biggest plug. Would she be able to take it? Her breath caught in her throat. Would he come inside her back there?

  Well, she supposed she would find out soon. The telltale sound of his footsteps coming down the hallway made her tummy flip, and she instinctively reached behind herself to shield her bottom, even though Papa wasn’t yet in the bedroom. Feeling silly, she forced her arms to her sides and watched the door, her anticipation growing by the second.

  His words from weeks ago came rushing back.

  All your holes belong to your papa. Your cunny. Your mouth. And even your rosebud. Whichever hole I want to fill, that’s the hole you will take my cock in, little girl.

  Papa entered and closed the door behind him. She peered at him, undone by a sudden bout of shyness, despite the fact that they’d been married for a while now. His strong presence dominated the room, and she felt a tad faint as he approached her. Her gaze drifted lower, and she gasped at the sight of his hugeness tenting the front of his trousers.


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