Player: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

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Player: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Page 33

by Aubrey Irons

  I’m walking towards her with a grin on my face, ready to pull her away from all of this and just lay it all out, when mother-fucking Chet swoops out of nowhere with Donald tailing behind him like a puppy dog. And then it’s just a repeat of the previous day, where I’m gritting my teeth and trying to keep my cool while this asshole cracks stupid jokes and mugs for the cameras next to Reagan, using every ounce of my willpower to try and ignore the fact that he keeps touching her on the arm.

  And really, it’s not even Chet; it’s the thought of any guy putting their hands on her that makes me rage inside. The thought makes my fists clench up and brings me right back to where I was, drunk and fucked up in whatever shit-hole third world slum we were in at the time back then. I can’t help but think of my hands on her; my hands running down her sides, feeling the curve of her hips and the heat between her legs.

  Fuck, I mean I was so close to everything one time, and not just the prospect of fucking her, but I mean everything. That last time we were both here, I know it was something more and something deeper than just the idea of banging a chick. It was fucking way more than that, which is why five Goddamn years later I still can’t get it out of my head and still can’t get her out from under my skin. I think I even knew back then that when I kissed her for that first time, I was just done. With her, there was light, and peace, and finally a fucking silence to the blaring of my memories that scream through my head. I was so fucking close to knowing her, and letting her in before I ruined it.

  I realize I’ve been zoning out again as I hear Chet’s horrible little weasel laugh.

  “So I say, that’s how you putt a par-three, baby!” Donald erupts in laughter right along with him, and even Reagan is humoring him with a smile; the kind of smile I’ve barely seen tossed my way in days.

  “Am I right, Hudson?” Chet winks at me; “Yeah this guy knows what I’m talking about!”

  I have no fucking idea in the world what he’s talking about.

  “Hey so Hudson, remind me what it is you do over at Archer Holdings? You were a fighter pilot or something, right? Currahee!” Chet pumps his fist in the air like he’s at a football game or something.

  Seriously, punching this asshole in the face right here and right now would be an act of mercy.

  “I was a Marine, actually. And Currahee is the 101st Airborne; Army.”

  Reagan gives me a look, and I begrudgingly plaster a nicer, totally disingenuous look on my face; “I make sure the money flows in the right direction at Archer and just pretty much fix problems.”

  Chet grins and elbow’s me in the arm like we’re buddies; “Fix things, huh? So, you think you can fix this girl’s phone so she can call me back sometime?” Chet laughs hysterically at his own joke, with Donald right there with him clapping him on the back.

  No, but I can fix how fucking straight your teeth are in about five seconds, dickwad.

  But Reagan is laughing too, even though I know she can’t stand this clown either. She’s touching his arm and leaning into him, and I wince as a photographer flashes a quick shot of the two of them like that which I’m sure will end up on some stupid blog somewhere involving “romance on the campaign trail” or some other bullshit that Donald and Erika cook up.

  I want to hate all of this; all the fucking pageantry and the concocted narratives, and I definitely want to hate Reagan having her picture taken with this fucking guy. But deep down, I get it. I look around at the college volunteers clearing chairs from the front lawn; I see the campaign posters with her face on them, and the boxes of buttons and t-shirts with her name emblazoned across them, and I get it. Chet’s obnoxious, and vanilla, and a total talking head, but he fits the part. This is who she should be with, I think darkly to myself; not some fucked up broken toy soldier like me, with all the shit I’m still carrying around on my shoulders. This girl is fucking incredible, but her being with a guy like this just makes sense, and I’m fucking delusional to think otherwise.

  She laughs again at something stupid he says - the sound so perfect and so pure and good - and I can’t; I’m just done.

  I’m barely aware of Donald asking me where I’m going as I just walk away; away from the lights and the camera and Reagan and Chet.



  P A S T

  I’m still trying to breath; still trying to get my racing heart to calm down enough for it to drop out of my throat and back into my chest where it belongs, even five minutes after he went back inside. I just kissed Hudson; I mean, holy shit. And not just any old “kiss” either; not some chaste princess-movie kiss, but a searing-hot, gravity-defying kiss that still has me grinning like an idiot and trying to feel the floor beneath my feet. Or did he kiss me? Does it matter? Does anything else in the world matter right now after that?

  Ten minutes after, I’ve calmed myself a little more, but I’m biting my lip nervously as I start to wonder about what comes next. I mean am I really going to do this with him? I mean it’s not like I’m a virgin or anything; well, not technically at least. That dubious technicality involves a spectacularly brief encounter with my date to senior prom. But this is Hudson we’re talking about; Hudson with the dangerously charming smile, Hudson with the practically legendary history of women trailing after him. I’ve been drinking, but I’m hardly drunk anymore; maybe from that kiss, but not from wine. But I’m worried now that there was a boldness and a confidence in me that I’m not used to when I pretty much dragged him up here, and now I’m starting to wonder how much longer that boldness is going to last me without his lips on mine.

  Fifteen minutes after he went inside, I decide I can’t just stand here out on the terrace tapping my feet, so I find myself walking back into the house. He’s not in Quinn’s room, not where I told him to look for condoms, and he’s not in mine, where I’m secretly hoping to find him waiting for me. Walking back downstairs is like slowly re-immersing myself into reality, as the shadowy murmuring sounds of family and mourners sucks me back into the now. I’m scanning the room for him, thinking maybe he got drawn back down for some sort of emergency or to help someone, but I’m still not seeing him.

  His back is to me, and he’s standing with a bunch of other suits in corner of the foyer, and I’m about to go up and tap him on the shoulder when I hear it, and the floor just drops out from under me; “..A girl like that is just another place to get your dick wet.”

  It’s his voice; the same man who just kissed me with a passion I never knew existed in the world, and who told me he’d be right back is now telling a bunch of his buddies that he fucked me. I’m backing away slowly, realizing that the pain inside my chest is the feeling of my heart just breaking.

  “Reagan, I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  I turn quickly to the woman I’ve never met before who probably worked for my father - someone else who probably knew him better than I did - and nod quickly; “Uh, thanks.”

  “He was a great man.” She looks at me plaintively, shaking her head and pursing her lips.

  “M-hmm.” When I look back, he’s gone, and I can feel the shattered pieces inside of me tumbling to the floor. I turn back to the women talking to me about my father, and it’s then that I see him. It’s right then, surrounded by the mourners and shadows and memories of my father, that I see the Hudson Banks - the man that just broke my heart - shuffling out the front door with the pretty blonde girl hanging off his arm and giggling at something he’s saying. He’s nodding quickly at the valet out front and helping the drunk-looking bimbo into the passenger seat of his car before he turns quickly, his eyes darting over the crowd quickly as if trying to make sure he’d not caught making this escape like this. He doesn’t see me - which is good because if we’d locked eyes in that moment, I’d have broken entirely - before he takes a quick breath, his face looking dark, and slides into the car. And then he’s roaring away, dust kicking up behind the car with the screaming giggle of her voice trailing out the window.

  And then he’s gone.
br />   There’s a sting; something piercing deep inside that threatens to take me to my knees right here as I realize what a complete fool I’ve been. And in that moment, I’m not even sure I’m mad at him; I’m mad at myself. I’m mad at being the silly little stupid girl I never wanted to be. I’m mad at letting my convictions and my armor and my sensibilities drop for just a second; only realizing now that it was just enough to get hurt.

  The tears start to come then, and another person I don’t know is hugging me and telling me how it’s all going to be ok. And with this stranger’s arms around me, I realize how awful I am that I’m standing there shedding tears over some bullshit crush on some bullshit shadow of a man named Hudson instead of my father, who I should be crying over.

  And then I’m tearing away and pushing my through the crowd, back up the stairs, past the Goddamn library and the terrace, and down to my room. I’m under the covers, my face pressed tight to my pillow as I sob; for my father, for me, for the pain of growing up and the bitterness of life.

  P R E S E N T

  “Hudson!” I’m stomping up the staircase to the second floor, chasing him as he storms down the hallway

  “Goddamnit, Hudson where-”

  “Go back, Reagan.” He’s in the upstairs library, pushing open the double doors to the terrace where that kiss happened all those years before; back to the scene of the crime. I tense myself and tighten my jaw as I stand staring at the double doors across the room where he’s just gone through, feeling the licking tendrils of the shivering cold teasing through the crack where he’s left them not quite closed. I storm across the room, fling them open and step out into the chilly night; determined to corner him here.

  “What the fuck was that back there?”

  He turns, his face looking tight and tense and his sharp blue eyes blazing liquid fire as they stare at me; “It’s nothing, Reagan; just leave it. Oh and say hi to Chet for me.”

  I stare at him, feeling my own flame begin to churn inside of me; “You’re jealous? Of Chet?”

  “Of course I’m fucking jealous.” He growls it quietly, before he starts to stalk past me back into the house.

  “You know it wasn’t just that you rejected me and made me feel like a complete idiot.” My mouth spits the words out before my brain can stop me, and he freezes in the doorway.

  He whirls around, his eyes blazing that steely blue fire as he looks right into mine.

  “It wasn't just that you humiliated me, Hudson; after you led me on like that.” I take a shaky breath, realizing I’m about to say everything I’ve been wanting to tell him for five years; “I was young-”

  “So was I-”

  “You knew better!” The pained look in his eyes says it all, but I just can’t stop; “And you just left me there!” I can feel the tears begin to well up, hot and stinging my eyes as my heart races in my chest.

  “I was a mess, Reagan,” He says gruffly, a tightness to his voice; “I was broken and I didn’t want you to get dragged into my-”

  “You know what Hudson? Fuck you- it’s not that!” I’m desperately trying to keep it together and not let myself fly off the handle, but it feels like the whole stupid thing is about to give way. I feel my throat tighten, catching my breath in my throat; “It’s not even that you wound me up and left me feeling like a stupid little girl-”. My chest burns and my eyes sting as I glare at him, standing there with his smoldering gaze just burning into me; “I mean what was the point of pretending you even liked me like that for all that time Hudson?” I’m crying now and telling him this, and basically doing everything I don’t do as I just spill everything; “What was the point of making me feel like I was special or like you even wanted me?”

  “Jesus, Reagan, because I-”

  “I saw you!” Tears are rolling down my cheeks, fueled by the memory of him driving away all those years before; “I fucking saw you leaving with that girl, OK?” My breath hitches as I try and fight the tears; “And after nothing even happened with us, you went off and gloated to everyone that you fucked the boss’s daughter anyways!”

  His face crumbles into a frown; “Reagan, what the fuck are you talking abou-”

  “ ‘A girl like that is just another place to get your dick wet’, right Hudson? That’s what you fucking said, right?” Hudson’s face is tight and his eyes are flashing fire at me he takes a step forward and reaches for me, but I rip my arm away and turn away from him; “No, forget this, and fuck you, Hudson; fuck this whole thing, just leave me alo-”

  He grabs me, his grip tight on my arm, and I gasp as I feel him pull me around and yank me against his chest; “Will you listen to me!” He growls.

  I can feel my heart leap into my throat as he holds me tight against him, and I fall right into those eyes as the smell of him and the feel of his hands on my skin just draw me right in. “Don’t touch me!” But I know my fight is gone the second I find myself in his arms, and I’m not stopping him.

  He shoves me back against the ivy-covered wall behind me, his body so close to mine that I can feel his heat; “I gave that girl a ride home because she was wasted, and her boyfriend was being an asshole.”

  “Oh, please; fucking save me the bullshit Hudso-”

  “Logan.” He growls out; “Logan was her boyfriend. They fought, she was drunk, and I was going back to New York anyways; that’s why she was in my car.”

  His eyes pierce into me, and I’m trying to fight the cooling effect they’re having on my temper because I need to be mad; I need to scream at him and tell him I hate him because if I don’t I’ll explode. “You- you told that group of guys that we-!”

  “You didn’t hear the whole thing, did you.” The winter wind whips up over the terrace, and I shiver against him. “Those guys were a bunch of douchebag finance assholes who worked for Archer Holdings, and I bumped into them after I told Logan I’d take his girl home.” His eyes narrow as if he’s remembering the moment, and he sort of looks through me as he talks; “They were all bullshitting around, talking about girls and their conquests or whatever, when one of them said something about a pool they all had about sleeping with one of the Archer girls.” Hudson’s face glowers darkly, and his eyes flash with a fierce emotion; “One little prick said something especially foul about you, and yeah, what I said was; ‘if you think a girl like that is just another place to get your dick wet, we’re going to have a problem’ “. Hudson’s eyes bore fiercely into mine; “I’m guessing you left before I told him I’d push him off the fucking roof if I ever heard him talk about you or your sisters like that again.”

  I stare at him, feeling the heat of his palms on my skin in stark contrast to the chill in the air around us. I want to believe him - desperately want to believe him, by I’m still hanging onto that hate; that feeling of betrayal. I roll my eyes and sneer at him; “Oh, right, and you expect me to believe-”

  “Goddamnit, Reagan,” He snarls at me, his face strained and tight, and suddenly I know I’m watching that armor drop away and I’m seeing the real Hudson; “Do you have any fucking idea how hard it was to walk away from you?” He says softly; “How could you think I’d-”

  “Because thats you! That’s just fucking like you, Hudson!”

  “Not since you!” He barks.

  “What the hell is that suppose to me-”

  “Jesus, Reagan for once will you just shut the fuck up.” And then he’s kissing me, his lips crashing into mine hard as he presses me up against the stone behind me, and I feel my whole body fall into him

  But I yank myself back from him somehow, and before I can think it through, I’m smacking him across the face; “I’m not going to be just another notch you know!”And this time, I’m kissing him, smothering that look of wild bewilderment and primal fury on his face as I kiss him with everything I have. I feel his strong arms tighten around my waist, pulling me hard against him, and I moan into his mouth as I feel the throbbing between his legs pressing hotly against me.

  “You could never be ‘just
another’ anything, Reagan Archer,” He growls into my kiss; “You couldn't be even if you tried.” And when he kisses me again, the whole world disappears around us.

  I grind into him, whimpering into his mouth as I feel his body hard against mine and feel his hands slide down to cup my ass. I’m shoving aside the voice inside my head that’s screaming at what a terrible idea all of this is, trying to smother it as Hudson smothers my mouth with his lips. I shouldn’t be kissing him like this, or moaning into his mouth as his hands grab my ass, or arching my back and rocking my pelvis against the thick hardness of his cock pressing at the front of his pants. No, I definitely shouldn’t be doing any of those things; not here, not now, and definitely not with Hudson Banks.

  “We- we shouldn’t be doing this!” I whimper out, moaning as he sucks my earlobe between his lips.

  “We should definitely be doing this,” He growls softly; “I can’t even tell you what I wanted to do with you the last time we were up here,” He says hotly into my ear, sending shivers through my whole body.

  Oh, I want to know everything he wanted to do with me; everything he wants to do with me; “Show me,” I whisper out, my voice heavy with lust, and I’m shocked at my own words even as true as they are.

  He’s yanking my prim and proper jacket off of me, and I’m shrugging it off my shoulders as I moan into his kiss. “Well, this, for one,” He tears my conservative blouse apart, sending the buttons scattering and making me gasp at the ferocity of him as I arch my back towards him as I feel his hands sliding over the thin lace of my bra, making my nipples pucker into hard points under his touch. His mouth slides down my neck, nipping at my skin as he kisses over the tops of my breasts. I whimper as he yanks my bra down, baring my nipples to his hungry eyes, and then I cry out as his lips wrap around one rosy nub; his tongue darting across and sending jolts of electricity shooting through my whole body.


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