The Mandate of Heaven

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The Mandate of Heaven Page 31

by Mike Smith


  Jessica stood, staring up at the sign on the shop that Alex had disappeared into not moments before.

  Angela’s Emporium of Exotic Delights

  A frown crossed her brow, what was Alex doing in such a place? She couldn’t think of anybody that he would want to meet at such a peculiar locale. What sort of sweet morsels of delights were contained within? She wasn’t aware that he was particularly fond of confectionary, but she had to admit that she didn’t know him that well.

  Perhaps he had a sweet tooth?

  Shrugging, she realised that she was starting to attract undue attention, standing outside the store and therefore stepped inside. It certainly wasn’t what she was expecting, as there wasn’t a single item of candy on display. What she did find was a pretty auburn girl, who obviously in her rush to get to work, had forgotten to finish dressing.

  “Good morning, my Lady,” she introduced, curtsying to Jessica. “How many I help you?”

  Pleased to finally be recognised, as up to now there had been general suspicion and disbelief with regards to her identity, she replied honestly. “I’m looking for a certain someone.”

  It was obviously the right answer, as the woman’s face lit up. “Of course, my Lady. We’ve got a very broad selection for you, however, if I could make a personal recommendation? I would suggest Alex. I can personally recommend him, if you take my meaning.” Winking suggestively at Jessica, she snapped her fingers.

  Jessica was just about to enquire as to how this woman knew Alex. She thought perhaps they were relatives, very distant relatives she allowed, when her internal monologue came to an abrupt halt. For it quickly became obvious that they were talking about two very different men. Not unless Alex had grown a couple of inches, put on a good twenty or thirty pounds of pure muscle, stripped from the waist up, and rubbed himself down with baby oil.

  His deltoids and triceps bulged.

  “Oh,” Jessica stuttered, as her eyes grew wide, unable to take her eyes off the male god in front of her, who was currently flexing his very impressive muscles, one at a time.

  “If he doesn’t please you my Lady, we’ve got several other prime specimens available. Would you like me to show you?”

  “What? No.” Jessica hurriedly added, tearing her eyes away from the rippling muscles on display. “You misunderstand, I’m not looking for this at all.”

  “I see,” the young woman’s expression brightened. “I just naturally assumed…”

  “No, but perhaps…” Jessica shook her head, “Never mind.” She was relieved when the woman instead took her hand reassuringly.

  “I understand,” the woman cooed sympathetically. “Everybody is different and you mustn’t worry about it. You are special, unique, and you must celebrate the joy in that.”

  “I am? I should?” Jessica blinked. Confused.

  “Yes, you’re young and so very pretty.” The woman rushed to reassure her, stroking her hand from cheek to fingertip. “Let me teach you the joys of being with another, who shares similar pleasures—”

  Jessica snatched her hand back, as if it were on fire.

  “I’m not here to procure a man, or a woman, for that matter.”

  “Well, what are you here for?” the woman cried, exasperated. “I’ll have you know we’re a reputable establishment, we don’t cater to any craven, or perverse, inclinations.”

  “I’m looking for Alex Grey, he stepped in here, not ten minutes ago.”

  “Oh,” the woman looked abashed. “Sorry about that. I was just trying to stay in character, you know? Top floor, second corridor down, third door on the right.”


  Jessica was happily contemplating murder by the time she finally reached her intended destination. If she’d been in any doubt about the purpose of this establishment by her welcome, she’d shed all illusions during the intervening journey. Many of the sights and sounds would be left imprinted on her consciousness for the rest of her life.

  Renewing some old acquaintances? She just bet he was!

  Probably with some six-foot, blond, scantily clad girl, with nothing between the ears except fresh air. Finding the correct door, she pushed it open and breezed through, all without knocking. After all, Alex never did, so why should she? Her lips compressed of their own accord, as she took in the scene. It was pretty much how she imagined it—except the woman was wearing fewer clothes.

  “I’m thinking that three would probably be a crowd, then?” she interjected, having caught the tail end of the conversation. She supposed that she should have been justified, pleased that her initial assumption had been correct, or at least disappointed, as she’d thought better of Alex, but right now she was simply too livid to care.

  “I can explain,” Alex exclaimed, before glancing around again. “Or, perhaps not.”

  “Save it,” Jessica snapped. “I can see perfectly fine with my own two eyes. Although I obviously spoke too soon, as three is obviously not a crowd, what’s the term, oh yes, a ménage-à-trois. Although I wasn’t aware that your tastes ran to such older women.”

  Jessica was momentarily interrupted by a cackle of laughter from the old crone in the bed, “Oh Alex, I like this one. She’s got real fire. Please, you must introduce us.”

  Jessica held up one hand, forestalling Alex’s response. “There is absolutely no need, as I’ve seen everything that I needed to see. Literally everything and I assure you that you’ll be disappointed. From what I can see I’m much better off with Alex downstairs. He at least is far better endowed.”

  “Alex downstairs. Who the hell is Alex downstairs?” Alex demanded.

  “Somebody I’m about to go and renew my acquaintance with, that’s who,” Jessica announced boldly, turning to leave.

  “Jessica wait—” Alex faltered, hurrying after her.

  “Don’t Jessica me!” she yelled, changing her mind about leaving. After all what was the point of having all this strength, if she never got to use it? She smiled cruelly, picturing the scene of Alex running around, collecting all of his severed limbs. “I’m Lady Jessica—” but whatever else she was going to say, was cut off, as Alex smothered her mouth with his own.

  “Wha—” she exclaimed, but even this pronouncement was cut-off as Alex took advantage of her open mouth, to invade it with his tongue. Having caught her by surprise, he further pressed his advantage, by catching one of her hands, then another, pinning them above her head, pressing her back against the door, crowding her with his body.

  Taken by surprise at the suddenness of the assault, she was momentarily distracted by the familiar scent and taste of him. Seemingly recognising her wavering resistance, Alex continued to press on, his tongue continuing to duel with her own for dominance. Still, she was only distracted for a moment and then began to fight back against his assault, surprised that she couldn’t free her hands from his grip. Instead Jessica did the next best thing that came to mind, biting down on his tongue—hard.

  Alex immediately released her, taking a step back. Surprise apparent in his gaze. Jessica was just about to let out a blistering retort, when she tasted his blood on her tongue. It was rich and coppery, with a strong metallic taste. It immediately took her back to their time on Capella, and she was momentarily distracted by the memory. A momentary hesitation that Alex took full use of, when he brashly declared to the room:

  “Lady Jessica, my betrothed, fiancée and wife to be.”


  The silence in the room was oppressive.

  It was difficult to judge who was more shocked, Jessica, Angela or Angelica, yet it was Angelica who broke the silence first, tossing her head back, she looked Jessica in the eye. “You’re not even married yet, and you’re already unable to satisfy your husband-to-be in the bedroom? You must be frigid indeed.”

  Licking her lips, Jessica turned to face Angelica. With the blood still dripping from her lips she cast a very feral sight indeed. “Oh?” she said, wiping the blood from her lips with a finger, the
n licking the digit clean with her tongue. “Would you care to place a wager on that.” She gave Alex a heated stare, pleased to see him appear transfixed, staring at the digit that she’d just cleaned.

  Feeling empowered, for obviously she wasn’t alone in recollecting their time on Capella, she took several steps forward, not once breaking eye contact with him. When she was standing before him, she used the same digit that was still slick from her lips, to run a finger from his cheek to the base of his throat. She could feel his heart beat wildly underneath her finger and, for the first time, marvelled at the power she wielded over him with just her touch. She leaned forward until their lips were almost touching, only at the very last moment angling her head, so her lips touched his neck, where only seconds before her fingertips had been resting.

  She didn’t have to fake the expression of delight, when she felt the tremor from her touch run the length of his body. Her eyes, that had drifted shut at his nearness and the warmth of his skin, opened and she eyed Angelica, who was looking at the pair with something akin to disgust. Guaranteed a captive audience, she licked the exposed skin with her tongue, before closing her lips around his throat, biting gently.

  Once again she tasted his blood on her tongue, but this time she was ready for it, recognising the taste, welcoming it and using her tongue to lap it up. The touch, taste and feel of him were overpowering and she felt her body hum in appreciation. The effect on Alex was no less pronounced, as his eyes shot open wide and he growled, a long, low, moan of encouragement.

  “Now that we’ve cleared up that little, misconception,” Jessica drawled languidly, licking her lips, turning to face her rival, “I think a little demonstration is now in order to discourage any further plans that you might have, regarding my fiancé.” She rolled the word across her tongue, enjoying how it sounded.



  “I can’t believe that you did that,” Jessica pouted as they made their way back to the guest quarters that Lord Granville had assigned them. “I wasn’t going to hurt her, much.”

  “I can never quite be sure with you, dear,” Alex prevaricated. “Sometimes you get a little carried away.”

  “Well, it was only because you encouraged me. What was that ridiculous declaration that we’re engaged to be married about?”

  “That ridiculous declaration, as you so aptly put it, was to protect your reputation. I can’t believe that you were about to pronounce to all that you were Lady Jessica Hadley, eldest daughter of High-Lord Hadley, in the middle of a brothel! Have you taken complete leave of all your senses?”

  “It was only two people; I think I could have encouraged them to keep quiet about it.”

  “Two people in that room, and God only knows how many others listening in. What about the surveillance people monitoring the room and any copies of the recording that might be floating around?”

  “Listening in?” Jessica blinked. “What sort of sick individual would be interested in recording what sort of sordid activities occur in a place like that?”

  “You would be surprised at the varied tastes of some of their clientele. I happen to know that Angela makes available the recordings, at a price.”

  “Then I take it you never—”

  “No,” Alex insisted firmly. “Seeing as I know how you won’t let the matter drop. That was where I grew up, at least until I was old enough that Granville took me under his wing. He was a regular there, as he always had a bit of a soft spot for Angela.”

  “That was where you grew up?” she repeated, appalled.

  “I’m a bastard, where else do you think I grew up? It was a better childhood than most who live in this sector. At least I had somewhere to sleep and regular meals.”

  “How old were you when you went to work for Lord Granville?”


  “Nine? What on Osiris did you do for him at that age?”

  “Oh the usual; pickpocketing, bag snatching, burglary.”

  “You were a thief? I’m beginning to see that you started young and have slowly been working your way up to grand larceny. What with your most recent offences, including kidnapping and ransom.”

  “Have you taken a good look around you? There are no schools here, no jobs. Only poverty, homelessness and destitution. Those that have money, leave. Those that don’t, eke out a meagre living until they are fortunate enough to die.”

  “But not you. You managed to survive.”

  “Just,” Alex said bitterly.

  She was rendered mute, unable to even imagine such a childhood. At that age her world still revolved around dolls and the latest pretty dress from her father. Anyway, Alex had made it perfectly clear that the last thing he wanted was her pity.

  “I need to go out again tomorrow—” Alex began hesitantly.

  “To renew more old acquaintances?” she interrupted scathingly.

  “No. Your father arrives the day after, I want to scout out possible locations for the exchange. There’s a good reason I’m a survivor,” he added cynically.

  “So you’re just going to abandon me, again?”

  “Not likely. I’ll talk to Granville in the morning, he can keep you company. I doubt that you’ll be able to dismiss him as easily as you did your guard today. Talking of which, where the devil did you send him?”

  “On a small errand,” she said blithely. Ignoring him, she purposefully turned away, so that he wouldn’t see her hurt from his casual dismissal.

  “Jessica,” Alex called out after her. “I never know what’s going to happen tomorrow, let alone the day after, but one thing I’m certain of. Don’t ever mention to Stanton what happened here today. He and I are different, because from me you will never get more than a mild rebuke, but as for Stanton, he would kill you, if he ever found out where you’d gone today. Please make sure that he never does.”

  Jessica turned round, prepared to let fly a retort that at least her real husband-to-be would never enter such a house of ill repute, when she observed the bleak expression on his face. Suitably chastised she simply nodded her head in understanding, turning to retrace her steps back to their temporary accommodation.

  She lay awake all that night waiting to see if Alex would return. He never did.


  Jessica was not surprised to find herself alone at breakfast the following morning. She was intrigued, however, to find an envelope in the middle of her usual place setting. It was resting in front of a large bowl, covered with a napkin. She reached out and took the card, instantly recognising Alex’s scrawl.

  Hope you slept well. Sorry I can’t join you for breakfast, but left you something special. I seem to remember you personally requesting it?

  Laughing out loud, she whisked off the napkin, revealing a bowl full of strawberries and cream. With a guilty expression, she plucked one from the bowl, covering it with cream before popping it into her mouth. Her eyes went wide, as the taste exploded across her tongue. The strawberry was juicy, as if just picked from the field. The fresh cream, in all of its thick, silky glory, had a wonderful sweet texture. When eaten together they bordered on the divine. She wondered where Alex had acquired them from, but didn’t dwell on it, as suddenly feeling ravenous, she swiftly finished the lot.

  She was still licking the bowl when the announcer sounded and hurriedly she put it aside. After all it would hardly look lady-like if somebody entered, to catch her licking the bowl of cream like some new-born kitten. She was only somewhat relieved to discover her guest was none other than her errand-boy from the day before, but this time come to escort her to Lord Granville. She was amused to observe a further three guards fall into loose formation around her, as she stepped from the apartment. It seemed that Lord Granville had sent reinforcements to ensure that she didn’t get lost on the way, she wondered if word of her earlier escapade had reached even his ears?

  At least this time the guards remained outside his office. After the last altercation she wouldn’t have been at all surpr
ised to have been forcibly frisked and her fusion pistol confiscated, but perhaps Lord Granville was simply too polite to insist on such extreme measures?

  “Lord Granville,” she curtsied politely, upon being ushered into his office. Glancing around curiously, she noted that most of the damage from their last encounter had now been fixed. In places, a few burn marks, were all that remained to indicate her earlier displeasure.

  “Lady Jessica,” Granville responded cheerfully, coming out from behind his desk, to take her hand and usher her to one of his high-backed, leather bound chairs.

  “Lord Granville,” she mused aloud. “I must confess I don’t recognise the title. Which branch of the great families do you spring from?”

  “It’s more of an honorary title,” Granville confessed, flushing slightly. “People refer to me as Granville, Lord of Thieves. It’s a bit long winded, so most just abbreviate it to Lord Granville.”

  “I see,” Jessica blinked in surprise. “Alex mentioned that you were a pirate, but I didn’t realise that he was speaking literally. What on Osiris did you steal to earn you that honorific?”

  “This station, for one.”

  “You stole an entire space station. How may I ask? It seems somewhat large to simply fit in your pocket and I assume people noticed it was missing?”

  “I needed a base for my operations, or should I say for my business ventures. When I first visited, it was bedlam here. It was a complete free-for-all, with sector-vs-sector, everybody was up-in-arms, literally. They needed somebody with a firm grip to take charge and set about imposing some sort of order.”

  “I take it that you felt qualified to fulfil this role?” Jessica asked wryly.

  “Nobody else seemed to be willing to step up to the challenge.”

  “That’s when you met Lord Greystone?”

  “Greystone?” Granville asked, looking confused.


  “Oh yes, little Alex. I found him soon after, always hiding behind those whores’ skirts. He was quick-witted, clever and smart. Totally wasted there, so I put him to work. Taught him everything that he knows.”


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