Cash: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 6)

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Cash: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 6) Page 11

by Chelsea Handcock

  Could she do it? There were still so many unanswered questions, and they didn’t even know each other, not really. The draw they felt was unnatural, but at this moment, none of it mattered, she knew that.

  “I claim you, Cash Warren, as my mate and my future.”

  He started to pump into her harder hitting that spot within that brought sparks behind her eyes and caused her pussy to clamp down hard on him not allowing him to move.

  A second later Jenna felt it, a sensation so foreign, but familiar at the same time, a burning that seemed to emanate from her heart straight to Cash’s. She had been here before; this was home. The moment the connection cemented itself connecting the two of them, Jenna’s body ignited into a thousand sparks of lights, the feeling so intense, it took her breath, sight, and ability to speak.

  Jenna vaguely felt Cash reach his own completion, collapsing onto her body, the heavy weight welcoming, grounding her. She felt a warming and for a split second, intense pain on her wrist, but Jenna ignored it, not wanting to take the time to examine it further. It was gone now, so it didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was the man in her arms.

  Jenna continued stroking Cash’s back, holding him close, loving the feeling of his weight on her body while they were still connected. When he slipped out of her, Jenna groaned. Cash looked up at her, concerned.

  “Was I too rough? Did I hurt you? Damn, Jenna, I should have taken more time. Fuck, I am so sorry.”

  “Cash,” Jenna laughed, “if you had done that any better, I would be dead right now. I loved every minute of it, wouldn’t mind doing it again,” she said, giving him a cheeky smile.

  Jenna felt so content and at peace, truly happy for the first time in her life. This little bubble with just her and Cash was a place she never wanted to leave. When he rolled off her, she mourned the loss of not only the man but the moment. But he surprised her when he pulled her close, cradling her on his chest, taking her hands in his and placing them both above his heart. It was a couple of minutes before either of them spoke, Cash the first to break the silence.

  “Did you feel it, Jenna?”

  Jenna had felt so many things, she wasn’t quite sure what he was talking about. He must have gotten a clue from her silence. Lifting their entwined hands, Cash separated them enough, so both of their wrists were visible.

  “The moment our bond was blessed?”

  Jenna looked at their wrist; their mating mark had changed, it now had twin lines running through the elongated Celtic knot that was there before. She remembered the feeling, even the pain she chose to ignore, but seeing the mark, she couldn’t deny their connection anymore. She had always been practical, never believing in love at first sight or fairy tales with a happy ending. That wasn’t how her life worked, but she realized she had been falling in love with this man since the moment she saw him floating in the water and knew her love would keep growing. Would his?

  Cash pulled her closer and said one simple word, “Yes.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cash laid in the tiny bed, surrounded by Jenna, and for the first time in his life, he felt whole, calm, and settled. Her light vanilla and cinnamon scent was making him want to wake her up for round two, but he didn’t have the heart to do it. She was snoring lightly, holding on to him like she never wanted to let go. Cash didn’t want her to. He hadn’t missed her doubts, and he would have to prove to her what he felt for her was real.

  Earlier, he had called out to the Gemini, and each of them came. He made his peace with Jessie and his brother, but there was still so much work to be done to make them a cohesive team. He had to take into account all of their abilities and figure out how he was going to make that work. Trace and Chance filled him in on some of the training they had done, but it all centered on Jenna taking in their gifts and filtering them through hers. That was done, Jenna would not be put in that position again, it was his job.

  He heard the vibration of his phone going off but didn’t need to get up and look to see who was calling. He sent out his senses and tapped into the power of the Gemini. Drawing on Chase, Trace, and Chance, he was still only able to hold it for a little while, but the information he received back was astounding. Trace’s empathic ability was strong, tapping into him was like getting a situation report without the need for a meeting.

  Chase had precognition skills and was a major source of Cash’s power. Being around him was like sticking his finger into an electrical socket, not a comfortable feeling but one that hopefully, over time, Cash would be able to control. Just thinking about the man left him with mixed feelings; he was his brother and twin, damn. Their father wasn’t a bad man, but he was afraid of anything that had to do with fate. Having twin sons—twins being revered in their community–would have been the reason he had decided to separate them. Their old man was still alive, but Cash had no desire to contact him to find out why he had done it. He would leave that up to Chase if he wanted to.

  Then there was Chance; he was telekinetic, but his gift went far beyond just moving objects with his mind. He could manipulate energy as well. Cash knew he would need to work with Chance the most, learning how he did it and trying to adapt it to the group. This group of misfit twins, well, they weren’t misfits, just different, and once they got it together or more to the point, he did, they would be unstoppable.

  Cash moved his body out from under Jenna. She mumbled and even growled a little, making Cash smile. He didn’t want to leave right now, but he had to. Getting up, he found his discarded clothes and put them on quickly. Then he crouched next to the bed and marveled at Jenna’s sweet face. Brushing his fingers lightly over her cheek and nose, he waited for her to wake a little. He wouldn’t leave without telling her. Cash didn’t want her to wake up and find him gone. If that happened, her mind would take over and come up with tons of wrong conclusions, and she would run.

  Cash accepted that Jenna was a runner. With their connection now stronger, he could feel every doubt and question in her mind. He could also feel her need to avoid them to protect herself, but he wasn’t going to let that happen. She wouldn’t be running from him or anything else any longer. Jenna’s eyelashes fluttered several times before a beautiful smile graced her face. Her eyes were still closed, and he knew she was still half asleep.

  “Babe, wake up a little,” Cash whispered, kissing her on her forehead. She growled and snuggled further into the blankets. His mate wasn’t a morning person, it seemed. He wished he had time to go and get her coffee or hell, just jump back in bed and make it a good morning for both of them, but duty called. More like answers beckoned, but he wasn’t about to mix words, they were the same thing.

  “Baby, wake up.”

  A disgruntled, muffled “No was all he got. Damn, she was cute. Cash did what he did with the women of Alpha, he bargained.

  “Okay, how about this, babe, you wake up enough to give me a kiss, and I will bring you coffee and breakfast in bed after my meeting?”

  Jenna lifted her head and pursed her lips but never once opened her eyes. Cash gave her a small kiss and pulled back.

  “Go back to sleep, Jenna, I’ll be back soon.” He got up and walked to the door but hadn’t made it through before he heard his name.


  “Yeah, babe?”

  “Don’t forget the cream, and give Declan and Uncle Matt hell for me, okay?”

  “You got it, babe,” Cash laughed. Apparently, Jenna wasn’t as asleep as he thought. “See you in a little while.”

  Once Cash got out of the room and closed the door softly, he walked with purpose to the conference room. He still hadn’t looked at his phone or responded in any way. The three men needed to know what they were dealing with now. Gemini was his, and no one was going to change that or influence it. Senior might have started gathering the team, but that was all the recognition he was going to get. Too many people had been hurt by his interference. Mattias on the other hand, Cash just didn’t like him, and Jacks had his own things to
deal with.

  Cash walked into the room and sat at the table, not saying a word, waiting. Senior took charge of the meeting, the Dragon knowing no other way. Cash listened to the plans he had for Gemini, what he expected, and what their next move would be. Mattias just watched with a shit-eating grin on his face, and Jacks looked bored.

  “No,” Cash said softly. Being in a room full of shifters, he didn’t need to raise his voice to be heard.

  “What do you mean, No?” Senior snarled.

  “Exactly what I said. No. Gemini will not be going after Mia.” Senior started swearing a blue streak, Jacks sat up straight, and Mattias just smiled. Cash got up and planted his hands on the table in front of him, looking Senior in the eyes. “We can’t. Jessie is the finder, and since she’s pregnant, we have no idea what the effects will be on the child. I will not risk that, none of the team will. Jenna was out cold for three days after we channeled the power into her to save Jacks. Until I know for certain no harm will come to my team, I will not, under any circumstances, risk any of them. Regardless of what you want.”

  “Your team? Gemini is under NAC, I created that team, and they will do as I order.”

  “Not anymore,” Cash growled. Cash could see the muscles in Senior’s throat tighten, about to say something or demand the respect he felt he deserved. Cash didn’t care, he had some things he wanted to say first.

  “You assembled a team based on theory and legend. You manipulated and placed that team in harm's way, running your experiments, forcing each of them to choose between their loyalty and conscience. I will not allow that to happen anymore. You should have thought about that before you put the pieces into play to make me their Alpha. If you want the cooperation of Gemini in the future, I suggest you back the fuck off and let the team figure out where and how they will move forward from here.”

  Cash turned his attention to Mattias.

  “Don’t look so smug, old man. You are just as much to blame if not more so than Senior. You say you weren’t involved with Senior’s games, but you were a key player. We both know you were just playing a different game. My mate loves and cares for you, I won’t interfere with that, but you will stay out of my way.”

  Mattias cocked his head and raised his eyebrow condescendingly.

  “And you think you have the power to change years’ worth of history between my sweet girl and myself? I never considered you a stupid man, Mr. Warren, misguided and naïve but not stupid.”

  “I don’t have to change anything, Mattias,” Cash laughed. “Jenna will make up her own mind, but I will assure you, she will choose me every single time. The mating bond is complete and blessed,” Cash said, holding up his wrist to show the other man, the new lines brighter than the others. “I know her innermost feelings. I also know the manipulation the two of you used to get what you wanted. It’s a typical good cop, bad cop ploy. Jenna isn’t stupid, in time she will see it for what it was. I plan to make sure of it. But I will not crush her illusions about you. I will, however, leave that up to the both of you.”

  It was a threat with a promise attached. He would let Jenna make any decisions regarding her Uncle Matt. Hell, he would be mated to the one person in the Shifter community who didn’t think of Mattias as the boogie man. Not only did she care for the asshole, but she actually loved him.

  Cash briefly let his eyes go to Jacks—his brother, best friend, and former Alpha—who smirked like he always did and gave Cash a nod, telling him well done.

  “Now, let’s get to the brass tacks of this situation. I need a place to take the team, so we can learn how to tap safely into the Gemini. Do I need to do that on my own, or do you have a place in mind?” Cash asked both Mattias and Declan. For over an hour, they discussed logistics and preparations for a move. As of right now, all the Gemini lived in different locations, but Cash was going to change that. It would be uncomfortable at first, but they would all learn to live with it or choose another path.

  Declan offered up two locations to choose from, one in Alaska and one in Texas. Texas wouldn’t work for a group of bear shifters. Cash didn’t even need to consider that one or bring it to the group. Mattias was the one who offered up a piece of property that shocked both himself and Senior. Apparently, the games between the two were far from over.

  Cash and Jacks stayed behind when Senior and Mattias left. It was just the two of them now, and Cash knew in his heart, this would be the last time for quite a while they would be together like this. There were so many things he wanted to say but knew he wouldn’t.

  “I’m proud of you; you handled that like the true Alpha you are. Senior and Mattias don’t back down from anyone, and there was a moment there, they both ceded to you. Use that strength wisely, old friend, and you will go far.”

  Cash didn’t know what to say, he hadn’t really realized it, but what Jacks was saying was true. The saying with great power comes great responsibility kept flashing in his mind. For the first time, his anger at the two men wasn’t as harsh and insistent. He believed they both had good intentions, but like everyone else, they were part human and made mistakes.

  “I see you shifted, my beast isn’t as apt to rip you apart today. Gives me hope that one day, we will be able to sit in the same room without the need to tear each other apart. When that day happens, I expect a home cooked meal with all the trimmings and dessert waiting for Rye and me.” Jacks got up to leave, but Cash stopped him.

  “I want to thank you for everything, Jacks. I wouldn’t be the man I am today if not for you and Alpha. Please, let the guys know that, and you can count on a meal, but you’re going to have to bring your furry ass to Canada or Alaska to get it,” Cash laughed, trying to hide the emotion he was feeling.

  “I will, man. Maybe by the time I get out there to freeze my ass off, there will be a little Jack or Jaqueline—hell, with your genes, maybe both—running around for Quinn to play with.”

  “Nah, man,” Cash laughed and stood, putting his hand out to Jacks, “with my luck, it will be a little Mattie and Matilda.”

  Jacks shook his hand and laughed hard enough to bring a tear to his eyes.

  “Fuck man, I thought dealing with Senior as a father-in-law was tough, but you get Mattias. Have fun with that.”

  “Asshole.” Cash released Jacks' hand and slugged him in the shoulder hard enough to hurt but not hard enough to cause permanent damage.

  “Okay then, see you when I see you,” Jacks said. Cash pulled the big man into a hug, slapping his back a couple of times.

  “Thank you, Jacks,” he whispered, “thank you for everything.”

  Jacks released him and nodded. Without saying a word, he left, leaving Cash alone. For the first time, that really didn’t bother him because he wasn’t truly alone, he could feel Jenna in his soul.

  His pretty mate was up and getting ready for the day. It looked like he needed to get his ass in gear, he had, after all, promised coffee and breakfast in bed. He just hoped Jenna was a fast eater because he had some other plans for today that involved sweaty sheets and Jenna screaming out his name. Maybe, they could get started on those twins.

  Walking out of the room toward the kitchen Cash felt lighter than he had ever felt. He also felt optimistic everything was as it should be. He should have known better.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jenna had gotten up shortly after Cash had left the room. She rushed into the bathroom, took care of her immediate needs, and took a long hot shower, a part of her wanting to look good for Cash when he came back. But her mind wouldn’t quiet; she was still reeling from what had happened between the two of them. The connection was so strong, she could feel every emotion coming from Cash. She also kept lifting up her arm, so she could trace the lines over the new mating mark.

  Getting out of the shower, she blow-dried her hair and even put on a little makeup, she assumed Kiera had left her along with a nightgown. It wasn’t pretty, more functional than anything, but it was far better than the hospital gown she had woken up in
yesterday. She heard a knock at the door and smiled, thinking Cash was back. Dang, that hadn’t taken long at all. She called out for him to come in, but something felt off.

  She soon found out why when she went back into the room and didn’t find Cash but Jessie waiting for her, her mood changing instantly. Jessie was standing by the door, wringing her hands, a move her sister did every time she wanted something or had something to say.

  “Jessie, not today okay?” It was a question but also a plea. Jenna was happy, and she didn’t want to deal with anything else right now, she just wanted Cash and her bubble back for a little while longer.

  “I felt it, Jenna, I felt everything—your dislike of me, your grief, and regret. When you were trying to save that man and we all connected to help you,” Jessie cried, “I felt it all. I am so sorry I never realized that by asking you to help Gunner that would happen to you. I never knew how much you hated me; I knew you were mad, but I always thought you would get over it.”

  Jenna didn’t move any closer or offer her sister any kind of comfort. A part of her was mortified Jessie had felt her innermost feelings, but another part was relieved. Maybe now, she could understand, and they both could forgive and move forward. It would take time, but Jenna hoped it was possible, only time would tell.

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Jessie pleaded.

  Jenna walked over to the bed and sat down, facing her sister. It was now or never. If she wanted this, she had to tell Jessie everything. What happened from there, only fate could decide.

  “When you asked me to help Gunner, I knew it was the wrong thing to do, but I wanted to be a sister to you.”


  “No, let me finish. That wasn’t the only reason I agreed, I also wanted Declan, our parents, and even Lance to accept me. I always felt like I was on the outside, looking in. I justified helping you because I figured if I did this for you, you would help me in return. It was wrong; I knew Gunner was a bad man, I also knew that you weren’t so much in love with him but infatuated. There was always something about the way he looked at you; it scared me. When I touched his mind and healed him, I knew those looks were hiding a crazy, feral man. He was going rogue. His animal was already feral, and he convinced himself you were the one who was going to save him.”


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