For the Love of Tia: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 4.1

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For the Love of Tia: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 4.1 Page 2

by S. E. Smith

  Jett watched as his bride presented the creature with a glowing, red stone. He sucked in a breath when he realized he could understand what the creature was saying after she placed it around her neck.

  “My name is Ariel,” the creature replied with a soft chuckle.

  “I am called Tia.” Jett’s breath left him in a hiss of painful desire when he heard Tia’s name for the first time. He leaned forward trying to get a better view. “I am the Keeper of the Stories. This is my brother, Tamblin. He is our leader,” Tia replied in a silky voice that sent waves of heat rushing through him.

  Jett smiled, Tia – a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. He continued to watch from his viewpoint, gaining confidence that the creature meant no harm to his bride or her people as he listened to her talk. He debated whether to follow when the creature stood and Tia, Tamblin, and many of his soldiers moved away but decided against it. They would return, of that he was confident.

  No, now would be a good time to explore my bride’s home and pack a few things that she might need, he decided.

  Jett moved silently through the empty palace, exploring one level after another until he came to a room he knew must belong to Tia. He let the long curtain doorway fall behind him as he gently touched the delicate fabrics hanging on the walls. He breathed in, inhaling her fragrant scent. It made him think of the wild flowers that bloomed briefly after the heavy rains. He ran his tawny fingers over the silky woven lengths of cloth that she wrapped around her body. He couldn’t help but imagine what it was going to be like when he unwove it from her slender frame.

  Scooping up several long lengths, he quickly bundled them up so that they would be easy to carry. Inside of the bundle, he rolled the comb she used on her bright red hair and several delicate hair combs. He would have to make her more. Combs made from the sands were beautiful and would look good against her silky strands. He pulled back the last tapestry hanging on the wall and discovered shelves filled with carefully rolled scrolls. Pulling out the one on top, he walked over to the low table in the center of the room and unrolled it. Inscribed on the thick fiber paper were images depicting different scenes. Each was done with delicate strokes filled with the same vibrant colors that reminded Jett of his beloved. His eyes moved to the writing below them. He frowned as he concentrated. It was difficult but he was slowly able to decipher the words. They were in the ancient language his mother and father taught him when he was young.


  “What are you doing?” Tia’s outraged voice sounded from the doorway. “Who are you? How did you get into my rooms?”

  Jett had been so absorbed in deciphering the scroll and the tale it was telling that he had let his guard down. Now, instead of him having the element of surprise, his bride did. He took a quick step back from the table. He couldn’t help but grin as his bride, upset that he had been reading her scroll, made the mistake of marching over to the table instead of calling for help or running away.

  The moment she was within his reach, he wrapped his arms around her trembling body. “Do not fear, my heart. I have not come to harm you but to claim you,” he breathed out in her ear.

  Tia jerked in surprise, her eyes widening as she stared up at him startled. “What do you mean - claim me?” She asked bewildered.

  Jett chuckled at her innocent look of confusion. He couldn’t resist leaning down and brushing his lips briefly against hers. Her startled gasp pulled a groan from him and he took her lips in a savage kiss that spoke of his desire. He had wanted to do this since he first saw her several months ago.

  Tia pushed weakly against his broad chest until he reluctantly lifted his head. “What do you think you are doing?” She gasped breathlessly, looking up at him with huge, confused eyes.

  Jett smiled mischievously. “I thought that was a bit obvious! I’m claiming you as my bride.”

  Chapter 3

  Tia didn’t know how to respond to the larger male who had invaded her personal domain. She had never seen anyone like him before. He was tall, even taller than her brother. He was also not the same soft shade of green that most of her clan was. He was a dark, tawny color with rich dark brown hair that fell in long, braided ropes down his back almost to his waist. His eyes were a light violet, almost identical to the water that flowed from the rocky walls of their home. He did not wear clothing like them, either. A blush heightened the color of her cheeks as her hands slid over the bare flesh of his shoulders. The only thing covering him was a pair of light brown pants tucked into a darker brown pair of ankle boots.

  “I am not your bride,” Tia snapped out, upset that she let this strange man shake her normal calm. “You will leave immediately or I will summon my brother and the guards!”

  Jett grinned down at her, letting his hands span her tiny waist. “Of course my lady, I will be happy to leave immediately,” he said with a playful kiss to her lips.

  He chuckled at Tia’s outraged gasp when he lifted her gently up and balanced her on his shoulder so he could grab the things he had packed for her in his other hand. Keeping his arm around her thighs, he listened carefully before drawing the curtain leading out to the balcony aside. He jumped up onto the ledge, balancing before he murmured for her to hang on and not fight him.

  “What are you doing?” Tia gasped again as she stared fearfully down at the long drop to the ground below them. She tried to cling to him but didn’t have any way to really hold on so she remained frozen. “You are going to kill us!” She whispered hoarsely.

  Jett laughed as he nimbly began climbing up the side of the cliff to the ledge where the crack to the tunnel was. “You haven’t been talking with Santil, have you? He said the same thing!”

  Tia frown, thinking hard before she shook her head. “I don’t know a Santil. Where does he live?” She asked unable to contain her curiosity.

  “In the Kingdom of the Sand People,” Jett replied, pulling himself up far enough to set her down on the ledge before he pulled himself up onto it. “That is where I am taking you.”

  Tia looked at the huge tawny figure standing over her with her mouth opened. He really meant it when he said he was claiming her. Her heart did a little quiver and began to beat fast but for once she wondered if it was because of her sickness or because of his words. She looked out over the cavern filled with the richness of the mushroom forests and the glittering stones that gave them life. The thought of leaving her safe world should have terrified her but it didn’t. Her eyes moved to look up at the powerful figure standing over hers and inside she felt a wave of longing. She knew she didn’t have long to live. She had resigned herself to live her remaining time quietly reviewing the stories she had illustrated and retold. The fact that she would not live long enough to have children of her own caused a sharp pain to flair through her. Her death would mean the end of the line of the Keeper of the Stories. That was why she felt it was so important to pass on her knowledge the only way she could. Her eyes traveled down to the balcony to her rooms. She had finished all the stories that she knew. There really was nothing left for her here. Perhaps, this was the gods and goddesses way of letting her see what was beyond her home before her heart no longer beat.

  Jett stepped closer to where she was sitting and knelt on one knee before her. He brushed a strand of her wayward hair back tenderly before cupping her chin. He waited until her eyes once more looked deeply into his.

  “Come with me,” he whispered, holding out his hand. “Let me show you my world.”

  Tia bit her lip and studied him for a moment before she let her eyes sweep over the cavern one last time. “I didn’t get to say goodbye to Tamblin,” she answered reluctantly.

  “It is not goodbye,” Jett promised her. “I will bring you back whenever you wish to visit.”

  Tia knew deep down there would be no coming back once she left. She knew Tamblin would be upset when he discovered her missing. She could only hope that he would understand when he saw the scrolls and read through them. When he did, he would discover the n
ote she had left for him among them. She had not planned on him finding it before her death but what did it matter whether she was dead or not. In the end, it would not change her outcome.

  Tia turned back to look at the unusual but handsome male kneeling in front of her and laid her trembling hand in his strong, firm one. “I will come with you,” she breathed out with a small excited smile.

  Jett leaned in, brushing his lips across hers before pulling her up with a joyful laugh. “You will not regret it, I swear. I will show you the most wondrous sites!” He exclaimed joyfully as he wrapped his hands around her tiny waist and lifted her up, swinging her around with a shout of joy.

  Tia laughed breathlessly as he set her back onto her feet. He gripped her hand firmly but gently in his and pulled her toward the narrow opening. Tia glanced back briefly over her shoulder as he pulled her through before focusing on the new path she was taking.

  Chapter 4

  Santil shook his head when he saw Jett emerge out of the darkness with a slender green female. “You are going to start a war, you know,” Santil said with a sigh.

  Jett laughed, looking down in amusement at Tia. “Meet Santil. He is always thinking the worse is going to happen.”

  “That is because it usually does,” Santil snorted, scowling. “Jett is forever getting us in trouble.”

  “Jett,” Tia said softly with a smile. “I like that name,” she said shyly, staring up at the huge male that took her breath away.

  Santil stopped at the opening of the tunnel and looked at his large friend in disbelief. “You kidnapped her and didn’t even bother to tell her your name? That is low even for you, my friend” he joked before turning back to make sure the coast was clear of any predators.

  “Ignore him,” Jett teased back, jumping down behind his friend and opening his arms for her. “I try to.” Tia couldn’t help but giggle at the way the two unusual men picked on each other.

  It was so different from Tamblin and the elders. Only the children seemed to have a sense of humor anymore, she thought sadly.

  Tia shielded her eyes from the brightness that she had only heard about. She had never seen the top side of their world. Tamblin had refused her many requests saying it was too dangerous. She blinked rapidly until her eyes adjusted enough so that she could see without her eyes tearing.

  It was big and beautiful. For as far as she could see there were rolling waves of glittering, windswept sand. She tried to imagine what it would have looked like before when the large mushroom forests covered it but couldn’t.

  “Come,” Jett said with a soft smile of encouragement. “We need to make haste if we are to return to our home before the darkness falls.”

  Santil shuddered. “I agree. I don’t want to have to deal with the night creatures on top of everything else.”

  “What else is there?” Tia asked curiously as she put her hands on Jett’s broad shoulder to steady herself as he lowered her down to the ground.

  A warm shiver swept down her spine and she couldn’t resist looking up at him to see if he felt her reaction. The heated look in his eyes showed he was not immune to her touch either. A rosy blush rose up her cheeks as unfamiliar feelings coursed through her.

  “Sand worms,” Jett and Santil said at the same time, answering the question she had already forgotten she had asked.

  “But, you needn’t worry,” Jett said, guiding her to a small machine with a long seat and odd shaped wings. He helped her on before sliding behind her so he could keep one arm wrapped protectively around her. “I’ll keep you safe,” he murmured in her ear enjoying how the tiny points twitched and a light dusky rose color flushed her cheeks.


  Tia loved the journey to the Kingdom of the Sand. It had taken them until dusk to reach it. Her first view had been of the huge clear, glittering dome set upon a high rocky surface. As they skimmed across the sands, more details began to emerge. She could see the shape of a huge castle built into the center of the rock face. It was surrounded by large turrets on each corner.

  Tia pressed a hand to her chest as her heart stuttered and stopped. She tried to draw in a deep breath but couldn’t. The hand gripping Jett’s arm tightened in panic as she feared her time had come to an end just when she was getting a chance to experience her first true adventure. Jett’s arm squeezed her and she felt his warm breath against her neck just as her heart restarted sluggishly at first before picking up its uneven rhythm again.

  “Welcome to Sandora,” Jett whispered in her ear.

  Tia nodded, unable to speak for the lump in her throat. Instead, she squeezed his arm to let him know she heard him. The light skimmers sped down a long tunnel that opened up at their approach. Tia looked over her shoulder trying to see but couldn’t because of Jett’s larger frame.

  “The tunnel collapses behind us so nothing else can come in behind us,” he explained with an understanding smile. “Hang on,” he said.

  He tightened his hold on her before pushing down his feet on the accelerator, sending the skimmer speeding through the tunnel until it burst through high above the walls of the city below them. He shouted with joy as he flew in and out of the narrow tubes that formed walkways between buildings. He didn’t slow down until he reached the outer corridor leading into the palace.

  They swept through a long, dark tunnel before coming out into a wide area filled with men, women, and skimmers. Santil floated down beside them a moment later with a huge grin on his face. Jett jumped off the skimmer, sweeping Tia up into his arms.

  Tia squealed in alarm before wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. “I can walk,” she said breathlessly even as she snuggled closer to his warm body.

  Jett smiled tenderly down at her and shook his head, sending his long braids dancing around him in waves. “I know but I like carrying you,” he teased. “I don’t ever want to put you down.”

  Tia rolled her big brown eyes at him. “You would just tire yourself out,” she snorted but couldn’t quite hide her amused smile.

  “I’d like to see that!” Santil said coming up beside them and slapping Jett on the back of his head before dancing away out of Jett’s reach. “His mother, father, sister, and brothers have been trying to do that since the day he was born!”

  “Like you are any better!” Jett retorted with a playful snap of his teeth.

  “Jett!” A loud, deep voice called out harshly.

  Santil grimaced before raising his hand and saluting Jett and Tia. “That is my signal to disappear. It has been a pleasure to meet the one who could capture this mongrel’s attention, my lady,” he said before disappearing between two outer buildings.

  Tia watched wide-eyed as a figure as imposing as Jett’s walked down a set of steps towards them. The man was dressed in a pair of dark brown pants with a black vest that left much of his chest exposed. Around his waist he carried two swords that swayed as he strode toward them. His hair was as long as Jett’s and braided in long dark brown ropes that flowed gracefully behind him as he walked.

  “Who is that?” She asked in a hushed whisper, watching the huge male approach with a fierce scowl upon his face.

  “My father,” Jett grinned. “He only looks scary but he really isn’t.”

  Tia ducked her head to hide her giggle before she raised it to look at the man as he came to a stop in front of them. “Who is this?” Roan asked looking at Tia with a puzzled expression on his face. “Why is she green?”

  Tia looked at the man with a stubborn tilt to her chin. “Why aren’t you?” She asked back with a raised eyebrow.

  Roan stared at the female for a moment before he burst out laughing. “I have no idea. I will have to ask my mother,” he responded in amusement. “Roan, King of the Sand Kingdom at your service,” he added with a graceful bow.

  Tia giggled. “I am called Tia. Keeper of the Stories for the Kingdom of Glitter,” she responded with a shy smile. “It is indeed a pleasure to meet you, your Grace.”

  “Jett?” Roan asked, stari
ng into Tia’s unusual but beautiful face.

  “I’ve claimed her,” Jett responded to the unspoken question. “She is my bride.”

  Roan started in surprise before a large grin lit his face up. “At last,” he murmured before he turned and bellowed out in a voice that ricocheted around the high walls of the palace. “Jett has taken a bride!” He proclaimed to all standing within hearing distance.

  Loud cheers followed his announcement, stunning Tia who stared in awe as men and women gathered around them cheering. “What is going on?” She whispered, trying to sink down into Jett’s arms. “What did he mean, you have taken a bride? I heard you say that before but I am not familiar with the word,” she said, looking nervously up at him.

  Jett leaned over and whispered in her ear so she could hear him above the roar of the crowds. Tia paled as the meaning sank in. She looked up at him, tears filling her eyes as the realization of what was happening overwhelmed her. She had to tell him it was impossible. There was no way she could be his bride as much as she wished she could be. She did not understand how it worked for his people but for hers the loss of a mate could have devastating consequences. Her heart beat frantically, stuttering and stopping before repeating the erratic rhythm over and over until she was trembling and had turned a deathly pale green. Her eyes drooped at the effort to keep them open. Her breath came in tiny gasps as her weak heart worked frantically in her chest.

  “My lords! Strangers approach!” One of the guards yelled down.

  Tia felt her vision blurring and tried to calm the panic. Her heart slowed but continued to skip, leaving her weak. She turned to stare up at the top of the clear dome, recognizing the flying beast from home and the colors of her brother’s armor. Turning her head, she let it fall weakly back against Jett’s broad chest seeking comfort from his strength.


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