Immortal Prophecy

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Immortal Prophecy Page 19

by Samantha Adams

Relief flooded through James’ body as he stepped off the plane into the light rain. Scotland was a welcome sight. He’d been away from his home for too long.

  Grey clouds were gathering force in the sky. It looked calm enough, but James knew they would soon be taking cover from a severe storm. The weather was hard and fast in Scotland, much like the terrain. It was a wild untamed country that he called home. Heavy rain fell for much of the year, and the snow in winter made this place of beauty seem magical. Scotland had a tranquillity that he felt in his very soul. No other place on this earth was like it, and it suited him perfectly.

  He turned around and saw Adele stepping off the plane, followed by Alessandra with Coco in her arms.

  Ally sighed with delight, forgetting for a moment the irritation that was brewing inside of her. She stood still and looked around at vast wild snow-capped mountains as far as the eye could see. “It’s beautiful,” she said with a mixture of awe and wonder.

  Ally knew from this day forwards things would be difficult, so she decided to savour this one blissful moment.

  “Ruff,” Coco barked and looked around, her doe eyes sparkling.

  “It’s magical isn’t it, Coco?” Ally said excitedly.

  James knew how she felt and agreed with his entire being, but they had to keep moving. “Come on Alessandra. It’s even more magical at my house. We have to keep moving.”

  “I was just savoring a moment of peace and tranquillity in this amazing country before reality sets in again,” she replied. “But that’s fine, let’s go.”

  James held back a groan while Adele quietly smiled beside her.

  Waiting for them was another shiny black Mercedes, but this one was a chauffeur-driven vehicle. A local man was waiting next to the car with a big grin on his face. He was obviously very happy to see them all.

  “Henry! How have you been man?” James greeted him with a man hug and wide smile.

  Ally could see the genuine warmth and affection between these two men.

  “Things have been good but very dull since you left. Sophie keeps complaining about having no one to cook her biscuits for,” he said. “You should have seen her face light up when I said you were coming back home, and with Alessandra too. She thinks of you as another son, you know.”

  James laughed. “Her very old son, but I’ve missed you both, and her cookies too.”

  He turned to Adele and Alessandra and motioned them forward. “Adele, Alessandra, this is Henry Muir. He fills the position of chauffeur, head gardener, butler and everything in between. His wife Sophie is also my cook and housekeeper. As you will see though, they are more like family to me.”

  Ally smiled at Henry and he warmly smiled in return. “Welcome lass.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Henry,” Adele said. “I assume we will meet your wife back at the house?”

  “Oh yes ma’am, she’s baking James’ favorite cookies as we speak.”

  “That sounds delightful,” Adele said.

  James turned to the puppy encased in Ally’s arms and scratched her behind the ears. “And this special pooch here is Coco, Alessandra’s puppy and dear friend.”

  “Ruff,” Coco barked to Henry.

  “Well nice to meet you Coco.” Henry held out his hand for her to sniff, and Coco returned the gesture with a lick of approval on his cheek.

  “Ooh, now aren’t you a sweet lass Coco.” Henry gazed at her already charmed. “I shall get my wife to make you some special cookies too.”

  “Ruff,” Coco barked again.

  “Shall we get you all home James?” Henry asked.

  “Yes Henry. Please take us home. It looks like a storm is headed this way, and we are all exhausted from the flight.”

  “Aye,” Henry replied.

  Alessandra and James got in the backseat of the car while Coco decided to sit up the front with Adele, and her new best friend, Henry.

  Watching Coco, James began to think. Dogs were intelligent but Coco was almost human. She seemed to know instinctively who was to be trusted and who wasn’t. Perhaps she would be a most beneficial extra pair of eyes around Ally. She proved her loyalty and courage the other night with Vincent.

  The drive was quick and easy. Sitting upon a hilltop in the mountain range, nestled in among the trees, was the most beautiful piece of architecture that Alessandra had ever seen.

  The driveway leading to the house was lined with green trees, and the path was made of a primitive sandy gravel that suited the setting perfectly.

  As they approached, the tall iron gates opened, behind them sat Carlisle Manor.

  The imposing off-white structure was five stories high with a charcoal tiled roof. Two wide terraces sat on the ground floors with elegant white french doors behind them, doubling as windows. A small tower appeared from the side with a balcony attached. The gardens were simple but sophisticated. In short, Carlisle Manor was breathtaking.

  James looked at Ally, secretly enjoying her expression. Ally’s eyes were wide and captivated while her chin was practically touching the ground. She clearly was impressed by the house.

  He threw her a dazzling smile, looking at her over his black sunglasses. “Welcome to our home, Alessandra.”

  Heat crept through her from her toes all the way to her face. “Would you stop looking at me like that?”

  How am I ever to resist you, James? She thought.

  “Like what?” he said, faking his innocence.

  He was playing with her. Oh God that’s worse! Ally thought.

  “You know what,” she said.

  James chuckled, “What do you think of our house?”

  “Well for a start it’s your house, not our house, and you know perfectly well I am begrudgingly impressed. It is completely breathtaking,” she pouted. “It’s a bit of a stretch to call it a house though don’t you think? Mansion doesn’t even do it justice. Perhaps Castle is more to the point.”

  He laughed at her point of view. Ally was right that it wasn’t just your everyday house, but that was part of what made it so special. This house held a place in his heart. “You’re beautiful even when pouting, sweetheart,” James murmured to her.

  She groaned. “And you’re impossible.”

  “Oh, Alessandra, you’ll come around,” he said with a confidence that bordered on arrogance.

  Ally groaned again.

  She was amusing, full of spirit and delighted James in a way he had not expected. How he longed for her in ways she couldn’t understand. Ally was still only half immortal. When the conversion took place, she would understand what he was suffering for her. James could just take what was rightfully his, but she deserved better than that.

  James wanted her to want him and to love him, to come to him of her own free will because she couldn’t bear to be without him. He wasn’t above pushing things to his advantage, but ultimately, the choice would always be hers.

  At least, Ally was safe from Vincent in his homeland, for the time being. He would come, but it would not be for some time yet.

  The car pulled to a stop out front of the grand marble steps leading to the house.

  “Come inside. I’ll introduce you to Sophie then she can show you to your rooms. I’m sure you could both use some time to yourselves after our flight,” James said.

  “That is a good idea James. Thank you,” Adele replied warmly.

  Ally turned and smirked at James. “Yeah, I agree. I could use some James-free time.”

  James put a hand to his heart, mocking Ally. “Lass, you wound me.”

  At this, Henry burst out with a wonderful hearty laugh, which earned him a glare from Alessandra’s direction. They hustled up the steps, and in the front door as Sophie came running towards them.

  “James, you’re home.” She threw her arms around him in a loving embrace.

  “Hello Sophie.” He smiled warmly and began the introductions. “Alessandra, Adele, please allow me to introduce Sophie.”

  Ally looked at Sophie. She was an older woman
well into her sixties with graying hair that was pulled back in a loose knot. Despite her age, she was a beautiful woman and would have been quite the stunner when she was younger. Her demeanor was kind, gentle and open.

  Ally instantly liked her but didn’t want to.

  The group began walking from the entrance hall, and into the lounge room to recuperate from the long flight and partake in afternoon tea with the Muir’s and James, before being shown to their guest bedrooms.

  Everyone took a seat on the comfortable cream sofas and matching chairs around the spacious elegant room. Looking around the exquisite lounge, Ally noticed the dining room off to the left which was equally glamorous.

  Focusing on the black grand piano in the corner, she became lost in her own thoughts for a moment. So much for hating the country, the house and the servants, Ally sighed inwardly. She became intensely aware of the fact that she loved this wild, magical country. The house was incredible, Sophie and Henry seemed very nice and worst of all, the attraction she felt towards James was increasing by the minute.

  Suddenly Ally realized that Sophie was speaking to her, but she only half heard what was said. James was watching her, his emerald eyes sparkling, his face intent but soft, with a little concern thrown in.

  Oh why couldn’t he have been horrible? Everything is a mess, she thought.

  “Ally it only feels that way. I’m honored that you love my house, friends and country.”

  “What the hell?” she muttered, looking at James with a burning question in her eyes.

  Did I hear that or am I going mad again? Oh that’s right I wasn’t mad the first time it was all real! She thought sarcastically.

  “Perhaps this is a discussion for another time,” he said quietly to Ally.

  “Get out of my head James!” she said quietly, feeling frustrated.

  It was an invasion of privacy that Ally was not happy about and wanted to make that very clear to James. However, she didn’t want to cause a scene in front of his friends. Ally just needed an hour of normalcy. Her life had been thrown into chaos, and too much information was running around in her head.

  Unfortunately, Sophie was a rather perceptive woman, and noticed the quiet tension between the two. Looking in the direction of the couple to be, Sophie heard what Ally had tried to convey quietly and understood what had transpired.

  Sophie appeared to be a mother figure to James, which became more apparent when she began to scold him the way a mother would. Lovingly, but firmly she said, “James, leave the poor girl alone. She obviously has a lot to process, and if I know you at all, it wouldn’t have been put delicately.” Sophie directed the next question to Ally, “Am I right in assuming that you weren’t given a choice in coming here?”

  Ally looked at her with respect and gratitude. “Yes but…” she paused. “They had a good reason to do so. Vincent nearly killed me.”

  “I see. Choice or no choice, it is a lot to process,” Sophie replied.

  “Clearly, I’m out numbered here,” James said with a hint of annoyance. “I will leave you ladies to tear my character to pieces.” With a glance back towards Ally he said, “Alessandra, I understand this is hard for you. Just know that I did what I had to, to protect you. I had only the best intentions from the start. I hope you can one day forgive me.” With eyes full of sorrow and concern, James left the room.

  Ally watched him leave, regretting every miserable word, she said to him. She knew that he was trying to do the right thing by her. Tears threatened behind her eyes. Ally had hurt him. It was the last thing she wanted to do.

  Despite being far from ready to accept everything that she had been told, Ally felt that she had to do something. James deserved better than this. She ran from the room in the direction that he had gone.

  Adele called after her, “Sweetie, are you ok?”

  “Yes, there is just something I need to fix,” Ally yelled back without stopping.

  Sophie turned to Adele, “I think they may be very good for each other, but there is so much for the poor darling to take in.”

  “I know…I know,” Adele said, watching Ally run from the room.

  Ally didn’t know where James had gone, but she figured he couldn’t have gotten too far. “James wait!” she called out, breathless.

  When she didn’t hear a response, Ally decided to do something crazy. She attempted to throw him a mental command to stop. Ally had no idea exactly how to do it or if it would work, but she had to try. She turned the corner and there he was, looking bemused and relieved.

  “Ally, what did you just do?” he asked with a sly smile. All the evidence of hurt and annoyance was gone from his face, replaced with excitement at what she had just done.

  “I think I made you stop,” she said with great satisfaction. It obviously worked.

  He chuckled, “I should have known you would use that against me eventually. I have to say I’m impressed.”

  “Thank you…I just wanted to…well apologise.” She was looking down at the floor as she spoke. It was mortifying enough apologizing, without having to look directly at him.

  “You don’t have to apologise, Ally. I realize how much I have asked you to take on faith and that this has turned your life upside down again.” He reached out and tilted her chin up to look him in the eyes. “Ally, never feel like you can’t say what you’re thinking to me. I want us to be honest with each other about everything.”

  Again, Ally was struck by his eyes. Was he doing that, or was it something between them? The whole soul mate thing still confused her, but she did want to be honest with him.

  “I don’t mean to be prickly, it’s just that there is a lot to process and everything I have ever known wasn’t right, I guess you could say. I know that you only have the best intentions towards me, and that you had no choice.” She paused briefly. “But because you were the one who took me away, I lashed out at you, which isn’t fair, I know. I just need some time to adjust to everything.”

  James nodded his understanding and laid his hand upon her cheek as spoke. “I know little one. I know.”

  Ally felt like she was sixteen years old again. “I still remember the first time I saw you like it was yesterday. I thought you were the most handsome man I had ever seen, and I felt a connection with you straight away.” She sighed.

  “That’s because we are soul mates, Ally. I felt it too, and it was even stronger last night. Remember that everything you feel - the connection, the pull, the desire…” he let the words hang in the air as he moved closer. “I feel it as well. You’re not alone in this Ally. I have never had a soul mate before either, so I think we both need time to adjust.”

  “I know. I guess I’m just processing. It will take me some time James. You can’t push me in this.” Ally was hoping he would understand and give her the time she needed.

  She saw the desire and serious intent wash over his face as James began to speak with that whisky tipped voice she was coming to adore. “I want you to want me the way I want you. Love me the way I love you. I will never force that Ally. I will tip the scales in my favor, but the choice about me is always yours.”

  Ally found herself drowning in his green eyes again. She could see the emotion dancing within them. He was telling her the truth. His words and honesty made her gravitate toward him even more. She was falling under his spell. James was leaning closer, his desire clouded eyes were moving closer to hers. Ally became abruptly aware that they were no longer speaking but gravitating towards each other. Her mouth went dry. Her body was moving and reacting without any conscious thought towards him. James snaked his hand around her waist and drew her in. She felt weak with desire. No-one had ever stirred her body this way. She could feel his breath on her lips, as the anticipation surged through her with a force that almost took her breath away.

  James lowered his mouth upon hers, slowly and softly at first. Her knees buckled, and he caught her never breaking the kiss. He tasted of whisky; smooth, dark and dangerous in large amounts. It wa
s him.

  She felt the passion passing from his lips to hers, and heard him growl in an almost animalistic possessive sound. The sound that bubbled from his throat sent a wave of lust surging through her. James trailed his hand down to the small of her back, whilst moving her against the wall so slowly, that she barely registered what was happening. It was the single sexiest moment of her existence! His hands began making their way over her body reverently, as he deepened the kiss. Ally wanted nothing more than to be carried away on the torrent of passion and desire they were in, but she knew they had to stop. This wasn’t how she planned on things happening.

  Reluctantly, she gently pushed against his hard chest, and whispered against his lips. “James, we have to stop.”

  “Ally,” he murmured, as he slowly broke away from the kiss and looked deep into her eyes.

  “I wasn’t planning on that happening,” she said, coming back to her senses.

  “Neither was I, but I’m glad it did.” His voice was husky from passion.

  “I need to go.” She was starting to panic about what had just passed between them. “Sophie and Gran will be wondering what happened to me.”

  “I will be here when you need me, Ally.”

  Ally turned back the way she came to find Sophie and Adele. What happened was about to send her into a spin!

  As she was walking back into the lounge room to join Sophie and Adele, she felt a fluttering at the edge of her mind and heard James whisper softly, “I will think of that moment for a long time to come.”

  Ally couldn’t help the big smile that swept across her face.

  She entered the lounge at that same moment, where Sophie and Adele were having tea out on the upper terrace. Adele and Sophie shared a look that suggested they knew what had just transpired. Ally was mortified but glad that neither mentioned their suspicions.

  “Ally, come over and join us sweetheart…” Adele motioned her over with a wave of her hand. “The view from here is incredible.”

  She headed out to the terrace, and then stopped dead in her tracks. Incredible didn’t even come close to what the view was like out there. She had never seen anything so gorgeous in her life.

  The white snow-capped mountains stretched as far as the eye could see. The trees were so tall they appeared to kiss the grey sky above. The mix of white and green with the dark backdrop of the approaching storm looked so beautiful, she felt all her tension melting away. The world disappeared for a moment.

  “It’s something else,” Sophie said in awe. “I thought I would stop appreciating its beauty, but I haven’t. Every day I come out here and soak it all up.”

  “It’s the immortal land. Their power is still in the earth, which is what makes it so captivating and entrancing. They may have left, but their imprint never did,” Adele said.

  “I can feel it,” Ally replied automatically.

  “It’s magical, isn’t it?” Adele breathed.

  Sophie decided it was a good time to excuse herself and give the two of them some privacy. “I had best go check my cookies,” she said with a coy smile towards Ally.

  Ally fixated on the vast wild lands before her. She felt it calling to her soul. This was her place in the world. She had come home. Ally knew it with everything that she was, but she wanted to keep that to herself, for the moment. It was a secret that she and this inspiring place would share.

  “I’d forgotten what it was like here,” Adele said. “There is no place like it. The peace and calm I feel here…”

  “It’s very special, Gran.”

  She looked at her granddaughter. “I know there’s a lot to take in Ally. Just give yourself time to adjust. I know that the mountains are calling to you. I feel them rejoicing that you’ve come here.”

  Ally wondered how she knew that. No point in keeping it a secret now, she thought. “I feel them calling me, but I don’t know what they want.”

  “You will restore the peace and harmony in this land, and it will be filled with the immortals again. They are calling to you because they know you are the chosen one.”

  “The chosen one, Gran? Does it have to be so cliché,” Ally sighed.

  Adele chuckled. “Fair point. But having said that, it's true. You are the chosen one, the prophecy girl, whatever you want to call it. This is your destiny.”

  “I know,” Ally paused. “But why me?”

  “Ah, well, that is something we will never know I suppose. But Ally, you have all the talents at your disposal to do this. It will be hard, but you will succeed.”

  “How can you be so sure?”


  “Faith? That’s what you’re going on?” Ally wished that she had her grandmothers confidence.

  “Alessandra,” Adele placed her hand on her granddaughter’s and looked into her eyes. “Without faith, there is no hope, and without hope, there is no chance of victory.” She looked to the mountains. “There is a saying that from the greatest tragedy comes the greatest triumph. You have suffered a great tragedy sweetie, make your parents proud and turn it into your biggest triumph.”

  Ally gazed off into the distance. What her Gran had said was true, but she needed some time to let things sink in.

  “I’m going to see if Sophie needs any help with those cookies,” Adele said. “Just sit here and listen. Some of our greatest immortals walked this land, perhaps they will be an inspiration to you.”

  Alessandra glanced at her Gran and gave her what she hoped was a sincere looking smile. Her mind was being pulled in so many directions, she felt her head might explode, but the mountains seemed to calm her. She decided to move to the rattan day bed and look out at the view. Maybe some wise ancestor would speak to her. Crazier things than that have happened today.

  When she lay down she was happy to find that it was as soft and comfortable as it had appeared. The tension flowed out of her, and her eye lids felt so heavy. Maybe a nap will do me good, she thought.

  She pulled the warm feather quilt at the end of the day bed over her. It was so snug and comfortable. It also happened to be the very same shade of purple from her bedroom back home. Perhaps James had done that, or it might have been just a coincidence. Her mind began to wander as she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep filled with dreams.

  Chapter Fourteen


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