Redeemed Complete: A Military Stepbrother Romance

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Redeemed Complete: A Military Stepbrother Romance Page 16

by Lucy Snow

  “…A mistake.”

  “…Have done that.”

  There it was. We had talked over each other like we were so used to doing, mostly during arguments, but this time we had said the same thing.

  Both our eyes widened as we took in and understood with the other had said.

  Harrison spoke next, Surprise in his face and his words. “Is that what you really think?”

  “…Yeah, that’s what I really think,” I whispered, as the tears began to flow, stinging my cold face with their warmth as they passed down. “That’s what you think?”

  Harrison just looked at me. He opened his mouth, and I could see him forming words, but nothing came out. For the first time in his life, my step brother looked helpless as he watched me cry.

  Finally he turned his head and looked forward, unable to meet my gaze. I close my eyes and leaned further against him, giving in to the waves of emotion that passed through me. Almost reflexively, Harrison tightened his grip on my shoulders, crushing me against his broad chest, still hard despite all the layers of fabric on top.

  The snow around us fell faster, and we huddled together for warmth, Harrison resting his chin on my head. We must’ve looked like a poster for some tragic romance. Any wandering photographers passing by in that moment could have taken a prize-winning photo.

  “I don’t regret it. I wanted to kiss you and…”

  “I don’t regret it either.”

  I looked sharply at Harrison, whipping my head around so fast I almost hit him, but he moved his own head out of the way at the last second. “Say that again,” I breathed, catching my breath on the inhale and holding it in, scared I misheard.

  He looked me dead in the eyes, his gaze strong and fierce. “I don’t regret it either.”

  “Then why did you bring me here to tell me it was over?”

  Harrison roared, his laughter ringing out in the still cold of the early evening, scaring invisible birds out of their roosts and persuading them to take sudden flight.

  I must have looked dumb and confused, cause I certainly felt like both. Harrison kept laughing till he saw my face, then quieted down, cutting off the sound and returning the forest to its natural state. “Is that why you thought I brought you here?”

  “Well, yeah, you haven’t been around all morning, and you didn’t talk much on the way here, I figured you’d had second thoughts.”

  “Of course I’ve had second thoughts, Laurel.” He smiled. “I’ve had second thoughts, third thoughts, thoughts I can’t even count. None of that has changed how I feel about you.”

  “Well, that’s good to hear,” I forced out, lamely, still reeling from what we were talking about.

  “Is that all you can say?” Harrison’s eyes gleamed as he pulled me in closer, and I let him envelop me in his manly warmth.

  “I’m still figuring things out, OK?”

  He grew solemn. “I totally understand, Laurel, this is all new to me too. I just want you to know, I’m not going anywhere.”

  I just stared back at him, still not understanding how quickly things had turned from bad to good to bad to good. I want to get off this roller coaster, but I wanted to take Harrison with me.

  “Please just be straight with me, Harrison. I just want to make sure we’re okay.”

  “What we did last night, Laurel, was a mistake. And here’s why. You had just gone through something dramatic, and I took advantage of you.”

  “Stop right there, Harrison. Yeah, I went through something bad just for, but I kissed you, remember?”

  “Of course I remember. I haven’t thought about anything else since that moment. But that doesn’t change the fact that I shouldn’t have let it happen. You were in no position to do that and mean it.”

  “I’m not a little girl, Harrison. I can make my own decisions.” He had treated me like a fragile flower since we met. That may have flown back in high school, but now he needed an update.

  “Trust me, Laurel, I know. You’ve done very well for yourself, no sarcasm.” I looked into his eyes to make sure he meant that, but he stared back at me with no guile, no misdirection. I felt relief well up inside me, it felt so good to know Harrison saw how much I had matured.

  “I know I hadn’t dealt with what had happened before, but I really wanted to be with you. I didn’t know it before that moment.”

  Harrison grinned. “Not before that moment, eh? You sure about that?”

  I gave him a look. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “How quickly you forget the bathroom scene! It was just a few hours earlier!”

  I punched him in the shoulder, as hard as I could given how close we were. “Asshole! You are the worst.”

  Harrison nodded up and down. “I am the worst. Luckily, you seem to like it.”

  “I don’t like it that much. Get over yourself!” But we both knew, I was smiling at the time.

  Harrison backed up, raising a hand, as if to ward me off. “I’m over myself, I’m over myself. Let’s be serious again for a moment.”

  “You always know how to bring the mood down.” As if to keep him from speaking again, I snuggled in closer, covering myself with his warmth. “Fine, let’s be serious.”

  “Letting you kiss me was a mistake. And what we did afterward too. I should’ve found a better time for that to happen. A time when we could make that decision together, with no distractions.”

  I didn’t respond.

  “But now that it happened,” Harrison whispered, moving his face right in front of mine, “I can’t wait to do it again.”

  And then he kissed me. It was a long kiss, and retarded and weaved our lips against each other, as if each of us was trying to steal something from the other, but didn’t care if we were caught in the process.

  I closed my eyes, and felt the teasing of our tongues back and forth, pushing into my mouth, pressing into his. We kissed like that, our entire bodies getting into it, dancing as we sat on the bench, covered in our heavy coats and other winter clothing.

  I felt Harrison’s hands on me over my coat. He moved them down to my waist and slipped one underneath, causing me to gas, breaking our kiss, with the cold of his hand against my skin. Harrison murmured something that I couldn’t understand, but kept moving his hand upward, as it quickly warmed up.

  I felt him close his hand over my breasts above my bra, And I moaned long and loud, momentarily nervous getting so turned on in public, but remembering there was probably no one around us for a good half a mile in every direction.

  Harrison teased my nipple through the soft fabric of my bra while we started kissing again. I felt my nipples pressing against my bra, loving the feeling, but aching for him to touch them with nothing in the way.

  Taking his cue, I snaked my hands under his jacket and clothing, pressing into his back and pulling him him closer to me.

  This time it was Harrison who broke the kiss, his head moving backwards, his eyes closed, as he breathed in deeply. Only when he exhaled from his long breath didn’t open his eyes again to look at me.

  “You are so incredibly sexy, Laurel.”

  All I could say was, “I want you too. Again. Over and over again.”

  Words were getting in the way of more kissing, so we dispensed with them immediately, and pressed our heads against each other, both grateful to glue ourselves together again like that. Our tongues were the warmest parts of our bodies, and we used them to keep each other warm.

  It was tough to move around with all that fabric in the way, but I didn’t care. Harrison was kissing me, and 24 hours ago that would only have appeared in my darkest and most closely guarded fantasies, but now it was happening in real life.

  There would be consequences, I was sure of that. But right now, on that bench, in Harrison’s arms, while we kissed and touched and stole affection from each other, nothing else mattered.

  Chapter 14 - The Return

  We must have kissed like that for a good 10 minutes. By the time I opene
d my eyes again, it had gotten dark. And somehow colder. I was practically sitting in Harrison’s lap, with his arms wrapped around me, One hand still under my clothes, kept warm by how close he was to my skin. Likewise, both my hands traced the contours of the muscles in his back under his jacket and shirt.

  Harrison broke the kiss first. He sat back, still playing with my boobs, and looking very satisfied with himself. “Well, what we do now?”

  I put on as serious a look as I possibly could. “The only thing we can do, Harrison. Forget this ever happened, and never do it again.”

  Harrison tweaked my nipple under all my clothing, causing me to squeal and ride around in mock pain. “Yes, I can tell your body wants us to never make the same mistake ever again.”

  I replied by sticking my fingers into his back, enjoying watching him exhale and close his eyes and sigh with pleasure. “You’re right, you’re exactly right. We should never do this again.”

  Harrison focused on me, like for a second he was trying to figure out if I was serious, then decided I wasn’t, thankfully. “How about we go home, and pick this up where it’s a little warmer?”

  I smiled at him, dropping all pretense of being serious. “Deal.”

  We broke our touch, and cleaned up the bench of all of our food and drink as fast as humanly possible, And made our way back to the car. Of course, along the way, we paused to kiss every couple minutes.

  This time Harrison holding my hand as we walked along the single file path, felt so different, despite being the same thing as before. Before, it had felt like being led to an execution of sorts. Like he was taking me somewhere to give me bad news, somewhere where I wouldn’t or couldn’t make a scene, somewhere he could avoid embarrassment.

  But now, despite being sold dark and so cold, I felt warm and bright and hopeful and optimistic all at the same time.

  The car was waiting for us. Harrison dumped our garbage in the backseat, all in one bag, and we got in. We drove home quickly, with the heat blasting as heavy as it could. Harrison drove resting his right hand on my leg.

  It was as if now that we had touched, neither of us wanted to let go for longer than we had to. That’s how it should be.

  By the time we arrived in front of the house, and Harrison parked the car, my fingers and toes had just begun to thaw.

  I gathered the plastic bag and we made our way back into the house, acting normal we were back in public. Of course, no one was home to find us, but we still had neighbors and people who knew us driving by, and we didn’t want anyone to see what was happening.

  The path we had started down wasn’t wrong, not really, but I doubted anyone else would see it that way.

  Before entering the house, I dropped the trash bag in the trash bin outside, freeing my hands up to give Harrison a quick squeeze on the shoulder. He looked at me as he unlocked the door, and stepped inside, holding it open for me after him.

  A rush of warm air hit me. We turned the heat off before we left, but the house was still far warmer than outside.

  I closed the door behind me, leaning up against it in the low light of the single lamp we had left on. Before I knew what was happening next, Harrison’s lips were on mine, pressing me back into the heavy front door. The only thing I wanted to do, the only thing I could do, was let him in, let him kiss me like I belonged to him.

  I felt his hands move up, and I expected him to go again for my boobs, but instead I heard the sound of a zipper unzipping, And felt my jacket loosen around me, as Harrison’s hands worked.

  When my jacket was unzipped I pushed forward, freeing my back from the door, still kissing Harrison, and shrugged the jacket off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Then I went to work on Harrison’s jacket in the same manner.

  When we were both down to our indoor clothes, he pressed me back up against the door. I lifted up my right leg, and he grasped it in his left arm. I wrapped my leg around him pulling him into me, feeling his hardness press into me. I knew I was panting, I knew I wanted it, I knew right then that if he wanted to take me in the foyer of our house I would let him.

  And I would love it. I needed my stepbrother inside me. I needed him to fuck me. Right. Now.

  Harrison pressed his body against me, his weight pushing me down. I gasped as we slid to the floor very slowly, Harrison weaving his arms around my back and head to shield them from the hard surface of the door.

  We ended up on the floor, our lips still locked together, pushing each other back and forth as our tongues did romantic battle between our mouths. I couldn’t help but moan as Harrison’s hands moved to my front and one pressed itself against my belly while the other cupped each of my breasts in turn.

  I tried to reach for his waist and below, but Harrison wouldn’t let me. Whenever I got close, he would pull away smiling at me. “No, Laurel, you can’t have that yet.” Chastened but turned on even more, almost out of my mind with lust, I pulled back for a few seconds before trying again, hungry to get at him quicker, and all bothered by Harrison keeping away from me like that.

  Didn’t he know what he did to me? Couldn’t he see what his touch could do?

  I felt my cheeks burn, a combination of the heat of the house after the cold outside, and the way he made me feel. Like I was the one coming on to him, I wondered how much of his charm that was. Like if he made every other girl think they were seducing him rather than the other way around.

  Either way, I wanted him, more than I had ever wanted anyone else before. Every time he pushed me away gently, it only made me re-double my efforts to get in. Harrison was so much stronger, though, I was no match for keep me at bay easily.

  We lay like that in the foyer of the house, fooling around, delighting in playing with each other in as public a setting as we could get away with.

  Very soon, though, became clear that this wasn’t enough for either of us. Both of us were wearing too many clothes. Harrison sat back first, breaking our kiss, forcing me to push my face closer to them to keep up the contact as long as possible, saying what we were both thinking. “Let’s go upstairs,” he whispered As if someone else could hear us.

  “Yeah,” I managed to get out, still rolling back and forth in my head with pleasure over the attention Harrison paid to my breasts. He couldn’t have known they’d always been the most sensitive part of my body. When I touched myself alone, one hand always stayed up with my breasts, playing with my nipples. Somehow, Harrison had figured that out and he knew just what to do.

  As Harrison stood up and extended an arm down to help me up, I couldn’t help but wonder at how many girls he’d done this with over the years. Fooling around in the doorway of the house was hot as hell, but what if I wasn’t the first? Could this be just the next step in his established pattern?

  Take a girl to his hidden mysterious bench in the forest, get her all hot and bothered, and bring her back here, and pause just inside the house to keep the heat going?

  I didn’t want to be so cynical, especially with Harrison acting so nice to me for the first time since we had known each other, and especially since we were starting on something potentially so wonderful, but at the same time…

  I couldn’t shake what I knew about him, how fast he went with girls, and just how many I’d seen him with in high school. I just couldn’t be sure if he really was different now, despite all those wonderful words.

  I didn’t want to be just one of many. If I was thinking along the same lines, maybe I could be OK with that, but not with Harrison. Not with him.

  I got to my feet, grateful for Harrison’s strong hands helping me up. He turned without a word and we headed up the stairs, still holding on to me with one hand, just like when we’d walked the forest path just a few minutes ago.

  I watched his back again, seeing the strong muscles contort as he took the stairs one by one, the contours of his ass hugged tight by his jeans. My mouth watered, and I silently wished he’d move faster. I couldn’t wait any longer to get my hands on him, and have him all over

  We reached the top of the stairs and Harrison paused. I came up the stairs and bumped right into him, taking full advantage and pressing my head in between his strong shoulder blades. “Mmmmmmm,” I moaned, feeling his heat and wanting more of it, wanting it to cover me up, and wrapped me up like a blanket.

  I stayed pressed against him, reaching around to run my hands over his chest, and feeling his heart beating heavily but strongly over his clothes. It took me a second to realize why he stopped.

  Harrison wasn’t sure which bedroom to take me into.

  I’m sure his natural inclination was to move us towards his room. His room, where most of his high school conquests had occurred, at least the ones I knew about. His room, where he was the undisputed master of all that went on, where girls went to be ravished and bask in his strength and manliness.

  I held my breath, wanting to see what choice you would make. It sounded like something so small and meaningless, but I knew that whatever he decided, I wouldn’t be able to help myself. I would make a big deal out of it.

  We stood there for a few seconds longer, and I could hear the gears grinding in Harrison’s head. All of a sudden, he must’ve made up his mind, because Harrison guided me toward my room without any further thought. I exhaled sharply, letting him take me in stride as we made our way down the corridor toward my door.

  At least that hurdle was clear; Harrison had made the right decision, at least this time. When we got to my door, Harrison opened with his free hand and suddenly we were back in my room.

  It was strange having Harrison in my room. And not just because of what we were about to do. Just having him there, without me freaking out about it, was a new experience. We really didn’t get along, he and I, and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d invited him into my room. I’m sure it had involved yelling. There might even have been something thrown toward the door.

  But this, coming in here like this to fool around, like we’d done the night before, this was a little different. This I could get used to.

  Especially the fooling around part.


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