Please Daddy

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Please Daddy Page 11

by Maggie Ryan

  Of all of their group, Maddie was the most stubborn but it didn’t take long before she was sounding truly contrite. “I’m sorry, please, Daddy. I’ll apologize. Please no more spanking!”

  The rest of the girls stood, their daddies behind them, all watching the discipline being meted out as was required when they were together. Each woman knew exactly how Maddie felt. Coco didn’t breathe easy until Uncle Frank’s hand stopped rising and falling. Maddie’s bottom was bright red when her daddy lifted her off the ball and turned her to face her friends.

  “Sorry, Veronica,” she said.

  “Madison,” Frank warned, and his little one tried again.

  “I didn’t mean to cause you to fall.”

  “And?” Frank urged again.

  Coco saw Madison swallow hard and knew that this wasn’t easy for her. “I’m sorry I called you a big baby. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Please forgive me.” Frank smiled and drew his little one into his arms, dropping a kiss on top of her head.

  A loud sniffle caused all eyes to turn to Veronica who was once again looking like the victim, her lips set into a pout, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. It was all Coco could do not to roll her eyes.

  “What do you say, Princess?” Uncle Carlton urged. “Your friend apologized, and you need to accept it.”

  Instead of accepting the apology, Veronica sniffled again and spoke to her daddy. “She still thinks I’m a baby. They all do because I wear diapers. I don’t fit in—they all hate me. I want to go home!”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I’m sure that’s not true,” Carlton said, pulling her close and wrapping his arms tightly around her. He looked over her head to the others. “No one here judges anyone. That’s why we are all such good friends. Because we make sure all of our little ones feel safe and loved.” He paused and gave each of the other five girls a look before continuing. “Isn’t that right, girls? Don’t you want to show Veronica that she is your friend?”

  It took a moment, and a few looks from the other daddies, before the girls began to nod and mutter that of course they did.

  “See, Princess. They all like you.”

  “No, they don’t,” Veronica said, shaking her head. “They just don’t want to get a spanking.”

  Well, she might not be an Oscar worthy actress but I can’t fault her intelligence. Coco thought to herself. However, she needs to learn that true friendship is a two-way street.

  “I have a thought.” Heads turned to see Nanny Jean had joined them and Coco suddenly was quite positive she didn’t want to hear it. From the looks on the other girls’ faces, they were as reluctant as she. “For the rest of the day, all you girls will wear diapers. It won’t only help Veronica realize that you are all the same but will help you remember that it isn’t nice to say hurtful things.”

  “An excellent idea,” Uncle Joe said, and Coco saw Suzy roll her eyes. The other daddies appeared to agree. Not a single girl responded except for Veronica who gave her cheeks a final swipe with her fingers and beamed a smile up at the nanny.

  “Come along girls. It’s time you visit the nursery.” Turning to address the men, she said, “I’ll have them back in just a few minutes.”

  Carlton rose with a smile. “See, Princess, everything is going to be just fine.”

  “Thank you, Nanny,” Frank said. “That will give us time to set up the next game.”

  As the men gathered the scattered balls and took them to a sink to clean and sanitize them, the girls followed Nanny Jean from the room. Veronica was skipping next to the nanny while the others hung back.

  “I’m sorry that happened,” Suzy whispered to Maddie.

  “Yes, Princess Icky is just plain icky,” Trisha said, her eyes cutting to the other girl.

  “If we’re not careful, all of us are going to be members of her spanking club. First Suzy, then me and now you,” Jenny said.

  Maddie’s giggle surprised Coco as well as the others. Maddie shook her head and said, “Remember what I said last night? About making it worth it if she caused me to get into trouble?” The girls around her nodded, and she smiled. “Well, my bottom burns but it was definitely worth it.” She paused, giggling at their puzzled expressions. Lowering her voice so as not to be overheard, Maddie continued. “I didn’t fall off my ball…I was blown off.” When they still looked confused, she shook her head. “You know, that vibrator? I went off like a rocket…launching me into orbit, or into Princess Icky anyway.”

  “Oh!” Coco said and then started laughing, soon joined by the others.

  “Well, heck, I didn’t get to watch the movie or have an orgasm!” Jenny said with a mock pout that caused her friends to giggle and all give her a hug.

  By the time Nanny Jean opened yet another door they hadn’t seen before, the five girls were all smiling. “That’s better,” Jean said, returning their smiles. “Smiling little ones are so much sweeter than sour faced ones.”

  Coco looked around the room as Nanny Jean led Veronica to what was an oversized changing table. Lifting her up, the nanny instructed Veronica to lie back and then reached for one of the many stacked cloth diapers folded neatly on a shelf. The room was a bit like her own room in their penthouse but this room was definitely a real nursery. Instead of her canopied twin-size bed, there were a half dozen adult sized cribs placed around the room. Large rocking chairs, shelves of stuffed animals, children’s books and little white stools in every single corner told of what would happen if a little one decided to be naughty.

  “It is pretty,” Coco whispered, the bright light through the lace covered windows causing patterns to dance across the floor.

  “Yes, but still…diapers?” Jenny said, a pink flush to her cheeks.

  “It’ll be okay,” Trisha assured her. “I wear diapers a lot at home when I’m feeling especially little.” She giggled and added, “Or when Daddy thinks I need to remember that I’m not the one in charge.”

  Coco smiled, thinking it rather ironic that the first time she’d be wearing a diaper wasn’t because her daddy had decided it was time to take that step but because of the incident in the playroom. Then again, if he didn’t wish her to participate, he would have turned down Jean’s offer. By the time she was helped onto the table, her curiosity overcame her embarrassment as Nanny Jean sprinkled sweet smelling talcum powder over her privates before pulling up the thick cloth between her legs. Two bright pink pins were used to secure the fabric into place, and as she was helped down, Coco had to admit that the feeling of the thick diaper was different but not altogether horrid.

  Once every girl had been changed, they were led back through the house. Mrs. Potts was setting the table and looked up at the small troupe. “Oh don’t you look precious?” she exclaimed, giving the girls a smile. “Shall I prepare bottles?”

  “Yes, please,” Nanny Jean said without hesitation. “I believe suckling milk from a bottle will help reinforce my plan to have the little ones remember their places. Thank you, Mrs. Portsmith.”

  Coco looked at her friends to see them all looking a bit surprised, and yet none of them said a thing. By the time they’d returned to the playroom, they all knew that Nanny Jean would make it her duty to keep them all very “little” for at least one day. Shrugging it off, Coco accepted the decision with grace. It was just another aspect of this dynamic. She wasn’t in control…those decisions were made by the adults she’d let into her life and gifted her obedience to. It might be a tad embarrassing at times, but a small price to pay for the total contentment she experienced when allowing others to guide her in her submission.

  The girls’ next game was another race, except this time there were no vibrators involved. Instead, they were each given a bucket of foam blocks and instructed to build towers as high as they could…using any part of their bodies, except their hands. Giggles and moans were heard as bodies contorted to add block after block to wobbling towers. When Uncle Joe blew his whistle, Trisha was declared the winner and presented with a large stuffed octopus.
  “He has a lot of arms to hug you,” Uncle Joe said.

  “But your arms are the bestest,” Trisha said as she wrapped the octopus around her body and then gave her daddy a huge hug, the stuffie pressed between them.

  “Oh, and Coco, you didn’t receive your prize yet,” Frank said, holding out the large kangaroo.

  “But I didn’t win,” Coco said though she wanted to grab the cute stuffie.

  Joe chuckled. “Yes you did, sweetie. You didn’t jump off your ball until it touched the finish line. Go ahead, the kangaroo is yours.”

  Coco looked at her daddy and at his nod and smile, she took the huge animal and hugged it. “Thank you! It’s so cute! Oh!” Looking down she saw that a baby roo was tucked into the kangaroo’s pouch. Pulling it out, she gave it a quick kiss. “A daddy and a little one. Just like us!”

  Dalton laughed and gave her a hug. “I think that’s a mama kangaroo.”

  “Nope, it’s a daddy,” Coco countered as she tucked the smaller stuffie back inside. “Daddies keep us safe and love us even when we are naughty.”

  “I can’t argue with that,” Dalton said, pulling her in for a hug and a kiss.

  The last activity they enjoyed was a ride on the carousel. As Coco stood next to a pretty unicorn, waiting to be lifted on, she ran her hand over the real leather saddle. Puzzled, she paused, and gave it a closer look. “Oh,” she said softly, her eyes lifting to see her daddy grinning down at her. “Is this what I think it is?” she whispered.

  “If you think those holes can be filled with all sorts of toys for a little one’s pleasure or punishment, then, yes, ladybug, it is exactly what you think,” Dalton said, reaching down to lift her onto the animal’s back. “But, not today. Those special rides are done while riding bare bottomed.”

  Coco felt her face heat and a trickle of moisture leaking into her diaper. She’d read about such horses in a book by one of her favorite erotica authors. Emily Tilton had several books about age-play that she read over and over again. She couldn’t wait to discover if riding a rocking horse—well, one of the animals on this carousel, at least—was as wonderful as Caroline, the character in that series, said it was.

  “Coco, are you paying attention?”

  “Um, what?” she said, snapping out of her thoughts at her daddy’s question.

  He chuckled and shook his head as he handed her a long pink stick.

  “What’s this for?” she asked, noticing that all the girls had been seated and handed similar sticks.

  “You’ll need it to try to hook the ring as you ride,” Dalton explained, pointing to a pole where a gold ring hung from a ribbon.

  “Oh, that sounds like fun,” she said and then giggled.

  Dalton laughed with her and leaned close. “Not as much fun as riding bare bottomed like little Caroline in those stories, but I promise, you’ll ride soon.”

  Coco flushed hotter as he bent to kiss her and wondered if he meant she’d be riding a mechanical animal or one of flesh and blood. Deciding either would be wonderful, she smiled and gave a squeal as the carousel began to move, the unicorn beneath her rocking back and forth as the music played and the girls concentrated on hooking the ring.

  By the time the ride was over, Maddie was the new owner of a stuffed unicorn. Coco saw the disappointment on Veronica’s face but was grateful the girl couldn’t accuse her friend of cheating as they’d been on opposite sides of the ride.

  After dressing, their discarded panties tucked into daddies’ pockets, they went to enjoy lunch with a promise of swimming in the ocean after naps had been taken. A bit leery of the promised vessel in which her beverage would be served, Coco and the others discovered that while they would indeed be drinking their milk from bottles, they’d all be doing so from the confines of their cribs.

  “But I don’t want to sleep in a crib,” Jenny protested. “I’m a big girl!”

  “A big girl does not wear a diaper nor does she argue with her nanny or daddy,” Roger said, giving her padded butt a smack. “But, if you’d prefer to have your diaper removed and your bottom reddened first, I will be glad to accommodate you.”

  “Um, no, that’s okay, Daddy,” Jenny said quickly.

  Evidently knowing they’d receive the same response, the other girls didn’t complain. They thanked Mrs. Potts for the bottles she handed out, kissed their daddies, and followed Nanny Jean back to the nursery. Before climbing into her assigned crib, Coco removed the baby roo from the mama’s pouch and handed it to Jenny.

  “Thanks!” Jenny said, cuddling the small stuffie.

  “That was sweet, Coco,” Jean said with a smile. “Sharing is far better than being selfish. Suzy, come pick a stuffie to cuddle.” Once Suzy had, each girl now hugging a stuffed animal, climbed up into their larger than life cribs. Nanny Jean bent to tuck them beneath blankets, guided the bottles to their mouths and lifted the rails to keep them from falling out.

  “Settle down and I’ll read you a story,” the nanny said, choosing a book and sitting in a rocking chair.

  Coco turned onto her side to stare out the bars and listened to the story about a little girl and her daddy. Hearing the words describing how sad the girl felt after being naughty at a friend’s play party, and then how good she felt once forgiven—after the requisite spanking, of course—Coco had to wonder if all of the books in this room contained thinly concealed reminders of how a little one was supposed to be a good girl for their daddy. Still, it was a sweet tale, and by the time Nanny Jean closed the book, Coco had closed her eyes, her bottle empty. She was barely aware of it being removed and only gave a little mumble as something else was pressed between her lips. Sucking, she realized it was a pacifier. After rolling it around a bit, she smiled around the large bulb. This was an experience she’d never expected and yet found the entire nursery scenario was giving her a sense of peace and security. With a final suckle and another squeeze to the kangaroo in her arms, she fell asleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  Coco soon learned that little ones wearing diapers were expected to use them. When Nanny Jean returned to the nursery, in a sing-song voice, she asked, “Who needs to be changed?”

  Coco looked around the room, shocked at the question and further surprised when she saw that three of her nursery-mates had their hands up. She wasn’t truly shocked to see Veronica’s, after all, the woman had worn nothing but a diaper since Coco had met her. Trisha, as well, wasn’t too much of a revelation as her best friend often regressed to a much younger age. However, seeing Maddie’s hand was a surprise. When Maddie caught Coco staring, she just shrugged and smiled as if to say, “When you gotta go, you gotta go.”

  As the three girls were released from the cribs and lined up in front of the changing table, Coco definitely felt the need to release her bladder. Still, it wasn’t something she thought she could ever do.

  “After you are changed, we’ll find your daddies and they can put you into your swimsuits. It is such a perfect day to splash about in the water, isn’t it?” Nanny Jean changed the three girls into fresh diapers and hearing her continued enthusiasm about swimming and splashing wasn’t helping Coco much.

  “Your daddies will be up to talk to you,” Nanny Jean said as she walked to the door. “I hope to see the rest of you on the beach soon.”

  Once the four of them had left the room, Coco turned to look at Jenny. “I don’t think I can!”

  Jenny nodded and Coco saw that she too was squirming a bit. “I know, but what choice do we have?” she whispered. Suzy flung herself onto her back, her feet drumming against the mattress.

  “This is so unfair! I hate Veronica!”

  “Shh, don’t let anyone hear you say that,” Coco warned. “You don’t want to get into trouble.”

  After a few minutes, the door opened and three men strolled in. Coco was very pleased to see her daddy and yet felt a tug of misgiving that he had to know that she hadn’t made use of the thick garment between her legs.

  “Hello, ladybug,” he
said, giving her a smile as he reached over the rails to lift her from the crib.

  “Hi, Daddy,” she said, instantly snuggling her face into the crook of his neck. “Can we go swimming now?”

  He patted her bottom that was cradled on his arm. “That depends on you, little one. Once you go potty, I’ll be happy to help you into your swimsuit.”

  Coco shook her head. “I don’t think I can, Daddy.”

  “You can,” he countered, giving the top of her head a kiss. “You’re safe here among your friends and your uncles.”

  She sighed, unable to deny his words and yet still not able to let her bladder release. Even the sight of Jenny being laid down on the changing table, didn’t have any effect other than to make her clench her bladder even tighter.

  “How about we discuss this in our room?” Dalton suggested.

  “Does that mean you are going to spank me?” Coco asked softly.

  “No, ladybug. You haven’t been naughty. You are simply being stubborn.” Her daddy gave her backside another pat and then carried her from the room. Coco snuggled into his arms but didn’t have anything else to say.

  “You sit right here,” Dalton said, placing her on the leather chair. “I’ll get your suit.” Coco nodded, her hands in her lap, watching as he opened a drawer and pulled out another swimsuit. It was one of her favorites. Navy blue with small, colorful fish swimming across the surface. Thinking of swimming had her thinking of water which had her slipping a hand between her legs and pressing against the soft white cloth. Her daddy didn’t say a word, simply laid the suit on the bed, took his own from the drawer and walked into the bathroom.


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