Surrender To The Cyborgs (Interstellar Brides: The Colony Book 1)

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Surrender To The Cyborgs (Interstellar Brides: The Colony Book 1) Page 7

by Grace Goodwin

  Instant. Intense. So fucking powerful.

  I thought I would find her attractive. Appealing. Fuckable. But I was not prepared to feel this…desperation.

  I wanted to kiss her, to touch her, to taste her, to fuck her, but I wanted her to want that from me. From Ryston. From both of us together.

  Before we did anything with her—to her—I needed to ensure her concerns were met. Her objection to the doctor’s exam was absolute. I heard it from her lips. Felt it through the collar. Considered it not only from a governor’s ear, but from a mate’s heart.

  She would not be subjected to the doctor’s exam. Rachel had been correct. Her fertility was not relevant. Subjecting her to a test I sensed was humiliating for her was not acceptable. As I told the doctor, Ryston and I would be the only ones to put things in her pussy. Our cocks, our fingers, our toys.

  Her breathing sped and her gaze darted to mine then away once more and I realized she could feel my need. My lust. Yes, the collars worked quite well.

  But I was not an animal. I’d never felt desire this strong, but my mate’s needs came before my own. I would wait as long as it took for her to be ready. The last thing in the universe I wanted was to push her too hard and scare her away.

  Until she officially accepted me as her matched mate and allowed Ryston and me to take her in the claiming ceremony, she could walk away from us. She could choose another.

  The thought was like an axe buried between my shoulder blades and I realized I wouldn’t survive losing her. I could have lived without hope for the rest of my life. But to have her here, my matched mate, the one female in the universe that was mine, and lose her? To make her unhappy? Push her into the arms of another warrior and his second?

  I’d rather die.

  My cock would just have to stand down until she was ready to play. For now, we would talk to her and ease her concerns. I was determined to earn her trust and affection. I hoped, beyond reason, that she could one day learn to look past our Hive contamination and come to care for us.

  And where was Ryston with her damn clothes? Every step she took, the blanket dragged on the floor, playing the children’s game of peek-a-boo with the bare skin of her back and shoulder.

  If she would just drop her arms to her sides, the fabric would fall, and she would be gloriously naked before me.

  I remained near the door, afraid to test my resolve not to touch her by following her into the living area. Ryston would come, give her a gown to cover herself, and we would send her into the bedroom to dress.

  Soft and warm and so very naked beneath that blanket, she was too dangerous a temptation.

  Rachel wandered the room, touching everything. She lifted the pillows from the sofa and sniffed them. How odd.

  “I hope the suite is acceptable, mate. It’s your home now. Anything you want to do to change things, all you need to do is ask.”

  Her smile was a curious mix of nervousness and resignation, as were the emotions bombarding me through the collar.

  “It’s fine. For now.” She tossed the pillow back among the others on the sofa and took in the entire room in a glance. “It’s doesn’t smell like anything.”

  I took a step forward, studying her closely. “I don’t understand. Is that not acceptable?”

  “No. It’s not that.” She walked toward me slowly, covering the distance between us as I forgot to breathe. She was so small and yet she had me by the fucking balls. Aching, blue ones. “A home should smell like something, you know? Like cookies baking. Or fabric softener from the dryer. Maybe chicken noodle soup on the stove or a scented candle burning in the kitchen.” She stopped when she was within an arm’s length of me and looked up, way up, into my eyes. “But it doesn’t smell like anything. It’s like a model home the contractors build to try to sell you a house. It’s pretty, but no one actually lives there.”

  There was no anger behind her words, and I was not sure what she wanted or needed me to say. “I have no idea what you are talking about, mate. But if you want our home to smell like something in particular, I will instruct the base programmers to enter whatever you need into the S-Gen database for replication.”

  Her smile was more than worth my confusion. “I have no idea what you just said.”

  “That makes us even. I have not slept in this space yet. These are quarters for those with mates. It is as new for you as it is for me.”

  I expected her to step away, but she did not move, simply stood before me, studying my face as if I were a great puzzle she was trying to solve. “Mates. So, are you really mine?”

  The bold question shocked me, but the vulnerability I felt behind the words knocked the air from my lungs. She’d come so far, and while I worried she might reject us, I was home. This planet was new for her. Her worry at being rejected was a true concern, at least until she believed my words. “Yes.”

  Her teeth sank into her bottom lip, a lip I ached to kiss, but I held completely still as I felt her emotions settle, as if she’d reached some sort of decision. “Then what now?”

  I held out my hand and nearly leapt with joy when she didn’t hesitate to place her much smaller one in my own. Tugging gently, I drew her forward until she stood pressed to my body. I wrapped my arms around her and she turned, placing her cheek to my chest.

  “Now, we will get to know each other. I know you are wary, Rachel. But you are mine and I want no other. Ryston and I will take care of you. We will protect you, cherish you, and ensure your pleasure. When you grow heavy with child, we will treasure you both beyond anything you can imagine. You are hope and life and home for us, mate. You can’t understand what you mean to us. And we will wait. We will wait to claim you until you are ready.”

  Her arms snaked around my waist as a shudder passed through her body. “What if I don’t want to wait? What if I want you to fuck me now?”

  Desire unfurled within me and for the first time I realized I was not feeling my own body’s need, but hers. The longing to belong, to surrender, to feel wanted, rose within my mate like a storm.

  The door slid open behind me and Ryston entered the room.

  Where I was always controlled, deliberate in my choices, Ryston was wild and completely fearless.

  I turned to meet his gaze as he set aside a soft, flowing gown of deepest copper—the color of the Rone family—and the ATB he’d taken from the doctor. Inside that box were the anal toys we would need to make sure our mate was ready for the claiming ceremony, and I could not wait to begin their use. As to the gown, I approved of his choice. If her collar must remain black until her official claiming, we both wanted everyone on the planet to know exactly who she belonged to.


  Ryston shoved the items aside as if they were of no consequence and closed the distance between us. I had to hope he felt her desire and need through his collar. His gaze darted from our mate to me. “By the gods, Maxim. You two are fucking killing me.”

  Yes, he felt it, too.

  Rachel gasped as Ryston’s almost frenzied need to fuck hit us both like a blast from an ion cannon.

  Without asking, he placed his hands on Rachel’s shoulders and spun her to face him.

  Her back to me, he pressed her forward until she was trapped between our hard bodies. I would have protested, but Rachel’s reaction stopped me. Raw, achy desire filled her as Ryston lowered his head to claim a kiss.

  To claim her. For the need was like a fire in his blood. Unapologetic. Dominant. Demanding.

  Our mate melted into me and I raised my hands to cup her breasts as Ryston pushed her back with the force of his kiss, her head nestled against my chest.

  He slid his hands to our mate’s hips. Grateful for her quiet moan of encouragement, I gave up the thought of going slow, learning her curves first over the blanket. Fuck that. I slid my hands beneath the bothersome layer to explore bare flesh, to cup the heavy softness of her breasts and roll her nipples between my fingers. Yes. Gods, she felt like heaven in my palms.

gasped and turned her head away, but Ryston shook his head and wrapped his hand gently around her throat, forcing her to meet his gaze. Forcing her head back once again. She was truly pinned between us.

  The rush of desire at his movement hit us both like fists squeezing my hard cock. She wasn’t shying away from his power. She wasn’t afraid. Nor shy. She liked his dominance. Loved it. Based on her emotions, she needed it.

  “Do you want us to stop?” Ryston asked, even though he knew she’d say no.

  She didn’t respond right away and I would swear my heart stopped beating as I waited for her answer. I didn’t want to stop, I wanted to bury my cock in her wet heat and pump her full of my seed. I wanted my child growing in her belly. As her Prime male, it was my right to take her first, to plant my seed in her womb. To make her mine. After she became pregnant with our first child, Ryston would have his turn. But until then, Rachel’s hot, wet pussy was all mine.

  Rachel kept her eyes fixed on Ryston—not that he gave her a choice to look anywhere else—and lifted her arms up high, wrapping her hands around my neck. She buried her fingers in my hair and arched her back, shoving her breasts into my hands, demanding more attention.

  “No. I don’t want to stop.”

  Chapter Six


  “Thank the gods.” Ryston’s words were a fierce whisper as he lowered his head to claim her mouth once more and I used my position to shove the blanket covering our mate’s curves to the floor at our feet. Nothing was between us now, but her.

  “Fuck,” I murmured, taking in the beauty before me. Her skin was milky white…everywhere. Well, almost everywhere. Looking down, I could see her nipples were a pale pink and I imagined them turning a lush ruby red when played with. Seeing the black collar about her neck only made me harder, for she was ours and ours alone.

  The arousal rose and rose between us as they kissed. While their lips met, while their tongues tangled, I savored it just as sweetly.

  Ryston lifted his head, stepped back.

  “Hold her, Maxim.”

  Gladly. With my hands on her breasts, she wasn’t going anywhere.

  Not when I took her nipples between my fingers and tugged, pulled, pinched. The slight bite of pain was a test. When she whimpered, I pinched a little harder. When she cried out my name in abandon, I knew just how much she could take.

  Ryston returned with the ATB the doctor had given us and lifted the lid.

  “You get Maxim’s cock in that sweet pussy, Rachel, but you also get one of these.”

  I released my hold of her nipples, just gently held her breasts, stroked them. She needed to be able to see and think, at least for a minute or two. After that, no thoughts, only feeling.

  “Are those—”

  “Plugs for your ass,” Ryston confirmed. He glanced up from the box. While I couldn’t see her face, I saw the intensity of my second’s gaze, knew he was focused solely on her. She was first for him and always would be.

  Rolling heat came over me. Awareness lit Ryston’s eyes. “You like ass play?”

  “Play? Yes, but I’ve never… I mean, I’ve never been fucked there.”

  “With a cock, you mean?” I murmured into her ear.

  She nodded against my chest.

  “Do you like a finger pressing against you as you’re fucked?” I asked.

  She nodded again.

  I lowered my voice to a near growl and pushed by hard cock into her back, so she’d know just how much I wanted her. “What about a finger deep inside, fucking your ass as a cock fucks your pussy?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “What about plugs? Like having one in, being fucked with one in?”

  She whimpered, stared intently at the box and the varied sized plugs.

  “I… I haven’t…god, this is so intense. It’s… I can feel your desire along with mine.”

  “Yes,” Ryston said, pinning her with a knowing look. “And we both know you want us to play with your ass, prepare that virgin hole for my cock.”

  “Yes. Yes, please.”

  Ryston, looked through the box, picked out a plug that was narrow and small. By looking at it, Rachel wouldn’t know that it vibrated, but she’d learn that soon enough when it was deep inside her.

  Hooking a hand behind her neck, Ryston gently pulled her to him, took her mouth with his. The kiss was wilder this time, raw and out of control, just like he was. There was no holding back with him. I was a thorough lover, powerful, lusty, but I didn’t have the reckless urgency of Ryston. He would push our mate, push us both, and count on me to rein him in when he went too far, as I did with all things.

  There was a reason I was governor of the base, and he our most notorious fighter pilot. Ryston lived for the next rush of danger to race through his blood. He was wild and untamed where I was the solid foundation, the unflappable center. I was the pivot point for the entire base, the anchor. Cautious and deliberate.

  Ryston pushed the edge. And I’d never been so sure of my choice as second as I was when he lifted his head and held up the plug. “This is yours, mate. Take it. Feel it. Know that I will soon work it deep inside you.”

  Her reaction hit me like a punch in my gut. I knew, even before her knees collapsed, that mine and Ryston’s lust was overwhelming her. I shifted my hold and held her in place as she steadied and regained her feet.

  Ryston set the box aside and held out his hand with a devilish and eager grin on his face. When she placed her hand in his, I released her and he led her to the bedroom. I followed, content watching the sway of her gorgeous bare backside, knowing it would soon be Ryston’s personal playground while she rode my cock.

  She paused, looked down. “I’m bare.”

  Ryston walked to the bed, turned, looked down at her pussy. I hadn’t seen it yet and fuck, did I want to.

  I moved to stand beside him, allowing Rachel to look her fill. We were much larger than she, and dressed in full armor, I had to wonder that she wasn’t running with terror. I couldn’t help but study her as well. For one so small, her legs were long and shapely, her hips flared and full, her waist narrow, her breasts pert and upturned nipples tightly furled.

  Her pussy lips, peeking from between her legs, were also a pink, but a dusky color. There was no hair to hide her desire, for they glistened with her obvious arousal.

  “Yes, we love a bare pussy. You will, too,” I said. “Especially when you come all over my face.”

  Rachel rubbed her legs together. As if that would ease the ache. Nothing would ease the need in any of us except a good hard fucking.

  “Are we different than Earth men?” Ryston asked, noticing she was staring at us with curiosity and eagerness.

  I hadn’t considered our differences from males of her planet. Thank fuck for having a second. I’d make a mess of the match without him asking and saying the right things.

  She smiled, then shrugged. “I don’t see very much of you for comparison.”

  “Are you saying you want to see us, mate?” I asked. “All of us?”

  She nodded, bit her lip. “Every naked inch.”

  As we shucked our boots and armor, she continued. “I’ve heard that space aliens have huge cocks. That you can fuck for hours.”

  “Is this a rumor you’ve heard about us, or a personal fantasy?” Ryston asked, pushing down his pants so his cock sprang free.

  I stripped quickly, then gripped the base of my cock and slowly stroked it, allowing her to stare at us. Wide eyed and very, very eager. Pulses of heat and need came from her.

  I wasn’t modest, not in the slightest. If she, our mate, wanted to ogle us, watch us come as we stood before her, I didn’t mind. I would be deep inside her pussy, so I had no reason to stop Ryston in his play.

  “Neither. I’m hoping it’s reality.”

  Stepping up to us, she boldly took a cock in each small hand.

  “I can’t even close my fist around you.” Her voice held awe. She dropped to her knees before us, one hand wrapp
ed around each of our cocks, and pulled us none too gently toward her, suddenly the aggressor. She ran the pink tip of her tongue over her bottom lip. “Come here. If these cocks are mine, I want to taste them.”

  Ryston threw his head back and growled as her mouth closed over him. She squeezed the top of my cock as she worked him and I couldn’t tear my gaze away, for in seconds, that hot, sweet mouth would be mine.



  Holy. Fucking. Hell.

  They were huge. Their heads and faces were a bit bigger than a human’s, and their slightly angular features made them look like fierce, alien predators.

  The way they were watching me, and the raw lust consuming me through our link with these high-tech, magical freaking collars, I couldn’t think. All I could do was want.

  No artist could have imagined more perfect bodies than of the two standing before me. Their chests were thick with muscle, every ripple and ridge clearly defined from their bulging deltoids to the eight-pack abs I couldn’t wait to explore. Their cocks were huge, so large I worried about whether I could do much more than lick them. Their bodies were powerful, from thick fingers I wanted inside my pussy to the massive thighs that rooted them to the floor like tanks.

  With Ryston’s pale golden perfection and Maxim’s dark, rust and mocha skin, my eyes couldn’t adjust to the perfection before me.

  No man should be this perfect. And I had two.

  Maxim’s left arm, from his deltoid to his elbow, was covered in the strange silver circuits that Ryston had on the side of his face. On his darker skin, the marks of his captivity, of the Hive, stood out, like silver ink, defining every line of his muscle, the massive size of his arms.

  I knew how strong he was, how he’d pulled apart my prison bars like they were warm wax. And that strength, so brutal and powerful, on both my men, made my body quiver in anticipation. Such strength, so much control.


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