Clara Meets The Parents (Clara Andrews #2)

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Clara Meets The Parents (Clara Andrews #2) Page 5

by Lacey London

  Finishing up our drinks, I listen to Oliver and Randy plan a golf trip like a pair of excited school boys. I have never understood what it is about golf that men find so appealing. That was until I tagged along with Marc and discovered the vast amount of alcohol and mundane man talk that was involved.

  It must be another half an hour or so before I can prise Oliver back to the room. Randy and Janie decided to stay on in the bar for a night cap, so we said our goodbyes and sneaked back to the room. As I watch Oliver fumble in his back pocket for the room key, I can tell that he has had more than enough to drink.

  ‘Do you need some help with that?’ I ask with a little laugh.

  ‘No, I got it.’ He finally manages to locate the key and succeeds only in dropping it on the floor.

  ‘OK. I think it’s time for someone to go to bed.’

  Pushing him through the door, I pull back the covers and roll him into bed, laughing as he tries and fails to remove his shoes. As I pad into the bathroom and splash cold water on my face, I hear my phone chirping from the bedroom.

  Once I have peeled off my dress and fought to remove my sandals, I find my phone buried beneath a pile of fluffy bath robes. Diving under the covers, I double tap the screen to open the picture message that is flashing up on the display. As the image springs to life, I try to focus my drunken eyes in the dark room. Is that a ring? Why is Lianna sending me pictures of a ring? My eyes drop down to the text and my heart pounds in my chest.

  He put a ring on it!!!

  Sitting bolt upright I frantically dial her number, only to be greeted by her usual, cheery voice mail. Not wanting to do this over a text message, I tap out a quick response demanding that she calls me ASAP. Opening the message again, I enlarge the image to get a better look at the ring. Wow! It’s huge! The simple, gold band is very Lianna and the beautiful tear drop rock is set off by the delicate shoulder diamonds. It really is breath taking. Popping my phone on the bedside cabinet, I roll over and snuggle into Oliver’s back, trying to block out his ridiculously loud snoring.

  As hard as I try to fall into a much needed sleep, I can’t seem to shake off the adrenaline rush. My best friend is engaged! She is getting married! The annoying little voice in the back of my mind taunts me that I am not there to see it. I wonder how he did it. Where did he do it? Did she know he was going to do it? I need all the details! It is just my luck that I would be six thousand miles away when this happens. Reminding myself that it is only a matter of days until I am back on home soil, I squeeze my eyes shut tight and will myself to drift off. It is not long before I am lost in a wedding fantasy of my own. Princess dresses, rose bouquets and sparkling tiaras surround me and before you can say ‘here comes the bride’ I am out for the count.

  The next morning, I am woken by a very energetic Oliver, who is happily brandishing a tray of breakfast goodies in my face. He plants a kiss on my nose and I allow myself a delicious, long stretch. It takes me a moment to register that he is already showered and dressed.

  ‘Why are you up so early?’ I ask, trying to focus my eyes.

  ‘Golf, remember?’ He passes me the tray and steals a strawberry from the top of a stack of pancakes.

  ‘I’m surprised you don’t have a hangover.’ Giving him a wink, I pick up a slice of French toast and take a giant sized bite.

  ‘Nope. No hangover.’ He replies confidently. ‘I do, however, have a round of golf waiting for me and you have a spa appointment with my mom.’

  Attempting a response proves tricky with a mouthful of fried goodness, so I resort to a swift nod of the head.

  ‘I better shoot. Enjoy your breakfast. Have a good day!’

  With a quick wave, he disappears out of the door and all I am left with is the world’s best coffee and five million calories. I must admit, I am not complaining. Locating my phone under the pillow, I am frustrated to see that Lianna hasn’t replied yet.

  Just as I am about to dive into the pancake mountain the hotel phone rings. Hurriedly licking the golden sugar from my fingertips, I make a snatch for the handset.

  ‘Hello?’ Balancing the phone on my shoulder, I pop a piece of dragon fruit into my mouth.

  ‘Miss Andrews? This is a courtesy call to remind you that you have a treatment booked with us at the spa.’

  My eyes flit to the clock on the wall and I realise that I only have twenty minutes to get my greedy backside out of bed and down to the beach.

  ‘Fantastic. I am on my way.’ Slamming the phone down, I regrettably push the tray of delicious food away.

  I actually made a little progress with Janie last night and I really don’t want to take two steps back by being late. Rolling out of bed I make my way to the shower, throwing open the balcony doors as I go. The sun is shining, I have had an amazing breakfast and Janie is finally starting to soften. Today is going to be a good day.

  Chapter 14

  Even though I know very well that I am going to be late, I can’t help but stop and take a million photographs as I make my down to the beach. From the humongous crabs that dart across my path to the prehistoric looking reptiles that block it. Every few steps I take, there is something amazing to see.

  As I am happily clicking away at a cute, little coati, I spot Janie sipping something which looks suspiciously like a margarita. Hurriedly slipping the camera back into my bag, I run over to where she is sitting.

  ‘So sorry I am a little late. Have you seen the coati? How cute is he? Or at least, I think he is a he.’ Letting out a nervous laugh, I take a seat next to her.

  ‘Honey, they’re vermin. Now come on, we gotta go.’ Finishing her drink in one gulp, she slides off her chair.

  Pretending not to notice her nipple slip, I pop on my sunglasses and walk beside her. We follow the winding path through the grounds and I manage to resist stroking the many coatis we pass on the way. A few minutes later, we stop outside the beach hut and Janie turns to face me, a huge smile plastered across her very tight face.

  ‘By the way, I changed our treatments to something more fitting. I hope you don’t mind.’ She links her arm through mine and gives my hand a friendly squeeze. I am so shocked at the sudden act of kindness that my jaw almost hits the floor.

  ‘No, of course I don’t mind.’ Feeling like we have finally turned a corner, I give her a little smile as she ushers me through the door.

  Taking care not to trip over the bamboo rug, I look around the beach spa with excitement. This place is so pretty! Palm tree leaves decorate the walls and the view of the sea is just incredible. I wander over to the window and watch the water splash contently on the sand as Janie checks us in.

  ‘Miss Andrews? Would you like to come this way?’ A petite, pretty, blonde lady beckons me to follow her.

  Stepping into the treatment room is like falling into another universe. The only lighting comes from some beautiful, coconut candles and the deep purple walls make you feel totally cocooned. After leaving instructions for me to undress and get comfortable on the bed, my therapist, Kacie, disappears in a cloud of Chanel. As I strip down to my knickers, I realise that I don’t actually know what I am here for. Janie mentioned that she had changed our treatments, but she didn’t actually say what she had changed them to. Deciding just to go with it, I slip under the sheet and allow myself to relax.

  It’s not long before soft, calming music floods the room and Kacie appears at the foot of the bed.

  ‘Would you like the drapes open, Miss Andrews?’ She smiles sweetly and I reply with a happy nod.

  Rolling over, I let out a small gasp as the ivory tulle is pulled back to reveal miles of turquoise waters. The sun bounces happily off the waves, twinkling down on the bronzed beach bums.

  ‘So, we have you down for two treatments today. I thought it would be best to start with the Invigorating Deep Muscle Tissue Massage.’

  ‘OK.’ I reply slowly. ‘And what is the second treatment?’

  ‘A top to toe wax.’ She replies, as if it is the nicest thing in the world. />
  Wax! I cried last week because I stubbed my little toe! There is no way I can have a full body wax! Feeling a little alarmed, I clutch the sheet tightly as I try to think of a way to get out of it. Maybe I could tell her that I am allergic to wax? Yes, that should work.

  ‘With this particular massage, we like to start with the back, so if you could lie on your front for me and place your face in the hole.’ Kacie dips her hands in a bowl of hot, oily looking fluid and beckons for me to roll over.

  Biting my lip, I do as I am told and turn over, praying that this isn’t as painful as it sounds.

  ‘I am going to focus this massage on the deepest layer of muscle tissue and tendons. The deep pressure will remove chronic muscle tension. If the pressure gets too much, just let me know and we will take a break.’

  I manage a little squeak and try to calm down. The hot oil drips down my spine and I am pleasantly surprised at the heavenly sensation. As Kacie works her way up my back, I let out a sigh of relief. Lifting my head, I sneak a peek at the view. This is exactly what I had in mind. I wonder if we will still get the lobster and champagne.

  Ow! A sharp pain sears through my shoulder, accompanied by a horrible crunching sound. That did not sound good. What the hell was that?

  ‘Ow! What the hell was that?’ This time, I can’t help the words escaping my mouth.

  ‘You appear to have a large knot in your right shoulder, but stay with me and I’ll try to get it out.’

  Gritting my teeth, I reluctantly put my face back into the hole of pain. A quick glance down at my watch tells me that I have forty three minutes left in the torture chamber.

  I wonder if Janie has gone for the same treatment. I can’t imagine she will be very happy with her masseuse if she has! I must admit, picturing her being pummelled like a fatty steak brings a wicked smile to my face. It almost makes going through this myself worthwhile.

  Well, they do say every cloud has a silver lining.


  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: CALL ME ASAP!!


  Chapter 15

  Red and bruised from the eyebrows down, I slowly put one foot in front of the other and try not to squeal. Having made it through the massage alive, I foolishly thought that the worst was over. Boy, was I wrong. I honestly don’t think that a single hair managed to escape the wrath of Kacie. Since when was it the done thing to wax someone’s boobs?

  Feeling like a freshly plucked chicken, I take another couple of steps and try not to cry as the sun burns down on my raw skin. Leaning on a palm tree for support, I have a quick glance around for Janie. Maybe she is in too much pain and has gone back to the room? I wouldn’t blame her, this is agony.

  Spotting a secluded beach bar, I decide a drop of the hard stuff couldn’t hurt. Waddling over like a two hundred year old tortoise, I am about to take a seat when I spot Janie. Lounging in a hammock, Martini glass in hand, she gives me a little wave. Great minds must think alike. Not having the strength to walk any more, I beckon her over and lean on the bar. Scanning the drinks menu, I order a Pink Lady cocktail and try not to cry at the irony. To be fair, I am probably more purple than pink.

  ‘Clara! How was it?’ Janie flicks some imaginary dust off my shoulder and I can’t help but notice her immaculate French manicure.

  ‘Have you had your nails done?’ I snatch her hand and marvel at the impeccable handy work.

  ‘I have indeed.’ She flashes me a joker worthy smile and props herself up on a bar stool.

  Taking my sunglasses off, I look her up and down. How come I didn’t get a manicure? And why is she so brown all of a sudden?

  ‘Janie.’ Spinning around to face her, I put two and two together and hope that I have got this wrong. ‘What treatments did you have?’

  ‘You mean you can’t tell? God dammit, I knew I shoulda gone for the Moroccan Tagine.’ She throws her legs onto my lap and I immediately knock them off.

  ‘Janie!’ I shout, slamming down my hand on the bar.

  ‘What?’ She sucks on her straw innocently, but I don’t believe the angel act for a second.

  ‘How could you do this to me? I have been pounded within an inch of my life and stripped of every hair on my body.’ Feeling tears prick in the corners of my eyes, I turn away quickly.

  ‘Oh don’t be such a baby! Oliver told me you needed a good massage and as for the wax, I did you a favour. No one wants to see a yeti in a bathing suit.’

  For fear of saying something that I will later regret, I furiously grab my bag and awkwardly shuffle to my feet.

  ‘Clara! Come on! Don’t be so dramatic. Here, have another cocktail.’ She pushes the drinks menu towards me and casually strolls back to her hammock.

  Not looking back, I stomp out of the bar and flag down a passing golf buggy. Collapsing down next to a chunky, elderly man, I ensure my sore legs are safely tucked out of the sun’s glare.

  ‘It’s a beautiful day.’ The elderly man turns to me and smiles.

  Thankful to finally hear a British accent, I nod in response. ‘Yes, it is. Or at least it was.’

  Raising his bushy eyebrows, he picks up his paper and turns away. I sense that he doesn’t want to know, but I can’t help but tell him anyway. By the time I have finished filling him in on my morning from hell, he puts down the paper and frowns.

  ‘Let me get this straight. You’re mad at your boyfriend’s mother because she booked you a couple of spa treatments? Lord, what problems you have.’ Shaking his head, he stares at me in bewilderment.

  We ride in silence for a moment and I feel a little stung by his words. As the golf buggy comes to a stop, he folds up the newspaper and hops off. His words ring through my ears as I watch him walk away. Maybe I am being too soft. I guess some crazy people do pay for these so called procedures. What if she genuinely thought these would be treatments I would enjoy? Directing the driver back to the beach, I pass him some pesos. Why am I always thinking the worst in people? Now I feel pretty bad, sore, bruised and bad.

  Pulling up outside the beach bar, I am relieved to see that Janie is still here. I am not so relieved to see that Oliver and Randy are here too. Wincing at my stinging bikini line, I hold my hand up in acknowledgement as Oliver pads over the sand.

  ‘What the hell happened?’ Oliver’s brow creases into a frown.

  ‘What do you mean?’ Twirling a strand of hair around my sweaty fingers, I pretend not to know what he is talking about.

  ‘My mom is really upset over there.’

  Looking behind him at a chuckling Janie, I shoot him a questioning glare. ‘She is?’

  ‘Yeah.’ He sounds really annoyed. ‘She said you shouted her?’

  ‘Well, yes, but, I...’

  ‘Look, I don’t know what went down here, but can you please come over and apologize? I really need the two of you to get along.’

  Following him over to the table, I try not to be self conscious as Randy and Janie’s conversation dries up. Taking a seat next to Janie, I pop my bag on the floor.

  ‘Calmed down now, little miss antsy pants?’ Janie waves her empty glass at the waiter.

  ‘I have and I’m really sorry for losing my temper. I hope you can forgive me?’ Chewing the inside of my cheek, I await her response, silently praying for the waiter to bring me a margarita too.

  ‘Honey, it’s OK.’ Flinging her arms around my neck, she pulls me in tight. ‘And just so you know, I put a lot of thought into choosing those treatments.’ Loosening her vice like grip, she flashes me a devilish grin. ‘A lot of thought.’

  Oh my God! She did mean for me to have a horrible time! I can’t believe it!

  ‘That’s what I like to see, my two favourite girls getting along.’ Oliver leans over and ruffles our hair like a pair of naughty school kids.

  ‘Hey, amigo! Where are those margaritas at?’ Randy yells at the busy barman.

  Now that is a question I w
ould really like to know the answer to.

  Chapter 16

  ‘I’m not feeling too comfortable with this.’ As the speedboat zooms away from the shore, I feel my stomach start to churn.

  Why did I agree to this? Why can I never just say no? Watching Janie get fastened into her harness whilst wearing the world’s shortest denim hot pants, I am suddenly reminded why. Over a beautiful Italian meal last night, Randy spontaneously announced that he had booked us all on to a parasailing trip.

  Apparently my lovely, thoughtful boyfriend had failed to mention that I am petrified of heights. At first I politely declined, but was then tormented by an intoxicated Janie for being a baby. After finally giving in, I spent all night tossing and turning with worry and now that it is actually happening, I really don’t think that I can go through with it.

  ‘Clara, come on. It’s fun! Once you get up there you will love it! I promise.’ Oliver rubs my back encouragingly as I curl my toes in the sand, trying to think of an excuse to get out of it.

  Seeing the speedboat coming back our way, I try to stop my stomach from doing flips. ‘What happens if the wire breaks?’

  ‘The wire won’t break.’ Laughing, Oliver kicks off his flip flops and wades into the water confidently.

  ‘Wait a minute!’ I shout out to him, my voice noticeably higher than normal. ‘What if it does break?’

  ‘Clara, for the love of God. The wire will not break. Now get your ass out here.’ Clambering up the steps onto the boat, he signals for me to come over.

  Fiddling with the buckle on my sandal for a little longer than necessary, I begrudgingly follow his lead, praying that I survive this.

  The moment my feet land on the boat, I feel horrendously nauseas. Did I not mention that I also get terribly sea sick? Willing myself not vomit, I try to focus on my breathing. In through the nose and out through the mouth. I am zoned out that much, that I don’t even notice the very cute man buckling me into a worryingly worn out harness.


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