Maverick (Carter Brothers Book 5)

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Maverick (Carter Brothers Book 5) Page 7

by Lisa Helen Gray

  The one thing I do adore about my appearance, and actually agree with, is my hair. Tish has managed to curl the thick mass into loose waves, pinning it up into a messy bun before adding a silver headband with diamonds to it. It looks beautiful, especially with the natural-looking make-up she’s applied. There’s a little blush to my cheeks and dark, silver-shadowed eyes, providing a smoky effect.

  “You sure it’s not too much?” I ask, hating that I’ll be flashing my cleavage all day and night.

  “You think it’s too much cleavage because you’re not used to having those beauties out, but believe me, it doesn’t look skanky. It’s elegant and you really do look beautiful, girl. Listen to Tish. She knows all,” she insists. “Plus, now you’re defo gonna be gettin’ some lovin’.”

  “What’s lovin’?” Faith asks when she stops spinning. Her curls bounce around her face, sitting nicely at the small of her back. I added a butterfly headband, which probably won’t stay on her head longer than five minutes.

  “It’s when your mum and―”

  “It means snuggles. It means Mummy is going to get loads of snuggles off you today.” I smile at Faith then glare at Tish who just laughs at my explanation.

  “I love you Mummy,” Faith squeals, happy with my answer.

  “I love you too, bug. Now go get your shoes on. Maverick will be here any minute.” My palms are sweating as nerves begin to sink in again.

  “Calm down before you start to stink,” Tish scolds. “You’ll be fine. Plus, you have the little human to divert any unwanted attention. They’ll be too busy ‘oohing’ and ’ahing’ to even notice you.”

  I give her the finger before putting in my earrings, completing the outfit. Although I hate having my cleavage on show, I do have to admit that I feel empowered, sexy. I’ve never had a reason to get dressed up like this before, so it’s refreshing.

  “Mummy, someone’s at the door. You told me I couldn’t answer it, remember,” Faith yells from downstairs.

  I give Tish a scared, wide-eyed look, but she shakes my shoulders, ignoring my heavy breathing and my obvious panic.

  “You’re going to be fine. Stop panicking. Now let’s go check him out in a suit. My panties are already wet thinking about it.” She sighs dreamily and I slap her arm, astonished by her crudeness.

  “Tish!” I squeal.

  “Oh shush, like you weren’t thinking about it.” She grins as we make our way to the front door.

  Opening the door, the air is knocked out of me and I stand frozen, taking in the magnificent sight before me.

  Hands shoved in his trouser pockets, Maverick looks more like a model from a romance cover than a bar owner. He’s decked out in a three-piece, dark grey suit, a silver tie hangs loosely around his neck. Instead of the usual, unkempt look, his hair is styled, gelled into place. His jaw is rough, making him even sexier, and don’t even get me started on his cologne. My body sways towards him, his smell intoxicating as well as hypnotising.

  When I finally reach his eyes, I’m taken aback by the smouldering heat blazing in them. He does a slow appraisal of me, his eyes darkening with every inch he takes in. I shudder, my throat dry as I suddenly become aware of my body’s reaction. I can’t help but wonder if his touch will have the same effect or if it will be more.

  “Well, this isn’t awkward at all,” Tish mutters, sounding amused, snapping me out of it.

  “Look at me, Maverick. Look at my pretty dress,” Faith gushes, pulling on his hand.

  He glances down at my daughter, his mouth pulling into a wide smile. His eyes twinkle with a softness I’ve only ever seen him show with Faith.

  “You look just like a fairy princess,” he tells her.

  “I know, right. I need to get my shoes real quick.” She giggles, running back into the living area.

  My mouth is still hanging open in shock, my body buzzing with awareness. I can’t seem to take my eyes off his stunning form. I’ve never seen anyone look so damn hot. He’s completely breathtaking.

  “I-I…,” I start, at a loss for words.

  “You look beautiful,” he tells me, his voice hoarse and raspy, causing a tingle between my legs.

  “She looks hot as fuck,” Tish corrects and I shake my head, turning to glare at her. I’d forgotten she was even here. My cheeks flush when it registers what she said, wishing I could strangle her for it.

  “Um, yeah,” Maverick coughs out, looking slightly uncomfortable.

  “You look good too,” I tell him quickly, then realise how lame it sounded.

  Shoot me! No, seriously, shoot me. It would be a lot nicer and more humane than the humiliation I’m feeling right now.

  “Thanks.” He chuckles. “You ready? I need to be at the church soon. I’m running late because of Max,” he tells me, not needing to explain any further. Just saying Max’s name is enough for me to realise something must have happened to put them behind. Instead of asking, I just nod, calling Faith over my shoulder.

  *** *** ***

  My jaw has been hanging open for the past ten minutes from the sight in front of me. Standing next to each other at the front of the church are Maverick and his four brothers. And holy shit, are they something to look at.

  I seriously wish Tish was here right now to see them. I’ve even contemplated snapping a few pictures to send her, but I don’t want to come across as a creeper.

  She’s missing out big time though.

  When Maverick introduced me, it was one at a time, but then the vicar called them to the front. Seeing them standing together, talking and laughing amongst themselves, kind of blew me away.

  I kept waiting for some club song to come on and for them to start stripping when they first got up there. Honestly, my imagination becomes so vivid, I mentally checked what money I had in my purse.

  Each and every one is unbelievably hot, but none hold the same power Maverick has over me.

  The groom, who I was introduced to first and very briefly before he was called away, is a pretty boy, but with a dark edge to him. I imagine him to be a big softie, but still, he was different from who I pictured him to be. He also seemed fine with Maverick bringing a complete stranger to his wedding.

  I met Myles next, and he’s the mirror image of Max. That’s as far as similarities go between the two though. It only took me a few minutes to realise how different they both were personality-wise. Myles is softer, less arrogant. And thank the gods they are. Two Maxes would be a handful for the sanest of people.

  Now Malik―the middle child, so to speak―is completely different from the others. He’s not as talkative for one, and if I’m honest, he seemed unapproachable, but I think that may be because of whatever is bothering him. He’s been on edge from the moment I sat down, constantly fidgeting with his tie and mumbling under his breath. At one point I thought I’d mixed up who the groom was because he’d done nothing but look anxiously at the church doors.

  “When is the princess bride coming?” Faith asks loudly, her voice echoing. A few guests chuckle at my daughter’s frustrated outburst.

  Maverick hears her and walks over, giving her a dashing smile.

  “She’ll be here in a minute, squirt. They’re just waiting for the last of the guests to find their seats before they let her come in,” he explains, kneeling in front of her. He looks up at me and winks, and I nearly choke on my saliva.

  “Why does Malik look more nervous than the groom?” I ask, trying to be quiet, but the question echoes around the large hall of the church, making me cringe. Max booms out a laugh, Mason and Myles chuckling. Thankfully Malik doesn’t hear me, or at least doesn’t acknowledge me, his face staying impassive as he stares holes into the entrance doors.

  Hopefully he didn’t. First impressions and all.

  “He’s worried about Harlow. She didn’t feel well this morning and he didn’t like leaving her. She’s pregnant with twins.”

  “Ouch!” I wince, feeling for the poor girl. “I remember it being hard when I was pregnant with Faith
. I can’t imagine carrying two in there. Hopefully it won’t be long until she arrives so he can settle down.”

  He gives me a small smile. “It’s why he’s so stressed.”

  “If you could gather round, the bride has arrived,” the priest announces and everyone stands. I shoo Maverick away out of instinct, but I only realise what I’ve done when he gives me an amused chuckle, his eyes crinkling.

  The wedding march begins and all five men stand straighter as another man I haven’t met yet joins them. They quickly greet him before turning their attention to the back of the church.

  The priest asks us to stand, so we do, facing the back. I hold onto a giddy Faith, trying to keep her still so she doesn’t disrupt the ceremony.

  “Shush, remember,” I warn her quietly, and she nods excitedly.

  The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen walks down the aisle, her dress flowing over her large rounded stomach, looking radiant. She’s not even halfway down the aisle when a large figure moves past us. I chuckle when I realise its Malik rushing towards her.

  The crowd begins to laugh as he walks up to the girl, holding her around the waist to support her. She smiles wide whilst staring up at him, her eyes shining with so much love and adoration that mine start to water. When my eyes flicker back to Malik, I see him differently for the first time since I met him. His facial expression has softened, his eyes filled with love for the girl he’s holding, seeming more relaxed and approachable. It takes my breath away seeing how deeply in love they are. That kind of love is once in a lifetime, something I’ve dreamt of forever but know I’ll never have. The only love I’ve ever been shown is from my mum, my nan, Tish and Faith, and for that, I’ll be eternally grateful. But a part of me will always wish to have their kind of love.

  A girl with fiery, red hair that falls in loose curls down to her waist starts down the aisle next, her green eyes sparkling bright like emeralds. Her gown is elegant, a lighter grey than the first girl’s, and has one strap that crosses over her large chest. She’s stunning. Even with her obvious shyness and unease she seems to capture everyone’s attention in the room. I notice her eyes light up when she finally lifts her head, making eye contact with someone. Her smile is so wide, so full, that I have to turn to see who has her attention. It’s obvious that whoever it is has captured the young girl’s heart.

  Myles’s face is a complete picture as he eyes the girl walking towards him. Their gazes never falter and it’s another bond that warms my heart. This family, although I don’t know them, are loved, strong, and stick together. It’s clear as day when they look into their loved ones’ eyes as they walk down the aisle.

  My attention returns to the back of the room. Lake is already nearing where Faith and I sit, her gown similar to the girl who just passed, but with two straps instead of one. Her long hair falls past her waist, silver flower clips scattered in the unruly mess of curls. She’s breathtakingly beautiful, her skin practically glowing with happiness.

  When I glance to see what Max’s reaction is, I have to stifle a giggle that threatens to escape. He looks seconds away from jumping the poor girl, his eyes nearly dark as night. When he holds his hand up, gesturing for her to call him, he mouths the actual words “call me.” A few guests snigger, as do I.

  He’s such a charmer.

  I’m surprised when another girl walks out, holding a little girl in her arms in a white flowery princess dress. She’s so small and dainty, reminding me of a Disney character. The little girl in her arms shouts, “Da da,” and when I turn my attention back to the front, my eyes land on the man I haven’t met yet. He’s shaking his head at the girl, amused, but they heat as soon as looks at the woman holding the little girl. Clearly the two are together.

  When the young woman reaches the front, she passes the tiny girl into an older woman’s arms, kissing the girl’s head before walking over to the group of bridesmaids.

  The wedding march starts and yet again, I turn my attention to the back of the room, my eyes filling with tears as I watch the most beautiful bride I have ever seen walk down the aisle.

  Her blonde locks are up in some fancy hairdo, silver flower clips added to the mass of twist and twirls. And, if my eyes aren’t deceiving me, that dress has to be Flora’s. She’s a wedding dress designer who has won awards for her creativity. Just seeing one in person has taken my breath away and I can’t seem to pull my eyes away, from the exquisite dress. It fits her perfectly, and I know before I leave today that I’ll be getting some pictures of her to show Tish when I get back. She is going to throw a fit when I tell her.

  The man walking her down the aisle, clearly her father, looks down at her with adoration and love, his eyes brimming with unleashed tears. It causes my chest to tighten, knowing I’ll never have that. My dad died while on duty when I was a toddler. I don’t remember anything about him. I don’t even have a grandpa to walk me down the aisle; he died before I was born.

  My eyes bug out when I recognise the older woman walking in behind them, holding a little girl. Mary is one of my nan’s closest friends, part of the ‘trouble threesome’ as I call them. They go to bingo every Sunday together, and nearly every Sunday I’ll get a call from Sasha, the manager at the local bingo hall, telling me to come collect them. More times than not it’s because they’ve caused trouble, drank too much or caused a scene. But because everyone at the place is in love with the group of ladies, none of them ban them from entering the bingo hall. Why, I don’t know, since the last time I had to go and pick them up―which was three weeks ago―they were ready to strip on stage, saying the place needed livening up.

  Walking by, Mary winks when she sees me and I smile, waving shyly. Feeling an intense stare burning through me, I turn to the front, my eyes meeting Maverick’s. I’m taken off guard by the questioning look he’s sending my way so I ignore him, knowing I’ll explain later.

  Glancing to the front, Denny and Mason join hands, their eyes locked, staring at one another in a way that makes me believe they’ve forgotten there’s a room full of people watching them.

  It occurs to me then that Maverick never had anyone walking towards him. All of the others up there were waiting for their loved one, their soulmate, and it confuses me as to why he didn’t. He could have any woman he wanted.

  This bit of startling news has me wanting to know more about him. It also makes me feel better about coming today, knowing if I weren’t here he’d have been on his own.

  Time seems to still as the bride and groom gaze into each other’s eyes, like neither of them are in a rush to be anywhere else but here, where they will say their vows, promising each other the world in return.

  My eyes find Maverick’s once again, and he’s staring at me with a heated gaze. Unable to look away, I end up picturing what his lips would feel like against mine, my skin burns as my mind conjures up image after image of what it would feel like to be loved by him, to be touched by him.

  I’m losing my mind.

  At that moment his intense gaze burns hotter, his eyes darkening and his jaw clenching. He looks like it’s taking all his physical restraint not to take me right here in front of the eyes of God and all the wedding guests.

  My legs squeeze together in response. I just hope my arousal isn’t as obvious to everyone else as it is to him.

  Needing to snap myself out of it, I remember where I am and shake the dirty thoughts away, facing the loveable couple at the front to keep my mind from steering off in the wrong direction again. I must have been staring a while because listening, I realise they’re about to exchange vows.

  “Denny, today, I take you to be my wife, my lover, my best friend, and my home. Today, I pledge my love to you without reservation, to grow with you in spirit and mind, to cherish and worship you for eternity.

  “You showed me that love isn’t someone you can see a future with, but someone you know you can’t live without. You’ve made me see light when all I could see was darkness.

  “So with this ring, I give
you my heart, my soul, my spirit. I promise to shower you with love, pepper you with kisses, and remind you each and every day that our love is once in a lifetime… and that you’re stuck with me,” Mason vows, grinning when he says the last part. I choke up, the back of my throat burning.

  Denny has tears running down her face, not caring one single bit about ruining her make-up, and I can’t blame her. There’s not a dry eye in the house. Luckily, it seems Denny was prepared for tears and wore waterproof mascara.

  “Mason, when I first met you, my soul called out to me. It told me you were the one. Very rarely does a woman get to feel the love I have for you and feel it in return,” Denny starts, choking up so much she has to pause, taking a minute to catch her breath. Mason wipes at her tears with the pads of his thumbs, looking at her with tenderness and love. I have to bite my lip, the overwhelming love passing between the two making it hard for me to stay composed.

  “It’s okay,” he whispers, yet clear enough for us in the front row to hear.

  She shakes her head, standing up straighter and squeezing Mason’s hand tighter.

  “You are my many firsts, my very beginning, and I vow to be with you till the very end. I promise to hold you when you’re down, to light a candle when you lose your way, to comfort you when you’re in need and to keep score even though I’m winning.” She chuckles, and we all laugh lightly with her. “I promise from this day forward that you will never walk alone, that my heart and soul will be your shelter and that my arms will be your home.

  “You are my home, my hope and my every dream. No matter what happens between now and forever, I know that every day I’ll get to spend with you will be the greatest day of my life.


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