Maverick (Carter Brothers Book 5)

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Maverick (Carter Brothers Book 5) Page 8

by Lisa Helen Gray

  “I will always be yours,” she whispers, finishing her vows. Opening my handbag, I grab the stash of tissues I thankfully remembered to pack and begin wiping away the tears falling down my cheeks.

  I don’t hear the priest as he talks; I can only feel the overpowering bond of love they’ve made, my heart filling with love right along with theirs.

  Everyone rises, clapping their hands as the newlyweds kiss, sealing their vows forever. I can only hope, dream, that one day I can feel that kind of love for someone and that I will stand where they are, proclaiming my love to my soulmate for eternity.

  If only dreams came true and wishes were always granted.



  It’s official―I’ve turned into a creeper. I’ve not been able to keep my eyes away from Teagan since I picked her up this afternoon. Even when someone starts a conversation with me, my gaze has drifted towards her, seeking her out. It’s like I’m in my own little world that only consists of Teagan.

  I’ve never laid eyes on anyone so beautiful in my life. She quite literally knocked the wind out of me the second she opened the door, revealing her outfit. Fuck, just knowing the split up her leg goes far enough for my hands to explore her heat is enough to undo me like some horny teenager.

  It’s more than just her appearance though. I’ve found myself really enjoying her company. Even when she’s nervously chatting my ear off, I find her endearing and cute.

  It’s new for me. I don’t normally do the whole conversation thing.

  “Will you just fucking smile so I can go grope my smoking-hot girlfriend,” Max hisses under his breath. I shake my head, glancing away from Teagan to look over at him in annoyance.

  We had some pictures taken back at the church, so why the fuck they’re making us do more here in Joan’s back garden is beyond me. Isn’t one fucking picture enough?

  It’s one of the reasons I keep spacing out, bored as fuck. The other is because of my infatuation with Teagan and how her body looks in that incredible dress.

  “What?” I ask defensively. I just pray he hasn’t caught my ogling because I’ll never hear the end of it.

  “We’re waiting for you to fucking smile. Smile like you just got laid by Megan Fox,” he snaps.

  I glare over at him before turning back to the cameraman―who is seconds away from getting the lens smashed down his throat―and grit my together in a fucking smile.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t smile. That’s just creepy,” Max whispers under his breath, and I growl.

  A giggle to my right grabs my attention and I turn to find Teagan covering her mouth. My lips twitch and I subtly shake my head, wondering what the hell has gotten into me. I’ve smiled more today than I have in my entire life, and it’s all because of that sinfully sexy woman.

  “Okay, that’s enough,” the photographer shouts and we all sag with relief, thankful to finally move.

  “Come to Daddy,” Max shouts, making his way over to Lake.

  “He’s her daddy?” Faith asks, looking wide-eyed between Lake and Max. She steps closer to her mum, taking her hand. “But he kisses her.”

  “No.” I chuckle. “He’s just being silly.”

  Her cute face relaxes and she nods like she understands. Denny walks over to Mason and pulls him in for a hug.

  “You having fun, wife?” he asks, staring down at her with a loving expression. I have to look away but before I do, I catch Denny grin wide and nod.

  “Where the hell has Harlow gone now?” Malik hisses, looking around the impressive garden for her.

  The girls did a good job at helping to set it all up. A giant white tent takes up most of the garden, covered in silver and cream balloons with flowers matching Denny’s bouquet decorating the entrance. White round tables surround the lawn, silver candle lanterns as table decorations. They’ve had matching chairs covered in white cloth, a huge silver bow tied to the back of each one.

  The only thing that doesn’t match the decor is the outdoor heaters Mason demanded they have. And thank fuck he did; the temperature has slowly been creeping down since we arrived back.

  “She’s… there.” Denny giggles, pointing towards the tent. One by one we look over, finding Harlow at the buffet table sneaking food while she thinks no one’s looking. It’s hard not to laugh. Malik seriously has his hands full with that one. Not that she isn’t worth it. I’d do anything for her, for any of my brothers’ girlfriends, but Harlow pregnant is like dealing with… well, like Max.

  “Harlow?” Malik booms across the lawn. Everyone around us stops talking and turns our way, but Malik doesn’t notice, his eyes never leaving Harlow.

  She jumps a mile, dropping a few sausage rolls and whatever else she had crammed into her hands. She glares at Malik, her mouth full of food, but once she notices we’re all watching she forces a smile. Everyone around us, including the people who stopped to see who Malik was shouting at, bursts out laughing. Quickly, she grabs a few more finger foods before anyone can scold her, then walks over to the group with a sheepish smile on her face.

  “Faith, it’s rude to stare,” Teagan scolds softly. I look down, my lips twitching when I find Faith watching Denny with an awestruck expression. Her cheeks have turned pink from her mum’s scolding and everyone’s sudden attention.

  “She’s fine.” Denny giggles, leaning against Mason as she stares down at Faith.

  “I want to be just like you when I’m older. I want to be a princess and marry my prince charming,” Faith gushes just as Max walks over to the group, Lake at his side.

  “You’re too young,” Max tells her, his eyes deadly serious.

  Seems like someone other than me is smitten with the rugrat.

  Hands on her hips, Faith narrows her eyes at my stupid brother, looking cute as hell. “I am going to marry my prince, and I’m going to wear a pretty pink princess dress.”

  Max’s brows rise as he takes a step back, putting Lake in front of him. “Okay, Faith, whatever you want,” he tells her slowly.

  Chickenshit. I grin.

  “Who’s going to be your prince?” Teagan pouts playfully. “And why didn’t you tell me?”

  By now, Faith has gained pretty much everyone’s attention. Even Mary and Joan have joined the group, wanting to hear the pretty little girl’s answer.

  “Maxy,” she states proudly. She points her finger at Max and he chokes on his beer, nearly spraying it all over Lake’s back. We all laugh again, but it doesn’t seem to bother Faith in the least; she just keeps looking at Max.

  “Eww, Max,” Lake snaps, moving away from him. She wipes away the specks of beer he managed to catch her with, her eyes narrowed.

  “I’m a bit old for you, kid,” Max wheezes out. His face pales, seeming scared, and I chuckle under my breath.

  “I’ll be old too. I will eat all my vegetables and grow up big and pretty like my mummy. We can get married then.” It seems like she’s put a lot of thought into this, which only makes it even funnier.

  The idea of her marrying someone or even growing up gives my heart a jolt. I hardly know the squirt and already I’m planning on ripping off anyone’s head who dares go near her. She can’t date until she’s at least thirty. Well, as long as I know her she’s not allowed to date. Hopefully in that time I can warn her away from boys.

  “Max already has a girlfriend. He has Lake,’’ Teagan reminds her.

  Faith seems to think that over before nodding like she’s not too bothered about it and turning to Myles next. She smiles so bright it lights up her whole face. “I’ll marry you, then. You look like Maxy.”

  Myles moves away from Kayla, bending down on one knee so he can get eye level with Faith. “I’d love to be your prince charming, because any prince would be lucky to have a pretty little girl like you as his princess someday, but I promised Kayla forever. I love her. She’s my princess,” he whispers conspicuously. She looks up at Kayla, seeming to eye the young woman closely.

  “She is real pret
ty.” Faith nods like she’s approving of his choice, which only makes us laugh. “He’s already married to a princess,” Faith says, looking at Mason with a pout.

  “You’d be my second choice.” He winks and Faith giggles, turning to Malik with bright eyes.

  “Do you want to be my prince?” she asks quietly, seeming shy all of a sudden.

  “Shit, she picked the wrong family to find a prince,” Max mutters, earning an elbow to the ribs from Lake. “Ouch, woman! I just don’t want her to be heartbroken. We Carter boys have that effect on women.”

  Malik smiles down at her, his eyes softening in the way they do only when he looks at Harlow. “I’ve already got my princess, kid. You shouldn’t rush into finding a prince. You should find one who is going to protect you, love you, cherish you―”

  “And feeds you,” Harlow adds quickly. Malik turns around, shaking his head at her, amused.

  “And feeds you loads of chocolate,” he finishes, smiling. “Only when he’s proven himself worthy can you marry your prince charming.”

  Eyes wide, she looks at Malik with an understanding that I clearly didn’t think she’d pick up. But she has, and she seems perfectly fine with waiting. Then a thought occurs to me and before I can shut my mouth, I’m speaking, word-vomiting all over the place.

  “I’m feeling kind of unworthy and left out. How come I didn’t get asked?” I ask, smiling down at her.

  She looks up at me with a serious expression and my heart does a little flip, wanting to lift her in my arms and hold her close. God, her eyes are just like her mother’s―large, round, and hazel.

  Under her scrutiny, I begin to feel nervous, wondering if she can see the darkness behind the facade I put on for those around me.

  I become aware of everyone watching me, watching us, all of them waiting to hear her reasoning, and I gulp.

  “That’s because you’re going to be mummy’s prince. I want a brother, by the way.” She smiles, giddy with the idea of a brother. “Mummy, can I play? Please?” she begs, pointing over to where Granddad and Denny’s dad are playing with Hope and Imogen.

  My mouth hangs open at her admission and I stare down at her in shock. I hear a few people giggling, my brothers teasing me, but I can still hear the sound of Teagan’s gasp echoing in my ear. She hadn’t expected her daughter to say that and was taken aback just as much as I was.

  Clearing her throat, Teagan answers, “Yeah, just stay close, and don’t move from out of the garden.” Her face is red with embarrassment as she avoids looking at anyone, including me, and I find myself not liking it. I stare, waiting for her to look at me, but she doesn’t.

  No one says anything about Faith’s confession, everyone standing in awkward silence. Well, that is until Max opens his big trap.

  “Thank fuck we’re getting a nephew,” he says, filling the silence.

  Everyone bursts out laughing. Teagan and I, on the other hand, can only force a chuckle each. I’m still stunned, no idea what to do or say.

  The thought of having a kid makes my stomach turn, but the more I picture what our kid would look like, the more I wonder if it really would be such a bad thing.

  You just fucking met her, you fucked-up asshole.

  My inner conscience is right, yet oddly enough, it feels like I’ve known her longer. However, with my past and my present, there’s no way it can ever be more than this. There can never be an us―not the way she wants, anyway.

  “She’s a really good kid, isn’t she,” I say to Teagan, sounding lame. I just don’t know what else to say.

  “Nice.” Max chuckles behind his hand.

  I turn, glaring at him, then sigh gratefully when Joan asks him to help her bring some more drinks out for everyone. As much as I love my brother, I can only take him in small doses.

  “Yeah, she is,” Teagan answers me. All I do is nod in return, and I want to bang my head against a wall. Mason must read my expression because he smirks behind his beer, the cocky bastard.

  “How’s your nan, dear?” Mary asks Teagan. Then I remember the look that passed between them in church and wonder how they know each other.

  “Wait! You know each other?” I ask. I move to stand closer to Teagan, my body drawn to hers, but mostly because I know how crazy Joan and Mary can be.

  “Yes,” Teagan answers sweetly. “My nan goes to bingo every Sunday with her.” She stares at me a minute longer, lost in my gaze before turning those beautiful eyes back to Mary. Her smile is wide and beautiful like her daughter’s. I wish she’d aim that smile my way. “Unless they get banned, which they haven’t. Yet.”

  Mary’s eyes twinkle and peals of laughter escape her as she places her hand on Teagan’s bicep. “That bingo hall would be boring without us there, dear. We’re going dressed up as goddesses at their annual prime member party. Liven the place up a little.”

  I sputter out a curse, closing my eyes. I really didn’t need that image in my head.

  Teagan’s eyes widen with horror and she groans. Her head rests on my arm, startling me; my muscles lock up, causing her to jump. Her face turns bright red as she moves away, realising what she’d done. I clench my hand into a fist at my side to stop from reaching out and pulling her into my arms. I want her―no, need her close.

  “That’s why she wanted me to pick up some white and gold cotton from Fabric Factory the other day. I thought she was just making a new bed duvet,” she says, cringing. She shakes her head in dismay and I chuckle.

  “We’re going to look so darn good. Joan even went out and got some gold glitter to cover ourselves in. Maybe we can get some of the men to put it on us.” Mary sighs wistfully, making me cringe this time. There’s no way that can be unheard.

  “Oh God! Nan, please don’t say any more. You can’t go out dressed like that. You’re too old,” Denny scolds, looking as pale as the rest of us. I’m glad I’m not the only one who would rather pluck their eyes out with a spoon at the image. Fuck, at this rate I’ll be heading into the kitchen and bleaching my eyes out for letting myself picture it.

  “Hush, child. I’m still in my prime. I have a lot of years left in me before my ticker stops ticking.”

  “They aren’t going to let you go back in there if you go dressed like that, Nan,” Denny warns, glaring at Mason when he begins to chuckle. “I wouldn’t laugh, Mase. It’s your bar they’re planning on going to after,” she tells him, and his expression turns to one of horror.

  “What am I missing?” I ask out loud, earning a chuckle from Malik. I’m glad I’m not the one who has to deal with MC5. It’s not like they’re going to come down into… Shit!

  Don’t mention V.I.P.

  It will only give the bunch of old crazy ladies ideas, and they already have enough of their own. They don’t need me giving them more.

  “Nearly every Sunday I get a call to pick them up from the bingo hall. They’re always up to no good. Thankfully, the last time was three weeks ago. They started to strip an item of clothing every time one of them got a full house,” Teagan explains, wincing at the thought. “They were on a winning streak,” she whispers.

  The blood drains from my face. I’ve never prayed before, never believed in Him, but I’m actually contemplating going to church to pray they don’t come anywhere near our club or V.I.P.

  She couldn’t be serious though. Could she? I keep waiting for her to burst out laughing, shouting, “I’m joking,” but when that doesn’t come, I realise she’s deadly serious. I stare at Joan in horror as she walks up to us.

  Does Granddad know what she gets up to?

  “No, it was last Sunday, actually. I had to go and get them because Nan accused some woman of cheating,” Denny says, rolling her eyes.

  “She did cheat,” Mary snaps. I turn to face her, watching as an angry expression crosses her face. Surely bingo can’t be that bad.

  “It’s bingo. I’m pretty sure the only people who can cheat are… well, are the bingo hall,” Myles explains, earning glares from both Joan and Mary. Wisel
y, he takes a step back, shutting up.

  “No! That dreaded woman has had a thing going on with the new bingo caller. No one wins that many times in one night,” Joan spits, taking up for Mary. “Even I wanted to throttle the woman. She was too smug for her own good.”

  “Joan, she was in a wheelchair,” Denny reminds her, trying hard to fight a grin.

  “She doesn’t even need the thing. She’s as fit as a fiddle.”

  “True, she was okay on her knees when―” Mary starts.

  “Please don’t finish that sentence Nan,” Denny shouts, her face flushed, earning curious stares from the other guests. Not many people were invited back to the reception. Denny wanted it kept small since she didn’t want a big, full-on wedding. Bet she’s glad about it now.


  “I can’t believe you pick them up too,” Teagan says, suddenly waking up from whatever daydream she had been in.

  “I do too. Malik has made me stop though. He turns my phone off every Sunday now because the last time I went, I nearly got taken out by a trolley they were racing in on the bingo’s car park,” Harlow explains, laughing lightly. My eyes catch Malik’s narrowing, clearly none too pleased with the reminder of someone nearly hurting his girlfriend, even if it was her nan and friends.

  Mary and Joan start grinning, their expressions glowing with happiness. “That night was so fun. Someone left them in the bingo car park so we decided to have some fun before Harlow picked us up,” Joan explains.

  “You weren’t even there half an hour before the manager called me and said you were damaging cars. He also said―heatedly, I may add―that if I didn’t come and get you he was going to have to call the police,” Harlow reminds them.

  “They shouldn’t have parked there, then,” Mary says, waving Harlow off.

  “Did you notice he didn’t mention banning us? Told you they loved us,” Joan grins.

  “I’m so having words with my nan tomorrow,” Teagan whispers, shaking her head.

  “Looks like we’ve got something in common, Teagan,” Denny grins.

  Teagan gasps and shakes her head. I wrap my arm around her shoulders, worried. “What? What’s wrong?” I ask, looking around for Faith in a panic. When I find her playing nicely with Hope and Imogen, I glance down at Teagan, confused. My heart had started racing thinking something had happened to her.


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