Sheikh's Unlikely Desire

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Sheikh's Unlikely Desire Page 7

by Lynn, Sophia

  It struck her as she drove that there was nothing idle or complicated for him about her driving, the way there was with so many men. He respected her skill, and now it was simply a service that she was performing.


  A tiny voice in the deepest corners of her heart reminded her that she’d had dreams her whole life, dark desires that had never been touched until she met this man. There was so much to him that she wanted, so much about him she was afraid she needed.

  She kept her mouth shut, afraid that it would all come tumbling out. She couldn't reveal herself to him like this. It was enough that she had come to him. She didn't think she could let him take more than she had already offered him and remain truly herself.

  Leah took a deep breath and shook her head. This was nothing more than what it was, a pleasurable interlude that had a beginning and an end, and at the end of it, she would be unchanged.

  Almost as if he could detect her fears and nervousness, he reached across the space between them, resting his hand lightly on her thigh. “Be at peace,” he said, his voice as soft as a whisper of silk. “You are chasing yourself in circles, and that will not serve me or you well.”

  In another situation, she would have bridled at a man telling her what she had to do. Right now, however, she heard his calm command and underneath it, the regard he had for her. Instead of getting angry or losing her temper, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “There. There is my fine beauty. That's good.”

  It occurred to her that he likely calmed his horses like this. Far from offending her, a part of her did calm. She let the calm suffuse her body, allowing it to open her up.

  She guided her car into the garage of her condo, and the moment she put the car into park, Zayn took full control. With a gentle but completely dominant hand, he undid her bun, letting her auburn tresses fall down around her face. For a moment, he admired the fall of red, and then he twisted his fist into the loose hair at her nape.

  He held her perfectly still as he came in for a kiss. She had kissed him before, but there was something different about this kiss. Passion, but more than that, an evaluation of who she was and what she was. She could feel herself being weighed in that investigating kiss and knew she’d been found entirely worthy when he pulled back, his green eyes shining.

  “I've never seen a beauty like yours before,” he murmured, his voice husky with desire. “I mean to possess it, all of it, tonight. Do you understand?”

  Leah nodded. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to submit herself to him utterly. There was nothing she would deny him.

  He let her lead him up to her condo. It was neat and clean, but there was no personality to it. If Zayn noticed the lack, that she had never made a home for herself, he didn't say anything.

  “Will you serve me tonight?” he asked, his voice throbbing with need for her. “Will you give me all of yourself with a clear mind and a willing heart?”

  “Yes,” she murmured. “I swore to serve you before, and nothing has changed now.”

  The smile on his face was beautiful, equal parts desire and victory. She was a victory to him, she realized, the strange woman who denied him at every turn until she fell into his arms at the last.

  “Such a beautiful prize I have before me,” he murmured softly, looking her over. “I want to see it. Take off your clothes.”

  Her hands flew to the buttons of her throat, but his large strong hand covered her. “Not quickly. Slowly. I want to savor what is being offered to me.”

  Leah's breath came faster as she nodded. She had dreamed of this, too, and her hands slowed.

  Button by button, she undid the front of her blouse. His eyes were dark, following her movements with a keen hunter's eyes. Every inch of pale flesh that she revealed only made him burn hotter.

  She kicked off her shoes and peeled off her stockings before sliding her slacks down her legs. She was short, but they were shapely, and she liked the way his eyes traced their curves. Now she stood in her black underwear, pausing to let him see everything she was. In the dim light, she felt like an ancient prize, indeed, something taken from a far land and brought before this enigmatic, handsome man.

  Her hands unclasped her bra, removing it slowly and leaving her heavy breasts to hang free. Her nipples were already hard. As a second thought, she reached down to pinch them lightly. She was rewarded by a soft groan from Zayn. His hands twitched, as if he wanted her, but then he went still.

  Taking a deep breath, Leah slid her panties down her legs, stepping out of them delicately. She could smell her own arousal, something that would have been embarrassing if it were anyone but Zayn. She could feel the triumph roll off of him as he stepped forward to take her in his arms.

  “I could fall down on my knees to be as blessed as I am right this moment, but there are other things that I need to do,” he whispered, his voice nearly a growl.

  She started to ask what he meant, but then he circled her wrists with his fingers and began dragging her to the bedroom. Her bedroom, like the rest of her apartment, was tidy enough, but the space was dominated by her queen-sized bed.

  She was a little startled when Zayn sat her on the edge and started to kneel. His intent became achingly clear when he parted her thighs and started to kiss his way up to the core of her. If anyone had asked her what she thought of this act before, she would have said that it was inherently a subservient one.

  With Zayn, however, it was nothing short of lordly. He was still very much the one in control, and he was very much the one who was doing what he wished. Leah moaned softly as he ran his tongue along her slit, tasting her with a soft sound of satisfaction. She could feel herself grow even wetter as his saliva joined with her own natural dampness. She was already shivering when he started to lap along her slit, but then he raised himself to nuzzle against her aching clit. It felt as if she had been waiting for his touch forever.

  Her hands landed on his shoulders when the tremors started to shake her, and when they became more intense, she couldn't help herself. She shoved him away, unable to bear the intensity of the sensations. The moment that she realized what she had done, she looked down at him, horrified.

  “I'm sorry,” she whispered. “I'm so sorry, I didn't want to push you away.”

  Instead of being angry with her, Zayn was smiling, that same white sharp smile that made her feel so soft and needy, and she could see that for him, she had done nothing wrong.

  “You're unbelievably sensual and receptive,” he purred. “I have mares much like you in the stable.”


  “Yes. They're fidgety. They're temperamental and nervous, and a touch that they are not used to can send them halfway across Almira before I've picked myself out of the dirt.”

  “What do you do with them, then?” Leah asked, swallowing hard.

  Zayn knelt up. This close, she could smell her own scent on his face and his short beard. It aroused her even more, and she wanted him more than she had ever wanted anything in her life.

  “I bind them,” he said hoarsely. “I bind them tight, and then as they are restrained, they become aware of my touch. They realize it brings them good things, not bad, and after that, they are willing and loving as can be.”

  The whole time that Zayn was talking, Leah was aware of his hand rustling along her inner thigh. The skin there was sensitive, but he kept his touch light, just short of ticklish.

  “You're getting me used to your touch right now,” she whispered.

  Zayn nodded. “I am... but there is another part to it. Now I want you to lie flat on your back on the bed.”

  He turned from her as if he were that certain that she would do as she was told. He was right, because the moment he rose, she put herself into the position that he had indicated. He was looking around her room, as comfortable as he was in his own hotel room or his own house. There was something shockingly erotic about seeing this man that she desired so much in her own space.

>   “Ah yes, these will do nicely.”

  She had a number of multicolored scarves hanging from a rack on her closet door. She had used them for years to bring just a little bit of color to the darkness of her clothing. She had never thought of what they would look like being dragged through Zayn's hands.

  “Silk,” he murmured. “Excellent. It is exceedingly strong, and the more you struggle, the tighter your bonds will get.”

  She whimpered a little when he took her right hand and stretched out toward the corner of her bed. He knotted the scarf around her wrist, and then he lashed the other end to her bed post.

  When she made that soft noise, he bent to kiss her, a gesture that was more sweetly reassuring than arousing. “Be calm, beauty. Be calm, and I will never hurt you. You will never come to harm in my care.”

  She watched, craning her head as much as she could, while he tied her other hand and her two feet. She was spread out like a sacrifice, naked as the day she was born, and he was still entirely clothed. He looked like a lord, and she felt like a naked slave.

  “There, now,” he said approvingly. “Now you will see what I have wanted to do with you since the moment I lay eyes on you. There is such a fire inside you, and now I will show you what I want to do with it.”

  He stripped himself with aching slowness, keeping those extraordinary eyes fixed on her the whole time. He revealed his gorgeous skin inch by inch, and she took it all in, from the breadth of his shoulders to the slimness of his hips to the darkness of his nipples and the erection that told her how honest his desire for her was.

  When he was as naked as she was, he crawled onto the bed with her, kneeling right between her spread legs. She whined when he ran the prickly ticklishness of his beard over her soft skin, but then he was moving upward again, reclaiming that beautifully sensitive flesh that he had wanted before.

  Leah started to squirm again almost immediately. She couldn't resist his onslaught. She couldn’t curl up in on herself, she couldn't close her legs, she couldn't even push him away. Instead, she had to be entirely open to him as he forced this pleasure on her. She had to feel every tremor of need as it ran through her body.

  In less time than she would have believed, she was arching up into his mouth, rocking back and forth in need and want.

  “Please, please, please...!” she cried out. Her eyes were shut tight as if by doing so, she could protect herself from how this all felt.

  His only response was a deep growl that she could feel shaking her frame, and that was what it took to tip her over the edge. Her body was filled with light and heat; the only thing that kept her tethered to the earth were the bindings that held her open for him. She knew that in her need, she had shouted his name, and there was never a name sweeter on her bitten lips.

  She was coming down from her climax when she realized that he hadn't stopped touching her. At the apex of her climax, he had pulled back, but now he was kissing his way up her inner thigh again, lightly caressing the tender, sensitive flesh with just his tongue again.

  “Oh... oh, Zayn, oh my god...”

  She would have said that she was too sensitive to come again, that even the gentle brush of his tongue and the whisper of his lips and his beard would have brought her pain. If she were anything but entirely subject to his whim, the way that she was that night, she would have protested.

  Instead, she knew that she belonged entirely to him, and she lay spread as he worked over her. He was unfailingly gentle at first, accustoming her to his mouth again. She felt her the wary edginess of her own body start to relax, and then she felt something she would have thought was impossible. She felt that gathering of nerves and energy again that told her she was going to climax. Her eyes widened, and she shook in her bonds.

  It should have been impossible, something strange and perhaps even painful, but the steadiness of his tongue and the calm grip of his hands on her thighs kept her grounded enough that pleasure won out at the end.

  He was gentle but he was relentless, and his motions made her shiver all over again.

  “Oh... Oh my god, I can't, I can't!”

  But she could, and when Zayn took her over the top, he didn't stop. As her body shook with the powerful arousal he was making her feel, he continued. This time, he kept the speed and the power of his touch, and he forced her into a third climax as she shouted.

  Bright colors burst in front of her eyes as she wailed, and when he finally pulled back, she was a shuddering mess of bright pleasure that barely seemed real.

  As the pleasure receded, she was aware of how dry her throat was from her shouts. She heard Zayn moving in her bathroom, imagined him splashing water on his face. He came back to her with a glass full of cool water. She needed it badly, but he didn't free her so she could drink it.

  Instead, he took a sip, and then to her surprise, he fed it into her mouth. She swallowed without spilling a drop, looking up at him wide-eyed.

  “This is something we learn in the military in Almira,” he said with a smile. “It is the best way to get water into a hurt comrade without wasting a single bit. I'll admit that I like this better with you than with my partner in the exercise.”

  She started to speak, but then he was feeding her the water again and again until her throat felt less parched. When she had finished the glass, she looked up at him and then down at his lap.

  “You're still...” She trailed off, feeling a strange sense of shame. She had allowed him to take her to the highest peaks of her pleasure, allowing her to feel things that she had never experienced before. In return, she had given him nothing.

  As if he could sense her dismay, he leaned down to tousle her heavy hair and to kiss her forehead. “Do not concern yourself. I am the one in charge tonight, and I am doing everything exactly the way I want.”

  She watched as he reached into his discarded trousers' pockets for a condom, stirring again as he sheathed himself.

  “Do you tie mares down to breed them?” she asked, blushing when the crude words came out of her mouth. Instead of being disgusted, he smiled at her.

  “The mares of Almira are strong, and even if they wish to be bred, they can be dangerous. Sometimes, they must be tied, and the ones that fight the hardest, they become the most loving mothers...”

  Leah shuddered as she imagined what it would be like to experience him without the latex between them, how hot that would be and how she wanted it more than anything else she could name.

  She didn't have the time to ponder it long however, as he knelt over her again. She thought that he might loosen her, but he showed no sign of doing so. Instead, he mounted her with assurance and strength, the blunt head of his cock parting her slick opening with ease.

  He pushed inside her with gentle rocking motions, entering her with short strokes that sent waves of pleasure through her.

  “You feel amazing,” he growled. “I never want to be anywhere else. I never want to do this with anyone who is not as perfect as you.”

  She knew it was no different from the pillow talk that he had used before, but something about it brought tears to her eyes. Leah couldn't have stood it if he had stopped for something so foolish. Instead she closed her eyes and gave herself over to the things that he was making her feel.

  This pleasure was different. This pleasure wasn't about what he was doing to her. Instead it was the pleasure of being used by him, of pride in being something he wanted, perhaps needed. She gasped when his motions quickened, and she wished that her arms and legs were free only so she could drag him closer, give him even more pleasure.

  Regardless of how helpless she was in her bonds, he quickened his thrusts, driving into her over and over again as his entire frame started to shake. Now she couldn't take her eyes off of his dark face over hers. His eyes were shut, and his lips were parted. He looked as beautiful as a fallen angel, as seductive as sin.

  “Ah, Leah, yes, you are what I want.”

  With those words, she felt him thrust into her one last time, s
haking over her and a fine sheen of sweat over his body. She felt that strange pride rise up in her again, that she had brought him to this rare pleasure.

  He leaned down to kiss her again, and it was strange not to be able to reach him and bring him closer. He saw her twitch trying to do just that, and he grinned at her.

  “Just a little longer, precious girl. Then I will let you free.”

  A tiny guilty part of her said that he didn't need to do that at all, but Leah ignored it. For the moment, she could lie sated and replete in the beauty of what they had done together, but she knew that it was only a fantasy.

  Zayn went to her bathroom again, this time coming back with a damp washcloth. He wiped her down, taking care of how sensitive she was between her legs. It wasn't until she was sighing with the pleasure of his touch that he rose up to untie her bonds. She sat up slowly, touching her wrists and ankles. Aside from a lingering soreness, there was nothing there that said she had been restrained at all.

  “How are you?” she asked Zayn hesitantly.

  He laughed at her. “I should be asking you that, but since you are so polite, I will tell you. I am blessed, Leah. You have made me feel in a way that no other woman has. I feel as if I have found something precious, and if fate is willing, I will never let it go.”

  Leah laughed, the sound a little tinny in her own ears. There was that lump of emotion in her throat again, that sensation that something she wanted very much was being waved in front of her.

  “Don't lie,” she said, striving to keep her voice level. However much she tried, her voice cracked at the end, and he looked at her with surprise.


  “You're lying to me,” she said, her voice small. “You can't possibly mean the things you say, and I know it. I'm a lawyer, I work with the truth and I do what I need to do to pay rent. Have you ever paid rent in your life?”

  At his lost and confused look, she nodded.

  “You're the sheik of Almira,” she said. “You could have anything that you wanted just by snapping your fingers. For a little while, here in this place and this time, you wanted me, and that was amazing. It is. I will remember this time for my entire life, but, Zayn, it isn't real.”


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