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Shadow Page 29

by Jan Stryvant

  “Ow,” She said cleaning off another of the scratches on her sides. He’d drawn blood in quite a few places and she was scratched well in a lot more.

  “Sorry, Hon, but I warned you,” he said slightly abashed.

  “Well, it was pretty hot,” she laughed. “Did you leave her this cut up?”

  “Yup, I was conquering her, taking her, after all.”

  She leaned over and kissed him, “They’ll heal. Besides, it let’s people know where I’ve been!”

  “Shirley!” he blushed ducking his head. “And people say I’m bad!”

  She snickered, “I want people to know who my mate is. Don’t you?”

  He smiled, “Of course ....”

  The Jimmy Problem

  Shadow got a few nasty looks the next day when he went into work with her, some of the scratches he left on her were not covered by her costume, and it didn’t take too much imagination to figure out just what had been going on. Shirley was being somewhat shameless, rubbing up against him and showing her affection even more than normal. He could tell the whole idea that everyone figured she was being raped by some nasty animal turned her on something fierce. He smiled and put up with it, but next time he would be sure to make her wear something to cut down on the scratches. It was just too damn embarrassing.

  “Jimmy’s on the warpath,” Centurion said later that day, coming over to sit by him as he waited at Shirley’s desk. She was off training on some new toy of theirs.

  “Damn, what’s wrong with that kid today?”

  Centurion laughed, “The obvious signs that you and Shirley really do get down and dirty. What else?”

  Shadow sighed, “He’s gonna be trouble, isn’t he?”

  “Probably, but I think most of the team is on your side at this point. She’s your wife, if you two want to get a little kinky now and again, what business is it of ours?”

  “Well somebody better keep an eye on the kid. If he comes after me it won’t be pretty.”

  “I’ll make sure Tomas has somebody keep an eye on him.”


  “No problem. Jimmy’s starting to annoy everybody lately with his behavior. Somebody needs to check his attitude.”

  “I just don’t want it to be me.”

  He nodded and left then as Shirley came back.

  The next day Jimmy vanished, pretty much without a trace. Shadow was questioned of course, Shirley didn’t like that but he told her they were right to question him. The team started to panic after twenty-four hours. After forty-eight they were beside themselves. After all, they weren’t working any cases and Jimmy wasn’t one for sneaking off by himself. After three days they were all working heavily on the case, there were no leads.

  “Maybe you should go talk to your sources,” Shirley said, “See if any of them have heard anything.”

  Shadow shook his head, “If they knew anything, I would have gotten a call already.”

  “Isn’t there anything you can do?”

  “If I go down there and take action on this, it will firmly put me in everyone’s minds as a member of your team. It will also let everyone know that someone from your team got grabbed. Neither of those things would be good right now.”

  “It’s because you don’t like him, isn’t it?” she said, her tone growing a little upset.

  “That’s part of it.” He admitted, “Though we don’t even know if anyone there would know anything about it.”

  “You could ask!”

  “There will be a price for me to pay, Hon, and I’m not talking money either,” he warned her.

  “What would you do if it were me?” She said looking into his eyes.

  “Kill and maim a lot of people until you were returned to me unharmed.” He growled slightly as he said it, noticing her start slightly. “What did you expect me to say? You’re mated to a dangerous wild animal! I’ll fight to the death for you. But for Jimmy,” He looked deep into her eyes, “I’ll not do anything unless you ask me to.”

  “I’m asking you to.”

  “Either they killed him right away, or they’re sitting on him for a reason. Assuming it’s anyone I know. I’ll make a few discrete inquiries over the next few days. If nothing has come up by the weekend, I’ll poke around and see what I can turn up. Okay?”

  She nodded slowly, “I guess. But I’m not happy about it.”

  He sighed, “You think I can’t tell?”

  “Then why don’t you do something now?”

  “Cause now is too late. Trust me, okay?”

  Shirley grumbled, but accepted. That night wasn’t much fun for either of them and neither was the next day. That night Shadow was thinking if Jimmy wasn’t dead, he’d probably kill him when he showed up. Shirley was still upset and they hadn’t had sex in days. So when the phone rang at two in the morning, he was less than happy.

  “What?” he growled.

  “Why, Shadow, something the matter?” came the feminine voice from the phone.

  Sean sighed, “Don’t play games, Nance; I’m not in the mood.”

  “Gee, maybe I could do something about it for you, Shadow? Ease your concerns?”

  “NANCE!” Shadow yelled, causing Shirley to bolt upright, wide-awake now, “Cut the shit and tell me what you’ve got!”

  “I’ve got something here that belongs to you, what else?”

  “Then put it in a box and mail it to me, okay?” He growled.

  “I don’t know if he’d live through that now, Shadow. He’s a most disagreeable sort you know.”

  Shadow sighed, “Nance, right now I’m extremely tempted to tell you to keep him and hang up the phone.” Shadow looked over at Shirley who glared at him as he said that.

  “I think your wife would have words with you for that.”

  “Just tell me what you want.”

  “You, over here, now, alone.”

  Shadow looked over at Shirley, whose eyes were wide.

  “We’re not going down that road again, are we, Nance?”

  The voice on the phone laughed, “Oh no, you can tell your Angel you’ll be home – in a day or two.”

  “Okay, I’m coming.”

  “Don’t you want to hear if he’s still alive?” Nance teased over the phone.

  “Nance, if you got me out of a warm bed at this time of the night for a corpse, God himself won’t be able to save you,” he growled and hung up the phone.

  “What will she do to him?” Shirley asked.

  “Don’t worry about what she’ll do to him, worry about what I’m going to do to him!” he snarled.

  “Don’t be rash now, Dear!”

  “He’s interfered with our love life and closeness; he’s even got you giving me grief. Sorry, Hon. If he doesn’t have a great story, he’s gonna pay.”

  Shirley sighed. “Yes, Dear. Please don’t kill him.”

  Shadow kissed her, “I won't. Get some sleep.”

  Shadow headed over to Nance’s home. The underground wasn’t exactly a place, even if people talked about it as such, though most of the people and the places were located in the worst part of town. Nance lived in the middle of it. One of her servants met him at the door.

  “Ah, Shadow,” She smiled as he walked into the room.

  “Where is he?”

  “Aren’t you pleased to see me?”

  Shadow looked at her and smiled warmly, “Always, Nance. It’s not you that has me down. So what do you have for me?”

  “Come, I’ll show you.”

  Shadow nodded and followed her; she led him down the hall and into a room. Inside there was Jimmy, hanging by his feet, gagged and blindfolded.

  “How’d he end up here?” Shadow asked, noticing that Jimmy started to struggle again when he heard Shadow’s voice.

  “I bought him.”

  “Oh?” Shadow’s ears swiveled forward in interest.

  “Yeah, seems he went to a bordello, and ran up quite the bill.”

  “He refused to pay?”

��No, he just started causing problems, acting like the big shot. He got into a fight, lost, and the only thing that probably saved him was he let out who he was.”

  Shadow sighed, “Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy.” He turned back to Nance, “And then?”

  “The bordello owner figured she’d buy off the guy before he killed the kid.”

  Shadow nodded, he had a pretty good feeling who that owner was, and that they wouldn’t have let the kid get killed. But no one was ever going to tell Jimmy that.

  “The owner thought I’d maybe want to make an investment, and here he is.”

  Shadow walked over and pulled the gag out of Jimmy’s mouth.

  “I’m gonna get you for this, Shadow!” were the first words out of Jimmy’s mouth.

  Shadow punched Jimmy in the gut, hard, smiling as the kid started to swing back and forth.

  “Listen, Jimmy,” He said very quietly in to the kid’s ear. “You have caused me a lot of problems here. I now have to go do something to pay for your bills. And trust me; they’re not going to want cash. Of course I could just leave you here for them, and I probably should. So you shut your mouth, and don’t worry, I promise that when all this is said and done I’m going to kick the ever loving shit out of you.”

  Shadow stuck the gag back in Jimmy’s mouth. “Let’s go talk about what you want,” he said to Nance and followed her back to her bedroom.

  “Okay, Liz tagged him and you bought him. Why?”

  “Why else, Stud?” Nance laughed, and slowly slipped out of the dress she was wearing. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath and she looked as lovely as ever, maybe even more so tonight. “It’s time for you to perform.”

  Shadow blinked, “Umm, I’m missing something here, Nan, I would have been over here for this normally next week.”

  “Not exactly, Stud.”

  “Stud?” Shadow sniffed at Nance, his eye’s widening.

  “That’s right honey. You knocked Circe up, now you’re gonna do me.”

  “What? How’d you find that out already?”

  “Circe and Liz talked. Seems as Liz already birthed one of your bastards, Circe wanted to know what was in store.”

  Shadow looked at her, dumbfounded. “You want a kid?”

  “I want your kid, Shadow stud. Now that you’re married, I figured if I didn’t act now, I probably never would. You want that kid back, you got to breed.” She smiled and kissed his nose. “Life for a life.”

  Sean grumbled and grabbed her ass, “The wife is gonna have words when she finds out just how much breeding I’ve been doing the last few weeks. I’m just shocked you want my cub. Circe, yeah, she’s kinky like that, getting knocked up by a cat is just her thing. But you?”

  “Hey, you’re a super, I’m a super, I want prize winning kids. You’re the best pick I know genetically.” She reached down and undid his shorts, “besides, you’re a good fuck and a proven stud.”

  Sean grabbed one of her tits in one paw and ass in the other. “Well we best get started then.” He chuckled kissing her deeply.

  Nance shivered and dropped to her knees, pulling his shorts all the way down she started to rub up against him. It was only a moment before his shaft started to grow as he growled above her.

  “Time to mount kitty!” she chucked and sprawled back onto the thick throw rug behind her.

  “There’s gonna be a definite population boom here in nine months,” he purred and crawled sinuously between her spread legs, his nostrils flaring at her scent. “Somebody is pretty excited!” he purred.

  “I’m about to get impregnated by a huge fucking cat-man. If that doesn’t get you hot, you’ve obviously assumed room temperature!” she groaned grabbing his hips and tugging. “Mount, Kitty, come on, I need you inside me.”

  “My pleasure, Nance,” he growled and then purred loudly as he took her.

  He took a very long time with her, it wasn’t bestial so much as it was punishing. He wanted her to be sore, he wanted her to remember this, and he wanted her to beg. Their relationship had always been one where he was dominant. And even though she had the upper hand tonight, he wanted her to be sure who was the one in charge here. When they both finally hit their peak he roared out his success as she moaned beneath him.

  “This will be my child,” He whispered softly in her ear, “and you had damn well better be a good mother, Nance because married or not, I’m gonna be around a lot more often from now on.”

  He felt her shudder and her eyes were wide with surprise.

  “Liz should have told you I take an active interest in my children’s welfare.” He smiled as she slowly nodded.

  “Good, now go get me something to drink and we’ll see about round two,” he purred and slowly withdrew from her, smiling at the way their mixed juices dripped from her sex.

  “Who’s the one with the hostage here, Shadow?” Nance said, her voice a little weak.

  “I am,” he purred and smiled at her, “I have our son right here,” and he pointed to his balls, “and if you want him there,” he tapped her belly. “You’ll go get me something to drink. This is hard work after all.”

  “Work?” she snorted as she slowly, and a little shakily got to her feet, “Gee, how flattering.”

  He jumped up and grabbed her from behind pulling her back against his well-muscled form. “If I didn’t care, I’d have ripped out your throat and not agreed to father a child with you.” He said softly. “I’m sure my mate will be upset with me doing this without her permission. But I’m not doing it for that asshole in the next room. I’m doing it for you. If I’d ever known you wanted this, I would have given it to you years ago.

  "Don't think I don't care about you, Nan, don't ever think that I don't!"

  He kissed her on the back of the head and then swatted her on the ass making her jump, “Now go get something to drink, bring a pitcher!” and he jumped up onto the bed, stretching out.

  Nance yipped as he swatted her and went to get a pitcher of water. The warmth of his juices inside her made her feel a little funny, because she knew this time, somewhere inside her was an egg, her egg, and sometime in the next day or so his sperm would find that egg and she’d be pregnant. She quickened her pace as she got a pitcher from the fridge with a couple of glasses and quickly returned. All the men she’d killed, and now she was begging one to knock her up. Then again, she’d never been able to kill this one. If ever there was anyone who deserved the privilege of making her pregnant, Shadow was that one.

  Shadow smiled as she walked into the room, taking the pitcher and a glass; he took a long drink of water. “You do understand of course that from this moment on you can’t try to kill me anymore, right? I don’t want to take the chance that either of our antics might endanger our child.”

  She nodded, “Of course. But you know I gave up on that ages ago.”

  “Yes, but now you're mine, and if anyone ever messes with you again, there will be hell to pay.” He set down the glass and pulled her close, locking his muzzle to her left tit, gently biting and pulling on the nipple with his teeth.

  She grabbed his ears and slowly started to rub them as he drew her back down on to the bed. It was going to be a long enjoyable night.

  More than twenty-four hours had gone by when Shadow dragged his very tired body into the room that still held Jimmy. Nance had drained him so many times he’d lost count, and wasn’t willing to let him catch more than the briefest of catnaps. He had no doubt she’d conceive, he’d pumped so much of his seed into her it would take a miracle for her not to. He slashed at the rope holding Jimmy upside down with his claws and gave a satisfied grunt as it parted and tumbled the kid to the floor, rather painfully as well. He pulled the gag out but left the blindfold on.

  “Ready to go home, Jimmy?” He snarled.

  “I thought you were going to leave me to die, you bastard!”

  Sean kicked him, hard. He smiled again as he felt a rib break enjoying the cry of pain from Jimmy.

  “I’ll get you for t
hat, you fucking bully!” Jimmy gasped.

  Sean kicked him again, less hard, but making sure to hit the spot where the rib was. “Shut up, Jimmy. Shut up and listen.”

  “I’m not going to listen to you!”

  Sean growled and looked around; spying a broom he broke off the handle and started to beat Jimmy with it, working him over for a full minute.

  “Don’t think I won’t beat you into a coma, kid. Or worse. You ready to listen?”

  “Why should I listen to you?” he spat.

  “Cause you upset my wife. You forced me to do something that will upset her further. And your behavior around her has pissed me off to the point where the only thing standing between you and death is my love for her and my very long friendship with your boss.” He kicked Jimmy again, breaking another rib. “Besides, I’m enjoying this too much, if you actually shut up and listen to me, you’ll be spoiling my fun. So what’s it going to be?”

  “Okay,” Jimmy gasped, the pain was tremendous, the last kick had jostled his arm, which he was pretty sure had been broken in the fight he’d had before he’d been captured. He could feel the tears coming from his eyes and felt ashamed that Shadow would see this.

  Shadow smiled and bent closer, noticing the tears as well. “What’s this? Tears? Why Jimmy, and here I thought you were a hard ass and didn’t cry like the rest of us. Who’d have thought you might be human after all. Now, what the fuck were you doing in that whorehouse?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Shadow nudged him lightly with his foot, close to where he’d snapped a rib, “I can go back to beating you to death if you want.”

  “Okay, okay,” he sobbed, “I wanted to get laid, I want to prove I’m as good as you are, that I can fuck those tramps who live down here.”

  “Jimmy, -I- don’t even fuck those girls!" he lied. "It’s not just the diseases you have to worry about, those women can be vicious, they’ll eat you alive if you’re not careful.” He sighed and shook his head. “Kid, you got a good thing going, a cushy government job, a lot of good press, decent young girls probably lock their doors and masturbate while dreaming of having sex with you. Why the hell do you want to fuck that all up? Isn’t it enough?”


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