The Warlord's Pet

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The Warlord's Pet Page 7

by Loki Renard

  Together they passed through the doors and Celeste found herself looking at what could only be described as an amphitheater filled with people. In the very center of the pit, drummers and other musicians played. People danced around them, while further up the slope and steps, other people sat at long tables and ate.

  As her eyes searched the crowds, she noticed that there were many other pets serving their various masters. Everywhere Celeste looked she saw bare rumps, some adorned with tails much like her own, others clad in skimpy shining skirts, most bare and some filled with the manhoods of those who owned them.

  It was an orgy, but a rather restrained one. What sex was taking place seemed languid and almost casual. As she watched the proceedings, she saw a tall man slide his cock from one woman who had been perched atop him and into another who was waiting on hands and knees before him, her face cupped in her hands, a slow euphoria passing over her features as he took his pleasure in her.

  Celeste slid back and would have run away if she had been given the choice, but of course she hadn’t. The light length of chain attached to her collar wasn’t taut at that precise moment, but it was a perfect symbol of the control she found herself under.

  “Don’t be shy, pet,” Alistair said, ushering her further in with a hand on the small of her back.

  “Our lord!” The cry went up and the drummers began to drum harder with a beat that made the earth shake. The greeting of the people was a rhythmic one she could feel in the pit of her stomach as every person in the place met Alistair with cheers and more fevered dancing.

  Though only Alistair was officially hailed, Celeste was sure all eyes were on her. She felt a hot blush traveling the length of her body, from the tips of her toes to the top of her hairline as she walked through the crowd behind Alistair, more aware than ever of the way the plug moved in her tight bottom with each and every step.

  Alistair waved to his people, greeted some of the higher ranked officers who had likewise shed their uniforms for a more primal style of dress, and led Celeste to the chair and table set aside for him upon a dais above the crowd. If it were her father, it would have been a throne; instead Alistair’s chair was large and comfortable. He did not need a piece of furniture to speak to his power. He sat down and pulled her into his lap. Instead of squirming and fighting the moment, Celeste curled up there, feeling sheltered from some of the curious eyes and the explicit activity below by his large bulk as he wrapped his strong arms around her.

  Night was falling, and soon the amphitheater was lit by hundreds of flaming torches. The lovemaking, dancing, and feasting went on late into the night. Food was brought to them by serving girls, and Alistair fed it to her from his fingers. She started to appreciate the convenience of being fed in such a way. No need to hold a plate, no need to work with utensils. All she needed to do was wrap her lips around his fingers and take the food into her mouth.

  As the night drew on, from time to time she let her eyes close and shut out some of the sights and sounds of the gathering. People came and talked to Alistair and drifted away again. For the most part nobody spoke to Celeste. She was just another pet, not precisely of no consequence, but owned by him and not expected to interact with anyone else. It was quite a relief for Celeste, who was used to having to make polite conversation on evening such as these, and found it quite tedious to do so.

  “This is your pet?” A warm woman’s voice made Celeste curious enough to open her eyes. A woman in dark black silk robes was sitting next to Alistair. She was probably in her forties, very beautiful and mature. She smiled at Celeste, and Celeste smiled back.

  “She’s not at all certain about the gathering.” Alistair’s chuckle rumbled through his chest.

  “Well, I don’t blame her.” The woman smiled reassuringly at Celeste. “This must all seem very strange to you.”

  Celeste suddenly realized that this woman was the first person to speak to her besides Alistair since she had become his pet. She found herself strangely shy and unable to find her voice. She managed a small sound that might have been a response in the affirmative.

  “This is Penelope,” Alistair said. “She’s one of my chief strategists.”

  “You’re a woman,” Celeste said blankly.

  “I am,” Penelope agreed with a warm smile. She didn’t seem annoyed by Celeste’s rather dull-witted comment.

  It had simply never occurred to Celeste that women could hold positions in Alistair’s regime. The fact that she’d been taken as a pet, and had only ever seen other women kept as pets, had made her think that all women were submissive in Vector Prime. Of course, she had known that was not the case. Pets were those who had been taken in battle. Probably there were more free women than pets. She just hadn’t met any because she had been kept in a cage.

  A pang of jealousy struck Celeste suddenly. Or maybe it wasn’t jealousy. Maybe it was embarrassment. This woman was fully clothed and speaking to Alistair as an equal. Celeste had never been allowed such a luxury. She was sitting there with a thick rubber plug in her bottom, and everyone knew it, including Penelope.

  She sat and she squirmed on Alistair’s lap as the conversation went on without her. More than ever, she felt her place as his pet and more than ever she felt herself blushing and wriggling, unable to settle into the role he had seen fit to give her.

  Alistair did not seem to pick up on her discomfort, or perhaps he did. Either way, it made little difference to how she was held on his lap, displayed for the eyes of the world to see.

  “I want you to service me, pet,” Alistair murmured when the woman was gone and they were alone, as it were, though in the middle of a crowd.

  “In front of all these people?” Celeste shook her head and buried it in his shoulder. “No. Please. Don’t make me.”

  She didn’t know if it was the sincerity in her voice, or if Alistair was softening toward her, but he did not immediately press the point as he usually would. It was the first time he had ever let her say no to him, and she was glad for it. The other pets seemed happy in their work, but she could never have done what he wanted her to do with the nerves and shame rolling in her stomach.

  “Look at me, pet,” he said, gently tipping her head up toward him, one finger under her chin.

  Celeste met his simultaneously bright and dark gaze.

  “In time, you’ll learn that serving me, being seen to serve me is noble,” Alistair said, rubbing his hand over her back. “You’ll be proud to take me, even if you do it in front of the entire universe.”

  Celeste could not imagine being proud to do what some of the others were doing. She’d had too much shame, too much pride, too much expectation injected into her over the years. If she were to be seen willingly submitting to the man her father had declared a warlord, the news would break across every planet in the system within days, if not hours. Millions of people would talk about her, laugh about her, mock her, of that she was certain. Her father was not well loved and she had been the topic of much malicious gossip over the years. People were almost certainly already talking… the thought made her want to hide away forever. She shook her head wordlessly, unable to put easy words to her thoughts and fears.

  “Pet,” Alistair said, catching her dilemma without the need for her to voice it. “You are mine. You need only worry what I think of you.”

  As he spoke, his hand crept down between her legs and cupped her pussy. She let out a little gasp and blushed bright red as he began to masturbate her with slow rubbing strokes that made it quite obvious that she was starting to get wet. After a few minutes of massaging her softly, he curled one finger up and pressed it inside her, keeping up the rubbing motion. She was ready for him, and they both knew it.

  “I’m going to fuck you, pet,” he murmured.

  She let out a little whimper. He was stoking an arousal in her that made her want him, but the shame of being so sexual in front of so many people, of having them see her be a wanton little slut desperate for her master’s cock… it all felt
like too much.

  Celeste squirmed around on his lap so that she was facing him. He let her move into the new position, which she was grateful for as it meant she didn’t have to see anyone looking at her. Beneath her, Alistair unleashed his cock from his pants and she felt the hard ridge of his bare flesh pressing against her pussy.

  There was no fanfare about their public coupling. He slid his cock into her wet slit in one long smooth motion. She buried her head in his neck as he slowly fucked her, his hands on her bottom lifting her up and down along the hard length of his erection.

  Moaning softly, Celeste kept her eyes closed, focusing on the feeling of having him inside her. Even with her eyes closed, she could still hear the gathering going on all around them. There were people just a few feet away talking, laughing, making love.

  Though she was still feeling very shy, there could be no doubt that the presence of others heightened the intensity of the act and soon her body responded passionately, her hips starting to gyrate against him and rise and fall with a faster tempo. Alistair’s hands clamped her ass and pulled her down on his cock every time she lifted up. On every down stroke, her clit would graze against the fly of his pants, the slightly rough texture pleasuring the greedy little nub. Her breath came harder and faster, and for a brief, beautiful moment the rest of the world slid away entirely and it was only the two of them connected by flesh, juices mingling as she writhed on his thick pole, impaled on his flesh.

  She was going to come. She was going to come in front of everybody. Her pussy was gripping Alistair’s cock for dear life as he ran his fingers through her hair, pulled her head back and looked deep into her eyes, his dark and blue gaze keeping her focused on him as he held her down against his cock and pounded up against her.

  “Take my cum, pet,” he growled, kissing her deeply. She couldn’t move. She didn’t have a choice but to take his seed. He moaned into her mouth, his desire hot and tangible as his cock shot load after load of his cum inside her. She had not yet come, but that didn’t matter. She was his pet and he was using her wet pussy the way it was meant to be used.

  He pulled out entirely before she could come too, turned her around on his lap and held her close, his palm gently rubbing his hot cum into her lower lips. She was so aroused she could not help the writhing motions she was making as he held her on display.

  “Beautiful,” a passerby commented. “She’s lovely.”

  Celeste blushed profusely as people began to pay more attention to her. It was as if her frustrated desire, perched on the verge of climax, was drawing people to them. Alistair slid his fingers to the very top of her pussy and pressed down just above her clit, drawing the skin up so that the little bud of her clit was exposed, and her creamy cum-filled slit was also very visible to anyone who passed by. She let out a little whine of complaint, but he kept her there, squirming on the edge of orgasm.

  “What a pretty pussy,” a man of presumably high rank, judging by the way he was followed by two crawling pets, said. “You have chosen well, General.”

  “Go jump in a lava lake,” Celeste snapped, embarrassed.

  “That was rude, pet, apologize,” Alistair growled in her ear.

  “No,” she scowled, both at Alistair and the man with the pets. “I don’t owe anyone an apology.”

  “High spirited though,” the man chuckled.

  “Oh, very,” Alistair agreed. His hand lifted from her mound and returned with a sharp slap right across her well fucked pussy lips.

  Celeste let out a cry of complaint, but Alistair was not pleased with her, and her punishment was far from over. His palm slapped her pussy over and over again as she sat with her legs splayed on either side of his thighs, her wet, reddening sex visible to everyone as she wriggled and whimpered and gasped.

  “Apologize,” Alistair commanded gruffly. “Now, or I promise you, what has happened to you thus far will be nothing compared to what does happen.”

  His words were vague, but her sore pussy was testament to the fact that it was a credible threat. She could feel his hand hovering over her lower lips, ready to deliver another stinging slap to her creamy cunt.

  “Sorry,” she whimpered, not feeling sorry at all, but eager to avoid further consequences.

  The man, whoever he was, accepted her apology graciously and moved on after wishing Alistair a good night.

  “Good girl,” Alistair said, patting her stinging lips lightly. “I think it’s time I took you home.”

  Celeste could not have agreed more.

  Chapter Seven

  Although she had been punished thoroughly, Celeste was not subdued in the slightest. She managed to behave herself as they left the amphitheater and avoid further public punishment, but she sulked and snarled at Alistair all the way back to the bedroom, where, of course, he put her in her cage and dropped the cover over her.

  “You need to settle down, pet,” he said in his gravelly tones. “You earned every bit of what you got. I will not tolerate disrespect, especially public disrespect and disobedience.”

  He had stripped her of every bit of pride, deprived her of her arrogance and Celeste hated him for it. She had spent so very long constructing the image of a fine lady; to have it torn away from her, to be shown that she was a lustful woman who thrilled to a dominant man and found unparalleled release in submission was more than she could bear.

  Every time she thought of how he had punished her pussy in front of so many people, she blushed all over and felt her pussy tingle. She was aroused by his treatment as much as she hated it. There would be other gatherings, she knew that much, and at each of them she would be displayed, punished, used for Alistair’s amusement.

  How could he do this to her? He hated her. There could be no other reason for the cruelty he was showing her, a complete lack of regard for her feelings. But the passion of his lovemaking was so intense. Every time he touched her, sank inside her, every time his lips met hers, she felt a fire of something she’d never felt before, an emotional response that made her want to cry with joy.

  She had thought that something meaningful was happening between them. When he stroked her hair and gazed into her eyes, there was a spark of something tender—or so she’d imagined. Now she knew any softness she had imagined was pure fantasy. She was nothing more than a political prisoner being used and humiliated for his own ends.

  In Alistair’s arms, she felt powerful, free, connected to someone greater than herself. But back in the cage, the world came crashing down again. She was small. Alone. She heard his footsteps recede, pause, and then continue on their way. In the distance, the soft swish of the doors told her that he had left the room. Only then did Celeste allow the bitter tears to flow in full force. She buried her face in a pillow and sobbed her sadness into it until she fell asleep.

  * * *

  When she woke up again, it was dark. She thought she could hear soft breathing in the distance. The curtain covering the bars was easy enough for her to push aside. She did so and saw that the bed was occupied. Alistair must have come to bed while she was asleep. She sat up and smiled to herself. So he thought he could cage her and just go about his day, did he? He really couldn’t have been more wrong.

  She picked up her food bowl and began banging it along the bars. It made an awful clanging sound, which brought Alistair out of bed with a shout. She let out a laugh as she peeked through the curtain covering her cage and saw him standing buck naked and momentarily disoriented, his hand on his gun. He lowered the weapon when he realized that the cacophony was not some invasion, but coming from the caged woman in his room.

  “Warlords don’t sleep very well, do they,” she smirked as he tossed the curtain back and glowered at her.

  “What are you doing, pet?”

  “Making your life hard.”

  His frown intensified. He was not at all amused by her behavior, so it seemed. “It is not a good idea to test me, pet. I will thrash you if you misbehave.”

  “And you’ll fuck and cage
me if I don’t,” she pointed out. “It’s a lose-lose situation, isn’t it? I might be your prisoner, Alistair. But I don’t have to make it easy for you.”

  She expected him to growl some more threats, or pull her out of the cage and give her the thrashing he’d promised. Instead, Alistair surprised her by thinking about what she’d said.

  “Negative reinforcement does only get you so far,” he mused aloud. “Perhaps my pet needs a reward for her good behavior.”

  “You can reward me by letting me out of here and sending me home.”

  “How about I reward you tomorrow with some time out of this cage,” he said. “If you stay quiet for the rest of the night and let me sleep.”

  “Interesting deal,” Celeste nodded. “Here’s another one. You let me out of this cage now, and as a reward, I will put in a good word for you at your inevitable trial.”

  Celeste knew her father. He may have fled without her, but he would not allow Alistair to make a fool of him. There would be consequences. In all likelihood, an invasion. She would be freed by her father’s forces sooner or later. Alistair had to know that as well as she did. Celeste had been kept insulated from the consequences of Alistair’s actions, but she knew how interstellar politics worked. Consequences might take time, but when they came they were utterly without mercy. She was certain that her father was bullying, bribing, and otherwise manipulating every armed force in the system to come after Alistair.


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