Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1

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Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1 Page 11

by Cole, Samantha

  Ian's stare never left her face. "Reggie, calm down. I don't need you having another asthma attack in my club. The last time we had to call the EMT's to the lobby, I think one of them creamed his pants when Shelby walked by, then cried when Mistress China threatened his manhood because she thought they weren't working on you fast enough." With those words, the tension rolling off the four men was released and to her amazement, Mitch and Reggie began to laugh. Devon's posture eased a bit and he leaned back against the wall, the corners of his mouth trembling as he held back his own laughter. She had a feeling he would be laughing out loud with the other men if he hadn't been so mad at her. Ian stayed where he was, looking at her. "Is that everything, little one?"

  Kristen nodded. "That's when I stepped in and, well, you know the rest."

  Ian's lips twitched but he didn't smile. "Reggie, go upstairs to Colleen and we'll be right behind you. After I mind-fuck those two for a bit, their memberships will be terminated."

  Rather than heading toward the door, Master Reggie approached her and took her hand in his. "What's your name, girl? And whose collar are you wearing?"

  "Kristen, Sir. And it's Master Devon's collar." She swallowed and her eyes flashed to Devon before returning to the man in front of her.

  Master Reggie's brown eyes softened. "Thank you for sticking up for Colleen, Kristen. I'm grateful you were here and stepped in to protect her when I couldn't."

  Her heart swelled at the gratitude in his eyes and voice and she smiled at him. "I'm glad I was here at the right time. I hate bullies."

  "So do I." He let go of her hand and walked toward the door, passing the other men on the way. "As a favor to me Devon, please don't be too hard on your subbie's ass tonight."

  Kristen bit her bottom lip when Devon didn't say anything and only nodded at the other Dom. He was no longer looking at her, instead his gaze was on the floor, and she knew she was in so much trouble.

  "Little one." She looked back to Ian who no longer seemed to be pissed–at least not at her. His voice and his blue eyes, which were so similar to Devon's, had softened as he spoke to her. "I don't condone fighting in my club, but every once in a while–very, very rarely I might add–I'll admit there's a good reason behind it. This is one of those times. However, next time, please try to alert security or a DM and don't take on the bullies yourself. This time you had the upper hand but it may not always be the case and I'd hate to see you get hurt. Now if you'll excuse us, Master Mitch and I have some things we need to tend to and I'm sure my brother is thinking up ways to punish you for putting yourself in harm's way."

  Without waiting for a response from her, Ian turned and walked out of the room followed by Mitch, who winked and smiled at her before he left. She stood there waiting for Devon to say something to her. He still wasn't looking at her and she began to fidget. She knew she spoiled what was left of their date.

  "If you'll give me back my purse, I'll call a cab to take me back to my car."

  His eyes whipped toward hers then narrowed as he studied her. As he took slow and deliberate steps toward her, he tilted his head. "Why do you want to leave?"

  She twisted her hands and fingers together in front of her. "Well, I obviously ruined the rest of our evening. I know you must be furious with me for having a cat-fight in your club."

  Devon stopped inside her personal space but she managed to not take a step back, not that there was much room between her and the lockers. Grabbing her hands, he brought them up to his lips, kissing the back of one and then the other. She watched him, stunned he was being so gentle with her when he should be kicking her out the door. "Where did you learn to do that, Pet?"

  She was confused and her heart rate sped up at his closeness. "Do-do what?"

  "Kick subbie ass when it was two against one."

  Really? Was he serious? "Um...I told you my dad was a cop. A few of the female officers he worked with ran a program for teenage girls on how to defend themselves and I was a fast learner. Look, I'm sorry, Devon...I mean Sir. I didn't mean to cause trouble and get them kicked out of the club. I saw what they were doing to her and I snapped, I guess." She watched in amazement as his head fell back on his shoulders and he began to laugh. And it wasn't a short light laugh but a full blown belly laugh.

  "Oh Pet. How you fascinate me. You didn't start the trouble but you ended it, and I'm proud of you. We've had a few complaints about those two harassing other subs and they've been given fair warning their days here were numbered. The only reason they hadn't been kicked out before this was because their Doms are well liked. I would've loved to have been a fly on the wall to see Heather and Melissa's faces when you went all girlie-ninja on them."


  "Uh-huh. My own personal Ninja-girl. I kinda like it. That might be your new name for when we're not playing." His smile faltered a fraction and he hoped she didn't notice. He had to stop saying things like that, things which sounded as if they'd be spending time together past the weekend. Before they took anything further, he would have to tell her this thing between them was only temporary. A few days of mutual pleasure until he fucked her out his system and then moved on. He wasn't going to have that conversation here in the club's women's room but he had to explain it to her soon. "If we hurry, we can still catch the end of Shelby's birthday scene. I mean, if you want to stay."

  Of course she wanted to stay! She wanted to shout but tried to remain calm. "I'd like that."

  He squeezed both her hands before dropping one and tugging on the other. "Great. Come on."

  Kristen took two steps forward then came to an abrupt stop. Devon looked back at her with a questioning look. "Something wrong, Pet?"

  "Um...I never got a chance to use the facilities."

  Laughing, he let go of her hand and made a grand sweeping gesture toward the other room where the toilets and showers were located. "Be my guest. I'll wait for you outside. Try not to get into any trouble in the next three minutes, hmmm?"


  Devon rushed his sub past several scenes. There would be time to come back to watch them at their leisure but he wanted Kristen to see Shelby's scene. A ménage was on her list of soft limits and he wanted to see her reaction. The birthday girl's ass would have been spanked crimson by now but there should still be enough time for his pet to catch the end of the scene and he knew it would be a good one.

  A Brody and Marco tag-team scene was pretty popular with the unattached subs but because there were times one or both were working on an assignment it wasn't always a weekly occurrence. With Marco spending a lot of time tending to his sister lately, Devon didn't think the two had done a scene together in over two months. There were some ménage Dom duos who never did a solo scene, but Marco and Brody didn't need each other in order to enjoy a solo which they did more often than not. It didn't mean they still didn't enjoy their threesomes when the opportunity arose.

  Easing their way through the crowd which had gathered around the area the threesome was using, Devon managed to find a spot where, if he placed Kristen in front of them, she would have an excellent view. He knew the moment she realized what she was watching, because he felt rather than heard her breath hitch as he held her back to his chest. He peered over her shoulder and saw her eyes were wide, in awe more than shock, he thought. The pulse at her neck quickened as her breathing also increased and her face flushed. He put his mouth next to her ear and whispered, "Like what you see, Pet?"

  Kristen shivered but didn't answer because she couldn't find the words. In front of her was the most erotic thing she had ever seen. She'd never watched porn before and even though she owned a Playgirl calendar thanks to Will, she'd never looked through the pictures in a sex magazine. And the R-rated movies she watched never showed a sex scene like this. Shelby was bent at the waist, her upper torso resting on a red leather bench. Completely naked, her ass and upper thighs were as deep red as the bench. She was tied down, unable to move her arms or legs which were shackled to the bench. A wide str
ap across her lower back held her flush against the leather padding beneath her. The girl was sweating, moaning and writhing as much as the restraints allowed, which wasn't much. But it was the two men with her who had Kristen's attention, their bodies moving in tandem with each other and the music pulsating overhead.

  A man, she assumed was Marco, was standing behind Shelby, his leather pants unlaced and he was thrusting his condom-covered penis deep inside the girl's core. His feet were apart but close enough to keep his pants from falling down further. Their current position bared the upper half of his ass, which was hard as granite. He was huge and Kristen couldn't help but wonder how he managed to fit without ripping the sub in two. Despite the din around her, Kristen was able to hear the slapping of Marco's exposed hips against Shelby's buttocks, and she was shocked to realize her own clit was throbbing in concert to the sound.

  At Shelby's head stood Brody. While both men were tall and built, they were complete opposites when it came to hair and skin tone. Marco was dark Italian with hair almost as black as Devon's, while Brody looked like a combination surfer-Norse god with his blonde hair and tan yet fairer skin. Both men had removed their shirts and their upper bodies had the same sweaty sheen as the girl they were servicing. Rubbing the girl's bare upper back with his hand, Brody's jeans were un-zippered and hanging low on his hips as he plunge his cock into Shelby's welcoming mouth. He wasn't as thick as his counterpart but was still well-endowed.

  Shelby's moans got louder and Marco looked at his friend. "She's about to cum a fourth time, man. You better finish up soon if you don't want to visit the ER tonight."

  Kristen watched as Brody nodded and increased the tempo of his hips. She turned her head a tad toward Devon but didn't take her eyes off the threesome. His mouth was still near her ear and he must have anticipated her question. "Shelby tends to cum hard and when she does she usually clamps her teeth together; it's an involuntary response for her. The Doms know this and back off on fucking her mouth when they sense she's about to cum. Marco is going to slow down a little to keep her from going over the edge and Brody's going to cum before she does so he doesn't need his dick surgically reattached."

  Brody grabbed a handful of pink hair. "Come on, Shelby, take it...take it all." The girl's cheek hollowed as she sucked him harder and Brody threw his head back, tensing and roaring his release. Not a drop of semen fell from the sub's lips as he slowed his hips then pulled out of her mouth. Her lips were red and swollen while her eyes were half closed and glazed over. Not bothering to zipper his jeans after he tucked himself back in, Brody dropped to his knees next to the sub, petting her head and talking to her in a voice too low for others to hear. She gave a slight nod of her head and Marco increased his own pace again while reaching around to finger Shelby's clit in a hurried motion. Her moans became louder then turned into cries of jumbled words. Marco's hips and fingers never slowed but it wasn't until he slapped her ass hard with his other hand that she screamed with such an intense orgasm it should have brought the roof down on top of them. As she went over, she took Marco with her, his body rigid as he came inside the latex barrier.

  Around her, Kristen heard words of appreciation and praise for the trio. The scene had been watched by many, and she almost expected them to break out in applause. She felt Devon's hard erection as he pressed his hips against her bottom and her empty vagina clenched with need. Her body was so aroused by what she'd seen–it wouldn't take much to set her off. One, maybe two swipes of her clit and she would be flying. The thought surprised her. She could've never imagined she'd be so turned on watching other people have sex. But it hadn't just been sex she realized. It had been a sensual and erotic exchange between the three individuals involved and shared with the people who had been watching them. She couldn't think of the words to explain it. It hadn't been crass and dirty but carnal and beautiful a sensual dance as old as time.

  The crowd started to disperse as Brody and Marco began to unshackle the limp and satisfied Shelby, rubbing her limbs to revive her slowed circulation. If she hadn't been mumbling in response to the questions the men were asking her, Kristen would have thought the sub was unconscious. There were 'Happy Birthday' wishes called to Shelby as people walked away, but Kristen didn't think the girl heard them and she wondered if this was the sub-space she'd read about during her research.

  While Brody stayed with Shelby, Kristen watched as Marco stepped a few feet away from the bench and disposed of his used condom, tossing it in a nearby receptacle. He re-laced his pants then took a blanket someone handed him. With Brody's help, he eased Shelby up and wrapped the blanket around her naked body. He then picked the petite girl up in his arms without effort, turned and left the area with his charge. It was only after the sub was being cared for by his friend that Brody took a moment to zipper his jeans before he began to clean up the area with the help of a female club employee who wore a red and gold bow tie with a black bra and miniskirt, the uniform of the club. The employee took a towel and spray bottle and proceeded to wipe down the spanking bench. The scent of oranges which had been faint earlier now flooded Kristen's senses. She'd read somewhere the smell of citrus fruit could be an aphrodisiac and now she understood why. It complimented the scents of leather and sex without being overbearing.

  After Brody finished tidying up the area, he grabbed his black duffel bag and walked over to where Marco was sitting on a nearby couch with Shelby on his lap. She was sipping from a bottle of water the dark-haired man held for her. Dropping the duffel bag at his feet, Brody sat down next to them, pulled the sub's legs across his lap and began massaging them. When she was done with the water, Shelby rested her head on Marco's shoulder and closed her eyes.

  Kristen hadn't moved from where she stood and felt Devon shift his weight behind her a second before she felt two fingers drag against her soaked pussy lips. It had been so unexpected, she tensed for a moment before moaning at the delicious sensation but the fingers left her body as quickly as they had appeared. Turning around she watched him place the wet fingers in his mouth, sucking and licking them with earnest. His eyes flared with heat. The sight stunned and aroused her even more and she hadn't thought it was possible.

  After he had consumed every last drop of her cream, he removed his fingers and leaned toward her. "Just because we can't play doesn't mean I can't touch what belongs to me, and the collar you're wearing says you're mine tonight." He licked his lips and all Kristen could do was stare at him. "You taste so sweet Pet, like the purest of honey. I want to spread your legs and eat you for hours until I've had my fill. It pleases me so much that their scene turned you on." If his hands hadn't moved to hold her waist, she would've melted to the floor in a big pile of goo. Her eyes shifted downward and her flushed face became even redder. Devon took the two fingers which a moment before had been in his mouth and placed them under her chin. She could smell her scent on him. He applied gentle pressure so she was forced to look at him once again. "Don't be embarrassed Pet. Your arousal is nothing to be ashamed of just because it doesn't follow the norms of society. Here, in this world, it is normal. Here, there's no right or wrong way for Doms and subs to enjoy sex and all its possible facets, as long as they are safe, sane and consensual. Understand?"

  She nodded. "Yes...yes Sir, but..."

  "But what, Pet?"

  Although she whispered, it was loud enough for him to hear standing so close to her. "Did she really cum four times?"

  Of all the questions he expected her to ask, that hadn't been one of them. Devon let out a bark of laughter before answering her. "I'm sure she did and each one was probably as intense as the one we saw. Haven't you ever had multiple orgasms before?"

  She shook her head, embarrassed she apparently wasn't like most women. "No, Sir."

  Her denial didn't faze him at all. He thought back to her limit list and the question mark she had placed next to 'Coming on Command.' "Okay, here's another question, and I'm not asking you these questions to make you uncomfortable, I'm learning what I
need to know in order to take proper care of you when the time comes. And I guarantee the time will come and so will you." Her chin fell toward the floor but she didn't say anything. "Have you ever had an orgasm during intercourse?" When she shook her head, he frowned. "I need verbal answers, Pet. I don't ever want to guess at what you mean or have any mis-communications between us. You have to tell me in plain English. Have you ever had an orgasm during intercourse?"

  Kristen tried to look away from him but he wouldn't allow it. "No, Sir. Not during intercourse. In fact, the only orgasms I've ever had are the ones I give myself when I'm alone. My ex said it was because I was frigid and couldn't relax during sex."

  Devon growled. "And yet another reason to despise the low-life pile of cow shit you were married to."

  Although she still felt self-conscious about the conversation they were having, she couldn't help but smile with amusement at him. "Do you realize every time you mention my ex, you call him something else?"

  "No, I didn't," he chuckled. "But since I've developed a rather colorful language over the years, I'm sure I won't run out of new things to call him for a while. For now though, I don't want to talk about him anymore. I don't want him between us at all, tonight or any other time. So I want you to forget you were ever with him. I'm going to treat you like a virgin and start from scratch. I'm going to seduce you, arouse you and by the time I'm done you'll know exactly how non-frigid you are. You'll also know what it's like to have multiple orgasms because I won't stop until I'm completely satisfied you have nothing left to give me."

  Holy crap! If that happened, Kristen thought, he won't be the only one completely satisfied!

  * * *

  Devon spent the next hour or so escorting Kristen around the pit. They'd been pulled into a few conversations and introductions were made but after a few short words he was able to keep them moving, while still being polite, so she could see as many scenes as possible. He wanted to observe her while she watched the different scenes to get an idea on what interested her and compare it to her list of limits.


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