Remember Remember

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Remember Remember Page 34

by Alan Wade

  She slid her hands under and around the front of his dressing gown and gently squeezed his penis, “So, watching the captain dock his ship is more important than you docking with me is it?”

  He groaned, smiled and squeezed his knees together, “No darling, it’s not, it’s just that Malta’s special and the entry into Valletta is something I didn’t want to miss.”

  She continued to caress his now erect penis, “Who’s this Valletta and where’s her entry?”

  “You’re a dirty sod sometimes love,” he chuckled.

  “Then why aren’t you interested in Jacky’s entry?”

  “I am love,” he said as he turned and kissed her full on the lips, pushing his tongue deep into her mouth. He stopped kissing her, bent down, scooped her up and carried her to the bed.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he moaned as he stripped off her shorts and thong. He entered her quickly, standing on the cabin floor at the edge of the bed, with her legs high against his chest and gasped, “God Jacky, I love you, I love fucking you.”

  The Lido deck was always busy at this time of day with over a thousand people queuing and selecting food then searching for tables to eat their breakfast. Alan and Jacky climbed the arching staircase to the balcony above the Lido deck. It was always relatively quieter here and they selected a table for two on the harbour side of the boat where they could watch the comings and goings of the myriad trucks and vans whose job it was to replenish the ships stocks throughout the day.

  Jacky ate a very good diet conscious breakfast of mixed fruits and black coffee, he loved the thinly cut bacon and freshly made cheese omelette and although sometimes he had to queue for the omelette the wait was always worthwhile. They spoke little over breakfast, happy to be in each other’s company without the need for small talk.

  She, having finished her fruit and coffee, stroked his arm smiled and said, “I think I’ll go back to the cabin love and spruce myself up for the Maltese.” She looked into his eyes, smiling coyly at him and whispered, “Alan,” the word came out slowly as she continued to stroke his arm, “you said you loved me back in the cabin.”

  He smiled back, took hold of her hand and whispered, “I said I loved fucking you.”

  “Not quite,” she whispered in response, “because before you got down to the f-ing bit you actually said you loved me and I wondered if you meant it darling,” again the words came out slowly as she squeezed his hand.

  “Of course I do, you should know by now.” he hissed and looked around to make sure they were not overheard, “God knows we’ve been going out together long enough so I probably do love you.”

  “Probably, probably,” she barked, digging her nails into his hand.

  “Ow,” he winced, but smiled at her, “I’ve got to keep you on your toes my darling, we don’t want you getting complacent now do we? I still need to see you in stockings and suspenders my love.”

  “Well, tonight you’ll probably see me in my winceyette pyjamas with my hair in curlers,” she threatened. She rose to her feet, turned to him, winked, leaned towards his ear and whispered, “See you soon my love.”

  “See you soon love,” he replied and began again to attack his fast cooling crispy bacon and omelette. He finished his breakfast, placed his knife and fork across his plate and looked up to observe the same young lady he had spoken to in the corridor approaching him. She smiled and bent to collect his plate.

  “Have you finished sir?”

  “Yes thanks, have you anything else to tell me?”

  She bent close to him and whispered, “When the ship left Savona there were quite a few new staff; but one thing seemed a little strange because eight English people joined the security team, who were all interviewed by the captain himself.”

  “Eight men you say.”

  “No, there were five men and three women, all English.”

  He slipped his hand into his pocket, pulled out a wad of notes, peeled off a €50 note and passed it to her. She took it and speedily secreted it beneath her uniform.

  “Thank you sir, is there anything else I can do for you?”

  “I think so,” he nodded, “are you on breakfast tomorrow?”

  “Yes I am.”

  “Then please make sure we have a couple of moments together tomorrow.”

  “Yes sir,” she smiled, collected the plates and began to wipe the surface of the table.

  Mrs Sarah Jones had listened to Alan and Jacky throughout the morning in their cabin and at breakfast; but was aware that Jacky had parted company with Alan because she had now lost communication with him. She reported this and the over-breakfast discussions between Johnson and Jacky to Major Rock who radioed for support to gain visual contact with Johnson. Visual contact with Alan was made just as the waitress finished cleaning the breakfast dishes and wiped the table. However, no record of their conversation was made.

  By 10.30 Alan Johnson and Jacky were taxiing towards Mosta, followed at a discreet distance by three of Major rock’s group. They had audio contact with the couple and knew they had asked the taxi driver to take them to the Mosta dome.

  He had been impressed the first time he had entered the Dome some years ago and once again was not disappointed. He took Jacky to view the German bomb which had penetrated the roof of the church during World War Two but fallen to the floor without exploding. This of course was seen as an Act of God by the faithful, but whatever the reason it meant that the third largest domed church in the world remained one of the most beautiful monuments to God.

  He beckoned her to sit and joined her to spend a few moments in prayer. He looked around as he bent his head and observed three familiar faces, two male and one female from the security staff of the ship. Hestood, took Jacky by the hand and whispered to her in deference to the location, “I think we should go across the square and have some refreshments love.”

  They walked out of the church passing the huge red drapes that adorned the walls and crossed the square to a bar. She bought postcards for home plus an extra four which Alan had asked for from a gift shop next to the bar, while he ordered two bottles of Fix from the waiter attending the pavement tables.

  She pulled out a chair and dropped the four postcards in front of him. She took a slug of her beer, pulled a pen from her handbag and started to write her postcards. Her job complete she passed the pen to him but he declined the offer saying, “I’m taking the cards back to the ship with me. I’ll write them while we’re on board and post them in Alexandria.”

  “Why do you want to do that?” she asked as she placed the pen back in her bag.

  “I think the postmark from Alexandria will look sexier for Dave and John than one from here.”

  “So, why four cards?”

  “I want them as a souvenir for the boys my love, plus one for Donald and Tony in York.”

  He downed his beer, waved to the waiter and ordered two more, then scanned the surroundings, smiling inwardly as he saw the glint of binoculars from a café’s first floor window across the square.

  “They can see and hear us now, Cairo will be difficult,” he thought, “so we might just test them here.”

  He rose to his feet and patted her arm saying, “I’m just going to the shop to buy a couple of things love, I won’t be long.”

  He walked off before she had time to reply knowing that he only had a few minutes to action his plan. He walked along the row of tables outside the bar and stopped at the last table where two men sat drinking bottles of Lowenbrau.

  “Good morning gentlemen, do you speak English?”

  A German accent responded from one man, “Yes I do, how may I help?”

  He dipped his head and asked, “I just wondered if you would take a picture of me and my girlfriend when I return from the shop.”

  “Of course,” smiled the same German, “I will be pleased to.”

He smiled and strolled on to the shop looking across the square as he walked and as he entered the shop another man entered from a door at the rear. He walked straight through the shop to this door, walked out and found himself in a narrow alley approximately twenty yards long. He sprinted to the end, turned left and found himself on a street which led back to the square. He sprinted back to the shop and bought a pack of writing paper and envelopes plus one postcard with a picture of the Mosta Dome. He borrowed a pen from the shopkeeper and wrote in German on the postcard: “Thanks for taking our photograph; I owe you both a favour. Here is a tip a Russian man on the ship gave me for a horse running tomorrow.” He then wrote “Timanskiy Syktyvkzar. Many thanks, Alan Johnson.” He then took an envelope from the pack and placed the postcard in it.

  As he completed his postcard and inserted it into his inside pocket another man entered the shop who he recognised as ship’s security.

  “Fast,” he thought, “he was pretty fast.”

  He walked out, turned onto the street and walked back towards the two Germans seated at the table. They smiled at him as he approached and pulled out a chair which he sat on, then passed his camera to one of the Germans and asked him to take the photograph. He then walked back to Jacky and asked her to pose with him and the German obliged with a snapshot of the two outside the bar in Mosta square. He then walked back to the German, took back his camera, patted the man on the back and walked with him to his seated colleague. He sat down with them, pulled the envelope from his inside pocket and passed it to the first man as he said, “I am trying to learn German at night school, I wonder if this makes sense?”

  The man pulled out the postcard, read it and passed it to his friend who studied it. Both looked at each other and laughed then turned to explain, but to their surprise he looked around, rose to his feet and ran into the shop. He ran straight through it, exited again into the narrow passage, sprinted the 20 yards to the corner and then waited. Within 30 seconds a ship’s security man opened the door, looked around and began to run down the passage. Alan turned, ran another 15 yards to the main street and then walked slowly to the square. He entered it just 50 yards from where Jacky and the two Germans had been seated and was just in time to see both men being escorted into two parked police cars, their loud protests being ignored by the police but not by the passers-by and the café’s clientele

  As he walked past the cars he noticed that in each car there was ship’s security, one of whom had the envelope and postcard in his hand. He raised his eyebrows, walked on, rejoined Jacky and innocently enquired, “What’s going on love?”

  “I don’t know but it’s so exciting, all of a sudden two police cars swerved onto the pavement just there, then the police jumped out and arrested the two guys who had just taken our photograph. People seemed to come from all directions and the two guys started shouting and protesting but both were bundled into a separate car. It’s like something from a movie.” She looked around surprised by what she had seen and said, “Perhaps it is a movie scene.”

  He shook his head, took a slug of beer and responded, “I don’t think so love.”

  He then smiled to himself and thought, “Very professional, that action was executed in less than five minutes. That was very, very professional; Cairo really will be difficult for me.”

  August 11th, Costa Atlantica, Valletta, Malta.

  Sergeant Impey looked at his six colleagues and cursed, “He’s taking the bloody piss because he knew exactly what he was doing out there. I think we should take him out of the equation now, while we have the chance.”

  Major Rock looked at Captain Robert Smart and enquired, “And what is your assessment of events in Mosta?”

  “Johnson is good, he’s bloody good and I think a little of what Sergeant Impey says is true. However, if we take him out now we will never know who he intended to meet.” he paused to take a sip of water then continued, “The truth is that Mosta proved one thing to me and I believe also to Johnson, which is that we had a fast professional response to a possible contact. That’s what we’re trained for and that’s what we’re here for, so I believe we can do it again in Cairo or Alexandria if it’s needed, and I think Johnson knows that.”

  Doctor Patel interrupted, “We won’t have the Egyptian authorities to back us up there.”

  Rock smiled at his audience and responded “Perhaps we will Doctor,” he paused and took a note from his shirt pocket then read the detail, “A Major Rachid of Egyptian Intelligence is prepared to board the ship on arrival at Alexandria and listen to our needs.” He put the paper down and continued, “It seems that London have some contacts in the right places with Egypt. So we may have some help after all.” He nodded to the group then continued, “We have believed since we left London that Alexandria or Cairo will be the contact zones, therefore I want you all to be at the briefing with Major Rachid and then on the ground in Alexandria and Cairo. You know the ultimate goal, which is to contain Johnson and any colleagues he meets. If we have Rachid’s agreement we can then transport them out of Egypt on the Atlantica and eventually back to the UK.”

  Sarah Bell interrupted, “Will we be armed sir?”

  “I am armed and our two SAS members are armed. I think that’s enough Sarah.” Rock looked at his team and asserted, “Johnson has never carried a weapon of any sort, nor does he own one and Jacky is, we believe, innocent of all that Johnson is up to, so I do not think we need more weaponry. Also, the Egyptians are armed and if Major Rachid is able to give assistance, I think that will be enough armed response.”

  “Yes sir, thank you sir,” replied Sarah.

  “I feel quite confident about Alexandria, I think we had a good response in Malta and I think we can nail Johnson this time,” he paused took a sip of water then asked, “What do you think?”

  They all asserted their agreement and acceptance of the plan.

  Alan and Jacky had dined early, they had downed a bottle of Prosecco with their smoked salmon and king prawn salad, a bottle of Chilean 1810 Cabernet Sauvignon with the rack of lamb and beef Wellington; a large Dows crusted port with cheese and followed this with large brandies, petit fours and coffee.

  She took a firm grip on his arm as they headed towards deck 5 and the shopping arcade. She squeezed his arm as she stumbled and then smiled up at him, “I think you’re trying to get me tipsy, aren’t you?”

  “Now what good reason would I have for doing that?”

  “So you can get your evil way with me.”

  “Evil way,” he paused and shook his head, “I’ve read the Kama Sutra, paying particular attention to all the different ways it can be done, but I can’t remember the evil one.”

  “Oh shut up and buy yourself another book to read, because you won’t be doing anything else tonight, evil or not,” she growled, but playfully squeezed his arm then let go saying, “I’m just going to have a look at those Sarongs, want to come?”

  “No love, I’ll go and look at the booze, see you in ten.”

  They parted company and he went straight to the jewellery shop. He picked out a chain of gold and asked if they could make a clasp for it. They declined but offered other choices of necklaces and bracelets and within five minutes a deal had been done and a gold bracelet was being packed with bubble wrap in a small jewellery box.

  He retraced his steps and found Jacky admiring herself with a multi coloured sarong.

  “Can I have it,” she smiled, “can I have it, I’ve always wanted one of these.”

  He laughed at her childish ways, “You’re just like a big kid.”

  “And you’re my sugar daddy, and if daddy wants some sugar he’d better give his little girl her sarong.”

  “Yes, yes,” he smiled as he passed his identity key card to the person at the till.

  She linked arms as they walked towards the wine bar, snuggled her face into his shoulder and teased, “I’ll wear it tonight
for you darling with just a little Chanel behind my ears.”

  One more bottle of Prosecco and half a bottle of house red was enough for the evening and he held her tightly as they walked slowly and a little bit wobbly back to their cabin.

  She emerged from the bathroom after what seemed like an age but the effect was worth it, she looked refreshed and radiant in the sarong. She walked to the bed and kissed Alan full on the lips. His hands began to explore her body through the material and he could feel her naked breasts underneath the cloth. She pulled away from the kiss and whispered to him, “please lick my pussy, I just want to lie on the bed and feel your tongue inside me.

  He pushed himself up on both arms and moved down the bed towards her legs and teased, “You’re a naughty little girl Jacky.”

  But already he had pushed her sarong well above her waist exposing her naked thighs. He moved his hands over and around her stomach, thighs and buttocks and watched as she moved her body in response.

  “Please love, don’t tease me.”

  He smiled to himself, thinking of the others who would be listening to this love drama and bent his head towards her vagina. It didn’t seem to take very long before her moans indicated her orgasm and as he rose from her thighs he whispered, “Ok darling?”

  “Bloody marvellous, you really, really are good at that,” she sighed then laid her head back on the pillow and fell asleep.

  He looked at her long slim shapely legs, took hold of himself and squeezed but smiled and thought, “Not tonight, don’t give the bastards with the headphones another cheap thrill.” He lay next to her and moved about on the bed, rustling the covers but not covering himself, then whispered goodnight.

  She lay on her back sound asleep and the combination of her heavy meal and copious amount of alcohol made her snoring even louder. He would usually gently push her onto her side but tonight he let her be and he slowly and noiselessly rose from the bed and moved to the bathroom to collect the two rings hidden from her in his shaving bag. He knew that Rock’s team had searched the cabin, even the safe and therefore he believed they knew the whereabouts of the rings. But for now he believed Jacky was oblivious of his intentions.


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