The Secret Virgin

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The Secret Virgin Page 2

by Kate Gilead

  Chapter Two


  All I wanted to do was take Tiny for a romp at the dog park. Next thing I know, I’m standing here having what might be one of the most memorable moments I’ve had in months.

  I no sooner get here when this skinny kid gets out of a bright red pick-up truck and lets a big, shaggy mutt out of the back seat. The mutt charges straight at us, all pent-up energy and no manners. He runs into Tiny who, naturally, gives him a good-natured talking-to in the form of a snarl. Rottweilers sound pretty scary when they growl, but I recognize that Tiny is just giving a word to the wise. And so does the mutt.

  I don’t need to do anything so I just stand by and stay relaxed. Tiny’s word is plenty, and the mutt backs right off.

  That is, until the kid comes running up to the mutt, grabs his collar and starts yanking on it for all he’s worth. The poor mutt gets confused and starts barking and straining.

  There’s no harm done and I don’t really care. I’m just here for Tiny’s after-dinner walk. But I have a word with the dude anyway.

  Just as I’m about to leave, the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen walks up and says hi.

  I take one look at her and I can’t look away. She’s a fair-skinned strawberry blonde with bright, fiery brown eyes, a combination that you don’t often see. There’s a dusting of freckles across her upturned nose and a kind of a determined set to her mouth.

  Her lips are yummy, red and full. Instantly my mind pictures those lips around my…but I stop myself. I see that she’s young, too young for me probably.

  The kid greets her like a spoiled brat, calling her ‘babe.’ Okay, so she’s his girlfriend. I notice that she doesn’t look happy to see him but it’s not my problem so I turn to make my exit.

  But then the guy gets lippy with me again. So I make a final remark, and now, I’m outta here…for sure this time.

  But the dude and the hottie get into it right in front of me and I’m spellbound. I’m watching this girl’s mouth move as she talks and, incredibly, my dick is stirring in my pants. C’mon Robert, this isn’t for you, I say to myself. But it’s like I’m rooted to the spot. She’s wearing a short jacket over jeans that show off the high, round curve of her ass. And I see that she’s not wearing a lot of make-up, not covering up those cute freckles.

  She’s a natural beauty; a very attractive young woman.

  But there’s something else about her, something else that I can’t quite put my finger on.

  Trying not to be too obvious about it, I watch her face. I see something in the sober way she’s looking at the dude as they have their little back-and-forth. I was young and full of myself once, and I almost feel for the guy.

  But he’s arrogant and disrespectful and I get a funny feeling that I know what’s about to happen. And then, sure enough… it happens! She dumps this dude right in front of me!

  You go, girl, I think to myself. Then I get hold of myself and walk away…but slowly, and not too far. Their tiff is none of my business and I’m sure she’ll be fine. But something makes me take my time nonetheless.

  I get my phone out and pretend to look at messages, but I can’t help listening in.

  The guy makes fun of the name she gave her dog. Princess Poopyhead or something. Yeah, stupid name but like she said, so what? The dog doesn’t care. I sneak a peek at her and notice how she maintains her dignity in the face of his disrespect.

  Who is this girl? She’s obviously someone who didn’t make a great choice in dating this particular guy…yet the way she holds herself and deals with him says she doesn’t always make bad life decisions.

  She seems contradictory…and interesting.

  Of course, I notice this remark that she ‘doesn’t put out’ and I wonder about that. It’s probably true or else the dude would’ve insulted her some other way. And I wonder what their story is––what her story is, anyway.

  I’m intrigued by this girl, enough that I want to hang around.

  We both watch the young guy get into his truck and drive away.

  I turn to her and offer a smile, noting that she’s red in the face, but staying calm. And I see that her self-possession is making the big mutt whose collar she’s holding calm as well. Probably helps that the bratty kid is gone now too.

  Not only is she adorable to look at, my respect level for the way she’s handling herself is steadily climbing.

  I take a few steps towards her. “Well, that escalated quickly,” I say jokingly. “I didn’t mean to, um, intrude on a private moment there. But it all happened pretty fast.” She shrugs. “You all right, Miss?”

  “I’m…fine, I think,” she says, looking at me soberly. She gazes at me for a second or two longer, then cuts her eyes comically upwards to the left, and then to the right, as if she’s making a mental inventory.

  “Yep,” she affirms, “I’m fine.” Her mouth curves into a not-quite smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. She’s trying to make light of the situation.

  But I can see she’s upset. “And I’m sorry about that scene. He…Colton…I think he’s hungover, and…well, I didn’t date him for very long. I…” She stops. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry. Why am I telling you this? I’m sure you don’t care.”

  She’s wrong. I don’t know why, but I do care, just, not about this guy she just dumped.

  “Nah, it’s cool,” I say reassuringly, taking another step towards her.

  She tries to smile, another attempt to cover her distress. Her mouth quivers just a tiny bit, not quite managing an all-the-way-smile. But I get a glimpse of what a knock-out her real smile must be. It makes me feel the same way I feel when the sun peeks out from behind the clouds after a long, rainy spell.

  I want to see more of it.

  “It’s no big deal,” I say. “These things happen.” She’s obviously uncomfortable, shifting her weight back and forth, looking around, her body language saying that she wants to leave.

  “I wouldn’t have done that in front of you, or anyone,” she says, “but…he…he embarrasses me in front of people sometimes. I didn’t realize he was quite that bad, though. I… ” She stops again, clearly uncomfortable. “I should get going.”

  “Miss, you don’t have to justify yourself. Seems like he had it coming.” I don’t want her to leave. I want to make her comfortable enough so she’ll want to stick around.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I think you handled that really well,” I say. She looks at me hesitantly. Those eyes! Sheee-it. “I hope you don’t mind my saying so, but for someone who walked into a bad situation, I thought you were awesome.”

  She’s gazing at me as if she’s trying to see if I’m telling the truth. “Really? Thank you,” she says, uncertainly.

  She needs time to recover from what just happened, so I change the subject.

  “Did that dude…your ex, now, I guess…did he really just give you his dog?”

  She looks down at the mutt as if she’d forgotten him. “Oh, geez. Diesel. Well, I suppose so. I doubt I can keep him, but,” she adds, “he’s really a good boy. I should go buy him a leash, and take him for a walk. He probably hasn’t been out yet today.”

  She lets go of his collar to rub his head. He leans his head against her leg trustingly and stays right by her side. Lucky dog, I think.

  “You can’t keep this dog?”

  “Probably not.” She hesitates, then says, “I live at home with my parents. It’s not fair to spring a dog on them. Especially, a big dog.”

  “Ah,” I say. Still living at home…maybe she is too young for me. I should leave well enough alone, but I can at least help her out with one thing. “I have a spare leash in my Jeep,” I offer. “You’re welcome to it, if you like.”

  “Really? You keep spare leashes in your Jeep?”

  “Well, I don’t keep them there so much as, they just kind of end up there.”

  “Um….well, okay, that’d be a big help. Thanks!” For just a moment, she beams at me, managing a full and genuine smil
e, and that’s it…I’m finished. I’m done, stick a fork in me.

  Her smile makes her features go from foxy to beautiful and those eyes of hers sparkle and dance, as if we’re sharing a dirty secret.

  My heart goes molten in my chest while my dick twitches dangerously, like it’s gonna tent my jeans right here in front of her.

  If this girl isn’t over eighteen, then the thoughts I’m having could land me in jail. .

  Down boy, I think, bemused.

  “You’re welcome,” I say. “It’s Robert, by the way. Rob. Call me Rob.”

  “Thank you, Robert-by-the-way,” she says, her voice deadpan but her eyes gleaming mischief. “I’m Brenda. Pleased to meet you.” She holds out her hand and I take it. As soon as I touch her, a warm current seems to pass between us. What the…?

  Our eyes meet over our handshake, but I can’t tell if she felt it too. Either way, I can’t seem to stop smiling.

  “Pleased to meet you, too. And I presume that the little one in the carrier is Princess Poopyhead?”

  “Princess Pumpkinhead Poopypants the Third,” she says, and the look in her eye turns pure vixen, inviting me to share in the joke of such a silly name, yet daring me to make fun of her, all at the same time.

  I want to grab her, put her in my pocket, take her home and fuck her brains out.

  “The third? There were two before her?”

  “Nope. I just liked the way it sounds,” she says. She opens the carrier, saying, “Here she is,” and lifts the dog out to show me. Tiny and Diesel both raise their snouts to sniff in the pup’s direction, but they stay polite and don’t crowd her.

  “Well, that is a mouthful for such a tiny dog,” I tease. She shrugs, but the corners of her mouth turn up.

  “We just call her Princess,” she says.

  “Hi, Princess,” I say, stepping over and giving the pup’s head a scratch. “Nice to meet you.” The little dog’s ears go back and she squirms with joy in Brenda’s arms. “Awww, man…these dogs are so damn cute, aren’t they? She almost looks perfect, like a stuffed animal, come to life.”

  “I know, right?” Brenda smiles, and puts her back into her carrier, saying, “I’ll let her out when we’re in the park.”

  “Hey,” I say, “check out how calm Diesel is, now that Colton is gone.” I get my keys out of my pocket and give Tiny a subtle signal to approach Diesel.

  Now that Diesel is settled, Tiny touches noses with him, they do the butt-sniffing ritual and all is cool between them. Brenda and I watch, then I turn towards my Jeep, saying, “C’mon, let’s grab that leash.”

  “That’s a very nice dog you have there,” she says, following. “Did you say his name’s Tiny?”

  “Thank you. Yes, it’s Tiny.”

  “Hah! That’s a good name for him. It suits him somehow.”

  “Yeah, it does, doesn’t it? That’s what they called him at the shelter where I got him, so I kept it.” I say. “How old is Diesel? He still has a puppy-ish look to him.

  “According to the shelter staff, he’s not quite a year old yet.”

  “Yeah, you can tell. Did they know his breed? To me, he looks like a cross between a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler.”

  “That’s what they said at the shelter, too,” she says, and I like how her voice warms up, like she’s pleased with my guess.

  “Right. That mix always seems to have a certain look to it and Diesel has it, although he looks a bit shaggier than most.” I open the rear doors on my Jeep and pull a leash out from between the two large dog crates I have strapped into the back. I snap it to Diesel’s collar and hand the end to Brenda.

  I’m thinking fast, trying to find an excuse to hang out with this gorgeous girl as long as I can.

  “So, um, would you normally walk the little one with Diesel?”

  “Yes, he’s quite respectful of her. She’s small but fierce,” Brenda says. “She holds her own in the dog park but she can be too pushy with other dogs. Especially big dogs! I have no idea why. I want her to become socialized, learn to respect them so she never gets hurt.”

  “Small but fierce, huh?” I say. “Does she take after her owner?” I look down into her upturned face and watch as color rises in her cheeks. I have a strong urge to lean down and kiss her. Jesus! What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Hmm. I don’t know about that, Robert,” she says, those copper-colored eyes holding mine, “but if you haven’t walked Tiny yet, maybe the two of you would like to join us.”

  She wants us to join them! My heart wants to get carried away, wants to chase this crazy, lust-at-first-sight thing that seems to be going on right now. But I rein it in. She’s just showing gratitude to a kind stranger.

  I tell myself to keep playing it cool, be nice, be charming, but don’t look too far ahead.

  I look down at Tiny. “Whaddaya say, Tiny-boy? Should we walk with the nice lady and her dogs in the park?” I raise my voice at the end to get him a little excited. He stands, perks his ears and looks at me intently, tilting his head. I give him an almost imperceptible signal and he lets out one deep bark.

  That’s my boy, I think.

  “Tiny says we should go for it,” I say, grinning what I hope is my most charming grin.

  She smiles back, those incredible eyes shining. It’s another wide, for-real smile and man oh man, the way it changes her already-lovely face is about to turn me into mush.

  She lets out a laugh, shakes her head and says, “You’re not fooling me one bit, Mr. Robert by-the-way. I see what you did there.”

  Chapter Three


  “You do? And what’s that?” Rob says.

  “You gave Tiny a signal–that motion with your head when he greeted Diesel just now. And then again, when he barked.”

  He chuckles, warm and infectious. I can’t help but smile back. He’s being awfully kind and decent to me; someone whose dirty laundry just got aired right in front of him.

  I look into his eyes. The irises are an icy-blue color, surrounded by a band of darker blue. Must be what they call ‘piercing blue’––they make me feel all shivery, like they can see straight into my soul.

  “I thought I was being stealthy about it. But, yeah, you caught me. He does respond to signals.”

  “That’s pretty cool. Are you a professional dog trainer?”

  “Nah. I’ve had my share of dogs and learned a few tricks over time, that’s all.”

  “Oh. Still, that’s awesome. I wonder if I could train Princess with signals, too.”

  “Of course you could,” he says, closing the door on his Jeep. “How old is she?”

  We head towards the winding pathways of the park, crunching over the frozen ground. Robert’s walking close enough to me that I catch how he smells, which is, of soap and faintly, woodsmoke. Mmmm!

  “She’s only six months old. I think it’s a bit too early for training like that, don’t you? Although, she is super-smart, so, maybe not.”

  “She could be a little young, yeah. I think it’s harder for them to focus and pay attention when they’re very young. Just like humans, I guess.”

  “Right. Hey, let me ask you something. About the way Princess is pushy with other dogs sometimes…do you think she’ll grow out of that?”

  He hesitates, then shakes his head. “I doubt it.”

  I sigh. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. It’s funny because Princess is fine with people. And, she’s not yappy. I don’t let her bark incessantly. But I don’t know how to deal with this weird problem she has with bigger dogs. I’m afraid that one day, she’ll get hurt.”

  “Yes, well, that’s a concern. If a big enough dog grabs her…I hate to say it, but one shake and that would be it for her,” he says.

  “I know,” I say. Just thinking about it makes me sick.

  “But, it seems that you have the right idea. Socializing her with big dogs will help. You know,” he says, looking down at me warmly, “I just happen to have a big dog right here. Tiny is very gentle
and patient with other dogs.”

  “Yeah? Aren’t Rotties kind of dangerous? Like Pitbulls?”

  “Pitbulls and Rotties get a bad rep because of bad owners. They do make good guard dogs but it’s because they’re big and look so scary. That’s half the battle right there.” He looks down at Tiny and pats the dog’s big head. “Right, buddy?” He smiles, and I spot a dimple in one cheek.

  Oh geez! He’s impossibly handsome. Way out of my league, but very appealing.

  “But,” he goes on, “if they’re properly trained and brought up right, they make some of the best pets you could want. Great with kids, other dogs, cats, other animals, you name it.” I watch his face as he talks, enjoying how earnestly he defends the Rottie breed. “Tiny can help socialize Princess just by being around her, just like he did with Diesel, earlier.”

  “By growling or, um, correcting her?”

  “Not necessarily. Growling was just his way of protesting Diesel’s rudeness. Tiny has more than one trick up his sleeve.”

  In the park proper now, we stop to let the dogs off-leash. “Go run, Deez!” I say to Diesel, making my voice high and excited, “go on, boy, go! Go have fun!” Ears perked, he looks up at me and smiles like dogs do, does a quick play-bow and then takes off, running towards a nearby grove of trees.

  Rob removes Tiny’s leash and then drapes it around his own neck. Tiny looks up at Rob intently but stays put until Rob lifts his chin. Then, Tiny lopes away after Diesel.

  He puts his hands in his pockets and smiles at me, eyes crinkling. A warm sensation goes all the way through me, like a jolt of soft, fuzzy electricity that settles in the centre of my body. Like how his handshake felt, only more so.

  I look at his lips, how they curl up when he smiles. I try to picture how his mouth would feel on mine…how his arms would feel around my waist if he wrapped them around me and kissed me.

  Mmmm-mmm, I bet it’d be yummy.

  But, I feel kind of confused. Shouldn’t I be more upset about just breaking up with Colton? Is it okay to be attracted to another guy right away like this?


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