by Simon Schama
Carretta, Vincent
Carter, Landon
Carter, Robert
Cartwright, Captain
Catawba Indians
Certificates of service
Cevils, Hannah
Cevils, Zilpah
Chapel, Mr (George’s owner), and his son
Charles II, King of England
battle of (1780)
evaluation of claims to freedom in
Jeremiah case in
loyalists in, after end of war
Charleston Council
Chatham, William Pitt, 1st Earl of
Cheese, Anna and William
Civil War, American
Clara, Princess (daughter of Temne chief)
Clarkson, Catherine
Clarkson, John
appointed superintendent of Sierra Leone
authority over white councillors
soldiers and sailors asserted by
black settlers’ grievances and
changes in company’s instructions for
conversion experience of
Dawes’s replacement of
death of
departure of, from Sierra Leone
disagreements between Sierra Leone
Company and
dismissed from governorship
emotional appeals made to settlers by
in England after return from Africa
governance of Sierra Leone and
illness of
King’s visit in England with
Macaulay’s and Dawes’s criticisms of
made governor of Sierra Leone
naval career of
as peace activist
Peters’s challenges to
Peters’s death and
preparations of, for voyage to Africa
recruitment mission of
rules of conduct established by
Temne and Bullom chiefs’ relations with
in voyage to Africa
white councillors and employees disdained by
Clarkson, Susannah (née Lee)
Clarkson, Thomas
abolitionist campaign and
epiphany of
French abolitionists and
honorary French citizenship awarded to
at Paris peace conference (1815)
Sierra Leone settlement and
Wilberforce’s falling out with
Clarkson’s Plantation, Sierra Leone
Clinton, George
Clinton, Sir Henry
Black Pioneers and
complicated record of, toward black charges
Philipsburgh Proclamation of
proclamation of. See Phillipsburg Proclamation
Cocks, James
Coffin, Jonathan
Coleman, Richard
Coleridge, Samuel
Collett, Violet
Collingwood, Luke
Commentaries (Blackstone)
Committee for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade
Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
Committee for the Relief of the Black Poor
Sierra Leone plan and
Common Law, English
Concord, skirmish at
Condorcet, Marquis de
Congress of the Confederation
Connecticut, black loyalist soldiers and partisans in
Connor, Susannah
Constitution, British
Constitution, U.S.
Continental army
blacks’ service in
Continental Congress
“Conversation” (Franklin)
Conway, General
Coram, John
Corankapone, Richard
Cornwallis, Lord Charles
Cornwallis, Frederick, Archbishop of Canterbury
Country Harbour, Nova Scotia
Cowper, William
Cox, James
Creek Indians
Croft, Peter
Cromwell, Oliver
Cruden, John
Cuffe, Colonel (loyalist partisan)
Cuffe, Paul
Cugoano, Ottobah (later John Stewart)
Cunard, Abraham
Cunard, Samuel
Cuthbert, John
Dalrymple, Henry Hew
Dance, George
Dartmouth, William Legge, 2nd Earl of
Davenport (lawyer)
Davis, Jameson
Davy, William “Bull”
Dawes, William
Clarkson’s policies set aside by
made governor of Sierra Leone
Day, Thomas
Dean, John
Declaration of Independence
Declaration of the People’s Natural Right to Share in Legislature(Sharp)
De Lancey, James
De Mane, Harry
Destouches, Admiral
De Wint, Amos, house
Diary or Woodfall’s Register
Digby, Nova Scotia
Digby, Robert
Dix, Cuffe
Dixon, Charles
Dixon, Miles
Dolben Bill
Dolly, Quamino Dolphin
Domingo, Signor
Douglass, Frederick
Drayton, William Henry
DuBois, Anna Maria. See Falconbridge Anna Maria
Dubois, Isaac
Duke of Buccleuch
Duncombe, Richard
Dundas, Henry
Dunk, William
Dunmore, John Murray, 4th Earl of
black army of (Ethiopian Regiment)
defeated at Great Bridge
epidemic striking troops of
flight of escaped slaves to serve with
flotilla of
Kemp’s Landing attacked by]
munitions seized by
Norfolk’s destruction and
plantocracy’s attacks on
proclamation of
resistance of, after Yorktown capitulation
Scottish background of
Dunning, John
Duryea, Jacob
“Dying Negro, The” (Day and Bicknell)
Dyott, Captain
Edmonds, Mr (marshal)
Edward VI, King of England
Edwards, Steven
Egan, Pierce
Eilbeck, Mr (slaveholder)
Elbert, Samuel
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
Elliot, Andrew
Emancipation Bill
Emmons, Lucretia
Equiano, Olaudah (aka Gustevus Vassa)
Annis case and
life story of
Sierra Leone plan and
Zong drownings and
Essay (Phillips)
Essay (Ramsay)
Essex Journal and Merrimac Packet
Estaing, Admiral Comte d’
Ethiopian Balls
Ethiopian Regiment
see also Dunmore, John Murray, 4th Earl of
Ewald, Johann
Eyre, Sir James
Falconbridge, Alexander
death of
as Freetown’s commercial agent
Sierra Leone settlement re–established by
Falconbridge, Anna Maria (later Mrs. Isaac DuBois)
husband’s death and
petition of grievances and
Sierra Leone left by
Falconbridge, William
Fanning, Colonel David
1st Rhode Island Regiment
Ford, Keziah
Fordyce, Charles
Fort Johnston
Fort Murray
Fort Sullivan
Fortune, William
Fowey, HMS
Fox, Charles James
abolition in
as American ally
sp; British rivalry with
Revolution in
Sierra Leone attacked by
slavery reintroduced in
slave trade of
Franklin, Benjamin
abolition and
responses of, to charges of American hypocrisy
treaty negotiations and
Fraser, Mary
Fraser, Patrick
Fraunces, Samuel
Freedom, British
Freeman, Sambo
Freetown, Sierra Leone, see also Sierra Leone–second settlement in
Freetown Fair
French Revolution
Frey, Sylvia
Furman, Shadrack
Gage, Thomas
Gallatin, Albert
Galphin, George
Garrick, David
Garrison, William Lloyd
Gates, Horatio
Gemmel, Robert
George, David
British forces joined by
Clarkson accompanied back to England by
Macaulay’s attempts at social control and
in Nova Scotia
planning for Sierra Leone settlement
and as preacher
in Sierra Leone
slave life of
smallpox suffered by
George, King (Bullom chief)
George, Phyllis
George, Prince of Wales (later George IV
King of England)
George II, King of England
George III, King of England
Africans’ allegiance to
crimes of, in Declaration of Independence
free blacks’ regard for
Parliament addressed on colonies’ rebellion by
Patriots’ loyalty to
black loyalist soldiers and partisans in
black soldiers proposed for Patriot side in
embrace of Patriot cause in
slave bounties as recruitment incentive in
slaves’ flight from plantations in
see also Savannah
Germain, Lord George
Gesau, Mr (engineer)
Gilbert, Messrs, and Others
Gilbert, Nathaniel
Gilbert, Reverend
Gloucester, Duke of
Glynn, John
Gordon, Lord George
Granville Town, Sierra Leone
see also Sierra Leone–first settlement in Grasse, Admiral de
Gray, Sir Charles
Gray, Jesse
Gray, Mr (slave trader)
Gray, Samuel
Great Bridge, battles at
Green, Jacob
Green, Peter
Greene, Christopher
Greene, Nathanael
Grenville, William Wyndham, Lord
Grey, Captain
Griffin, John
Griffith, Abraham Elliott
Griffith, Rebecca
Guysborough County, Nova Scotia
Gwynn’s Island
Hackney, Dr
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Clarkson’s recruitment mission in
departure of fleet from
gathering for journey to Africa in
Halsted, Phyllis
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, John
Hamilton, Thomas
Hammond, Charlotte
Hammond, Mr (diplomat)
Hamond, Andrew Snape
Handley, Scipio
Hanway, Jonas
Hardcastle, Joseph
Hargrave, Francis
Harris, John
Harris, Joseph
Harrison, Benjamin
Hartshorne, Lawrence
Hawkins, John
Hawksmoor, Nicholas
Hedley, Henry
Henley, Lord Robert
Henry, Patrick
Henry, Ralph
Herring, Simsa
Heywood, Mr (lawyer)
Heywood, Sampson
Hill, Richard
Historical Collections (Rushworth)
History (Clarkson)
History of Mary Prince, The
Hoare, Samuel
Holbrook, Felix
Holmes, William and Deborah
Holt, Lord Chief Justice
Hopkins, Rev Samuel
Horne, Rev Melville
Howe, Robert
Howe, William
Huddy, Joshua
Hughes, Mr and Mrs
Hume, David
Humes, Tobias
Humphreys, Major
Hutchinson, Thomas
Hutchinson Family Quartet
of blacks in Nova Scotia
British incitement of
see also specific peoples
Inglis, Bishop
Innes, Alexander
Instruments of Liberty
Intolerable Acts
Irving, Charles
Irwin, Joseph
Izard, Ralph
Jack, King (Natchez leader)
Jackson, Bob
Jackson, Hannah
Jackson, James
Jackson, Judith
Jackson, Lydia
Maroons in
slave insurrections in
James I, King of England
Jay, John
Jefferson, Thomas
abolition and
Declaration of Independence and
slaves lost by
Jemmy George (Temne chief)
Jeremiah, Thomas
Jimmy, King (Temne chief)
John Frederic (“Black Prince”)
Johnson, Gabriel
Johnson, Samuel
Joie, Chester
Jordan, Luke
Jordan, Mingo
Judkins, Charles
Kemp’s Landing, skirmishes at
Kensal, James
Keppel, Augustus
Kerr, James
King, Boston
Clarkson visited in England by
in Nova Scotia
Sierra Leone settlement and
King, Robert
King, Violet
Kingston, March
Kirkpatrick (Annis’s master)
Kite, Sir Robert
Kizell, John
Knowles, Captain
Kulikoff, Allan
Ladd, Nathaniel
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lagree, Liberty (formerly James)
Lagree, Venus
Laird, Captain
Laurens, Henry
Laurens, John
Lavendar family (Port l’Hébert)
Lawrence, Betsey
Lee, Arthur
Lee, Sir John
Lee, Richard Henry
Lee, Susannah. See Clarkson, Susannah
Lee, William
Leile, George
Lemmon, John
“Leo Africanus”
Leonard, Joseph
Leslie, Alexander
Leslie, Mingo
Leslie, Samuel
Lewis, Thomas
Lexington, skirmish at
Liaster, James
“Liberty,” rhetoric of
Lincoln, Benjamin
Lindsay, Dido Elizabeth Belle
Lindsay, John
Lippincott (Huddy’s killer)
Lisle, David
Little Joggin, Nova Scotia
Livingston, William
Lloyd, John