The Sheikh's Bride of Convenience (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 15)

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The Sheikh's Bride of Convenience (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 15) Page 5

by Cara Albany

  Grace sipped the cool water and then smiled up at the doctor. "Thank you."

  The doctor sat on the edge of the table. "Forgive me, but this seems to have come as a surprise to you. And not a particularly welcome one. Am I correct in assuming that?"

  Grace paused before replying. Was it really so much of a surprise? Given how she'd felt these last few days, it wasn't really. But there was so much more to this now.

  Qazim, for a start. How would he react?

  Not only Qazim, she told herself.

  How should she deal with this news?

  "I just really needed to know that I can travel tomorrow," Grace said abruptly, trying to retain control of herself.

  It sounded so mundane to speak about travel now that she'd been given this confirmation. She didn't want to address the issue of what she was going to do about this.

  Not now.

  Not right away. Her mind was a crazy jumble of chaotic thoughts.

  She needed time to think.

  "Can I travel?" Grace asked the doctor, realizing that wasn't the question she really wanted to ask.

  "Of course, you can," the doctor confirmed. "There's really nothing wrong with you. Just take sensible precautions with your food and make sure you drink plenty of water. It is still very early."

  Of course, Grace told herself. That was sensible advice. Just what she needed now. The reality of what she'd just been told hit her suddenly.

  A wave of emotion surged through Grace. Her throat tightened and her heart began beating furiously, even quicker than before.

  This couldn't be true. Surely there was some mistake. But, even as she had that thought, she knew there was only one reality that really mattered.

  She was carrying Qazim's child.

  The sheikh's baby was inside her.

  Their baby.

  That thought made her throat tighten with emotion even more and she took another sip of the cool water.

  The doctor continued to observe Grace carefully, seemingly intent on assessing Grace's initial reaction for any signs of distress.

  Grace tried to make sure her features were as impassive as possible, an unreadable blank, but she knew it was futile to pretend she wasn't shocked.

  The young female doctor obviously had no idea of who the father was, and she was clearly not going to discuss that with Grace.

  Grace and the doctor talked a while longer about the results of her test and Grace's immediate needs. Grace thanked the doctor and left the consulting room.

  Grace walked along the corridor, feeling unsteady on her legs. Her mind was a maelstrom of warring thoughts and surging emotion.

  Suddenly the plain white corridors of the Medical Center felt claustrophobic. Grace knew she had to get outside, had to get some clear air in her lungs. She made her way to the reception area. It was busy with people. She wanted away from this place, away from the crowd.

  She needed to think. Needed to figure out what she was going to do.

  And just what was that? How was she going to deal with this? This was the last thing she'd expected. The last thing she wanted, wasn't it?

  In a corner of her mind, there was a thought that there might be something wonderful about this. If she only gave herself permission to see the good side of this, there might be something amazing about the fact that she was carrying Qazim's child.

  What would he say? How would he react?

  She knew she'd have to tell him. Keeping something like this from him wouldn't be right. But, she was due to leave tomorrow. In forty-eight hours she'd be back in the States. And then what?

  Thoughts tumbled in her mind. She couldn't make sense of anything. The shock was still rippling through her.

  She made her way toward the reception area.

  And then she saw him. The last person she ever expected to see here, at this moment. Her heart almost stopped for a few seconds. She froze, her steps halting abruptly.



  She could hardly believe her eyes. What was he doing here? How did he even know she'd come here this morning?

  Qazim stood at the open doors to the Center. He was gazing right at her. He was dressed in plain white shirt and dark pants. He stood in the doorway, a dark silhouette. He seemed completely oblivious to the people passing him by as they made their way in and out of the Center. It was as if she was the only person he could see.

  The only person he wanted to see, right now.

  Then he came toward her. Her mind was racing, as she tried to figure out what to say to him. How was she going to explain her presence here in the Medical Center? He knew she was planning to leave for the States the next day.

  But why had he come here? Was it just some kind of strange coincidence? Was fate playing more games with her?

  Did he have some last thing to tell her? Or had he come to find something out? Because he had guessed the reason why she'd some here?

  That last thought made her feel instantly tense and put her nerves on edge.

  Qazim walked toward her. There was a steady, determined look on his face. But there was also more than a hint of concern in his eyes.

  He halted in front of Grace. His gaze was searching and very curious. "Is everything okay?" he asked. "Is there something wrong?" he added, his voice low so that no-one could overhear them.

  Instinctively, Grace lifted a self-conscious hand to her hair and started fussing with the loose locks. She knew he would recognize that gesture. He'd teased her often enough about it before. He understood it meant she was nervous about something. Trying to conceal something from him.

  "What are you doing here?" Grace asked sharply.

  "I called your office and they told me you'd come here."

  "And?" she retorted sharply.

  "I came over to check that you're okay," he explained, sounding genuinely concerned.

  Why did he still think he had the right to have any interest in her? Even as she asked herself that question she knew how ridiculous it sounded now. Of course he had every right to know that she was carrying his baby.

  That his seed had planted life in her.

  "I'm fine," she announced quickly.

  He lifted a brow and didn't look at all convinced. "Really," he said in a flat, slightly disbelieving voice.

  Grace furrowed her brows. "Yes, I am," she stated. "And in any case, I don't really see that it's any of your concern, Qazim."

  He shook his head. "Of course it's my concern," he replied. "We're still friends aren't we? As well as business associates."

  Was that how he saw things between them now? Just friends? Simply business partners?

  Sudden indignation swept through her. She pushed past him, brushing him aside with a firm hand. She took a few steps and thought she'd be able to leave him behind. But within a few moments he was beside her.

  She halted and glared at him. "What!" she snapped. She realized her voice had been unintentionally loud. She glanced around and saw some curious glances from onlookers.

  Qazim peered down at her. Why did he suddenly seem so large? His presence was dominating, emphatic. Immoveable.

  "This isn't the place to talk," he said. "Why don't we go to my limo."

  Grace shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere with you, Qazim."

  She saw his jaw tighten and his brows furrow. He paused, drawing in a deep breath. He nodded. "I understand how you feel, Grace," he said.

  "Do you?" Grace retorted. "Really, Qazim? Do you really understand what this is all about? I don't think you do."

  She saw a shadow of concern drift over his features. Why had she blurted those words out? All she had succeeded in doing was stirring up his curiosity. That was the last thing she needed, right now.

  Grace took another few steps, and made it out the front doors into the sunshine. She felt the welcome warmth of her skin. He came right alongside her and she could see his limo parked a short distance away, the driver standing alongside the already open door.

e halted and glared at Qazim. "You think I'm going in that with you?"

  Qazim simply nodded, saying nothing.

  "No, Qazim."

  He gazed steadily at her. "You still haven't told me why you were here."

  Grace glared at him. "I wasn't aware it was any of your business."

  He glanced away and she could see he was trying to maintain his calm. "Of course I'm concerned about you."

  Grace tilted her head at him. "Don't try and pretend something you don't really believe, Qazim."

  "I know you're planning on leaving tomorrow."

  "So, what about it?" she said crossing her arms and staring defiantly at him.

  "Maybe we should have a talk before you go," he said.

  Grace shook her head. "I don't think that's a good idea. You've done a pretty good job of ignoring me these last few weeks."

  "That was different. It was business." He moved closer, his gaze becoming suddenly more intense. "This is personal."

  As he said those words, she felt emotion surge, her heart quickening again. She met his dark, challenging gaze with a defiance of her own.

  Why did it have to be like this all the time with him? Why couldn't he have just stayed away? Then things could have been so much more simple.

  Grace glanced around at the people passing by. Maybe he was right. This was no place for them to talk like this.

  "Okay," she said. "You can take me back to my apartment. I've got things to do, if I'm going to be leaving tomorrow."

  His brows lifted and she saw a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth. Did he think he'd just won some kind of victory? It certainly looked like it.

  Qazim reached out a hand, as if to take her elbow, but she took a step back and shook her head. She didn't want him touching her.

  Not right now. Not like this.

  Thoughts were still tumbling crazily inside her mind. She still hadn't worked out how she was going to handle this. She still didn't know how she was going to break the news to Qazim.

  Grace walked alongside him to the limo. He waited while she stepped inside. She heard Qazim issue instruction to the driver and then he came inside the limo and sat beside her on the wide, soft leather seat. The driver closed the door. The sound of the door closing was soft and final.

  Grace and Qazim exchanged glances. She felt suddenly awkward. Being alone with him, and so close like this for the first time since that night at his apartment, triggered long forgotten sensations. She tried to ignore how just sitting here next to him made her feel.

  Then she felt the limo ease out into traffic and they started to make their way out onto one of the main routes that would take her home.

  But that wasn't true. Home was thousands of miles away. It could have well have been on the other side of the moon, right now, as far as she was concerned. She was still in Qazhar.

  Still by the sheikh's side.

  It was almost as if the last few weeks hadn't happened. Almost as if they were about to pick up where they had left off.

  She told herself that was a crazy thought. But was it, really? Surely everything had changed now. Her world had been turned upside down again.

  She glanced at Qazim. He had put a life inside her. This incredible sheikh had made love to her and now nothing would ever be the same.

  Qazim looked at her. "Are you sure you're ready to go back to the States?" he asked.

  She tried not to react to that question, one that he must have assumed was so innocent, given his ignorance of the truth.

  "I think so," she replied hesitantly. "Got one or two things to finalize."

  "I discussed with Bruce some of what we agreed at the last meeting. He seemed to think that what we're planning for the next meeting in Washington makes sense."

  Bruce was one of the executives who had come over with Grace to discuss the development plans with Qazim. "That's good," Grace said nodding absent-mindedly.

  She saw his brows narrow. "Are you sure everything's alright?" he asked.

  "Of course," she said defensively. "Why?"

  "It's just that you seem a little preoccupied."

  Grace waved a dismissive hand and shook her head. "I'm just thinking about the trip home."

  Qazim moved slightly toward her. "Nothing about what the doctor told you?"

  Grace stiffened. "No. Why would that be?" she snapped.

  "I guessed you wouldn't have come to the Medical Center unless there was a good reason," he said evenly.

  Grace peered at him, trying to read his features. He was digging for something, she told herself. He was no fool. He'd noticed how much she had been affected by the visit to the Center and he was determined to confirm his growing suspicions and doubts.

  She'd done her best to be off-hand and casual about the whole thing. But, Qazim was not easily fooled.

  She could have just taken a test by herself, of course, without coming to the Center. But, she'd wanted to make sure there wasn't anything else to worry about, on top of the suspicion that she might be pregnant.

  Grace faced away from Qazim, turning her body slightly toward the window. Then she felt his hand on her shoulder. The sensation of his touch sent a galvanic, electrifying trace down her body. She stiffened, drawing in a sharp breath. Then she got hold of herself and turned quickly to him.

  Qazim's gaze was intense, focused perfectly and very directly on her eyes. He seemed to be searching for something. The truth? How could she hide this any longer from him?

  "What is it, Qazim?" she asked softly.

  "You can tell me anything, Grace," he replied. "You know that, don't you."

  Grace peered at him. He seemed genuinely sincere, surprisingly concerned. Gone was his former brash arrogance. It had been replaced by a real interest in her, a visible need to find out the truth.

  She knew she couldn't leave tomorrow without telling him. He had every right to know. At least that was how Grace saw the situation. She was keenly aware that not everyone would have shared that view.

  But, trust had been such an important part of their time together and she still felt the remnants of that, sitting here next to him in the coolness of the limo.

  Grace glanced down at his hand on her shoulder. She didn't do anything to move the hand. It felt good. His touch was gentle.

  She looked back at him and she saw his eyes narrow slightly as if he was expecting her to say something.

  But, she couldn't find the words. They just wouldn't come. Not the ones she really wanted to say.

  "What is it, Grace?" Qazim probed again.

  Grace sighed and lowered her head. She felt his fingers on her chin. He lifted her face up and he gazed softly into her eyes. There was a hint of emotion in his eyes, the same emotion she'd allowed herself to drown in so many times before. But all of that seemed like an eternity ago, she told herself.

  Surely he wasn't about to try and kiss her, she told herself.

  Still she didn't say anything.

  He removed his hand from her chin and leaned back slightly. "I've been thinking about us," he said quietly.

  Grace looked at him, curious about what he was about to say. Did he know how much she had been thinking about him? How much she had puzzled over his apparent coolness toward her? How much she had been trying to understand what had happened between them?

  "Maybe we were too hasty," he added after a long pause.

  Grace squinted at Qazim. "Hasty?"

  He nodded. "Ending everything the way we did."

  Grace tilted her head. "I seem to remember it was me who did the quitting," she declared.

  Qazim nodded, shrugging slightly. "I suppose you did."

  "But you didn't seem to want to do much to change my mind during these last few weeks, did you," Grace accused.

  Qazim shook his head. The gesture surprised and annoyed Grace in equal measure. "You seemed to know what you wanted," he said casually. "As always."

  She ignored that last remark. "I think we both knew things were getting too complicated,"
Grace said.

  Then Qazim surprised Grace by twisting around and facing her directly, peering at her with absolute intensity. "And now?" he asked bluntly. "Haven't things changed?"

  Grace froze. She peered at Qazim. Words were stuck in her throat.

  "Aren't things even more complicated?" Qazim asked evenly. His voice contained a fresh certainty.

  Grace felt a twist of concern in her middle. Her breathing was suddenly tight. He knew, she told herself sharply. Or at least he'd guessed, and her reactions had merely confirmed those suspicions.

  Was he just testing her?

  Maybe the time for dancing around the truth was over.

  Grace paused a few long moments. Moments that seemed to stretch forever.

  Then she turned to Qazim and peered into his dark, expectant eyes. "I'm going to have your baby," she declared.

  Grace watched for a reaction, waited to see the effect of her words. At first, there was no reaction from Qazim. Was he shocked? Had she actually mistaken the reasons for his being here in the first place? Grace froze for a moment, wondering what he'd do next.

  Then Qazim smiled.

  He smiled straight at Grace.

  His eyes widened and he gasped. His mouth opened slightly and, for a moment he seemed genuinely lost for words.

  Then he leaned forward suddenly and wrapped his arms around Grace, hugging her close to him. Grace allowed herself to settle temporarily into his embrace. She inhaled his scent, familiar and inevitably arousing. She felt the strength of his body as he embraced her.

  Grace felt Qazim kiss the side of her face and then he was looking at her, gazing deep into her eyes in that way he'd done so many times before.

  An eternity ago.

  Grace felt her heart warm as he looked at her. There was sheer joy in his gaze, an unambiguous pleasure at the news she had just given him.

  "Is it true?" he breathed.

  Grace could only nod. Words had deserted her mind, yet again. All she could think of was how happy Qazim looked.

  Was this what she'd expected?

  Then Qazim kissed her. Grace knew she really should have pushed him away. They were history now, weren't they? But, she ignored that initial impulse to draw away from him. How could she have ever forgotten how it felt to be kissed by this man?


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