The Sheikh's Bride of Convenience (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 15)

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The Sheikh's Bride of Convenience (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 15) Page 15

by Cara Albany

  She shook her head and smiled. "I'm sure I'll find a way to eat that," she said looking at what had been laid out on her plate. She was hungry, she admitted to herself. And this was irresistible.

  After everything had been set out, the staff drifted into the background, reappearing only when Qazim called on them.

  Qazim and Grace ate for while. They chatted and mostly the conversation was about matters to do with what had been happening around the household recently. Ordinary, everyday matters. At one point, it struck Grace that they were talking like some long-married couple, going over the details of their daily life.

  All the talk steered well clear of mentioning the real reason she'd come to his suite.

  She already knew Qazim was a skilled conversationalist. He made her laugh, time and time again. It was almost as if they were seeing each other anew, she realized. This was what it had been like at the beginning of their relationship.

  Was this a new beginning? Was it really as simple as that? Could she even hope that they could turn over anew leaf and make a fresh start?

  After the main meal, there was a selection of sweet delicacies, unique to Qazhar. She recognized all of them and took her pick of ones she knew she liked.

  Then coffee was brought. Staff kept themselves at a discreet distance throughout the meal. Qazim had instructed them well, she told herself. However, she was sure they must be surprised to see Grace here, in Qazim's private rooms.

  She thought about what she'd seen when she'd arrived. His bedroom. Just thinking about that made her heart beat quicker. And then there was that other room. The one with the door firmly closed. She wondered what was in there. This suite of rooms was large, too large for just one person, she told herself.

  But it was just the right size for a couple. And even one extra, very small, addition.

  Was that what he had planned? That she would see how they could all be together here?

  Just like a real family.

  All she had to do was tell Qazim one simple thing.

  I will stay, Qazim. From now on, we will all live together, as a family.

  So, why was it that every time she thought about saying those words, she felt a tightness in her chest, a gnawing doubt?

  After the staff left them alone, Qazim and Grace remained on the terrace. Grace took her glass of mineral water, and Qazim emptied the bottle into his own glass. The bottle of champagne stood where it had been since the earlier part of the evening. Still unfinished.

  "That was lovely, Qazim," Grace said.

  "I'll send your compliments down to the chef," he joked.

  "Don't bother," she replied. "I'll tell him myself in the morning."

  There was an awkward pause. They both seemed to realize that the evening had reached an important point.

  Grace started to speak, but Qazim spoke at exactly the same moment, their words clashing.

  They both looked at one another and smiled.

  "You wanted to say something," he said.

  "I just wanted to say what a lovely evening this has been."

  Qazim nodded. "I'm pleased you enjoyed it," he said simply.

  Was that it? As far as he was concerned, there was nothing else to say? Nothing else for them to do?

  "I thought..." she started to say and then her voice trailed off. She couldn't find the right words to say what she knew she had to say to him.

  He had an expectant look on his face, as if he sensed what she was about to say. But he was holding himself in check, restraining any impatience he might be feeling. Surely he must want to know what she wanted to do. Hadn't that been why he'd invited her here in the first place?

  There was a very long pause. All Grace could hear was the sound of insects from the garden.

  Then Qazim moved toward her.

  His gaze darkened, and she knew he wasn't willing to wait any longer.

  The time for waiting was over.

  Suddenly there was a hunger on his face. A need that he couldn't hold back any longer.

  Grace felt every one of her nerves come to life as she watched Qazim come closer.

  And she knew just what was about to happen.


  Qazim swept her up in his arms. Grace let herself sink into his embrace, relief sweeping through like a tidal wave. His body felt hard, every muscle taut. But, somehow, his embrace was unbelievably tender, even careful.

  She gasped as his lips crashed down upon hers. Sensation overtook her. His kiss was demanding and hungry. She could feel the tension which had been building up inside him being suddenly let loose.

  Just like hers.

  She felt him pull her close, pressing her hard against his firm body. Grace grasped at his powerful shoulders, curling her fingers around the strong muscle.

  A vague, timid impulse flickered inside her. She shouldn't be doing this, she told herself. This wasn't what she'd come here for. This could only end in disaster.

  For her and for him.

  But, just as quickly as those thoughts flashed into her mind, another firmer, more trusted voice told her that this was exactly what she had needed for a very long time.

  Qazim's hand slid down the length of her back, resting at the base of her spine. Gentle pressure there pushed her against him. She almost felt the breath being sucked out of her.

  But, it felt wonderful.

  Qazim's tongue probed her mouth and she felt her nerves ignite. She gasped, and that only seemed to drive him on with even greater determination.

  Grace felt as if she was wrapped up in him, enclosed by him. She felt the heat of his body; tasted the sweetness of his kiss.

  His lips were firm and passionate, seeking pleasure, needing her.

  She knew she shouldn't have been surprised by the strength of his desire for her. Hadn't he waited too long? Hadn't it been her who had forced him to wait too long? Judging by his need, Qazim would have claimed her like this at any time during the past twelve months.

  Grace was taken aback by the sheer physical strength of his body. His muscles were taut. She slid a hand up between both their bodies and felt the hardness of his chest through the thin fabric of his shirt. She was sure she could feel his heartbeat, thudding furiously there.

  For long moments, Grace simply surrendered to pleasure. She abandoned herself to him, to this embrace, to this ravenous kiss.

  She realized the truth. She'd been waiting so long for this. She didn't want it to end.

  But it did.

  He pulled himself away from her slightly, his body shifting, his head leaning back. His gaze was liquid with desire. His moist lips were open and his breathing was fast. She could see the struggle in him, the battle to hold himself in one piece.

  Her own breathing was faster now. She smiled at him. "Qazim," she murmured.

  His eyes narrowed. "Grace, I don't know..."

  She lifted a finger to his lips. "Don't say anything," she whispered.

  She saw confusion in his eyes. The next few moments would be crucial, she realized. For both of them. She knew that whatever she chose in the coming minute or so would decide virtually everything that was important to them both.

  His breathing settled slightly. He dipped his head and kiss her on the forehead. She closed her eyes briefly as she savored the sensation of his lips on her skin.

  Then a sudden impulse welled up inside her. Something treacherous from the past, but weaker than before. She pushed against that instinctive need to act. It wanted to drive her away from him. Send her racing back to her room.

  But, she still had so much to say to him. She still wanted to tell him the one important thing she knew he was waiting to hear.

  Impulse took over her and separated herself from him. She was sure she heard him gasp with shock as she turned away from him. Her thoughts were racing uncontrollably.

  Suddenly, the quietness of the sitting room looked so appealing. She stepped back inside the sitting room, walking slowly, her hands clasped at her middle.

nbsp; Terrible doubt clawed at her.

  Burning desire was tightening its grip on her heart.

  It was like a battle, a war she hadn't wanted.

  Still walking slowly, she realized she'd almost reached the front door to his suite. She paused in the narrow corridor. Her heart was thudding and her pulse was pounding in her ears.

  She heard him behind her and waited for him to say something.

  Anything that would make sense of this madness.

  She glanced along the corridor at the open bedroom door. The sight of the bed made her throat tighten, her heartbeat become even more insistent.

  Then she felt his hands on her shoulders. Gentle, but firm. She felt his mouth at her neck. He kissed the skin below her ear and she felt a galvanic sensation ripple through every one of her nerves.

  Grace gasped and leaned here head closer to him.

  This was what she wanted. There was no denying it any longer.

  She wanted Qazim.

  She turned and he claimed her mouth with one more hungry kiss. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and submitted utterly to him.

  She was swept up into a delirium of pleasure, yet again.

  Then she felt him take her hand and she followed him down the corridor and into the bedroom.

  Grace gazed at the wide bed, feeling anticipation rise within her. They halted at the end of the bed and he kissed her again.

  Then he dipped his head, lavishing kisses on the skin of her bare neck and shoulders. Every movement of his mouth sent waves of delight coursing through her body.

  She felt his tongue trace delicate lines across her skin. It was as if he was tasting her, consuming her.

  He tugged at her dress, wanting more of her. She undid the dress and slid out of it, dropping it to the floor around her feet. In only her bra and panties, she felt suddenly exposed, but he ran his hands down the side of her body, stooping down to kiss her torso, her side and her belly.

  Grace trust her fingers into his hair, clutching at it, trying to hold onto the small piece of sanity that was left to her.

  But, still he continued to savor her body, obviously delighting in it, now that they were together again.

  He straightened suddenly and unbuttoned his shirt, opening it, exposing his broad chest, the thick matted darkness of the hair.

  As she stood inches away from him, she felt her throat tighten as the glorious sight of his perfectly muscled torso. His stomach was a tight ripple of muscle. She ran her gaze upwards. She'd forgotten just how broad his chest was.

  Qazim threw the shirt to the side with an impatient gesture. His eyes were dark pools, gazing at her, watching how she examined him. She froze for a moment, seized by the impulse to touch him. She knew that if she did, there would be no stopping the consequences that would flow from that gesture.

  She reached out her hand and placed it on his chest. She felt the heat of his skin and heard him gasp. His gaze dropped down to look at her hand.

  Grace's heart quickened as she thought about what she could do next. The feel of his skin was intoxicating. She moved her fingers, tracing a teasing line across the muscles of his belly.

  She saw his nostrils flare. He peered at her, his gaze steady and unmoving. She saw his eyes flicker with pleasure as she touched his firm stomach muscles.

  She wondered how long she could resist moving her hand even lower.

  Then it was clear he wasn't prepared to wait.

  He undid the waistband of his pants and loosened them. He slid them down slowly, easing them across the length of his thighs. His legs were as powerful looking as the rest of him.

  Grace swallowed. She couldn't take her eyes of the spectacle of Qazim revealing himself to her. How could she have ever forgotten how amazing his body was? The truth was, many times this past year, she'd played with the memories of their time together often enough to drive her to impossible frustration.

  Qazim kicked his pants aside. Now he was only wearing his white boxers. Grace felt herself flush when she saw his firmness contained there, the power and promise of it making her draw in a sharp breath.

  She looked at Qazim and saw the corner of his mouth curl with a cruel, appreciative smile. He knew the effect he was having on her. But it wasn't all one way traffic, she said to herself.

  One look at his thickness beneath the fabric of his shorts and she could tell she was having an effect on him which was just as powerful, just as unstoppable.

  He moved toward her. They were both partially clothed now.

  Smiling at her, he crushed her against him and lavished another kiss on her mouth. This time it was even more intense. The contact of the broad expanse of her naked body against his, sent shockwaves of pleasure to her core. Heat flamed there, impossible to ignore.

  The feel of his skin, his rough chest hair, against her was intoxicating, almost as much as the kiss which was now verging on ravenous.

  With his powerful arms enveloping her, Grace slid her own arms around his back, her hands searching upwards to his shoulders. Even more than out on the terrace, she felt a part of him, connected already.

  She knew there was more to come.

  They held each other for long moments that seemed to stretch forever. Then, he turned, moving her to the bed. She felt the end of the bed press softly against the back of her calves.

  She paused and they exchanged an unspoken, long moment, a primal understanding. They both knew what each of them wanted. What they both needed. The pleasure which was to come.

  She unfastened her bra and dropped it to the floor. His gaze narrowed hungrily as he gazed at her breasts. Then she slid her panties down, sweeping them aside and finally kicking off her shoes.

  She was naked before him. Utterly exposed. And she'd never felt more happy in her life. Never felt more comfortable, realizing that the man who stood before her, savoring the sight of her nakedness, loved her.

  Had always loved her.

  He'd told her often enough, and she'd always tried to push that certainty away. But here, right now, with Qazim looking at her like that, with such devotion and pure appreciation, she knew she never wanted to be anywhere else except by his side.

  Qazim eased toward her and placed a hand at her waist. He curved his hand across her curves, teasing her with a gentle, patient touch. All the while he did that, he gazed at her, as if he'd never seen anything more beautiful, more lovely.

  Then, he took a step back and hooked his fingers across the band of his shorts and with a smooth, slow and teasing movement, he eased them down.

  Grace felt her face flush and felt the heat at her core intensify as she saw his firmness, fully revealed. She thought of how it would feel once he was inside her again and, somehow, that made every nerve quiver with anticipation.

  He cast his shorts aside and came to her. He drew her against him, embracing her and she felt his hardness against her belly. Her heart was hammering in her chest, a ferocious, unstoppable force. She pressed her lips against the skin at his neck and curled her arm around his wide chest.

  They were together again, she whispered to herself. He held her carefully, but firmly.

  Then they both eased down onto the bed, her back sinking into the softness, his weight pressing gently down upon her.

  Pleasure flared through her, seizing control of every nerve. She'd never felt anything like this. Not even when she and Qazim had been together at first.

  Absence had been hiding this passion, this mutual need.

  But that was all behind them now. There would be no more separation.

  She felt Qazim's body on her. Curling her leg around him she opened herself up to him. Qazim leaned one elbow to the side, taking some of his weight.

  Then he dipped his head to her breasts. He took one of her nipples in his mouth and she cried out with the sudden pleasure. He began to lave her mound, his tongue circling, sending waves of delight straight to her core.

  It was as if he was feasting on her. And she loved every second of it. She f
isted his hair, holding it firm. She heard him grasp and she wondered if she'd pulled too hard. But, his tongue circled her nipple once again, and she groaned. She leaned her head back, sinking against the bed and gave herself over completely to him.

  After a while, after an eternity of ecstasy, she felt his head move down, across her belly. That sent even more waves of pleasure coursing through her. That made the heat at her core become an insistent demand.

  She felt him lavish kisses across her middle. Every one of those caresses made her shiver with delight.

  Then his fingers traced a line across her core and to the inside of her thighs. The hard skin of his fingers felt harsh against the softness of her inner thighs. But she'd already guessed what he had in mind. What he'd done to her many times before. What she wanted him to do to her, right now.

  His fingers moved up to her core, parting her folds, finding her most sensitive spot. She gasped as she felt his thumb begin to move in a slow circle around her nub

  He hadn't forgotten how to make her feel renewed. How to make her feel ecstasy. He never would, she realized.

  Every expert movement of his thumb made her hips shift involuntarily. Made her move so that she could feel even more pleasure; so that he would know never to stop.

  Grace curled her fingers against one of his shoulders, holding onto him. She wanted to claw at him, demanding more.

  He continued his torment of her, his merciless pursuit of her ecstasy. Wave after wave of pleasure swept through as he moved his fingers.

  Then, she felt the biggest wave of all tumbling toward her. She cried out and she felt him hold her tight, felt his head rest against her as she felt every nerve in her body come alive. She screamed and felt every muscle quiver, all anticipation fulfilled, a blissful emptiness filling her. She held onto him as the wave subsided, as the pleasure began to dim.

  He rested against her for what seemed like an eternity.

  Then, he lifted himself up, his shoulders broad, his gaze feral and primal.

  Now it was time. Urgency had taken hold of him.

  It was time for them to truly be together.

  Grace shifted, opening herself to him. She felt his firmness at her opening. Now she wanted him more than she could ever have known possible.


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