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Venetians Page 40

by Paul Strathern

Barbaro, Nicolò, Diary of the Siege of Constantinople, trans. J.R. Jones (New York, 1969)

  Barbaro, Nicolò, Giornale dell’ Assedio di Constantinopoli, ed. E. Cornet (Vienna, 1856)

  Barcham, William L., Giambattista Tiepolo (London, 1992)

  Bembo, Pietro, History of Venice, 3 vols, trans. R.W. Ulery (London, 2007–9)

  Benedictow, Ole J., The Black Death 1346–1333: The Complete History (Suffolk, 2004)

  Bergreen, Laurence, Marco Polo (London, 2008)

  Bicheno, Hugh, Crescent and Cross: The Battle of Lepanto 1571 (London, 2004)

  Bishop, Morris, Petrarch and His World (London, 1964)

  Brown, Horatio F., Studies in the History of Venice (London, 1907)

  Brown, Horatio F., Venice, An Historical Sketch (London, 1893)

  Browning, Oscar, The Life of Bartohmeo Colhoni (Arundel, 1891)

  Byrne, Joseph P., The Black Death (Westport, 2004)

  Calimani, Riccardo, The Ghetto of Venice (New York, 1987)

  Calimani, Riccardo, Storie di Marrani a Venezia (Milan, 1991)

  Cardano, Girolamo, The Book of My Life, trans. Jean Stoner (London, 1931)

  Casanova, Giacomo, History of My Life (London, 2006)

  Cleugh, James, The Divine Aretino (London, 1965)

  Crawford, F. Marion, Gleanings in Venetian History, 2 vols (London, 1905)

  Curiel, Roberta, The Ghetto of Venice (London, 1990)

  Da Ponte, Lorenzo, Memoirs (New York, 2000)

  Drake, Stillman, Galileo at Work (London, 1978)

  Epstein, Steven, Genoa and the Genoese: 998–1528 (North Carolina, 1996)

  Ferino-Pagden, Sylvia, Giorgione, Mythos und Enigma (Vienna, 2004)

  Foglietta, Uberto, The Sieges of Nicosia and Famagusta, trans. C.B. Cobham (London, 1903)

  Gabrieli, G.B., Nicolo Tartaglia (Siena, 1986)

  Goffman, Daniel, The Ottoman Empire (Cambridge, 2002)

  Goldoni, Carlo, Memoirs, trans. John Black (London, 1926)

  Gould, Cecil, The Sixteenth-Century Italian Schools (London, 1975)

  Graziani, Antonmaria, The Sieges of Nicosia and Famagusta, trans. R. Midgely (sic) (London, 1989)

  Heller, Karl, Anthony Vivaldi (Portland, 1991)

  Hibbert, Christopher, Venice (London, 1998)

  Hodges, Sheila, Lorenzo da Ponte (London, 1985)

  Hodgson, F.C., Venice in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries (London, 1910)

  Holden, Anthony, The Man who Wrote Mozart: Lorenzo da Ponte (London, 2007)

  Hollway-Calthrop, Henry, Petrarch: His Life and Times (London, 1907)

  Holme, Timothy, The Life and Times of Carlo Goldoni (London, 1976)

  Hunt, David, Caterina Carnaro (London, 1989)

  Hutton, Edward, Pietro Aretino (London, 1922)

  Il catalogo delle principlai … cortigiane di Venezia (republished Venice, 1956)

  Imber, Colin, The Ottoman Empire 1300–1530 (London, 2002)

  Jervis, Henry, History of the Island of Corfu (London, 1852)

  Kedar, Benjamin Z., Merchants in Crisis: Genoese and Venetian Men of Affairs and the Fourteenth-Century Depression (New Haven, 1976)

  Kelly, John, The Great Mortality (London, 2004)

  Kindleberger, Charles, A Financial History of Western Europe (London, 1984)

  Lane, Frederic C., Money and Banking in Medieval and Renaissance Venice: Vol. 1, Coins and Moneys of Account (Baltimore, 1958)

  Lane, Frederic C., Venice, A Maritime Republic (Baltimore, 1973)

  Larner, John, Marco Polo (New York, 1999)

  Laven, Mary, Virgins of Venice (London, 2002)

  Leonardo da Vinci, Notebooks, 2 vols, ed. J.P. Richter (New York, 1970)

  Links, J.G., Canaletto (Oxford, 1982)

  Livio, Mario, The Equation That Couldn’t Be Solved (New York, 2005)

  Longworth, Philip, The Rise and Fall of Venice (London, 1974)

  McKee, Sally, Uncommon Dominion: Venetian Crete (Philadelphia, 2000)

  Mann, Nicholas, Petrarch (Oxford, 1984)

  Martineau, Jane (ed.), The Genius of Venice (London, 1983–4)

  Masters, John, Casanova (London, 1969)

  Milton, Giles, Paradise Lost: Smyrna (London, 2008)

  Molmenti, Pompeo, Venice, 6 vols (Bergamo, 1908)

  Morris, Jan, The Venetian Empire (London, 1980)

  Morris, Jan, Venice (London, 1960)

  Mueller, Reinhold C., Money and Banking in Medieval and Renaissance Venice: Volume 2: The Venetian Money Market (Baltimore, 1958)

  The New Cambridge Modern History: Vol. 1, The Renaissance, ed. G.R. Potter (Cambridge, 1964)

  The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. Stanley Sadie, 29 vols (London, 2001)

  Norton, Rictor (ed.), My Dear Boy (San Francisco, 1998)

  Norwich, John Julius, A History of Venice (London, 1983)

  Oliphant, Margaret, The Makers of Venice (London, 1905)

  Ore, Oystein, Cardano, The Gambling Scholar (New York, 1965)

  Parker, Derek, Casanova (Stroud, 2002)

  Parry, V.J., A History of the Ottoman Empire to 1730 (Cambridge, 1976)

  Pastor, Ludwig, The History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages, 40 vols (Liechtenstein, 1968–9)

  Petrarca, Francesco, Lettere Senile, 2 vols (Florence, 1892)

  Polo, Marco, The Book of Ser Marco Polo, 2 vols, ed. and trans. H. Yule and H. Cordier (London, 1903)

  Polo, Marco, The Travels of Marco Polo, trans. Ronald Latham (London, 1958)

  Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, Delle Navigationi et Viaggi, 3 vols (Venice, 1550, 1583, 1606)

  Ridolfi, Carlo, The Life of Titian, trans. J. and P. Bondanella (Philadelphia, 1996)

  Ridolfi, Carlo, La Vita di Giacopo Robusti detto il Tintoretto (Venice, 1642)

  Romano, Dennis, The Likeness of Venice: A Life of Doge Francesco Foscari 1373–1457 (Yale, 2007)

  Rosenthal, Margaret, The Honest Courtesan (Chicago, 1992)

  Rowland, Ingrid, Giordano Bruno (Godalming, 2008)

  Runciman, Steven, The Fall of Constantinople 1453 (Cambridge, 1965)

  Sabellico, Marcantonio, De Latinae linguae reparatione (reprinted Messina, 1999)

  Sanudo, M., Diarii [Jan 1496–March 1533] 58 vols (Venice, 1879–1903)

  Schrade, Leo, Monteverdi: Creator of modern music (London, 1972)

  Setton, Kenneth, The Papacy and the Levant 1204–1571 (Philadelphia, 1976)

  Severis, Leto, Ladies of Medieval Cyprus and Caterina Cornaro (Nicosia, 1995)

  Simonson, George, Francesco Guardi (London, 1904)

  Spino, Pietro, Historia della vita … Coglione [Colleoni] (Venice, 1569)

  Spuridakis, Konstantinos, A Brief History of Cyprus (Nicosia?, 1964)

  Steegmann, Mary, Bianca Capello (London, 1913)

  Stonor Saunders, Frances, Hawkwood (London, 2004)

  Thayer, William Roscoe, A Short History of Venice (Boston, 1908)

  van Gelder, G.J.H., Eastward Bound … Adventures in the Middle East [Lupazzoli] (Amsterdam, 1994)

  Vasari, Giorgio, Lives of the Artists, trans. George Bull, 2 vols (London, 1965, 1987)

  Venice: A Documentary History 1450–1630, ed. David Chambers (Oxford, 1992)

  White, Michael, The Pope and the Heretic [Bruno], (London, 2002)


  First of all I would like to thank Ellah Alfrey, formely of Jonathan Cape, who commissioned this work. My present editor at Cape, Alex Bowler, has played a more than significant role in shaping this book. His detailed and insightful suggestions have improved my original work no end, from the overall structure to the smallest historical facts.

  I would also like to thank the staff and fellow researchers I encountered on my round of the various libraries and museums in Britain and Italy, some of whose suggestions proved particularly fruitful. My visits to Venice, Padua, Vienna, Paris, Crete and Istanbul over the years have all led me into contact with countless sources who have contributed to this work. As always, the staff in the Humanities 2 Reading
Room of the British Library were exceptional.

  Once again, no thanks can be complete without acknowledgement of all the work and encouragement provided by my agent, Julian Alexander of the LAW Agency, who for so many years now has been both a helpful and reassuring friend.


  Abano, 87, 90

  Abbot, George, 263

  Acciaiuoli family, 19

  Ackroyd, Peter, 279

  Acquaviva, Cardinal, 325

  Actium, 199

  Battle of, 210

  Adda, River, 91, 93, 171, 172

  Adige, River, 129

  Adrianople, 99

  Adriatic, 9, 33, 34, 35, 44, 56, 58, 60, 64, 66, 68, 103, 138, 198, 199, 200, 209, 255, 295, 297, 298

  Aegean, 30, 31, 35, 103, 104, 106, 107, 113, 135, 199, 252, 254, 255, 256, 295, 298

  Africa, 16, 33

  North, 15, 198

  West, 33, 139

  see also names of countries

  Agnadello, Battle of, 172–3, 176

  Ahmed III, Sultan, 295

  Albania, 239

  Albenga, 57

  Albi, Marin, 328, 329

  Aldme Press, 181–2

  Aleppo, 249

  Alexander V, Pope (Petros Philargos), 77–8, 79, 80

  Alexandria, 28, 50, 140, 156, 174, 249, 250, 255

  Alfonso of Aragon, 126–7

  Alghero, 31, 34

  Algiers, 200, 213

  Ali Pasha, 209, 210, 211

  Alonzo of Aragon, 149, 150, 154, 156–7, 158, 159

  Alps, 24, 82, 139, 180, 330, 332

  alum trade, 175–6

  Alviano, Bartolomeo d’, 172, 173

  Amadeus VI, Count of Savoy, 68

  Amadeus VIII, Duke of Savoy, 85, 86, 88

  Ambrosian Republic, 130–1

  America, 316, 320

  Amsterdam, 238, 304

  Anatolia, 35, 73, 135, 138, 145, 155, 213, 252

  Ancona, 58

  Anderson, Sonia P., 259

  Andromcus IV Palaeologus, Emperor, 55, 56

  Angiolello, Giovanni, 137

  Antonia (servant), 221

  Antwerp, 238

  Anzio, 57

  Apulia, 58, 68, 138

  Aragon, 30, 31, 34

  Arcadian Academy, Rome, 326

  Arcelli, lord of Piacenza, 126

  Arcetri, 274

  Aretino, Pietro, 182–6, 215–16, 219, 275n

  The Secret Life of Nuns, 219

  Sonetti Lussuriosi, 183

  Arezzo, 182

  Argos, 114

  Anan heresy, 263

  Ariosto, Ludovico, 183

  Orlando Furioso, 233

  Anstarchus of Samos, 188

  Aristotle/Aristotelian ideas, 51, 260, 269, 270, 271, 273

  Arquà, 51

  Arsenale, Venice, 2, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 58, 60, 62, 63, 68, 200, 216, 224, 231, 278, 299

  Arsenakttti, 27–8, 39, 40, 43, 135

  art, 136–8, 176–80, 184, 186, 214, 215–17, 218, 307–14

  Ashkenazi Jews, 233

  Asia, 14, 17, 18 see also names of countries

  Asolo, 165, 166–8, 171

  Athens, 176, 255

  Atlantic, 16

  Aubrey, John, 262

  Austria/Austrian Empire, 24, 242, 243, 245, 254, 284, 285, 296, 298, 312, 330, 331, 332

  Avalos, Alfonso d’, 194, 195

  Avignon, 37, 53, 75

  Bach, Johann Sebastian, 286

  Bacon, Roger, 16 and n

  Baffo, Sofia see Safiye

  Balbi, Bernardo, 295

  Balkans, 115, 138, 295, 296, 298

  Baltic, 15

  Baltoghlu, Admiral, 103

  banks, 17, 19

  Banque Générale, 305

  Barattieri, Nicolò, 301–2

  Barbarigo, Doge of Venice, 164

  Barbaro, Francesco, 117

  Barbara, Marco, 39

  Barbaro, Nicolò, 98, 101–3, 104–5, 108–9, 111–12, 117

  Barbarossa, Khaireddin, 198, 199, 200

  Barbary raiders, 200, 213

  Barcelona, 327

  Bardi family, 19

  Barettl, Giuseppe, 290, 291

  Bassano, Zuan Antonio da, 194

  Bay of Spezia, 57

  Bedmar, Marquis of, 244, 245

  Bejazit II, Sultan, 138, 139, 155, 175

  Beirut, 64, 140, 174, 249

  Bellarmme, Cardinal Robert, 268, 274

  Bellaudi, Anzoletta, 317 and n, 318

  Bellini, Gentile, 136–8, 168, 176–7

  Bellini, Giovanni, 176, 177, 179, 180, 216

  Beltrami, 40, 43

  Bembo, Pietro, 166, 168

  Gli Asolam, 166

  Benedict XIII, Pope, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80

  Benedict XIV Pope, 325, 327

  Bergamo, 126, 128, 132

  Bergreen, Laurence, 7

  Bigli (chronicler), 92

  Black Sea, 8, 9, 16, 22, 23, 25, 28, 31, 56, 98, 99, 102, 135, 200

  Bodleian Library, Oxford, 51

  Bogazkesen, 98 and n, 99

  Bohemia, 18, 246, 329–30

  Bologna, 79, 80, 187, 196

  University, 191, 192, 194

  Bonaparte see Napoleon Bonaparte

  Bonaventun, Pellagrina, 227

  Bonaventuri, Petro, 227, 228

  Borgia, Cesare, 167

  Bosphorus, 30–1, 98, 102, 103, 104, 111, 136, 251

  Bragadin, Marcantonio, 203–4, 205–6, 210, 212

  Brandolo campanile, Chioggia, 66

  Brendan the Navigator, St, 15n, 16

  Brescia, 87, 93, 94, 95, 128–9, 189, 215, 282

  Britain see England/Britain

  Brown, Horatio F., 82

  Bruges, 16, 17, 176

  Bruno, Giordano, 262–9, 270, 272, 274

  Bucintoro, 28, 67, 118, 142, 143, 145, 164, 313

  Burano, 62

  Burckhardt, Jacob, 20, 166, 183

  Burges, Colonel Elizeus, 307

  Burgundy, 78, 79

  Burma, 14

  Bussone, Francesco see Carmagnola

  Buston, Flori, 160–1

  Byzantine Council, 107

  Byzantine Empire, 9, 18, 73, 83, 97–113, 114

  Byzantine Orthodox Church, 46, 115

  Cadamosto, Alvise, 139, 174

  Ca’ Dolfin, Venice, 308

  Cadore, 179

  Ca d’Oro, Venice, 180

  Caffè Flonan, Venice, 300

  Caffè Menagazzo (Caffè dei Letterati), Venice, 315, 318

  Ca’ Foscari, Venice, 124

  Ca’ Grande, Venice, 264

  Cairo, 249

  Calabria, 198

  Caldora, Jacopo, 126, 127

  Calegaria gate, Constantinople, 105, 106

  Calergi, Ioannes, 48, 49

  Calimani, Riccardo, 232, 233, 236

  Ca’ Molina delle due Torn, Venice, 49–50, 51

  Campagna della Calza, 117

  Campanile, Venice, 61, 135, 231, 272, 311, 313

  Campo di Fiore, Rome, 268

  Campofregoso, Domenico di, 57

  Canal, Bernard, 310

  Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal), 185, 219, 310–13

  The Return of the Bucintoro to the Molo on Ascension Day, 311

  The Stonemason’s Yard, 310

  Canareggio district, Venice, 231

  Canary Islands, 16, 33

  Candia, 45, 46, 47–8, 61, 77, 122, 252, 253–4

  Cathedral, 45

  Canea, 251, 252

  Canton River, 174

  Capello, Bianca, 227–30

  Capello family, 229

  Cape Matapan, 298

  Cape of Good Hope, 174, 176, 241

  Cape Verde Islands, 139

  Capitol, Rome, 32

  Ca’ Polo (later known as Corte Milione), Venice, 6, 8–9

  Capri, 200

  Cardano, Fazio, 193

  Cardano, Girolamo, 192–6, 215, 301 and n

  Ars Magna, 196

  Carla, illegitimate child of James II of Cypr
us, 146, 148, 149, 150, 154

  Carmagnola (Francesco Bussom), 84–96, 126, 127, 131, 132

  Carnival, 219, 299, 315–16

  banquet, 38, 42

  Carrara, Francesco da, 51, 56, 60, 64, 66, 73

  Carrara family, 69

  Carretto, Francesco, Marchese del, 57

  Casale Monferrato, 256

  Casalmaggiore, 87, 88

  Casanova, Gaetano, 322

  Casanova, Zanetta, 288, 322

  Casanova de Seingalt, Giacomo, 288, 300, 315, 318, 319, 320, 322–30, 331

  Caspian Sea, 9, 16–17

  Castelfranco, 177

  Castello district, Venice, 6, 9, 27, 40, 307

  Castel Sant’ Angelo, Rome, 267

  Catalogo di tutti le principal et ptù honorate corttgmnt di Venizia, Il, 223

  Caterina, Queen of Cyprus (Caterina Cornaro), 141–51, 152, 153, 156–7, 158, 159, 161–70, 171, 177

  Catherine the Great, 327

  Catholic Church, 46, 75, 115, 188, 237, 240, 269, 317 see also names of popes

  Cattaro, 58, 60

  Catullus, 225

  Caucasus, the, 28

  Cavalcabò, Ugolino, 93, 127

  Ca’ Vemer, Venice, 225

  Cervantes, Miguel de, 212, 213

  Chania, 45, 46, 48

  Charles III, King of Spam, 309

  Charles IV of Bohemia, later Holy Roman Emperor, 32, 53 and n

  Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 185, 198, 199, 233

  Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, 285, 286, 296, 312

  Charlotte, Queen (deposed) of Cyprus, 140–1, 149, 151–2

  Chian, 90

  China, 9, 12–14, 14n, 15, 16n, 18, 61, 140, 174, 276

  Chinazzo, Daniele di, 59, 62

  Chioggia, 37, 60, 61, 63–4, 65–7, 68

  Chios, 35, 100, 107, 256, 257

  Church of England, 237

  Cilicia, 140, 155

  Cipnana, Donna, 220

  Ciotto (bookseller), 266

  Citadella, 167

  Clement V Pope, 53

  Clement VI, Pope, 25

  Clement VII, Pope (Giulio de’ Medici)

  as Cardinal Giuho de’ Medici, 183

  as Pope, 183, 185

  Clement VIII, Pope, 267, 268

  Clement XIII, Pope, 327

  Cocco, Zuanne see Foscarim, Andrea

  coffee houses, 300, 315

  College of Physicians, Milan, 193

  Colleom, Bartolomeo, 126–34, 134–5, 176

  Colleoni, Paolo, 126

  Colonna, Marcantomo, 209

  Columbus, Christopher, 15 and n, 16n

  Comédie-Française, Paris, 290


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