Beyond The Iron Gate (The Faery Meadow Book 1)

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Beyond The Iron Gate (The Faery Meadow Book 1) Page 17

by Lumtrexa

  He points toward the trunk the locket is in, I pull the locket out setting it on the table.

  Colt wipes his hands off and comes over next to me. I open up the locket, soon enough, a scene unfolds.

  Right away, I search for Lorcan's bright red hair. Instead, I spot long brown hair. It has to be Silvia.

  She is sitting on a bar stool by the counter. Suddenly, Lorcan walks up behind her and taps her on the shoulder. Silvia jumps at first, but when she turns around and sees Lorcan, she smiles brightly.

  "I was starting to wonder where you went off to." She says, playing with her hair.

  "I thought I...smelled something odd." Lorcan replies with a confused look.

  "Lorcan you know mers are the only fae living here. Sure a traveler will wander through once in a while," She scoffs, then gives him a quick kiss on the cheek,"…just relax." She finishes.

  That was just a friendly kiss, my mind assures me. My eye twitches anyway, I roll my eyes at myself. I have to get over this, Lorcan rejected me.

  "The smell was of no mere traveler. I have smelled many fae, never have I smelled that smell before." Lorcan says bitterly.

  "You've grown paranoid." Silvia states.

  "No, I have grown smarter." Lorcan retorts.

  They stop talking, Lorcan gets up and walks toward one of the bar windows. Hope rises in me, when he reaches the window he looks down. His brow furrows, but he quickly turns around when Silvia speaks from behind him.

  "Forgotten something dear Lorcan?" She asks.

  "No." He replies shortly. Is he lying to her or did he really forget?

  Lorcan quickly walks outside the bar, my heart races, mentally I'm yelling at him to keep going. He's been in that bar long enough already.

  However, Silvia, is close behind him. Before, Lorcan can reach the first steps leading down to the alley, Silvia wraps her arms tightly around him.

  "Don't leave so soon." She coos in his ear.

  "I'm not." He replies. Then he turns around and gives her a long kiss on the lips. I can't tear my eyes away from them, my heart twists painfully. In this moment, I decide I do not want him as my mate either.

  Furthermore, he broke his promise to come get me. I did wait for him to come, but he isn't coming. I'm tired of waiting.

  I slam the locket shut.

  Colt puts the locket back in the trunk.

  "Colt, I'm ready to learn what kind of fae I am." I say.

  "Aren't you going after him? You say he is your mate." He says shortly.

  "Then how do I get out of it?" I ask nervously.

  "Don't be rash. You need time to think it over." He grunts.

  "I've spent enough time already. Plus, he already rejected me first. He even mated me without my consent." I say clenching my fists.

  "Are you sure about that? It will be no simple undoing. It will be painful for both of you." He states.

  "I'm willing to endure it. Tell me how to unmate him or whatever you call it, please." I plead.

  He walks over to the fireplace, I quickly follow after him. I gently grab his arm and watch his pale eyes look down at me. His dark blue hair shimmers darkly as the glow of the fire shifts through it.

  "Please. Please help me Colt." I say desperately.

  "Alright, but you're not going to like it." Colt grumbles.

  Chapter 33-At The Door

  "We should do this in the attic so you can be more...comfortable." Colt mumbles to himself while walking toward the hallway. I quickly follow after him, I have to be confident in this, this is what I want.

  We reach the stairs and I climb them hastily, my hands shaking as I tightly hold onto the wooden rail.

  When I finally reach the top, I enter the attic.

  Colt stands right by where the door is and looks warily down the steps and into the shop.

  "What?" I ask quietly. Then he snaps out of his daze. He closes the attic door with a slam, making me nearly jump out of my skin.

  "Why did you close the door?" I ask nervously.

  "So no one can hear. This attic is almost sound proof. Rest on the bed I will explain how this is going to go." He commands. I guess Colt is a little paranoid after all, but hey, who am I to judge? I'm paranoid too.

  I close the distance between the bed and I, I lay on my back with my head resting against the headboard. Subconsciously, I flatten the wrinkled creases in my cloak.

  To my dismay, my arms start to get jittery. I really have no idea what this unmating thing is going to do me. My arms start to shake and I press my arms into the bed to try to stop them, but it doesn't help at all.

  "Do you think he'll find out right away? Will he feel something?" I ask, my voice starting to raise as anxiety starts to flood my mind.

  "He will. Are you sure you still want to go through with this?" He grunts.

  I nod my head slowly.

  Colt sits on the edge of the bed, the bed dips so low, it seems it might flip over, with me on it.

  "When he mated you, he kissed you. When fae do that, when it is a real faery kiss, their mate's glitter will enter them and their glitter will enter their mate's body. " He says. I swallow hard, not exactly recalling this happening I can't help, but question if this all really happened to me.

  "Maybe he's not-" I start to say, but Colt sharply cuts me off.

  "I can smell his stench on you. He is your mate." He says bitterly. How can someone smell a faery? Maybe all fae can. Now that I think about it, earlier I heard Lorcan say something about smelling something.

  "What do I smell like?" I ask him sincerely.

  Suddenly, the scowl on his face drops and his milky white eyes meet mine. Strangely, I feel embarrassed for asking.

  "I will know when your unmated." Colt grumbles. I nod my head and try to relax, I scoot further down in the bed.

  "Most think that mates are life long and you are with them until death. However, there is a way out..." He says looking down at me.

  He pauses for a moment, but then he continues.

  "The only way to unmate someone is to get rid of all the glitter from their mate out of their body. A blood transfusion is the only way to rid the mate bond. Once its all out of your body you will be unmated. After the transfusion, you might have some side effects..." He mumbles.

  "What kind of side effects?" I ask hesitantly.

  "The main thing at risk is your wings, you might lose them or they could...change." He says, avoiding eye contact.

  Then he gets up and walks across the room and opens up a drawer.

  He comes back holding a knife, old looking tubes and two plastic bags.

  "Something tells me you're not a doctor." I laugh nervously. Even though I've never given blood, I still fear shots and I can't handle the sight of blood. Lately though, after seeing Lorcan kill others, I've grown a little used to it.

  "All your blood is going to have to be removed." Colt says while stretching a narrow tube.

  He was right when he said I wasn't going to like this.

  "Then how-" I begin to say, but his silence is my answer.

  "N-no, I don't want that. I'm not going to make you do that." I rant.

  "The only way you're going to survive this is if you get blood from someone else, to hold you over until all of your mate's glitter is out. The only person near you, who has blood, is me." He deadpans.

  I don't bother asking him if this "procedure" is safe or not, I already know it isn't, but I'm willing to risk it.

  "Go ahead, I trust you." I tell Colt, while sitting up straight in bed. He sits down next to me.

  He then grabs my arm carefully, making a small quick cut on my upper arm. I bite my lip, watching his every move. Then he cuts his arm, but the cut is double the size of mine.

  Colt then mumbles something at the tubes, it looks like he's talking to himself. Then he hands me one of the tubes.

  "Hold it against the cut and the blood will come out." He says. I quickly give him the other end of the tube and hold my side of the tube against my cut. How
is all my blood going to just come out? Sure enough, as if a vacuum was pulling it out, my blood starts to withdraw from me. A weird fuzzy feeling on my cut forms, but it isn't painful.

  "Is this a spell?" I ask him. I wonder if my hand is going to get tired from holding this tube, it might be awhile.

  "Yes." He says while holding the other end of the tube. I watch as my blood pours out of the tube and into the bag he holds.

  "I think I'm going to be sick. I can't handle seeing this much blood Colt." I say shyly.

  "Would you rather be knocked out?" Colt asks.

  "No." I reply quietly. I continue watching my blood flow out of me and through the tube. I squint my eyes in attempt to see any shiny glittering particles, but to my disappointment I see nothing, but red blood.

  "Why can't I see the glitter?" I ask curiously.

  "When it’s all out you'll see it." He says.

  After a while, Colt switches out the tube and gives me the other end of it. Feeling bad about having him do this, I move over so he can sit down better on the tiny bed too.

  He slowly sits beside me and attaches his end of the tube to his arm. Soon enough, his blood starts flowing through the tube towards my arm. For a brief moment, I wonder if Colt's blood is going to effect me at all, however, I push the though to the back of my mind for the moment. Right now, I just need to concentrate on getting this over with.

  We're both quiet, finally, Colt takes the tube away from his arm and mine. The last of my bonded blood is gone as Colt empties out the last of it into the bag.

  "Come see it now Elaine." He says indicating the bag on the floor.

  When I look inside of the bag, at first I see nothing, but then I bend down lower and look closer into the red liquid.

  A shimmer of sparkling glitter is mixed in a pool of red. Then suddenly, I understand. Lorcan's glitter or whatever it really is, is red, which is why it blended in with my blood.

  Abruptly, the unnerving feeling I was pushing down my stomach decides to relieve itself, through my mouth. I vomit all over the floor, covering the floor in a coat of gross looking liquid.

  "You should lay down, I will get you water and something to eat." Colt mumbles, practically ripping the attic door from the floor. I can tell my face is pale. I decide I might as well sit down on the bed. My stomach rumbles again, but Colt now stands beside the bed with a glass of water.

  I gratefully gulp down the water, perhaps too quickly. Before I can turn away from him, I throw up on him.

  "Sorry." I mumble, my head falls back against the headboard of the bed. I avert my eyes from him in shame.

  However, a towel is shoved against my face and gruffly rubbed against me. I widen my eyes in surprise as Colt cleans my face.

  "Thank you." I say. Colt then starts to clean the floor up, feeling dizzy, I try to stand up. I don't feel right letting him clean up my mess.

  "I can take care of it." I say softy from behind him. My legs, however, give out from under me, sending me falling to the side. Before I land on the floor, Colt grabs my back. Then I clumsily sit back down on the bed, flopping onto my back like a rag doll.

  I pass out.


  Sluggishly waking up, I realize Colt must have finished cleaning up the floor, no more of my vomit stains it. The strong odor of my vomit is gone as well.

  The attic door is open and I quickly climb down.

  Seeing he isn't in the front of the shop, I head down the hallway towards the back room. The fire crackles and pops, I spot Colt sitting in his chair.

  "Thanks for cleaning up the mess and me." I say with a tired smile.

  Colt nods his head and starts to walk over to his work table, when suddenly, a deafening loud knock echoes.

  I jump, immediately I rush over to Colt. Colt looks warily toward the hallway and tilts his head to the side. I give him a concerned look.

  "Colt who's at the door? Are you going to answer it?" I rush.

  As if answering my question, Colt shoves me against his chest locking me in place with his arms.

  "Not a sound." He whispers in a low tone from above me. Since my head is shoved into his broad chest uncomfortably, I mumble an okay under my breath.

  A strange hazy sensation ripples from my feet to my face, my body shivers involuntarily against Colt. Then an odd prickly feeling forms all over my skin sending my heart into overdrive, however I make no noise.

  The banging on the door continues growing louder.

  Even though I can only see the fabric of Colt's shirt, I get a feeling we aren't standing by his work table anymore. I can feel this weird sensation, like something is covering me out of sight, but I'm still in the room. Colt's grip on me doesn't loosen, I keep alert.

  The banging suddenly stops, then a loud thud resounds as I imagine the front door being burst through.

  "Seriously Lorcan, what are we doing here? This place is a dump." Silvia says loudly.

  "Shut up." Lorcan retorts angrily. The urge for me to turn around and go see what's going on is unbearable, but the hold Colt has on me, has me glued in place against his chest.

  Their footsteps sound closer, close enough that they have to be in the same room now as Colt and I.

  "It's gone." Lorcan says with disgust.

  "What? You mean you dragged me out here with you just to follow some sent or whatever and now its gone?" Silvia says annoyed.

  "Who is the owner of this shop?" Lorcan hisses.

  "How should I know? Maybe they're here with us..." Silvia whispers creepily.

  "I guess you might be right. I'm going to investigate the front of the shop, you look around here for anything, if you find the owner come get me." Lorcan says. I hear his footsteps walking away, then I hear a door shut, I assume it must be the one at the end of the hallway. That must mean Silvia is alone with us.

  I then hear the sounds of things being lifted and thrown around, Silvia must be rummaging around Colt's iron tools. Silvia must have some immunity to iron or perhaps she has a spell on to protect herself.

  A moment passes and the room becomes quiet. How much longer is she going to take looking around?

  "I know you're in here." Silvia whispers. I hear a sharp screeching noise, it sounds as if she's dragging something on the floor, a weapon?

  "Don't play games with me! I'm going to find you and when I do, I'm going to kill you for my sweet Lorcan." She says enraged. I'm actually almost glad I can't see her, she probably looks just as crazy as she sounds. Although she isn't far from the truth, we're in the room with her after all.

  Her footsteps gradually sound closer and closer to Colt and I. I clench my eyes shut, mentally shouting at her to leave.

  Suddenly, I hear a clattering noise, Silvia must have dropped whatever she was dragging across the floor.

  "What? Who's there?" Silvia asks, her voice raising.

  The room is eerily quiet.

  Something rushes behind me, like a gentle whoosh of wind. I feel my hair slightly move, a draft in the room maybe?

  I try to calm my nerves, Silvia isn't being dramatic, there must be something in the room with us. I wonder if Colt can see it.

  A loud shriek comes from Silvia, she sounds terrified.

  Strangely, I feel like Colt is fading or something, but I still feel like his arms are holding me. However, I cannot see his shirt in front of my face anymore, as the room seems to have grown much darker. I start to feel vulnerable.

  "You don't scare me." Silvia starts to say with a waver in her voice, but then she starts screaming to the top of her lungs in terror.

  Her loud footsteps hurriedly echo away. I remain still.

  "Lorcan! Lorcan! Get out! Get out of h-here now! Hurry!" Silvia screeches frantically from the front of the shop.

  "What? What happened?" Lorcan asks.

  "S-something w-was in t-there!" She yells.

  "I will look." Lorcan replies annoyed.

  I hear them enter back into the room.

s nothing here Silvia. Surely this is just one of your many attempts to desperately get my attention." Lorcan says.

  "Let's go. This was a waste of time." Lorcan says harshly.

  "Well looks like we were both imagining things then." Silvia says grumpily. I hear the last of their faint footsteps. Then the house is quiet again.

  Colt's hold on me loosens, I turn around to see the room. A couple iron weapons lay scattered across the floor. However, an ax lays about five feet from Colt and I. A long scratch mark on the floor trails behind it. I didn't even know Silvia was that close behind me!

  "We need to get out of here." Colt says from beside me.

  I nod my head in agreement. The sooner I can get away from Lorcan and from this town, the better.

  One thing still bothers me though. I know Colt showed me some of his powers, but he never really told me exactly what he is.

  One thing is for sure though, whatever was in that room that scared Silvia, did not come from me.

  It came from Colt.

  Chapter 34-Banexul

  Colt and I took a few minutes to prepare to leave. He grabbed the locket and took some weapons while I prepared myself mentally. Colt told me he knows a village where we will be safe and he can help me understand more about my fae abilities. Its probably best if we go there first anyway, I need to understand more about the fae and myself, before I go back home.

  "Watch where you step." Colt grunts from behind me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I swiftly avoid ramming my foot into a rather large rock. We have been walking away from the town for about a half hour and already I can tell this is going to be a long trip.

  Unlike Lorcan, Colt is always watching my every move, which at times gets a little irritating. Especially since he decided to walk behind me. I of course have no sense of direction and also have no idea where exactly we are going. So often am I following Colt's directions blindly.

  I know I'm not the quickest walker too. I'm surprised Colt hasn't complained, which is unusual for his usual grumpy attitude.

  "So...what's this town like?" I ask while stepping around a root.

  "In ruins." He replies in a deep voice.

  "Oh." I reply quietly.

  "The town's...commander has been gone for a while. When he comes back all will be better again." He adds.


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