Grace Between Mercy

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Grace Between Mercy Page 15

by S. Ferguson

  “A little turned on are we?” I ask with a chuckle.

  “You could say the same,” she replies, taking ahold of my cock.

  My head rolls back and I emit a growl deep in my chest.

  She moans, sliding down in the chair until her ass is hanging off of the end of the seat, giving me perfect access.

  I lean over her, gripping the back of the chair for support as I slip a finger into her. She gasps from the sensation building as she arches her back. Her hand grips me and pulls gently, stroking me. I find it hard to concentrate with her hands wrapped around my cock, but I focus on her, moving my finger within her. I add a second finger filling her. I watch her face carefully to make sure I’m not hurting her. She begins to rock her hips in time with my hand slowly penetrating her. Her moans change to small whimpers and whines as she squeezes the arms of the chair unable to release her ecstasy. Her stroking begins to pick up pace, and I groan. My pleasure is interrupted as I hear a small whine. Lost in the pleasure she is giving me, I unintentionally stopped moving and she rubs against me in need. I move my head forward as my hands move once again, picking up speed. Her eyes fly open and the moans return, louder than before

  “Yes,” she says, her head falling back, her hips rising and falling against me. “Oh God … RON!”

  I smile at her, leaning in I kiss her passionately once again. I am not gentle. No, this kiss claims what is mine. Marking Kella, letting her know that in this moment, all I want is her. My speed inside of her reaches a fever pitch.

  Kella shrieks in surprise, her feet beginning to flail on the ground, her eyes filled with excitement and a pleasure I know she hasn’t known before creeps through her. I smile as her hand tries to match my pace, failing miserably. I look down at my cock watching her, only growing harder as she tries to stroke him before gripping him as her body shudders from the intensity of her building orgasm. I feel like I could get off just watching her writhe under me; it’s enough to make my balls pull up. But this is for Kella, she needs to relieve some stress, she needs this more than I do. Giving her pleasure is my pleasure. I can always take care of things later.

  “Come for me,” I whisper into her ear, she spasms in response as I give it all I have, pulling my fingers out before pounding them home, hitting that special spot deep inside. Her body jerks in response, I can tell she is close to the edge. I can feel my cock about to unload and I know it is time to push her over.

  “You are mine,” I growl at her, giving my hand one last, hard thrust.

  She cries out, her entire body rising as her eyes roll into the back of her head in orgasm. Just watching her causes the come to spill out of me, shooting up into my pants. I growl as I come, thrusting into her hand as my balls empty.

  I put my forehead against hers, the two of us panting. She looks at me with adoration clear in her eyes; I can see the attachment beginning to grow, and the heartache I know it is causing her. I want to reach out and comfort her, hold her in my arms and never let go. I want to protect her from the world and its evils, wash away the memories haunting her. I stroke her cheek as she looked up at me in sorrow. I want her, so much it hurts.

  Standing up, I make my way to my desk grabbing a box of tissue from my drawer to clean myself up. I’m suddenly glad that I keep a spare change of clothes in my private bathroom. I hear a sniffle behind me and the rustling of fabric as Kella tries to right herself.

  “I wish,” she begins, speaking so softly I can barely hear her.

  I turn to look at her, but she is already shaking her head, stopping herself before she can really start. Buttoning her pants, she makes her way to the door. Giving me one last somber look, she leaves, the door quietly closing behind her.



  I wipe my nose as I leave the office, my legs still feeling weak. That was by far the most intense orgasm I have ever felt, and it was all for nothing. I hate myself for giving in to him again, letting my emotions drag me into that.

  “You look like hell,” Declan says as I sit at the bar, gently setting a glass of water down on the counter. I rub my face before running a hand through my hair to smooth the flyaways down. I just look up at him morosely, begging him to not pry.

  Getting the drift, he backs away.

  “I agree with Declan.” Greg approaches, sitting next to me. He looks at me knowingly.

  He is the only other person that knows I am receiving the shots. I let him believe that it is just the medicine bothering me, not the fact that I gave in to Ron once again; only to succeed in getting my hopes up and my feelings smashed, again.

  “She’ll survive, won’t you kid?” Jake slaps his hand on my shoulder giving a firm squeeze. I look at him over my shoulder wondering what possessed him to be nice.

  “Who are you and why are you being nice?” I ask. He’s never acted like he cared.

  “I fucked some sense into him,” Greg smirks.

  “Hey now.” Jake raises his hands. “I’m not allowed to say something nice?”

  “It’s not normal. It’s a little disconcerting,” I reply.

  “Would you rather I insult you instead?” he asks while flipping me the bird.

  “That’s a good start.” I stick my tongue out at him while returning the gesture, causing him to laugh.

  “See? Told you she’d survive.” He gives me a knowing look as if he can see right through me before turning to leave. “Oh, by the way,” he says over his shoulder. “There’s come on your shirt.” He chuckles as he walks away.

  I look down at my shirt in shock pulling it out to look at it. There is nothing there but I realize my panic just gave me away.

  Greg simply looks away as if he didn’t see anything and Declan covers his mouth to keep from laughing. Red-faced with shame, I hastily make my way up to my room.

  I slam the door behind me trying to calm my embarrassment and frustration. Of course, Jake would find a way to be nice and mean at the same time.

  I tear off my shirt, throwing it against the wall angrily, now everyone knows what I did and I’m sure that the guys won’t let me live it down. Jake especially.

  I stare at the floor, sadness overtaking my anger. Everyone sees me as a fool, something I know I’m not.

  I remove the rest of my clothes with a sigh before making my way to the shower for the second time in one day.



  “Keep your hands up,” Ze instructs, as I bounce back and forth on the balls of my feet. I unleash a flurry of blows on a punching bag, imagining that it is Jake.

  I hate this place, but I can grudgingly admit I am beginning to find peace here. I began to start showing up on my own, mainly just to get the fuck out of Keegan’s. After Greg kept dragging me along, I accepted it was fate. He still comes with me, occasionally with Jake in tow; but the two of them are no longer forcing me.

  I lash out at the bag kicking it as hard as I can. “Remember to use the bottom of your foot, that’s where the power is.” Ze’s voice rings in my ears as I begin to hit the zone, punching, kicking and unleashing my pent-up emotions.

  “You seem to have quite a bit of energy today,” Ze says, as I sit on the mat panting hard. While spending the last month here has gotten me in shape, I’m finding that the mental state it gives me is far more valuable. Ze continues to poke at me and my personal life. I notice that he seems to do it with many of the people here. Apparently, he plays counselor and personal trainer. I am still stubborn and strong against his attempts to crack my shell. I have no desire to bare myself to someone I barely know.

  “Anything you want to talk about?” he asks as if sensing my thoughts.

  “Nope.” I pant tilting my head back, gulping in air.

  “You sure?” he presses.

  “Yup.” I begin to regret putting so much energy into beating the crap out of the bag. I am exhausted and too tired to escape at this moment. Normally when he pries, I manage to walk away. I don’t like him trying to get into my head. That is my space. Th
is time, he’s got me trapped, locked in his clutches,

  “You know,” he begins, squatting down beside me, resting his hands on his knees. “It’s okay to let people in.”

  “Not you, it’s not,” I retort.

  “How would you know?” he asks, chuckling. “You haven’t given me a chance.”

  “Don’t need to, it’s my business and you have no right to go digging into it.” I feel my energy return to me as adrenaline kicks in. Fighting him filled me with a new vigor and I rose from the mat heading toward the ring, Ze following close behind.

  “Again, you never gave me a chance.” He enters the ring after me standing opposite me. I raised my fists prepared to spar.

  “And you are my trainer, not a fucking therapist.” I lunge at him with my fist, only succeeding in connecting with his forearms as he pulls them together in front of him, blocking me effortlessly.

  “Maybe talking to someone about what happened would help you feel better.” Moving swiftly, he grabs my wrist. Using the leverage, he turns me around, pinning my arm behind my back. “It would help with the anger issue,” he says into my ear.

  “Unlikely.” I bring my foot down on his, causing him to release me. I take a blind attack, kicking out toward him smiling in satisfaction as it connects with his stomach before pulling it back quickly to jump away and turn to face him.

  I use the distance to assess him trying to determine his next move. I always found it frustrating that he never makes a direct attack himself, his only actions are to block mine. I am slowly learning how to escape the holds, grabs and pins, but so many times I fall into the same trap.

  This time I find myself caught by surprise as he bum rushes me. I tense in expectation ready to strike when he gets close enough, but instead, he slides down sweeping me off my feet and I land on my back with a thud. I can hear the group collecting around the ring again. For some reason, our little battles attract quite the attention which I don’t like. Before I can get my bearings, Ze has me pinned.

  “What happened when you were kidnapped?” he asks. “I won’t let you up until you tell me.” I growl at him trying to throw him off me.

  “Not … going … to … happen,” I grit out through my teeth trying to ram my head into his.

  “That won’t work again,” he responds, moving his head up and away, causing me to miss. “Not just for my safety, but for yours as well. You could have gotten a concussion from that.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” I let my head hit the mat. “It got you off me and I was able to get away. And that is all that matters.”

  “Is it? Was that how you escaped your kidnappers? What did you have to do to save yourself?”

  “I’m not telling.” Rage begins to bubble up inside me.

  “What happened?” Ze continues to ask. “How did you escape? What happened?”

  I begin fighting him with everything I have in me, panic beginning to well up in my chest. “Tell me,” he demands.

  “I thought I was going to die!” I cry out, upset with myself for letting my feelings loose for all to hear. Just as soon as I say it, I’m free of Ze’s grasp.

  He sits back on his haunches as I rolled away from him jumping to my feet in one swift movement. I looked at him, hot angry tears spilling down my cheeks. “I saved myself because I am the only person I can count on! I have been alone from the beginning and I will be alone in the end. I am my own savior. There is no grace, there is no mercy.” I could cut the tension with a knife as the people around us begin to scatter. I glare at them as they leave before my eyes settled on one. I am surprised and hurt to see Ron standing at the edge of the ring, his arms folded over his chest. I know without asking he has heard everything. He jerks his head toward the locker rooms, and giving him one last glare, I left the ring to go change.

  Ron is waiting for me when I step out, bag slung over my shoulder. He turns toward the door after locking eyes with mine. He never says a word. I follow behind him, moving quickly to keep up with him. We walk toward the car in silence. Ron’s face a mask of brooding tension.

  “So, you really think that?” Ron breaks the silence as we approach the car. “You really fuckin’ feel that no one is there for you?”

  “Of course,” I reply hotly. I look ahead, refusing to meet his eyes.

  “I think you are very fuckin’ …” he replies coolly, as we stop in front of the car. I look at the roof of the car, concentrating on it instead of his words.

  He stays mercifully silent on the ride back to Keegan’s. Wanting to avoid the situation I enter the bar, greeted by a dark interior.

  “What the fuck?” I say. “You shouldn’t be closed right now, it’s business hours.”

  “What?” Ron says from behind me, his hand on my lower back nudging me forward a few steps. “I’m not allowed to close my own establishment any damn time I want?”

  “I’m just saying it’s odd is all. Can you please turn on some damn lights? I hate the dark.” I look around, apprehension filling me as I feel trapped in the all-encompassing blackness. I hear some shuffling as Ron makes his way to a light switch, flicking it on. I flinch as the light temporarily blinds me, my eyes closing involuntarily.

  “SURPRISE!” I hear the yells as everyone jumps ups from their crouched positions around the tables, causing me to jump back against the door, my heart beating out of my chest.

  “Happy belated birthday, Kella.” Ron comes up next to me wrapping an arm around me. I look around the bar to see balloons scattered around the floor and some floating near the ceiling. A Happy Birthday sign draped across the ceiling over the bar. There is even a cake on a table in the middle of the room with numbered candles saying 21.

  “Like I said, you are very mistaken about being alone.” Ron looks down at me. “You have a family, you have a home, you have friends.”

  I look out at the group all standing around the bar looking at me with smiles on their faces, and for a moment I think, yeah I do.

  “Come blow out the candles before wax gets on the cake,” Jake says, lighting the numbers as Greg motions me to come forward.

  Not knowing what to make of the situation I slowly creep forward toward everybody. Never in my entire life have I had a birthday cake.

  “No need to be so shy about it,” Greg says to me. “It’s not like this is your first birthday.”

  “It’s my first party,” I whisper. “I don’t know how these things work.”

  Everyone looks at me like I just announced I am an alien.

  “Your first party?” Jake asks. “In twenty-one years?” I nod. “How does that even happen?”

  “I was in the foster system,” I reply. “They don’t care about birthdays, only that you stay younger than eighteen. Once I ran away I didn’t celebrate, it was just another day. There was no one there to throw a party.”

  “Well, you’re having a party now,” Greg says. “So make a wish and blow out your candles.”

  I look down at the cake decorated with colored icing and roses. The words Happy Birthday Kella are scrawled in a curly font in the center.

  I close my eyes making the wish I know is deep down in my heart. One I know would never come true, but hope with every fiber of my being will.

  Not wanting to follow Greg and Jake’s orders, I licked my fingers pinching the flames out. Everyone cheers and Jake laughs.

  “Happy Birthday!” Bree squeals, throwing her arms around me bouncing up and down. I carefully pry her off me with a smile.

  “Now I think it’s time for a drink.” Declan approaches holding out a glass to me.

  I give Ron a questioning look and he nods. I eagerly grab it, taking a large gulp. After the events of the day, a drink is something I need.

  “Time to eat cake!” I hear Greg shout as he pulls out a knife and begins cutting into it. Putting the first piece onto a paper plate, he hands it to me with a plastic fork. “Birthday girl first.” He smiles at me.

  “Then I’m next!” Jake leaned over Greg’s shoulders in exc
itement. “Then it’s time for presents!”

  “Presents?” I ask skeptically. “Like you actually bought me things?” I wince when the question comes out as sarcasm but the reality is I’m shocked. No one has ever bought me anything they weren’t legally required to before.

  “We all went in together to get you something super special!” Bree replies excitedly. “I can’t wait for you to open it!”

  “Let her eat her cake first,” Ron says from behind me, causing me to jump. I didn’t even hear him approach.

  Bree simply giggles like a school girl, causing me to shake my head. I can’t hide my smile at Bree’s excitement as I take a bite of cake. It’s perfect, nice and sweet, and most importantly, chocolate.

  “So?” Bree asks, her hands folded in front of her as she looked at me with wide expectant eyes.

  “It’s good,” I remark.

  “I knew it!” She jumped up and down happily. “I picked it just for you. We went back and forth about chocolate versus vanilla, but I know the way to a woman’s heart is chocolate.” She makes her way toward me for another hug, but Declan steps in her way holding two plates of cake.

  “Let poor Kella enjoy her cake, Bree.” He gives her one of the plates.

  Bree takes a bite of cake with a pout. “I helped plan it,” she says.

  “Yes, you did, but it was all Ron’s idea. Now eat your cake and let Kella enjoy hers.” He gives Bree a stern look.

  “Wait.” I pause. “This was Ron’s idea?” I look over at him holding a cheesy birthday plate awkwardly in his hands attempting to eat it before setting it on the bar. He looks at me and gives me a warm smile. He looks sexy as hell despite looking so out of place.

  “Yup, he made all the arrangements, and got everyone together and did all the planning,” Bree says, her mouth full of sugary sweetness. “I got all the party stuff, from the cake to the plates even the balloons.” Declan puts a finger over his girlfriend’s mouth shushing her.


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