I Swear

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I Swear Page 27

by Sable Hunter

  “I’m full as a tick,” Jonah groaned.

  “Oh, don’t say tick. Reminds me of the possum trap at Cletus’s and John’s rash.” She scratched her leg. “Makes me itch.”

  “Here, let me help.” He teased her by tickling her sides and making her giggle.

  “That’s not helping.”

  “Oh, really?” He ended the sweet torture but stayed close. “Can I hold your hand while we watch television?”

  Delaney sensed that this would be as far as he’d take things. If anything else physical happened between them it would be at her instigation. “Yes, please.”

  He drew her to his side, and she cuddled up to him, putting her head on his shoulder and her arm around his waist. “This is nice.”

  “Yea, it is.” As they watched the TV, he stroked her arm. He didn’t have a clue what was going on in the movie.

  Neither did Delaney, but she didn’t care. “Jonah, can I kiss you?”

  “God, yes.” He bent to claim her kiss, letting her lead, but giving as good as he got. He rubbed his mouth on hers, sipping and nipping at her lips. When she opened her mouth, he welcomed the invitation, sliding his tongue against hers and capturing her moans as they mingled with his. When she strained to get closer, he moved her into his lap, running his hands over her smooth back, letting her take what she needed from him.

  Wanting more, she stopped and fiddled with the buttons on his shirt. “Can I touch you? Will you touch me?”

  “Whatever you want, love.” He opened her top as she parted the sides of his shirt. “Can I take off your bra?”

  “I’ll do it.” She made quick work of the clasps, letting the cups fall to her waist.

  “God, you’re beautiful.” He filled his palms with her breasts and set out to give her all the pleasure he was capable of giving. As he ate at her mouth, he massaged the tender globes – rubbing, fondling, kneading – milking the nipples until she keened with joy.

  “Kiss them. Please.”

  “My pleasure.” Jonah shifted them until he was lying on the couch with his head cradled in her lap while he suckled at her nipples. As she closed her eyes in ecstasy, he worshiped her with hands and mouth.

  Delaney was beside herself with pleasure. The need in her was building to unbearable levels. Unable to stop, she found her hand moving to his belt buckle. It was time – now or never. “Jonah, stop.”

  Stop? His breath hitched in his throat. What had he done wrong? “Okay.”

  She managed to stand to her feet. “I need to go upstairs. Will you lock up?”

  “Sure.” Jonah was devastated. He was hard and he was hurting. Both body and heart.

  Confused, he followed her to the stairs, then watched as she climbed them and disappeared around the corner. “Well, hell.”

  Doing as she asked he saw to the cat and dog, put up a few dishes, then checked the locks on all the doors. When he was finished, he let out a long sigh, then headed up to bed. No use staying up. The party was officially over.

  …With shaking hands she took off her clothes and put on the barely-there scarf dress. Would he like it or think it was silly?

  By the time she arrived in her room, Delaney realized he might’ve misunderstood. She didn’t exactly make her intentions clear. Wanting to show him how much she cared, she decided to lay all her cards on the table.

  …Feeling defeated, he started for his room. It seemed odd his dad wasn’t here. When he’d dropped him off at his friend’s house, Jonah felt hopeful he’d be spending the night in Delaney’s bed. Well, that wasn’t going to happen. As he passed her room, the light was off. A clear signal for him to keep moving.

  Staring at the floor, he pushed open his own door.

  “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  When he raised his eyes, Jonah couldn’t breathe. With one knee on his bed, her eyes full of promise, Delaney stood before him. She wet her lips, raising a hand to push her hair over her shoulder. As she moved, her dress opened in the most delightful way.

  “What are you wearing?”

  “Oh, just something I threw together.” Literally. “Do you like it?” Calling forth every iota of courage she possessed, Delaney raised her arms over her head and wiggled her hips.

  “Holy Hell,” he breathed. “You’re wearing something amazing.” Each time she moved, he caught a glimpse of paradise. Her breasts. Her legs. The tantalizing place between her legs he’d never been privileged to see. Yet.

  “I hoped you’d like it. It’s not anything really. Just…”

  “The garment is sexy, but you are priceless. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Coming to him, she held out her hand. “Make love with me. Please, Jonah?”

  He took her hand, then knelt at her feet. “I’m your slave. Anything your heart desires.”

  Stunned, she watched him as he pressed his lips beneath her breasts – easing the scarves apart – then scattered kisses to just above her womanhood. “You are exquisite. I want you more than life. I can’t wait to love you.”

  “Take me, Jonah. Make me yours.”

  Standing, he swept her up into his arms and carried Delaney to his bed. “I’ve dreamed of this moment from the day we met.”

  “Me too,” she confessed. “There’s no one else in the world I’d rather be with than you.”

  Lying her on the bed, he stepped back long enough to shed his clothing. While he did so, Delaney watched him with hungry eyes. “You are so sexy,” she told him. “I hope I don’t disappoint you.”

  “Impossible. Just watching you breathe makes me happy.”

  She held out her hand and invited him to join her. Jonah did so with great joy. He covered her body with his own, lying just to one side so he wouldn’t crush her with his weight. “Oh, I’ve waited for this. I want to please you. Make you happy. Show you how much I want you.”

  “Just love me, Jonah. Just love me.”

  “Done.” He parted the scarves to find her breasts, pushing them together, kissing first one nipple then its twin. As she cradled his head, he took joy in them – molding them, kissing them, rubbing the nipples between his thumbs. Finally, he drew one whole nipple into his mouth and sucked hungrily. As he pleasured her, she touched his neck, his back, his shoulders – anywhere she could reach.

  “Oh, Jonah. This is so good. Being here with you like this is so perfect.”

  He moved up to take her lips, whispering between kisses. “This is just the beginning, Delaney. Just the beginning.”

  His words touched her heart. This was the most precious man in the world. As he drank from her lips, his hand moved up her thigh to touch the hot, needy place between her legs.

  “Jonah. I want you so much. I feel so empty. Don’t make me wait.”

  He stopped what he was doing to look at her. She was so gorgeous, her eyes dark with passion. Jonah couldn’t believe his luck, she was begging him to make love to her.

  “Never. Not in this lifetime.” Touching her with reverence, Jonah wanted to make sure she was ready for him. “Let me in, baby.” Parting her thighs, he began to caress her gently – opening her, enticing her, thrusting his fingers up inside of her until she was soft and begging him to take her.

  “Oh, Jonah. Now. Please. I need you so.”

  Her pleas did not go unanswered. Positioning himself to enter her, he locked his eyes with her and gave them both what they longed for. He threaded his fingers with hers and moved the slightest bit, giving himself to her in the smallest of increments. “I don’t want to hurt you, baby.”

  “You won’t.” She spread her legs wide and lifted her hips, imploring him to take full possession of her. “Please. I won’t break.”

  With a groan, Jonah surrendered. Holding her lips in a possessive kiss, he bucked his hips and entered her in one smooth thrust. She jerked ever so slightly, her grip on his hand tightening. Jonah froze. “Are you okay. Did I hurt you?” He showered her face with kisses.

/>   Delaney wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing the side of his face. “I’m good. Don’t stop.” To prove her point, she began to move her hips, urging him on.

  He buried his face in her neck. He couldn’t stop. It felt too good to stop. She was so tight and wet. It felt as if his cock was enveloped in liquid velvet. Rising and kneeling, he pulled her hips into his lap, leaving his hands free to massage her breasts and the pearl of her clit. “Do you like this, Delaney? Does it feel good?” Jonah longed to please her more than he could say.

  She was whimpering, now. “Oh, Jonah. It’s good, so good.” She lifted her head. “I need your lips.”

  Coming to her, he did as she asked. She kissed him passionately, then begged him for more. “I’m so close. Don’t hold back. I want you so much.”

  With Delaney’s permission, he accepted the freedom to move, to thrust, to plunge. And he did, Jonah held himself over her and pumped deep with strong strokes that catapulted them both over the edge.

  “Jonah!” she cried, head thrown back, eyes tightly closed.

  When he felt her tighten around him, her body contracting in involuntary ecstasy, Jonah let himself go. Closing his eyes, he let himself revel in their joining, the miracle of the secret place inside of her that seemed to be fashioned just for him. In all of his days, he’d never felt like this. The fire rose, the muscles of his neck corded, Jonah felt twenty feet tall. When his release came it was blinding – pulsating, he bellowed out her name. “Delaney, my Delaney!”

  As he quaked, she cradled him, his body shuddering in perfect release. “I love how this feels.” Kissing him on the side of his neck, she sighed. “I’m not alone anymore.”

  When Jonah could breathe normally, he rose to go to the bathroom. As before, he returned with a warm washcloth. He turned on the bedside lamp to spread her legs, tenderly washing her. Thankfully, there was no blood. He felt ashamed for not thinking of that. The fact that she was innocent yet trusted him with her body made his heart contract with emotion.

  “Are you sore, love?”

  Delaney was basking in a haze of happiness. This man was everything she’d longed for, more than she ever expected. “No. I feel good. Satisfied and tingly.” Holding her arms out to him, she invited Jonah to lay at her side. “I just want to hold you.”

  Easing next to her, Jonah took her in his arms. “I’m so glad you’re here,” Releasing a breath of total contentment, Jonah turned off the lamp and held her until the morning.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Good morning, beautiful.” Jonah woke her with a kiss. “I wish we could stay in bed all day, but I have a ton of work to do.”

  Delaney stretched luxuriously, then hugged herself with delight. “This is a good way to wake up. Better than an alarm clock.”

  “Just wait until the weekend, I’ll show you another way I have in mind to start your day.”

  “I can’t wait.” She reached up to touch his hair, winding a long strand around her finger. “No, that’s wrong. I can wait. I want to enjoy every minute of every day. I don’t want to miss a thing.”

  Jonah felt his heart contract. He didn’t know what to do with these mixed feelings. Undeniably, he was happier than he’d ever been. But there was also this dread lying low in his gut – that things couldn’t remain this good. Something would happen to ruin them. Change was inevitable and it was seldom for the good. “Come on, gorgeous. Up and at ’em.”

  She took his outstretched hand and giggled with happiness. “You’re still naked.”

  “Ha!” He opened his mouth and laughed with delight. “I am and so are you.” Taking a brief moment to kiss her silly, he slapped her playfully on the bottom. “How am I supposed to resist so great a temptation?”

  “You’re not.” With arms wrapped around his neck, she was just about to lure him back to bed when they both heard a noise coming from downstairs.

  “Listen.” They both froze to see what they could hear.

  Delaney’s eyes widened. For a moment, she thought Claudette might be on the prowl. John’s voice put those fears to rest. “Cletus has brought your dad home.”

  “Earlier than I expected.” He grabbed his pants. “I’ll head on down. You come when you’re ready.”

  “Okay.” As he left the room she wrapped a sheet around herself just in case John decided to come upstairs before she could make it to her room. Once there, she dressed as quickly as she could, knowing there was work to be done.

  When she arrived in the kitchen, she found the three men having coffee. “Morning, Mr. Cletus. Hello, John.” She gave her charge a peck on the cheek. “How was the poker party?”

  “Oh, we had a dandy time.” Cletus breathed heavily as he sat carefully on the too small kitchen chair. “Didn’t we, John?”

  “Oh, we did. I won the jackpot.” He held up a grocery flyer. “The deed to his ranch is mine!”

  “Well, that’s not very nice,” she told the older man. “You don’t want to put Cletus out of his home.”

  “Oh, he don’t need it. He’s gonna leave in that camper soon. Aren’t you, Cletus?” He slapped his buddy on the back as he headed for the screened porch. “His life is going to be one big adventure.”

  “Where are you heading, Dad?”

  Jonah followed him a short distance until he could see that he’d settled down in a chair looking toward the creek.

  “Seems like I need a breath of fresh air.” He rubbed his chest. “I’m having a little trouble breathing.”

  Jonah turned back to Delaney and their guest. “He seems worse today.”

  “He is,” Cletus agreed. “Last night, he was in and out of it. I had to watch him like a hawk. The one time I turned my back on him he was out the door and gone. When I finally caught up with him, he was in my travel trailer, taking everything out of the cabinets.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t intend for Dad to be so much trouble to you,” Jonah apologized as he moved to stand by Delaney.

  “Stop it. He’s my friend. Next time, I’ll just keep a closer eye.” He raised his cup to Delaney. “Believe me, the grub was worth that little bit of inconvenience. I’ll be glad to play friend-sitter anytime this pretty lady will feed me.”

  “Well, speaking of next time…” Jonah began as Delany went to tend to breakfast. Pancakes in honor of their guest. She smiled as she heard Jonah make arrangements for Cletus to come stay with John the next Saturday.

  “Will do. You two going on a date?”

  “Oh, just in town. Maybe into Kerrville.”

  “Oh, Comfort has a couple of decent restaurants, that’s for sure.” Cletus held his cup up for a refill. “Do you mind?”

  “Not at all.” Jonah poured him another cup of coffee. “As for Dad, Delaney took him to the doctor yesterday.”

  “Oh, really? How’d that go?”

  Delaney joined them to set the table. “I asked the doctor to test John for Lyme disease.”

  “Lyme disease?” Cletus looked shocked, then he connected the dots. “Oh, God. You think he picked up something at my place.”

  Jonah held up his hands. “We don’t know anything. Delaney’s just following up on a hunch.”

  “That’s right,” she assured the other gentleman. “Besides, it would be wonderful if I were proved right. Unlike Alzheimer’s, Lyme disease is treatable. So, no one’s assigning any blame.”

  “Wouldn’t that be something?” Cletus looked thoughtful. “I guess I should clean my place up. I never intended to endanger my friend.”

  “Don’t do anything on our account, Cletus. Nothing’s for certain.” Jonah made a point to clarify his position. “We know this is a moonshot. Long odds. People like us rarely get such a break.”

  “Don’t hang up your hoe before you get to the end of the row, son.” He nodded toward Delaney. “Good things seem to come your way.”

  “Well, she’s the exception. Not the rule.” He went to the frig to locate the syrup and butter. “I have
a lifetime of experience to back up my pessimistic attitude.”

  “I hear you. My life hasn’t been one long party either.” Cletus smiled at the plate of pancakes put before him. “Man, this looks good.”

  Delaney poured them both a glass of water, then handed Jonah a couple of paper towels for them to use as napkins. “I’ll take a plate out to your father while you visit.”

  Feeling uneasy at the conversation, she made her way out to the porch. “Hey, handsome. You hungry?” She held out the plate for John to take.

  “Yea, I’m feeling pretty empty.” He accepted what Delaney offered. “They’re talking about me in there, aren’t they?”

  “They’re talking about a lot of things. They do worry about you though. One is your son, and the other is your best friend.”

  “I know. I fear they’ve both got the short stick where I’m concerned.” He stared out into the distance as he forked a bit into his mouth. “You know, I didn’t tell you this before – but I saw Claudette more than once.”

  “Really? Why didn’t you say something?”

  He waved his fork in the air. “Because I’m crazy, that’s why. I’m getting worse too. Aren’t I?”

  “I don’t know.” Delaney felt so helpless. “I’m hoping you’ll get better soon.”

  “Fat chance of that happening.”

  “Don’t say such. We have to have faith.” She sat down at his feet with her own plate of pancakes. “Have you seen Claudette since you gave her your apology?”

  “Well, just a glimpse. Maybe.” He shook his head. “I can’t be sure. Sometimes I think I see things.”

  Delaney understood his frustration. “I think she heard you. Let’s hope she won’t be bothering you anymore.”

  “Yea. Hope so.”

  About that time, Jonah stuck his head out the door. “Cletus is leaving, and I have to get to work.”

  She gave him a smile. “Be careful. Coming up for lunch?”

  “I’ll try.”


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